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Bohemain Rhapsody

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:: 2014 23 April :: 8.40am

Feeling mega cuddle needs right meow. Only another week to wait. Blargh.

One lump or two?


:: 2014 6 April :: 2.50pm


1 sugar | One lump or two?


:: 2014 2 April :: 2.22am

It feels better in the dark, it feels better in the dark
I feel closer to your heart, nothing can come between us

One lump or two?


:: 2014 31 March :: 8.41pm

Great talk with the boy tonight. So happy there <33

One lump or two?


:: 2014 29 March :: 8.54pm

And when the sun shines it will shine the clearer.

One lump or two?


:: 2014 27 March :: 8.27pm

Our bodies fit perfectly intertwined.

Our days spent together are like little special secrets, cupped in my palms, safe and warm and beautiful. When I see you, it feels like looking at the open night skies riddled with stars, lit by the moon reflecting off the treetops, crisp air biting your skin.

There's little I can do to control the heart floating in my chest.

One lump or two?


:: 2014 14 March :: 5.34pm


One lump or two?


:: 2014 13 March :: 3.41pm

Never ever trust anyone.

One lump or two?


:: 2014 16 February :: 11.10pm


One lump or two?


:: 2014 5 February :: 8.44pm

I've never been this speechless. I've never had to hold in so much.

One lump or two?


:: 2014 30 January :: 5.04pm

Oh fuck.

One lump or two?


:: 2014 30 January :: 7.25am

I can't be something to you now, I'm just gone.

One lump or two?


:: 2013 1 December :: 10.23pm

Back home. I gotta get a jorb.

One lump or two?


:: 2013 23 November :: 9.26pm

Don't you wish you had enough courage to tell all those assholes you're friends with on Facebook that they're all cunts and you hate everything about them and all the bullshit they post? And you get so close to it when you're drunk and still find that you're a goddamn chickenshit who everyone would be better off not knowing? And that you actually hate everything. Except for your family and true friends? I just want to punch the living shit out of a stranger tonight. I want the purge to be real and I want to be the one to experience someone else's sacrafice. I fucking hate them.

One lump or two?


:: 2013 8 November :: 4.13pm


1 sugar | One lump or two?

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