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It's in your dreams, it's in disguise, So you should try to free your mind

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:: 2014 18 June :: 2.21 pm
:: Mood: warm

I've been bored lately. I don't have anything to do. I'm not working. I'm waiting for the right job to come around. It's taking a long time.

I can't exercise anymore. I get tired. I think I'm unfit again. I used to go out jogging at night and actually enjoyed running, but that seems to change now. I don't like to exercise anymore. I don't know why.

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:: 2014 15 June :: 9.19 pm
:: Mood: good

I'm waiting for the right job. I moved to Rayong. Another city in Thailand. Rayong is pretty quiet compared to Phuket. I liked Phuket and Ko Samui.

I really want to be a fruitarian or a vegetarian again, but most of the foods here aren't vegetarian. Foods here are mostly pork. I don't really like the taste or texture of pork. I want to go on a diet because I'm overweight again. I'm 143 lbs. and my height is 5ft 3in. I've been staying home for a year taking a break from work, and I gained a good amount of weight. 10 lbs. is a lot for someone my height. I can't seem to get myself to exercise again. It's so difficult now. This other day I went out jogging and felt really tired. I didn't want to go on. What I will do is watch what I eat. As for exercise, I'll just wait until I get a job. I'll be working as a chef, of course. Then I can lose all that weight by just walking and working in front of the stove. Walking does burn calories.

I'm tired of this weight problem. I can't seem to get it off for good. I have to go on a strict diet avoiding starch and sweets.


:: 2014 28 March :: 11.10 pm

I like the idea of being a fruitarian. I can eat fruits all day.


:: 2014 20 February :: 9.30 pm
:: Mood: bored

I loved watching movies back in the days, but now I get bored easily. The Great Gatsby seemed like a good film, but I got bored half way through. There are also other new films like Frozen that interest me. I hope I don't get bored. Epic the animated film was pretty good though.

As for work, it's not working out yet. I have to wait several months to get a new job because my mom wants to build a house first. She wanted me to help her pick tiles, colors and style. So I have to stay home until the house is finish, plus I'm still on medication. I have to wait until all of that is over, then I can go back and do my own thing again. I want to go back to Phuket again. Bangkok is ehh.. Phuket is probably the best place in Thailand, with nice beaches and tourism. I miss the setting. I don't prefer to go anywhere else in Thailand. Anyways, I can't wait to get back to work. I'm bored as heck.


:: 2014 17 January :: 11.42 pm
:: Mood: blank

Resting time or boring time? Not sure. My last job wasn't okay so I had to resign again and come back home. I don't know what's next. I miss my old job. I had the opportunity to create, but I failed at time management. I don't know what to say anymore.

I like to work around food, but my mom doesn't want me to work at hotel jobs anymore.


:: 2013 11 December :: 11.36 pm



:: 2013 27 October :: 8.44 pm
:: Mood: blah

I haven't been talking to anyone outside of my family for months. I'm going deaf.

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