2003 18 May :: 11.42pm
Well she wants to live her life
Then she thinks about her life
Pulls her hair back as she screams
I don't really wanna live this life
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2003 16 May :: 6.47pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Centro-Matic- The Execution of Sixty-Odd Drummers
If you could look with your eyes and not so much with your hands...
so...much to my discontent, my email address WILL be changing....right now i do believe it will be but i still have to be able to access my old email to pull all of my old addresses and emails out of it. sigh, grumble, grumble.....
kal dyed my hair again today (thank you kal!) and it actually looks darn good if i can say it myself. downside being that i nearly blacked out AGAIN while he was doing it.. its getting to be a bit alarming. but i go to the doctor on thursday to see why my head's been freaking out on me.
i hate it when plans dont work out. i've had too many plans broken lately.
need to write a seven page paper on Indira Gandhi by tuesday. wish me luck. (did you know that she's not related to Mahatma Ghandi? i didnt figure that out until a few days ago)
and a party at nick's house do i feel about this? i dont know. i may go. i may stop in. i may freak out and stay home and sleep instead. i have really not done much of anything today, and it feels good.
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2003 16 May :: 2.52am
my fucking email is broken, again, it has been ALL if anyone has any ideas for a new address, or at LEAST a reliable host for new email, let me know. at least i'll stop getting those pesky emails about eliminating my debt, getting free prescription medications, and enlarging my penis.
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2003 15 May :: 6.52pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Mark Knopfler - Far Thee Well Northumberland
OK, so I watched this awesome little known documentary yesterday, called "Comedian." It tracks Jerry Seinfeld as he attempts to hone a new act after throwing out all his old material last year. Very intriguing and amusing film, and it helped me to realize my calling: comedian. Not necessarily because I am the funniest guy on the block (but I'd like to think I have a pretty well-developed sense of humor), but instead of the amount of insecurity and attention to detail needed to go up on stage with your act every night. I never realize, even comedic gods such as Seinfeld suffer from such stressors with their act. Anyway, I wrote down a lot of quotes from the movie that parallel my own feelings about life, etc., etc., so I share them with you now.
"I'm hard on myself, but I hope everybody else isn't as hard on me as I am on myself." - Orny Adams
"I got everything I wanted this year, and I've never been more stressed and more miserable." - Orny Adams
"It's everything you hate about yourself you see staring right back at you. Everything you tried not to be but you know, deep down, still are." - Jerry Seinfeld
"It's just my nature. It's never good enough." - Jerry Seinfeld (or Orny, I can't remember)
"It's so fucking hard to get comfortable. It just comes and goes. There are just little glimpses, little moments when I feel really like myself and I feel comfortable." - Jerry Seinfeld
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2003 15 May :: 6.34pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: Mark Knopfler - A Place Where We Used To Live
Oh, I like this one...
You are Professor X!
You are a very effective teacher, and you are very committed to those who learn from you. You put your all into everything you do, to some extent because you fear failure more than anything else. You are always seeking self-improvement, even in areas where there is nothing you can do to improve.
Which X-Men character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
And I think I've taken this one before, but here we go anyway...
Romantic movie! You probably won't star in a porno anytime soon. You seem to be really into the whole "love" thing...romantic sex with perfumed sheets and candles all over the place. You're probably a hopeless romantic. You value sex and respect your partner too much to do anything like porn. AWWWWWW! <3
What kind of porno would you star in? brought to you by Quizilla
Ahh, fuck that...
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2003 15 May :: 1.47am
Sorry to be cliche and all that, but it couldn't fit any better...
Look closer.
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2003 14 May :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: South Park is on
So in this entry I hope to give you all an opportunity to delve into Jason's psyche... so here we go.
As I was driving home from class tonight, already on a short leash because I had forgotten to buy more parking tokens and instead had to shell out $7.60 for the evening... this on top of the $1.60 the damn vending machine ate when I tried to get a Lunchable earlier today at work makes out to damn near $10 down the drain for the day. After reading the rest of my journal entry, and my question is whether the extreme stress that arose because of mundane and insignificant situations such as these are warranted or not, or if I'm just nuts. Anyway, on with the story...
I got off the expressway at 44th St. and as soon as I did, a SUV also getting off speed past me, instantly resulting in mild irritation on my part. The driver wasn't doing anything really bad or wrong, nothing that I don't do myself on the road occasionaly, but my irritation rose as I read the car's bumper sticker: "Warning: In case of rapture, this car will be unmanned." Instantly, my irritation rose more as my stereotypes of religious nuts arose. You see, I don't have a problem with religious folks, I have a problem when such people feel the need to rub their condescending goddamn (pardon the pun, I had to...) views in your face, feeling so smug because they are... well, you know the rest. Anyway, up until this point, this is all an ordinary experience that anyone could face; I realize this. But here is where things take a proverbial turn (in my head anyway). As I do with every situation, as soon as I came to my conclusion, I began to doubt my competence and reasoning. I thought "Wait, am I really sure I know what rapture means?" Thinking this knowing full well I do know what it means, but allowing myself to doubt myself nonetheless. It's not that I don't have self-esteem, it's that I have to cover every single base, and then check them again. I have to stick around until my interior lights go out after I turn my car off, even if I'm sure that they will go off. Same thing with car locks. So then I begin to get down on myself because I'm doubting myself, windfalling into a whole inward spiel about how I need to calm down and relax, resigning myself to do so in the future. But as soon as the next agitation occurs, because of course I'm still agitated, regardless of my newfound sense... of whatever. Unable to deal with this new stimulus in the exact, specific way that I had planned on (i.e. it annoys the hell out of me when I told myself not to let it), it pushes me even farther in the opposite direction. And herein lays the paradox of what I've been facing lately. I've been high-strung because I'm so hard on myself, so I (and everyone else) tells me to relax and calm down, but to change this pattern requires me to once again pay intense focus on how I deal and how I react, once again leading me to be too hard on myself. It all goes 'round and 'round in a big freakin' insecure circle.
So this is where I'm at right now... I've calmed down a bit with South Park on in the background, but I know this is just going to creep back up the next time I am unable to keep afloat in this sea of stressors. What scares me so much is that I've always had this to a certain extent, but in the past few months it's gotten a lot worse, and I don't know what to do about it. I blamed it on school, and now that's done... so, I'm out. Any suggestions or advice? I'm listening. Spanks.
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2003 14 May :: 1.29am
:: Mood: a bit better
:: Music: still nothing
OK, sorry about earlier folks, I'm feeling a little better now. Read Joe's journal, and that was therapeutic for some reason. Anyway, I guess my problem is just that it takes so much work to maintain strong, healthy relationships with the people you are close to, and it's so worth the effort, but it's just so exhausting at times, especially when you have to deal with more than one complication at a time. Holy run-on sentence Batman! I'm going to bed now to try and curb this.
I just need one uncomplicated and uninterrupted day with Stef. That's all I'm asking for. I just want to shut everything else out and focus on her for a bit. So much else is just a load of BS...
And even more is just inside this godforsaken noggin of mine.
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2003 14 May :: 12.50am
:: Mood: horrid
:: Music: None
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. What a goddamn horrible day. I want to call Stefanie and talk to her, but I'm a fucking moron and didn't before she went to bed. I shouldn't play that godforsaken game anymore, it's not fun anymore and it's like plugging a dam with my finger. Why can't I fucking ever win? I don't care if this is childish, I'm sick of this bullshit.
I can't win with my life either. I try so hard to put on this face of calm and mindfulness, because if I can fake it, I can believe it, and by the end of the day I'm so sick of trying to keep my head above water, I just give up, just like I do in that damn game.
I don't know where I'm at with anybody or anything right now. I need a break. What the fuck have I been doing for a month. What a fucking waste of a month.
I was listening to the new Manson CD I picked up today, and I was driving around, feeling the need to be an ass to all the people around me that I didn't care about. I was agressive driving, I was agressive at Fazoli's. And it was so refreshing. Not being nice for once. I'm fucking sick of it. So many stupid and mean people out there, and the good ones you just end up fighting with anyway. I can't win, I just want to give up, climb under a rock, and... FUCK, why the hell does diet pop have such a horrible aftertaste. I better be losing weight, or I'm just going to lose it. This, and I get to work, followed directly by school, followed by sleep, followed by work again. AHHHH!
fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it
give me one good reason...
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2003 13 May :: 11.27pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Pretenders- Stand By You
So if you're mad, get mad...don't hold it all inside...
really, all I want is confirmation.
waiting for a phone way or the other.
i ought to be in bed.
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2003 13 May :: 1.09am
:: Mood: disgusted
:: Music: Dvorak - String Serenade
I spent most of my class period tonight silently dissenting from my Sociology professor about the end of innocence, childhood, and, oh I don't know, intelligence in American society, knowing deep down I agreed with the guy wholeheartedly. Then I come back home, check out a random journal while I'm enjoying my food, and I stumble across this...
:: 2002 24 August :: 5.51 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: .::Skater Boi::. Avril Lavigne
Im SaD!!! :-(
Heyy, Im s0o0o0o upset! grrr....i really like Devin and we like got into a fight last nite at the movies and i broke up with hym!! i fell so0o0o bad and i dont like it! i like hym still and i dunno y i broke up with hym....so0o0o Devin I love you! and im sorry..please 4give me...iight im out! buzzzzzz byez!
:A: :L: :L: :Y:
Eugenics may be illegal, immoral, and just plain wrong, but I swear, wouldn't it be nice to get rid of some of these morons? ;-)
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2003 13 May :: 12.53am
:: Mood: undecided
:: Music: Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
I want to say something, but alas, I have nothing to say.
It seems like everyone around me is teetering on this brink of depression, living in a state of quiet desperation. I keep expecting the phone to ring, with a friend desperately searching for advice. Eh, whatever.
In an effort to turn my demanding attitude towards myself around, I begun to mentally list ways in which my obsessive-complusive tendencies are advantageous, and this would be a good venue to post them, but I'm lazy and I didn't get very far and I forgot the ones I did come up with... see, I told you I didn't have much to say.
Everything is very neat and orderly tonight. I like that. No suprises.
Food's done. Peace.
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2003 12 May :: 11.37pm
:: Mood: distressed
:: Music: Stacie Orrico- Stuck
Every now and then, when I'm all alone, I'd be hoping you would call me on the telephone..
so when i needed to vent the most, the site was down. go figure.
i need a time machine
a can of spray paint
and some sleep.
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2003 12 May :: 9.16am
:: Mood: busy
me too
You're the boy cut. You love to get out and be yourself. Getting down
and dirty is a very familiar thing to you. You live an active live style
and you simply love it, you go where life takes you. Which underwear are you?
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2003 12 May :: 2.38am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Phil Collins - One More Night
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em
Your the boxers. You leave everything to the last minute. Never on
time for anything. And always caring about others before yourself. Which underwear are you?
What Pattern Are You?
What Drink Are You?
Take the test, by Emily.
Take the What Type of Friend are
You? quiz, and visit
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