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Holy Shit Guys

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:: 2006 23 March :: 6.28pm

i'm sad... someone should call me in like 3 hours and cheer me up. or just post something on here....

p.s. kelly is a loser and i am upset with him
p.p.s. i will be home for easter weekend, due to the fact that my birthday is April 15th, just in case you care...

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 21 March :: 6.24pm

is anyone intrested in getting small tattoos for free
not gaurenteeing them to be perfect. but come one its a FREE TATTOO
mabye thats not a good thing tho.
but i need people to help me out big time so it would be really nice for anyone to help.

8 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 20 March :: 11.16am

ok my house phone is now turned off so if you want to get ahold of me call my cell

my cell is 520-1993

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 19 March :: 5.31pm

All you need to know
everything worthwhile can be done either in bed or naked...

and you should always file your taxes...

6 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 15 March :: 11.23am

haha ray I love you. but your sleeping.
so i will join you

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 13 March :: 7.51pm

when i walk through parts of this house i feel like were moving out. its weird but its great because everything looks soo great in her. im glad my family stoped fighting. my mom might be able to come home from the hospital this weekend, ill probly have to leard how to give her shots which is no big deal, i dont really have a problem with needles i mean thats what i do is work with them, im supprised im not a heiroin (sp) uses.
i miss my friends.

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 13 March :: 2.21pm

i feel like i am dying... i think i am sick... i have to see a doctor in like 30 minutes... and uh, yeah... i feel like shit.

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 10 March :: 1.07pm

for those who care my mother is out of i.c.u. im soo happy shes out. hopefully next week shell come home. gona start cleaning the house for her and were gona need help so if anyone cares to help movie alot and alot of old toys and broken junk let me know. my down stairs family room is huge but theres alot of junk lying around but once its cleaned i get to turn half of the shop into a tattoo shop which is awsome cause theres a slider door and the half id be getting is pretty big so i could have small get togthers in there whenever i wanted. so if anyone is willing to help my family her and there would be awsome.
god i need to sleep.

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 8 March :: 9.38am

why is everything so sub-standard?

oh yeah, i come home for spring break this weekend, one of you better hang out with my lonely ass while i am at home!

3 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 5 March :: 7.19pm

i think that there comes a time when enough is enough
i am sick of trying to slit eachother's throats and constantly trying to hurt eachother.
i am drawing the line.
i would rather just be lonely than have to cry at night because it hurts so bad.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 5 March :: 7.58pm

well moms been in the hospital for the past week and shell be gone this week to, shes in i.c.u..
all ive done latly is play D&D which i cant complain but i still am kinda down. i went to breakfast with david the other day which was fun. hung out and played video games. everyone in this family is fighting and angery and worried and its pretty annoying i wish some of the adults would relize there are more important things to do than fight.
but like i said im pretty down..i guess the doctors are saying my mom might not make it which is pretty sad but shes not gona give up even tho here body already is. they have her on a resporator and shes got pumps on her legs that keep her blood moving. they say the cemo triggered it and now shes gona have her second treatment on tuesday so i have to keep my fingers crossed that it wont get worse.

5 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 3 March :: 11.19pm

I dont know why I am bothering to write in here, but i figure maybe there are people interested, so i will just quick say that i am super excited because tomorrow i am going to meet Batista and i love him! So yea...be jealous! haha
Oh, and I got my labret pierced and it looks really cute! But it hurts like a bitch! thats all.

4 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 1 March :: 12.30pm

well god damn.....
after only one day at wicked ways i have already been replaced.....
just because i did one bad belly button and i wasent experenced(sp). i feel like i let myself down, no i let myself down and ben. i was so frickin proud of myself and i screwed up. well i need to focus on tattooing anyways. but like i said im still proud to say i was an employee of wicked ways which in my mind is one of the best tattoo shops in michigan. theres a tattoo convention coming up on march i think 15,16 and 17 or its 17,18and 19 but it dosent matter im gona go to that cause it will make me feel better. but yea now my life sucks again.....

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 28 February :: 11.57am

well yesterday was my first day at wicked ways. it was pretty cool i guess. the place is soo soo clean. i think ill like it there but i have to get alot better at piercings if im gona stay so im gona need some people to practice on. i only work mondays, wednesdays, fridays and saturdays. i went to dinner with erica davy and ramiro after words which was fun to i havent eaten that much in a long time but yea other than that theres not much else that new so later.

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 26 February :: 11.47pm

well i guess there is some gold in all this grey

i got a job at wicked ways tattoo and piercing in comstock park.
well i dont really want to say i have the job because im going there to work tommorow but he can say that im not really what hes looking for but i dont really care because i doubt that he'll say that.
but yea thats all i really wanted to say is that im the piercer at wicked ways.

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket

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