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Holy Shit Guys

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:: 2007 3 May :: 10.52pm
:: Mood: Exhausted

March and April 2007
"Sorry, I'm feeling your apple." - Kate

"Let's have a taco-nightie party." - Brittany

"You think they're aliens?" - Kate
"I was thinking more like they're filming a porn." - Brittany

"I want to go to school as the Michelin man." - Prudy

"If I saw Ola today, she'd be in my bag." - Prudy

"Of course they know we speak English, we have a black guy with us." - Prudy

"My tongue is not going into that kid's mouth." - Prudence

"Your relationship has moved up a level. You went from bestiality to murder." - Kate

"My host mother doesn't want to kill me, she just likes butter." - Kate

"I can handle money when I'm drunk, high, or having sex." - Jeraldina (Mexico)

"Save me from the metrosexuals." - Prudy

"What does he hate?" - Kate
"Penetration." - Allie (Canada)

"I shaved my pubes this morning." - Malcolm (USA)

"Prudy's cute when she talks about cannibalism." - Brittany

"What your nuts, Prudy's out to get them." - Prudence

"Why is the vaginal disease girl volunteering here?" - Allie

"You know, I get the feeling Asians know what they're doing." - Laurence (Canada)

"Your legs are your future: open them and accept." - Prudence

"If makes you want to rub your body against a Hungarian boy." - Kara (Australia)

"What would it be like to be married to Malcolm?" - Prudy
"Lots of sex." - Brittany

"Let's just say I'd be happy if I was dead right now." - Rebecca (Australia)

"If you have the choice to kill a cobra or China, kill China." - Œmigiel (Poland)

"You should get a tattoo of a camera on your ass." - Allie

"We're not alcoholics, we're not very interesting." - Rebecca

"Period. Period. Period. Oh my god, hot French guy." - Prudence

"Why don't you take a hike to New Zealand?" - Brittany
"Because I don't screw sheep." - Prudy

"[If I had a dog,] I'd name him Buttons or Carlos." - CJ (Bermuda)

"Sexual frustration, I love that." - CJ

"To save the world, we need to get Adam to wack off." - CJ

"CJ dulled down my question mark with his period." - Prudence

"[Polish wine:] they just drop a grape into a bottle of vodka." - Prudy

"He thinks I want a nymphomanic pedophilic husband." - Prudy

"I'm a natural shit factory." - Malcolm

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 23 April :: 4.36am

did i mention that i got engaged?
i just finished my 8am assignment for art.
i will need lots of coffee or something like that tomorrow.
oh and i have lost 15lbs exactly since i moved to chicago.

if i am lucky i will be able to fit in clothes that i thought i would have to give away. only another 10 and it will be good. but for now... lotsof bed!

4 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 15 April :: 12.08am

Happy birthday to me!
yay for no longer having teen in my age.
and for seeing my love later today!!!

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 12 April :: 11.40pm

i think it is sad that out of the like 4 or 5 blogs i have, this is the only one that i rarely look at but usually get something out of.

to live, to learn.....

i want alcohol

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 11 April :: 12.20pm

Can this class start.... pleeeeaaase!
i hate my mother... blah blah
i am bored... it is sleeting outside and i won't walk back to my appartment
and i don't have class for another 50 minutes.
i have been here with nothing to do for just over an hour

and some fucker keeps banging on the wall.
my birthday is sunday, my parents aren't coming to see me. mike is... but i feel like spending it alone.
seeing as he has other obligations i would prefer he didn't come.
i am depressed... i need more caffine. i wish i had my stupid ID so i could do my math homework... i still have to buy the gd book.
i really want to hit the fucker that is banging on the wall.

5 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 3 April :: 2.37pm

It has been an interesting week to say the least.
Now I am tired and out of it.
I wish andy would wake up.
he sleeps all day long.
anyway I have some shit to do that I should do today.
fuck doing stuff.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 29 March :: 8.14pm

welll........ into chicago i have moved. and i am all alone and i wish someone was here.

*sigh* i wish mike was here.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 28 February :: 5.27pm
:: Music: Eska Rock

February 2007
"I think you have a new name. It's 'Stallion.' You are untameable. A wild horse is just pretty, you can't do much with it." - Kate's mom talking to Kate

"Oh god, it's a mint, kill me now." - Prudence

"How do you masticate?" - Prudence

"They probably paint the walls with semen." - Brittany

"How can someone let their dog shit on the Circus Maximus?" - Prudie

"They're actually really cute when they're inter-bred with pigeons." - Prudence on seagulls in Australia

"I'll push you into dog piss." - Malcolm

"We ate the bird on the road at Termini." - Prudie

"We should have drank champagne, it'd go straight to our head. We'd be in a naked pile by now." - Prudence

"Do you know how many times I saved your ass because I'm a guy and I was there, with a penis?" - Malcolm

"You've had pierogi with nutella in it?" - Brittany
"It was like semen falling from the sky." - Malcolm

"Let's not get immature just because we're drunk." - Kate

"I bet Malcolm would lick me." - Kate

"You know you're an exchange studen when you're hungover at the airport." - Prudence

"Let's rid the world of mullets by going to Belarus." - Prudence

"Glitter is the herpes of the craft world." - Prudence quoting a comedian

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2003 17 April :: 2.20am

Being at Eden again is wierd. especially hanging out here for extended periods of time.

7 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 21 February :: 5.57am


Get your own CrushTag!

Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 9 February :: 1.25am

i want to sleep so bad but i cannot.

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 6 February :: 10.24pm

boris is el totaled.
sad lizzy

3 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 1 February :: 11.53am

i am in kalamazoo with lisa and dustin
i have about 2 months until i start at the Illinois Institute of Art
I m fucking tired and hungry
I will be at home working an 8-5 job later today.

we need to get some Bilbo's Pizza

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 31 January :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Eska Rock

Quotes are back.

CLICK HERE and add the journal.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2007 29 January :: 1.12pm

January 2007
There aren't many this time because I just started it up again, but enjoy!

"This is what autumn and cemetery smells like." - Agnieszka Mo³dach (Poland, 1st host sister)

"Little things are beautiful." - Nguyen Khac Hieu (Poland/Vietnam)

"I think that I believe in such beautiful things that wouldn't let me be a pessimist." - Hieu

"Can You boil an egg in water?" - CJ Richardson (Bermuda)

"If you guys come to Bermuda, I'm gonna push you off a cliff." - CJ Richardson (Bermuda)

"What am I; chopped liver?" - Brittany Bonnell (Wisconsin)

"Cleo Patra? Cleo Patra? Cleo Patra, are you here? Oh, she's on the Nile again." - Brittany Bonnell (WI)

"It feels strange to crap among all their prized possessions." - Brittany

"She wants the intimate Portuguese." - Kate Shelton

"Do I call him Negro? No, I would call him CJ." - Brittany

"Kate, are you ready to be saved by Jesus?!" - Brittany

"I'm a sexy wet dog right now." - CJ

"I have more important things to worry about than a guy mugging me in the middle of the night." - Brittany

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket

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