2004 29 February :: 10.28 am
:: Mood: conflicted....(bipolar maybe?)
Jesus Christ
wow....one day I will get thru a party without incident. I don't even care NEmore who is mad @ me who is w/e... every1 can say and think what they want I'm so tired of being judged and I'm tired of things being blown out of proportion. I was mad enough at some people last night to make up for all of it. (one person I must apologize again to is Greta tho...don't forget the monkey pills and toxic lips lol)
lol ANYWAY rite up till the end Valerie's party didn't turn out to badly it was just us chillin and watching movies and such it was nice. lol we did leave and go all the way to the gas station just for ju ju bees but lol y not.
Danielle and I were scared together until every1 got back from blockbuster lol....is this the right house?
It was gr8 seeing every1 tho lyk Hema and Melissa and yes Neil. This is the 1st time I've really seen Briana and Jonah together and I have to admit they r so cute lol it's alrite we're all jealous. Valerie also had a couple of hot friends Ally and I couldn't help staring @ all night lol
Well otherwise the rest of my day was....beautiful my mom and I went to Barnes and Noble so I could get my new book and a cd for Valerie. I swear to god I could live in a bookstore. I just ditched my mom and bought all my stuff (lol w/my own money like a responsible child) and sat in the cafe w/my white chocolate mocha and read for about an hour. It was so realxing I love my me time. After that we went next door to buy lucky some dog food...pet stores are another place I love lol i'm one of those odd people who are comforted by the smell of animals.
I'm so over being angry I'm mad @ Evan I'm mad @ John I'm mad at other people but I'm not getting into that here....but all in all I'm over it I don't care fuck everyone I don't need you. I'm happy alone
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2004 28 February :: 1.49 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Rise Against...Everchanging
there's nothing simple when it comes to you and i
always something in this everchanging life
and it probably always will
now that time is getting harder to come by
the same arguments are always on our mind
we've killed this slowly fading light......
hmmmm I like this song....ah well news I went out with Evan last night we saw 50 1st dates which was pretty cute. Un fortunately I watched the whole movie lol. Nah it was kind of awkward considering we havent seen each other in almost a year but I think it went ok....I think he's really hard to read sometimes. But he drove out here and paid for me and did all that date-like stuff and we were talking and having a pretty normal conversation before the movie...he just didnt try NEthing idk we'll see what happens there.
John called me all high and left me sum trippy message about how he was thinking about me @ 4 fucking 30 who gets high @ 4:30?? idk he worries me sumtimes i don't care as much as i used to but hes still a friend. I'll see him @ Val's party 2nite lol I kinda hope it's not another repeat of Hema's tho i don't think it will be. (lol not elaborating on that)
yeah so...what else lol I felt so wanted today Dom wanted to take me out somewhere michelle wanted to hang out lol it's nice to feel loved. Idk if I could be sure Dom wouldn't try NEthing with me if we hung out I wouldnt mind seeing him...he's ok as a friend.
econ and stats tests yeterday....we'll see I don't wanna talk about it really
I'm debating on dressing lyk a slut 2nite if tis gunna be cold but I have a really cute shirt I wanna wear. Ah fuck it I'm guna hear shit from every1 no matter what I wear. It honestly gets annoying sometimes lyk the second I walk into school I get examined...It's not like I do that to every1 else wear w/e teh fuck makes you happy it's none of my buisness.
lol heather and I had a nice conversation last nite about how cool it was that we got so close this yr. I'd consider her a really good friend now and we lyk never talked last year lol I <# my spaz!! She's gunna help spread the word that i'm not a scary bitch. (usually) hehe i'm also a damn good psychotherapist.
lol apparantly Alex G is starting shit again....I just have to say if she comes near NE of my friends I will kill her for fun. lol ok maybe not KILL but it will be an interesting party....drama drama see y'all tonite PEACE
~much luv~
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2004 22 February :: 6.21 pm
:: Mood: slightly pissed
:: Music: Dane Cook Commedy CD
that last entry doesn't bear explanation....those nights are all the same. Im sorry if I called/annoyed u last night tho.
I'm listening to Dane Cooks commedy CD that michelle got me for my b-day. it came with a dvd of all his specials too i luv it. I need to laugh these days.
the only thing that sucks more than sundays is hangovers....this is my 1st they suck.
john called me back while he was in the car today we had a nice long conversation. lol I love making people laugh he always makes me feel good about myself. It's good to surround yourself with people who give you confidence.
i said we could do something next weekend if we dont go to valeries party....yeah does anyone know whats going on with that? lol i dont even know if I'm invited. Ive heard it from other ppl but not from val o well lol i'll just sit home and cry if im not its ok.
evan is just ughhhh (as always) he decides to tell me he likes me again today but he says it in such an indirect way almost like he wants me to not notice it. I'm so tired of his little games if he likes me fine if he wants to see me great but he needs to just step up and stop waiting for me to ask him out...I get to be the chick here end of story maybe im being stubborn but w/e this is my theory
'maybe if people would learn to be more direct about things they would have an eaiser time getting what they want'
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2004 22 February :: 1.25 am
:: Mood: DRUNK
:: Music: sum rap shit
omg idk who i called or wat i said i <3 every1!!!!!!! u and u and u I <3 YOU!!!!! life is gr888888 i should go have sum more FUNNNNN hre is ur entyry danielle i <3 my chub and dave and danielle and michelle and richelle PEACE!!!
~much luv~
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2004 20 February :: 9.15 pm
:: Mood: tired bored what else is new
:: Music: sum1's using the blender
16 at last
Well the birthday high has pretty much worn off but I can still tell you all about what a happy day it was. It's amazing how good a simple happy birthday can make you feel and I felt good all day. lol the only downside what the amount of people who felt it was necessary to hit/flick/punch me 17 times....ah the pains of getting older...
lol mucho thanks to liz, danielle, heather, and greta for their extreamly entertaining cards lol and all the signs in epstein from "my friends on the other side of the room." Ash wrote me a nice long birthday letter and got me a gift certificate to barnes and noble (which i actually needed desperately) lol jimmy hit me so hard he made up for it by buying me candy in 1st hr lol and john wrote me a "report" on the makings of a perfect birthday it cracked me up. Casey gave me a new slut bracelt cuz I lost the one danielle gave me lol. Michelle is giving me sumthing on saturday and im very curious as to what it is, shs been asking me weird questions all week.
lol Jessica C sang happy birthday all teh way down the 500 hallway @ the top of her lungs after lunch while every1 walked me to my locker....coulda done without that one but thats jess. Stats was funny but dr. baum kept picking on me lol.
baum: happy birthday heres ur test
me:ohh is it going to make me sad
baum: no you got an 83
me: omg look danielle i did it all by myself this time!
baum: as opposed to what cheating?? you shouldnt say that when im staning right here
...lol whoops
After school we picked up ashley and went to the towncenter mall where I got my new tiffany's necklace. It's pretty It's a double silver chain with the infinity symbol on it. lol danielle had to IBfy it by saying it looked lyk the alpha symbol we use in stat. Then we went to a cuban restaurant in delray cuz i've been craving cuban. It wasnt as good as usual but it was still good. and it felt good to spend sum real quality time with ashley like we havnt in a while. lol we had an interesting time trying to guess what all the food in the sampler was made of.....ill seriously eat NEthing.
my EE friends parents are going out of town again this weekend so were having a lil...partay partially in my honor. should be fun it usually is. I won't bore you NE further thx to all who made my bday a good one!
~much luv~
like nobody's |
2004 15 February :: 3.39 pm
:: Mood: tirreedddd
:: Music: Kill Hannah
I'll be happy when the roses all die and the world is sane again...
well...Valentine's Day came and went....it was fairly painless this year. I once again spent it without a boyfriend but....i managed.
lol school I refused to wear pink and red....it wasn't valentines day it was friday the 13th so fuck you all.
speakin of friday the 13th my dad totally jinxed me it was creepy lyk whoa....well in the car on the way home on fri i was bitchin about v-day and my dad was lyk don't be too depressed u know a lot of those guys that r always calling u and stuff will tend to just come out of the woodwork and ask u out last minute on valentines day. lyk dominic he pops up every once in a while....ok now i havn't talked to dom in MONTHS and late friday night he IMs me out of nowhere talking about sum stupid crap and i'm my usual bitchy self to him and hes lyk yeah i need to take u out sometime...how about 2morow night??? I never do NEthing to suggest I'm interested in him nor am i even remotely nice to him y does he keep comming back for more??
yeah well I also had a long talk with ashley on friday about...lots of stuff I need to start paying more attention to her I've ben letting everything drift away. We decided to have single girls movie night for valentines day who needs guys rite?
I also had a...idk a sort of heart to heart with john we got some misconceptions that he had straightened out because after the way he's been acting i was genuinely sick of him insinutating things....he has the oddest view of me and I almost wish he was right he said he always thought of me as the "untouchable girl" like i'd be dating older guys and such and no "normal" guy had a chance....that'd be nice if it were true.
So I went over to ashley's after the show on saturday...we had dinner @ shootouts and came home to r movies....lol i think we r just stupid cuz we didnt understand NE of them. once upon a time in mexico made absolutely NO sense but johnny depp was gr8 we decided to write down all of the funny lines...
"Are you a mexiCAN or a mexiCAN'T?"
"This is no time to screw the pooch because this is supposed to be the big dance number"
"I can't see fuckmook I have no eyes!"
(wtf is a fuckmook)
the order was hothothothothothot cuz heath ledger is hothothothot....ash fell asleep and the movie was very weird but idk i could die listening to that hot aussie accent
*sigh* hope every1 had a pleasant weekend.
~much luv~
like nobody's |
2004 11 February :: 7.44 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: something corporate
Hello all, well today is wednesday...i spent half of the morning sure of teh fact that it was indeed thursday and I only had a day and a half of hell left to endure. Sadly i was mistaken. lol well its ok cuz there is a new OC on 2nite....i am a sad sad excuse for a human being truly.
lol well every1 in r stat class thinks that me and danielle r lesbians lol but its ok its all just the senior IB nerds and....jb lol my chub is superhott. we're gunna write a song for all the crack babies out thurrr. hehe
i'm just kinda....in between things right now theres not much going on in the way of guys right now there was one person i decided i don't want NEthing to do with NEmore and that one guy and i r still talking but its..weird idk i think sumthings up w/him but...w/e i'm pretty sure that if theres anybody running things up there they have proven time and time again that they DO NOT want us together...
ash isnt sure if shes staying or going yet....i just dk what to feel i dont wanna get upset for no reason but it will be hard if shes gone next year.
my parents keep trying to make a thing out of my birthday but i really dont wanna do NEthing. and if i have time to go out i would go w/my friends (which will prbly mean just me and ashley) or w/e but not w/my family i see them enuf.....Feb 19th=bittersweet 16
lol jimmy has decided that regardless of my parents wishes we r going to see this movie passion of the christ together.....its sumthing about jesus (duh) and its in subtitles.... just r kinda movie lol.
oh yes he has also decided this:
CircaPunk93 (7:51:19 PM): i think im gonna get into politics
CircaPunk93 (7:51:24 PM): im gonna be famous
CircaPunk93 (7:51:39 PM): i dont necessarily want to be, i just know its gonna happen
...hes lucky i luv him
~much luv~
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2004 8 February :: 4.02 pm
:: Mood: bleh...
:: Music: silence...
well i have spent so much time complaining about my freskishly strong immune system karma decided to bite me in the ass. usually every1 around me gets sick as dogs and i'm better than ever. I'm one of thsoe odd people who enjoy being sick think about it....u miss school, lay in bed all day drink gingerale and watch movies high on benadryl burried in a muntain of tissues no one bitxhes @ u for being lazy and you lose weight from puking and lack of appetite. sounds like the life if u ask me. but nooo i have to get lyk semi sick to the point where i feel shitty but it's no excuse to be act the suffering invalid and no one feels sorry for you. grrr
yeah well i once again did nothing all day...does anyone want to apply to be my friend? because next year is going to be hell with ashley gone and my parents forbidding me to see jimmy. I guess thats what i get for being a scary intimidating bitch everyone thinks i hate them. im not denying the fact that im a bitch dont get me wrong but i'm not opposed to being a social one.
hmmm what else to say....my birthday is in 11 days yup yup 16.....y is there nothing sweet about it?? I'm not excited in the least it's pathetic i keep forgetting that its so soon. i'm not doing NEthing and i can't drive till june so....yeah just another day
~much luv~
like nobody's |
2004 7 February :: 10.14 pm
:: Mood: BORED!!!
im so pathetic....
wooo hooo jessica havin fun on saturday nite......
 Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
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like nobody's |
2004 7 February :: 10.33 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Shes Got a Way-Billy Joel
im baaaaccckkk!!! miss me?? yeah well fuck you all. I miss woohu i just need the relase sometimes.
Im such a loser i'm listening to the moving out soundtrack...one of the shows we saw on broadway. its all billy joel music but i <3 this song its so pretty.
well incase u didnt know i deleated everything when i got grounded just in case my parents decided to snoop around my account.
ok so news....ummm ash is prbly moving nxt yr thats the biggest thing right now. IDK what to think shes tryng to be positive about it so i'm trying to be supportive and....idk i can't get upset until it happens i guess.
I now understand what ashley and evan and sum other ppl meant @ the beginning of this yr when they said i chabged for the worse....someone i trusted and cared about is seriously disapointing me. If this is what i was like than im suprised that my friends put up with it at all.
yeah so i had practice all day and i had to go on lyk 2 hr sleep. I got home from the movies @ lyk 12 (i wasnt in2 kelso's party so i went out w/sum ppl from EE) lol we saw u got served i felt sooo white but it was funny. lol the acting was HORRIBLE but the dancing was AWESOME i wish i had the genes to make me do that naturally lol.
lol then i decided to watch a weirdass movie until 2:00 am then evan called me cuz he was drunk and bored so i kept him concious for a while
yeah so thx to danielle for the new format (lol chubs for lyf I <3 u like a fatass <3s cake) so for all u ignorant fools who dont know who jack kerouac is and never heard of "On the Road" than welll...just read it....its my new bible.
"We turned at a dozen paces for love is duel and looked up at each other for the last time."
-Jack Kerouac
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