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Holy Shit Guys

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:: 2010 14 May :: 1.28pm

i'm quite amused by the way that people lie to make others feel better after a breakup. Ah well, perhaps in the end we shall find that the truth always comes out... but i'm not going to be the bitch to ruin everyones day!

although i am very amused!

Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 15 April :: 12.00am

so i should be either doing hw or sleeping, but lacking motivation to do either... i'm online.
Ohh yeah, and happy birthday to me

Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 6 April :: 4.54pm

is a break still a break if you are doing homework the whole time? I love the overload of work that I am expected to be doing... not. More like I am ready to rip my freaking hair out!

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 30 March :: 5.34pm

someday better things will come our way...

Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 22 March :: 4.35pm

Well, i wish it would get green and warm. I feel like I am totally falling behind with everything. I am tired, sick, and have a lot to do! I wish that mike could find a job, and we could pay our bills, and that I could feel accomplished for once.

Life just feels so hectic lately, I don't know what to do.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 17 March :: 4.41pm

my head is killing me... my throat hurts... i think i am generally just falling apart.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 16 March :: 4.06pm

it should also be said that i seriously need to change my layout

Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 16 March :: 3.58pm

there is something to be said for the fact that everytime i go to write on a friends wall on facebook, not only do i get distracted by looking at other wall posts but then i feel so sad after being distracted that i don't write them anything...
I would say i am crazy, but that probably isn't news
Of course it could be that part of me that wants to have people want to be around me, but whats the sense in that if they all just piss me off or let me down anyways.

I guess I should just stick to reading... at least in books I can't get hurt

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2010 9 March :: 4.06pm

i love being left out.
go me

Kick My Bucket


:: 2009 31 December :: 2.49am

this is me being pissed.


somedays i just don't understand why he even bothers, especially when i seem to just be a nuisance...

Kick My Bucket


:: 2009 13 December :: 1.12pm

it would figure... i quit smoking and now my lungs are ablaze with sickness. I feel like i am dying... and finals are this week. ugh.

want to

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2009 10 December :: 5.18pm
:: Music: Autolux- Turnstile Blues

I want to blow things up.
I am stuck in a fit of rage.
I want my husband to be home.
I want my parents to fuck off and die
I want to not have a presentation for Finals tomorrow
I want to find peace, so i won't feel the need to yell at people.

and concentration.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2009 10 December :: 1.12am
:: Music: Ida Maria- Nothing Sweet about Me

Ft. McCoy today... well yesterday.

I hate leaving him up there, i wanted to stuff him in the trunk and run away. I know i was the one to push for him to stay, and be paid for having his knee stuff done, but now i am fearful that I won't have him for christmas, and it will just be another empty holiday, on my own.

I miss him, i love him, and i feel empty without him.
I just want him home now. In my bed... *sigh* Hopefully in time for christmas... hopefully he will get surgery before then if he needs it and he will be home. hopefully i get through finals without doing anything stupid, or reckless, or whatever. I just need some comfort... and possibly some eternal sunshine.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2009 8 December :: 11.42am

I wanted snow, and now it is in the way of going to visit mike. the irony these days just gets stronger and stronger.

Day trip to Navy pier after i get out of math... well, actually leave math early to catch the train ect, ect. but i will be doing a wonderful photo project on the smith collection of stained glass, and see how well we can rush about chicago, so then i won't have to worry about getting back to kenosha at like midnight. sigh....

somedays it's just fuck it all, and i want to run run run.

and i should re-do my layout on here... the damn snow patrol bit is just so old now.

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2009 7 December :: 10.23pm

Mariokart is fun

Kick My Bucket

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