2006 20 September :: 11.34 pm
"Needless to say, I'm pretty psyched..."
So after school, I go out to my house to spend a little bit of time with my mom while Justin is at work.
The other day while I was there, I was telling her how sick I've been. This came about when she told me how horrible my complexion look and I stated that she wasn't the first one to notice.
I was standing in the bathroom, straightening my hair when I began to feel light-headed and a little dizzy.
I didn't think anything of it, because I have been feeling like that lately.
The next thing I knew, I was laying in the hall and my mom was asking me what I was doing.
We called the doctor's and I have an appointment for tomorrow.
My iron is super low. That explains why my gums are discolored and why I can't walk up and down steps lately.
I told the doctor that I can't eat any food. It's not that I throw it up, it's just that I don't have the appetite to eat anything. The only thing I can actually swallow is tomatoes... or v8.
On another note,
I love being able to drive a stick shift.
It makes me feel way cool that everyone says something about it. =)
I absolutely love driving.
I quit smoking weed on Sunday for personal reasons.
I'm reppin' a drug-free America. =)
(Can you still represent a drug-free America if you take your boyfriend on burn rides??)
I am almost completely finished with school.
20 lessons of... ugh.. algebra.
I asked Captain Joe if he wants to do my math for his english.
We'll see what's goin' down tomorrow.
I am getting a job at American Eagle. =)
My aunt's the director of investor relations for AE,
and when she found out I wanted the job, she said she'd call and make sure of it!!
Needless to say, I'm pretty psyched.
To wrap things up,
I'm going to bed. =)
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2006 17 September :: 10.26 am
surprise, surprise i.feel.like.shit
i made an attempt to clean up the living room while babe got a shower, but i can't carry the bed away because it's too heavy and i'm too weak.
my dad should be calling me tonight to make arrangements to meet me tomorrow to give me my car.
i'm pretty psyched about that.
I'll probably do it after school, i only have a few more days left.
the only thing i have left are about five lessons in economics and about a whole class of algebra.
i hate algebra. it will take me probably like five days or somethign to finish my math.
other than that,
i have a doctor's appointment thursday,
and afterwards i'm probably going to fill out an app for an apartment.
there's something i have to tell my mom, but i'd like to wait until after i get an apartment to do so--that way she knows i'm responsible and that my priorities are straight.
i'm nervous.
i've been really nervous and on edge lately and a select few know just why that is.
all i'm saying is that i've thought about it and that i've made my decision and i'm pretty happy about it overall.
babe is there for me 24/7 and gets me anything i ask.
i love him and i am happy right now,
despite the fact that i wake up feeling liek shit every single day! =)
okay, i'm out.
i'm about the throw up this breakfast.
peace, ya'll.
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2006 16 September :: 1.11 pm
all work and no play
i went to school yesterday.
it was the first morning in like four days that i woke up feeling fine.
the only thing about it was that i was hungry about 12:30 and had to walk to Foodland to buy some lunch.
I got a good amount of work done and finished up five lessons.
I can't wait to finish it this next week.
I am so fed up with working at Sonny's.
I never have any hours, and the hours that I do have are rrreeally sucky ones. They pick favorites at that place and I hate it.
What's the point of working there if I never make any money and have to pay most of it back to the government anyways when I claim my tips??
Bob (my advisor-guy), wants me to get a job at Macy's. He says they're hiring, and I think it would be cool to work in a department store. I dunno, I just want a job at some place in the mall.
I get my car on Monday, so that will work out perfectly.
I'll go to school, get Bob's recommendation and then meet my dad to get new tires and windshield wipers.
Then, that way, after school on Tuesday, I can just drive up to the mall and apply.
Saa-weet. I'm way pumped about getting my car.
ehh, i'm out.
no drama on this one, i just wanted to share my excitement.
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2006 15 September :: 10.56 am
umm how pathetic can you actually get?
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: hahaha. i read your journal for the first time today and just saw ur entry about me. hahahaha.. i guess lisa forgot to mention that her man was getting on me.. and that we actually had sex 13 times.... while she was still with him
damn i love dumb ugly hoes like you... im glad i have fans!! thanks bitch! you suck at life.. hahaha
dude, wtf?
me and justin were fucking fighting and we broke up and he used her as a resort. it actually sucks on her part because she obviously is still in love with him if she's talking about him 24/7 and STILL trying to break us up and yet he picked me over her when we got back together. is she for real? i told caitlin to ask her how many times her boyfriend cheated on her. hahaha, ask her if it felt good when he lied to her about me? when he was calling me every day, trying to get me to be with him.
isn't that what we're fighting over in the first place? because i have her ex-boyfriend?
i mean, i never said anything to her. she saw my car parked at his house one night when we first started talking and being the psycho that she is, even though they were BROKE UP, she punched my mirror off.
and then after going around the school, telling everyone and their mothers that she was going to kick my ass, i fucking made her bleed like a life-sized tampon in front of everyone and embarass the fuck out of her because she is supposedly "as tough as they get."
if she doesn't like him, then why not let it go??
ooohh: THIS JUST IN--
I'm on the phone with Christina. She called me to ask me if I knew that it was actually me who keyed her car.
I just started busting out laughing. I was like, "what?!!!!!!"
I guess some dumb fat bitch (figures, sarah is friends with fat, scummy bitches) was saying stuff about how sarah is telling everyone that christina is trying to get all these girls after her.
and ben harve was like, "umm who do you think keyed christina's car or poured paint thinner on lisa's?"
and i guess that girl said something about ME keying christina's car.
christina asked me if i need a ride to school and i told her i was "really sorry for keying her car, but i would appreciate it."
haha yeah, i uh, ran to school real fast around 10:30 from belle vernon right before i was about to go to school so i could key christina's car real fast.
HAHAHAHA HOW DUMB. bitches never cease to amaze me.
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2006 14 September :: 3.02 pm
i love my nigga. yep, yep, i laa my boy
Christina got out of school and we went to the mall.
I was fuckign sick from the time I woke up until we ate in the food court. I don't know what's up with me, but I've been really feeling... yucky these past days or so. ?
We stopped in tons of stores and looked at tons of cute stuff.
I really didn't want to buy anything, but I had to buy these 2 camis on sale 2 for $16 and this little sweater hoody on clearance for 30% off. It ended up being $14 so I was pumped.
Plus, Christina saved me $10 when she noticed the girl rang it in wrong.
Kris and Bub were at a different mall, and I knew Justin was buying me something so Christina helped me look for something to buy him.
I ended up just buying him a black belt because he always wears the brown one I bought him for Christmas and he doesn't have a black one.
I also got him a Watermelon chapstick from Bath&Body Works for free99. It's yummy, I plan on stealing it off of him in the future.
Christina dropped me off at his house and he ended up buying me a hoody from Hollister. It's green, so of course I love it. Plus, I can wear it overtop the white cami that I bought myself!! =)
There is oh-so much more that I want. I can't wait until I get paid and get over with my phone bill 'cause I'm definitely blowing some cash on some clothes!!
I talked to my dad last night and he said I should count on getting my car either Friday or Monday. We have to pick a day that Karen doesn't work so she can come with him to drive him back home.
Other than that...
Justin's mom has new couches. They redid the living room.
It definitely looks pimp now. =)
Sometime soon, I think I am going out my mom's to drive the truck a little bit so I get the hang of the clutch before I hop into my car and drive away.
Aaaaanndd... yeah.
That's about it.
If you haven't commented the last entry, please do so.
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2006 13 September :: 9.09 pm
enough about me
So, a couple people read my journal on an average.
There's a few people who have mentioned it to me and such.
And well..
This is where I'm going to ask you what you think.
What do you think about me?
What do you think about my journal? Do you like the lay out?
What are you holding in that drives you completely insane every single day?
This is a chance for you to let out exactly how you feel and yet keep it completely annonymous.
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2006 13 September :: 10.40 am
i don't have to talk shit behind your back. i know you don't have anything on me. we fought twice and you couldn't touch me.
yesterday i was getting a bunch of private phone calls when i got sick of them and sent sarah the text message, "is trashing people's cars the only thing you know how to do? you wont get away with it everytime girly."
then, surprise, surprise--more private phone calls.
A couple of times, she didn't even bother to block the number, and at the time, i really wanted to go to the police because i was trying to get ready to go to eat n park with jenna and i couldnt even call her to get a hold of her because my phone was constantly ringing with sarah's number or a private one.
i kept hitting ignore and the times i would answer i would asnwer by saying, "quit calling my phone, whore." and hang up.
she left me a couple voicemails calling me a pussy for not answering my phone, but we all know better than that. because we fought twice and you couldn't touch me, sarah.
well, with the exceptions of some claw marks from your dirty fingernails.
i am sooo sick of this bitch. all she does is obsess over everything i do and then turns it all around in her pathetic lie she calls a journal.
me and jenna went to eat n park and tried to have a civil meal, but my phone would not stop ringing. jenna finally answered and when sarah found out who it was, she immediately lost the bitchy tone in her voice. she said she was just trying to fiigure out who it was that was sending her threatening text messages. threatening? yeah right, i told her she needed help in the head and that she wasn't going to get away with fucking with people's shit everytime.
that wasn't a threat, it was a promise.
everyone knows it was her and she turns it around and makes herself look like such a little angel.
everyone knows she's full of shit. just look at her, she looks like a piece of shit.
and if she thinks for one second that i am scared of her, she has another thing coming. because i have never once turned her down when she said she was going to "beat my ass."
i will talk shit on her right in her face and then spit on her.
iiiiiiii hate that bitch.
justin told me not to do anything to get her back because she will blow my car up.
i didn't plan on it because her time will come and she'll get it.
i know it. there's enough people that hate her just as much as i do.
like rebecca and i were saying, it is dangerous to piss that many people off. i would hate for as many people to hate me that hate her.
Other than that..
I got a phone call from the jail.
I was like, wtf?!?! I don't know anybody in jail!!
So.. I didn't answer.
There was a message. My mom listened to it..
it was chooch!!!!! me misses chooey!! =(
We were just talking about him the other day!!
It was so weird that he called my house out of nowhere!!
uhhh, i think i am going to go now because i have to finish getting ready.
me and christina are going to the mall because our lame boyfriends went without us. atleast i get presents!!!!! =) =)
i'll finish this updizzle lataa.
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2006 11 September :: 9.30 pm
some bitches have mental issues
well, the drama for today is that Christina calls me right as I'm waiting for Rebecca to pick me up for school.
She is flipping the fuck out.
I'm like, "Christina, what's wrong??"
She left school for work release and her car is keyed.
She went back in the school and--surprise, surprise.
Bishop is the ONLY ONE signed out.
They got a clear shot of Christina's car from the camera on the school, too.
So, everyone knows about it already and everyone.. EVERYONE is pissed off about it.
Even Sarah's closest friends were talking shit on her, saying what a psycho she is and how she has serious mental issues.
We laughed about it because insurance will pay for it, and it's always going to look 10x better than Sarah's piece of shit excuse for a car.
I, along with every single person we've talked to, just think it's ridiculous because Christina didn't do ONE thing to that psychopath.
Sarah stole $5 off of her,
beat her up because Christina confronted her about it,
and then after Christina hasn't said a WORD to her, keys her car.
How immature?? Like, grow up you little, little ugly bitch.
(there, i called you ugly. dumb bitch.)
Becca and I were talking about it in school and she said something really bad is going to happen to that girl.
How can you not get along with that many people?
There's like 50 people that want to beat her up and even more that want to set her house in flames.
It's sad, because, although I would never go that far, I know a lot of people who would.
It's just pathetic.
Christina would never do anything to anybody.
She doesn't even plan on doing anything back to Sarah.
Then again, I never did, either.
She thinks like my mom and I listen to them when they say that her time will come.
I just think she'll be sorry because there's a lot of people who would stick up for Christina and I know a lot of people have said they're getting sick and tired of always hearing about her trouble.
I just can't wait for the day when someone completely trashes her shit.
I hope they're careful because she supposedly has cameras outside of her house.
**Be careful whoever you are!! =)**
**We wouldn't want you to get caught!!**
(you'll be our hero.)
i finally saw the yearbook from last year tonight.
Kaylin showed me hers.
My picture is in it, it looks retarded.
I kinda wish I would've went to BV my senior year,
but then again, I am just forgetting how bad I hate that place.
Either way, I just wanted to let you in on the drama.
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2006 9 September :: 9.51 pm
:: Music: Blood Brothers, baby. all day, ery'day!!!
Right now,
I'm at my house.
Weird, huh?
My MOM'S house.
I haven't been here in seriously, forever.
It is soo extremely hard to type on this keyboard because im so used to the laptop where the keys are super soft.
I'm at my house because I have a staff meeting at 9am!!!
(Holy smokes, I know.)
and Justin's mom couldn't take me because she had to go somewhere.
I didn't have no other ride that stinkin' early in the morning so i called mama.
I miss my babyyyyy. =(
I left there at about 9:00 or so and he left with Kristen and Jord.
This is the first time we've been away from each other in months!!
It's extremely heartbreaking, as gay as it sounds.
You just don't understand the bond that we have.
And you would never be able to, either.
He promised me he would call me millions of times
and we were texting each other so much that his phone is dead already.
He called me from Mav's phone like two seconds ago to tell me he just wants to go home and play madden.
i love my baby.
a couple days ago,
i heard some funny b.s.
supposedly bishop told someone (and you know how word travels in b-vizzle!!) that she cheats on cody with bubber all the time.
i was like, "pssshhtt. bitches wish!!!!"
he cracked up. he was like, "whyyyy would she say thay?!?!?!"
but then again, maybe the story got stretched??
either way it was super funny, because...
okay, i have started talking to one of my friends who i haven't talked to in a minute since my phone's been broke.
her boyfriend is almost best friends with cody,
well, or they were.. i dont think they're as good as friends as they were,
but i was talking to her and i told her about that,
and she was like, "i heard that, too...."
and she like, never talks to anybody. she's cute and quiet.
me and justin were sitting on the porch when i was talking to her and he said for her to hear that, it's a whole different crowd and that's REALLY weird.
people can't keep outta our bizzy cause we so hot. hot tamales!
i'm the lamest.
but anyways, my friend told me she heard cody caught her with like 4 different dudes. see what happens? i tried to teach that boy to be nice to girls and not cheat on them and instead, all he gets out of the deal is letting a girl cheat on him all the time.
i suck at lessons.
goobie: did u see the lovely things sarah said about me?
meehan: haha no.. what dd se say
goobie: its on her blog
meehan: omg she loves internet trash talking to girls 2 hrs away
goobie: lol
goobie: she basically wrote that im a fat whore and she made me and my friends cry
goobie: we were sittin there laughing at her the whole time
meehan: she is a drama queen haha
goobie: she makes up maaad shit
meehan: DUH why else do you think she has that thing?
goobie: lol
meehan: ive had one for forever, we got in that fight and she made one
meehan: so she could write her side and make herself look tough, and thats what shes been using it for ever since
haha i can't even tell her to grow up anymore because i talk shit on her everytime anyone says her name.
i didn't before but then she went and randomly said i called her ugly?
so now i call her ugly all the time.
she is an ugly little bitch. and she has a mean heart.
one day she'll get it back and i can't wait.
perhaps that day is now because her BOYFRIEND IS IN JAIL!
yeah, talk shit on me and mine saying we do drugs when we don't and then let your boyfriend go to jail.
okay enough shit talking.
i missed my mommy like ca-ra-zay!!!!!!!
my mom said he was depressed while i was gone.
if you know tubby, you know he likes to talk a lot.
and my mom said while i was gone, he just sat in my room and wouldn't come out and wouldn't meow for anybody.
he seems normal and lovey-tubby to me!!!
i am going to go to bed cause my eyes are tiiiiired!!
i'm just gonna wait for my baby to call and get my rest (as much as i can cause sleeping without him is impossible) for work in the AM!!
peeace, hoes.
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2006 7 September :: 9.46 am
me love you loooong time
I don't feel good. =(
i have a yucky feeling in my tummy.
i was supposed to go to school so justin left to go to his friend's house and now i don't want to go to school so i'm here by myself.
he was mad at me before he left. =(
not mad.. he just said that i should go to school because i don't have that much longer until i graduate.
which is true,
but i'll go tomorrow. i just rrreeally don't feel good today at all!!
if my mom was able to pick me up early from school (actually, i only go for 3 hours as it is..), then i could see myself going, but i don't know. she is busy. i asked her if she could pick me up right now but she said not yet.
all i have been doing lately is eating.
i don't know what's wrong with me.
i am hungry 24/7!! no, thats an exaggeration,
but i'll tell you what's not an exaggeration..
we will eat.. and then an hour later i am hungry again and looking around the house for food. what's up with that? why am i doing that?!
i don't like to eat this much. i'm afraid i'll get fat.
i used to try to eat all low-fat foods because i was eating soo much, but now, i am just eating everything and i don't care. =( =(
i don't know what's up.
it is like i'm on my period without the actual period.
i'm moody and depressed a little bit.
and my boobs hurt really bad. they got a whole lot bigger, too.
just like they would if i were starting my period.
and i don't keep track of that stuff,
but i'm pretty sure the last day i had it was July 28th.
that is, if the last time i had it i marked it down in here....
so my period is probably coming since i am getting all these side-effects. also, my complexion is HORRIBLE.
i don't break out-break out anymore, but i still get like.. clogged pores. not actual pimples, just like.. blackheads without a black head. i pop them and then wash my face and they go away but it still makes my complexion suck.
okay, i'm sure you don't care to hear about how shitty i've been feeling lately.
and justint old me to call him if i decided not to go to school,
so i think i'm going to go take a shower and call him..
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2006 6 September :: 10.41 am
the fact that i have to go to school today ruins my morning
If you come here looking for drama,
you will most likely get it.
I got a phone call from one of my friends who I havn't talked to in.. forever.
She is away at school and she told me she was going to get one of her friends up there to bring her home to fight Sarah.
This, coming from a girl who NEVER fights and thinks fighting is the most pointless and idiotic thing on earth.
She was going to drive two hours just to punch this ugly bitch in the face.
Whoooo does that?!!?!?
Well, I alerted Jenna and Nicole that something might be going down.
They told Christina, of course, who texted me while at work, asking what was up.
Everyone was soo excited.
I guess Sarah was being a whore in Port Royal,
(of all dirty places)
and Cody went to go fight some kid there,
and Amanda was coming home to fight her for calling Amanda's cell phone and running her mouth.
I don't exactly know the whole story,
so I might not be the perfect person to ask.
Me and Justin laughed at the whole ordeal because Sarah is always trying to fuck everybody. Every time we hear something about her trying to get on guys, we just roll our eyes and call her a whore.
Sucks to be her boyfriend!!
Amanda's friends all told her she was being stupid,
and none of them would bring her down here.
That sucks. I would've. She was even offering $30 for the trip.
We decided they just don't understand.
I was talking to her on AOL at the time,
and I sent her this picture:

to make her feel better.
Looking at pictures of ugly girls always makes me laugh.
besides that.
Me, Justin, Becca, and Tadd drove to Charleroi to lay the smack down on some kid who owes Justin money.
It was really funny because Bub and Tadd were talking shit all the way there.
When we got there, Rebecca was like,
"They're not going to fight, are they??"
I was like, "I think that's why they're here..."
Her eyes got big and she was pissed,
"UGH I have to be at work at 5!!!," she said.
Luckily, it was only 4:00.
and also lucky for her, they didn't fight and the kid arranged to have bubby's money on Thursday.
With all the time to spare, we got to smoke a blunt.
Rebecca dropped us off, and Tadd and Bubby made plans to go back to the kid's house on Thursday and beat him up, no questions asked.
I don't think anything else exciting went down lately.
I am waiting for Becca to pick me up, so I think I'm out for now.
i'll update lataaa.
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2006 4 September :: 2.43 pm
fuck a dime. i'm a silver dollar.
So I added a little Prompt when you first come to my journal.
Obviously, you clicked OK, but did you ever try clicking Cancel?
Justin wakes me up and tells me that the Crocidile Hunter died.
He was filming "Ocean's Deadliest," when he swam overtop a stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart.

It was such an awful thing to happen to somebody.
I called and told my mom and she said she feels so bad for his kids.

Stings usually occur to people when they step on or swim too close to a ray and can be excruciatingly painful but are rarely fatal, but it is suspected Irwin died because the barb pierced under his ribcage and directly into his heart.
Poor guy...
I am sitting here, watching Justin play Saint's Row.
We were outside talking to Pozza and Brent because Brent was about to fight the guy down the road because he's a douche bag and always yells at everyone for driving past his house too fast when we are NEVER driving that fast at all.
ugh, someone really needs to smack him, though.
i was reading something kinda funny today.
well, i thought it was funny atleast,
but then again I get a kick out of girls who can't find anything to talk about besides me,
"The other day at school, I don’t remember what the reason was, but my teacher said, “you guys go stand out against the railing”(on the third floor)
Then I hear sumone from across the room say, “Yo bishop don’t be throwin no bitches over the railing again.”
Hahaha… u kno, im easily amused, especially when it involves dumb whores
Speaking of which, im already sick of school.
im just hoping all goes well this yr and that I don’t hafta embarrass any more feisty girls."
That's an excerpt from the journal of Sarah Bishop.
who says that? when she was the onyl hanging over the rail? haha psshhtt. no one was embarassed but herself when she was bawling her eyes out in z's office.
Justin and I decided that she actually believes what she says, though.
What a jokeee.
Anyways, I'm out because I need to go eat.
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2006 3 September :: 6.02 pm
Dinner now, breakfast tomorrow.
Well, I just got off work.
I made like $45 and I'm waiting for Justin to get back from "cutting a couple guys' heads off."
I kinda wish I could've gone, but I didn't get home from work soon enough.
Now, I'm just sitting here, waiting..
What's been up?
Nothing has been going on in my boring life.
I talked to my dad about getting my car and he said that I have to go meet and talk to some insurance lady in Belle Vernon with his wife.
I still haven't seen my mom, but I talk to her everyday.
I miss her sooo much. Today, I called her to see if she would pick me up from work, but she didn't answer.
When she called back, I was in the car with April and I asked mummy if she wanted to go eat somewhere, but she wasn't really hungry.
We're supposed to go tomorrow...
Me and Justin haven't fought in the lonnggessttt time.
The only thing we got in a fight about was last night, we were arguing over how to spell Kris's sister's name.
Other than that, we always get along. =)
The other day we were laying on the porch outside and we were like, talking about how much we like each other and how much fun we have together and he was telling me how I'm the best girlfriend he ever had. It was soo cute.
To top it off, he was like, "I would marry you, but I don't want to be cool like Sarah and Cody..."
haha, so we are definitely holding off on that.
It's so lame to get engaged when you're this young, you know?
I have always said that I will never marry someone until I am in a SERIOUS relationship with them for more than three years, and Justin and I have only been together for a year.
Being married is the same thing as what we are now, anyways. =)
Soo I start school Tuesday.
I'm kinda pumped. I just want to get it over with so I can start school in the Spring.
I would've been able to apply for a fall semester if I wouldn't have procrastinated liek I always do, and just got shit done.
Lately, I've just been sitting on my ass.
No, that's not true. I work a lot. As much as I can.
Also, I've really been cracking down about looking for an apartment.
I just need something I can rent that is close to belle vernon.
if anybody knows of anything, PLEASE let me know.
i am really desperate right now. i was even considering Rostraver Apartments...
Denol rents out his house for $300/month +utilities and that's a good ass deal. I wish I could be as lucky as he is.
I would prefer a place that accepts animals, too.
Of course, I have to take Tubby, but on top of him, Justin REALLY wants to get a bulldog.
I wouldn't mind having one either, although I would prefer having something bigger.
The neighbor has a pit/mastiff mix and it's GORGEOUS. I want one of those..
Ehhhhh... now I have to go pee before I pee my pants and I think on that note, I'll end this.
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2006 31 August :: 7.09 pm
Mmmm.. banana splitttt...
okay, if you were wondering why that conversation was cut off,
it is becuase Justin walked in the door right in the middle of me typing and said, "wanna ride on my handlebars to dairy queen?!"
and well, you know me, i can't pass up food!
i slammed this thing shut and i was OUT!
buuuut, like i was saying,
I was telling her about how Sarah accused me of calling his friends for his cell phone number when I didn't even know he had one, and Nicole was like, "dude i am so sick of that girl running her mouth, she's gonna get it."
and i was like, "that girl won't even fight ME. yeah right she's gonna fight you."
it was funny.
nicole was like, "shes not gonna fight me, she's gonna get it."
and i bet if sarah read this, which she doesn't anymore, she would get pissed and write something in her journal about being tough. HAHA.
she always has to say something liek that so people know she's tough.
Other than that..
yesterday I made like $40 at work on a daytime shift so it rocked.
me and babe went to wal mart and bought boneless skinless chicken breast, tv dnners, cereal, and goodies.
buuut yeah, now i'm sitting here, typing this while justin plas saint's row.
i actually don't mind watcing this game!! =)
i think i'm out for now though.
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2006 30 August :: 5.56 pm
bitches be trippin'...
I talked to my mom yesterday.
She called me while I was at Jenna's.
I seriously was sitting there, crying.
I really missed her. Lots.
School starts next week.
I have to go back to Phase Four until I finish because I didn't go to the mall to take any of my classes during the summer.
It won't suck that bad, though, because I only have like 4 or 5 days left.
Something like that.
I haven't really been talking to anybody all that much, really.
I don't know if I mentioned that I have a new cell phone,
but if you want the number, let me know.
Speaking of numbers,
my friend told me Cody gave her his number the other day and told her to call when he wasn't around Sarah,
and she was telling me how she didn't know why it was that big of a deal to make sure she called when he wasn't with Sarah,
but whatever.
I was telling her about how Sarah accused me of calling his friends for his cell phone number when I didn't even know he had one.
Then, Nicole was like, "dude i am so sick of that girlk running her mouth
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2006 28 August :: 6.04 pm
updates are for schmucks
I've been working at Sonny's and doing pretty good.
I like it out there.
The only thing I really don't liek is that they schedule too many girls at a time.
There's a couple girls there who are inexperienced and can only handle like one or two tables so he is starting everyone off at two tables to see what they can take.
I hate it, because I'm used to taking like a million tables.
At Sweeney's, on Sunday's, I used to work the whole dining room by myself and do my own dishes. We would get a nice Sunday rush, too.
Sooo.. today April took me to apply at Salantino's.
She said Ed's daughter works out there and she makes pretty good money, so I went out there to see what it was about. They had a million applications, but I was hired on the spot.
I went back at 5:00 to talk to the other manager and he said I could start the week after next, because I told him I need a couple days to finish at Phase Four and get my diploma.
Other than that...
Me and April got this little dog.
We share him, his name is Shaggy.
I like him, he has cute little furry paws.
Justin loves him, too.
I think we might keep him?
We're trying it out to see how Sanford acts.
n another note..
I really miss my mom.
She's been sick and in and out of the hospital, I guess.
She hasn't called me and Liz and I got in a fight about it last night.
Liz doesn't understand that mom really hurt my heart.
She was mean to me and I left,
and then I came back and asked her to eat at Sonny's,
(for free for Friends and Family night)
and she never did.
the only person who came was Justin. He rode his bike from his house.
Then, I was mad at my mom for not coming,
so I didn't call her.
Four days later, I figured she would call me because it was my birthday, and she didn't.
And I still haven't talked to her since.
I'm not going to call her when she OBVIOUSLY doesn't want to call me.
n the brighter side...
I got a new cell phone.
It's a Motorola Razr for cricKet. It was like $300some.
I love it, though, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Well, maybe I'd trade it, but only for a new one because I already dropped this one. =(
Justin ordered me a green (!!!) case for it,
so that should be coming in the mail in a couple days.
That way my little phone won't get scratched or anything. =)
Uhhh besides that...
not too much to update on.
Do you guys like these updates a little better?
I write in the other journal for ME, to tell me what I do every single day.
I write in this one for you guys, to update you on what's been going on.
Okey doke. I think I'm outtie.
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2006 24 August :: 3.39 pm
Just For The Kids
I decided, upon popular demand, I am bringing sexy back.
I'm bringing back my woohu.
I moved the location of my journal to a different server, because I keep a weblog for myself and for personal use and reasons. However, people have been whining and stuff so I decided I might as well make this one public.
Also, I was getting a little sad about not having my woohu anymore. There's some things I like better about the other server and some things I like better about woohu.
Woohu is back.
I'll keep these public entries short & sweet and write in them solely for my audience, instead of blabbering about EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING that happens throughout my day.
This will be just for the fun, the drama, the nonsense, the madness...
This will be just for the kids.
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2006 10 August :: 2.29 pm
Okay, for a second I thought I was going to be able to keep my journal public, because i couldn't figure out a way to make it private.
but.. i see that's not possible.
because people don't understand that i write in this FOR MYSELF!
i took the link out of everywhere but people saved it so i'm just moving my journal somewhere else.
i have to go in each separate entry and make it private so THAT'S a bitch.
but i have no problem in doing so, so that i have my privacy. =)
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2006 8 August :: 10.47 pm
All upcoming journal entries are private from now on.
Sorry for the inconvenience. =/
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2006 1 August :: 2.47 am
P fucking S
i need more comments. you guys are boring.
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2006 1 August :: 12.25 am
THESE are the pictures i wanted you to see.
but.. i'm out for now. peace fuckaaas.
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2006 30 July :: 2.18 am
Chubby: I love reading your journal.
lisa3019: haha why
Chubby: im not sure. chubs aint a creeper, I just like reading it for some reason.
lisa3019: hahaha well i didnt think you were a creeper, its just that people say that all the tiime. waht makes mine different from all the other journals?
Chubby: cause your lisa meehan.
Chubby: its never ..boring. even if an entry ends in "im about to eat rice chex", im still like, damn lisa is always busy.
lisa3019: hahahahahahhaa
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2006 28 July :: 2.01 pm
i love talking to justin at any moment i want. =)
soo for the first time in my life, i fell back asleep.
i layed down on the couch and got a sudden urge to sleep forever.
so i went upstairs, got the blanky and my pillow,
and with april in the midst of talking to me, i fell asleep.
and i slept like a champ.
i woke up and it's like 1:30.
i got on AIM to talk to justin and he wasn't even online!
he has a laptop and he's not online?!!?!?
shortly, he came on and said he was at lunch. =)
billsfriend01: yeah joioi's billsfriend01: it was bomb meehan0125: haha shhh you never bring me any home, you cant tell me its bomb, i dont even know what it tastes like billsfriend01: i have some to bring home billsfriend01: at least 2 pieces meehan0125: !!! meehan0125: really?! billsfriend01: yeah billsfriend01: it was only me and johnny and we get a 12 cut meehan0125: fatties billsfriend01: i ate 4 and he ate 3 and we gave shaun one when we got back billsfriend01: so there are 4 left billsfriend01: i was hungry meehan0125: im excited meehan0125: yeah, youre a pig billsfriend01: yeah so what billsfriend01: i like to eat
..that's why we get along so well. =)
i am so excited he's bringing me some.
all i hear of is how good this joiois is.
soo it's finally dawning on me how excited i am about getting this job.
i never had to actually try to get a job before.
(as much as i "tried" to get this one..)
they have always like, fell in place before me.
i worked at la eda's because corey said, "come in for an application,"
and when i said i was lisa, and answered yes when they asked if i was the girl corey sent, she hired me right on the spot, the day before my 16th birthday.
then, i quit there when subway asked me if i was interested in becoming a sandiwhc artist.
they loved me at subway and even though i wasnt 18 and wasnt allowed to get a raise, they paid me $6.50 and were upset when i left.
..which was because some lady came in subway one day and asked if i wanted a job waitressing across the street at sweeney's.
i walked in sweeney's for an application and they asked when i could start.
soo i dunno.
it's cool though because everytime i mention i got that job, no matter where i'm at, i meet someone who ALSO got hired. =)
i make friends super easy cause i talk so much and so atleast i'll know a bunch of people i'll work with. hehe.
and the other night i woke up, excited because i'll work so close to where sarah ludwick does.
and now.. christina.! =)
plus, im excited to be getting money for a change,
and since, for the first time in my life, someone stole off of me,
i'm putting everything in the bank and carrying no more than $10 with me at a time, so i won't be pissed if i lose it.
i can't wait to save it, save it, save it.
are you coming to my graduation party august 12th? it's at my house.
anywyas im out.
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2006 27 July :: 9.43 am
journals are important because i forget everything.
justin got off of work early.
soo my mom took me over there at about 5:00.
after liz almost got punched in the mouth for beign a cunt.
sometimes, liz is a cunt.
i like her, but i just wish i could punch her in the face.
liz is one person i would NEVER punch in her face.
she knows it, too. so she runs her little mouth like a cunt.
liz, you frustrate me.
shaun was verrrryyy funny yesterday.
we chilled around bubby's house for a second and then we rolled to blaze an L.
after that we went out to val's.
i was VERY high. i just sat there and had wonderful conversations with everybody.
most everybody came up to me to ask how i was after my temper tantrum yesterday. well, they didn't specify, but i knew that's what they were getting at when they would ask, "how are you doing? better?"
they probably understood that the first day of a girl's period is crucial.
val's is NO LOITERING. but nobody gets it.
it was kinda weird "loitering" under the no loitering sign,
but serg said, "oh YOU guys are okay."
[[right now i am having some awful cramps kick in and i think im going to throw up]]
i saw ashleyyyyyyy!!!
she came out, she was with nathan and his girlfriend.
she's cute. i miss her.
it's weird because i was thinking about her like 2 days ago,
"i should call ash and see if she wants to go to warped tour with me because she was the first person i ever went with, =)"
and she asked me if i was going. haha.
you know how i said shaun was being funny?
#1. he put a piece of broken glass up to my chin and knicked it.
#2. then, held it up to my throat and held my arm and told me if i moved he would slice my trhroat
#3. he spilled pop on me when he was walking without even noticing
#4. i got in the back seat and the bub forgot something so i was left back there, trapped. shaun gets the hose to wash your car and put it in the window, getting me all wet
#5. he was fucking around and almost hit the curb by wal-mart
#6. he took literally 20 minutes in GNC,
me-"what the fuck is shaun doing in there?"
justin-"he probably fell asleep."
i can't reemmber what more we did.
uhhh...we went to go watch a fight at lindsay rubin's house,
but justin doesn't even know where his own cousin lives,
sooo we said fuck it, and didn't even go..
i guess we went back to his house.
we left with cam in a little bit to go blaze a blizzy.
we went to val's to... i don't know.
we went to exxon to drop something off to jeremy.
it was 10:30, so we gave jerm a ride to his crib,
smokin that L on the way.
afterwards, we got dropped off.
we went to sleep.
this morning,
just left for work.
i vaguely heard him call his one friend for a ride to work and when he got off the phone i said, "didn't you alreday ask him for a ride yesterday?"
he said, "did i? that's what he said."
i woke up at like 9:30, not able to fall back asleep,
and here i am.
jeremy is probably coming over today. i hope, becuase i am bored.
i don't have clothes here right now because i took them all with me when i left yesterday to get washed.
soo i'll have to wear the same shorts i was wearing yesterday and find a new t-shirt.
i rrrrreally need a shower, though.
anyways, i don't know.. i think i'm out.
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2006 26 July :: 3.24 pm
MCs get a little bit of love and think they hot
my mom picked me up and she bought me Subway. MMM.
after that, we went to pay my fine.
I just pled guilty so I wouldn't have to go trhough the hearing and shit.
I hate hearings.
After we paid my fine, we went to the garage to talk about towing my damn car.
We're finally gonna get it fixed.
I'm sick of it just sitting there. UGH! i hate cars.
now, here i am, about to wash clothes.
my mom's taking me over justin's at about 5:30 when he should be getting off of work.
Other than that, I'm outttie.
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2006 26 July :: 12.22 pm
justin and shaun came home from work early yesterday.
and i don't even remember what we did.
oh yes..!
...we went to staples for a second and looked at lap tops and stuff.
justn wants to buy one and i'll be getting one for school soon.
after that,
we went back to justin's.
we kept on trying to take a nap,
but his retarded phone never stops ringing.
soo we went with jordan to val's.
me and jusitn got in a fight because
(the real reason is because im on my period)
((i kinda go psycho on my period))
i was hungry and i told justin and he told me to use my card to get somethign to eat. but i didn't WANT to use my card because i have a fine to pay in a couple days and i dont have any money for it.
he got mad and said he didnt have any monye for me to eat and i was saying i didnt even ask him to and stuff and everyoine was trying to get me to chill over tatsch's but i was REALLY pissed.
soo i called my mom to come pick me up and when she got there i threw a temper tantrum like a little kid.
i was punching my mom's car and left all these dents in the side of ther trail blazer.
bubby pulled me off and layed me down on the ground and i was swinging and kicking, (even though i would NEVER hit him), and i was screaming for him to get the fuck off of me and jordan came over and pulled him awway from me.
i was just going crazy.
i was screaming "fuck you. leave me the fuck alone. i want to be by myself. dont ever talk to me again."
and my mom was like, "lisa! lisa! stop! he didnt even do anything! he just feels bad because he doesnt have any money for you right now! stop! stop!"
and she was unlocking the door when i would lock it
and she was winding the window down when i would wind it up on him.
he kept trying to give me kisses and say sorry and i was like, "NO. GET THE FUCK AWAY!"
i was a bitch. i felt bad after we drove away and i was in the process of sending a text message when he called my moms cell and was like, "baby im so sorry. please dont be mad at me."
hes like, realll cute and stuff.
sooo sonny's called me.
..but i didn't answer and they didn't leave a message.
when i called back, the guy who placed the call wasn't there,
so they told me to call back tomorrow. (today)
i was thinking, like, maybe they were goona be like, "thanks anyways.."
but christina said they didn't even call her.
sooo i dunno.
Liz Wypych: you got the job at sonnys
WOOHOO im fuckin pumped.
justin was like, "you can get a ride with your girl bishop and stuff and work together and take breaks together!!!!!"
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: hahaha hell yea
well.. they p/b looked at your boobs first and said hired
uhh soo i went to my house and i was going to take my mom's trail blazer to go with liz and get food.
justin called me to tell me i left jordan's wallet in my purse so they had to come to my house to get it.
they just told me to pleaaase come with them,
so i got my stuff and voila. i left.
we went to kristen's house first to get shit,
and then we went to vals to get jordan's blazer.
me and kristen went to mcdonald's and then tatsch's.
the boys went to bubby's tog et the xbox and then tatsch's.
we chilled.
kristen was about to KICK SOME ASS in fucking ncaa with me and justin's assist.
...but it froze.
i was a little sick all day.
prob from that 30.
i'm a baby. and it probably made it worse that i didn't eat all day or the day before.
but we went for a little smoke ride.
and then we went back to tatsch's.
and then we went home.
and i passed out.
like for real.
justin's at work now. i'm just chillin.
my mom's gonna pick me up in 2 seconds.
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2006 25 July :: 2.08 pm
no luck falling asleep...
i just layed there, nothing.
anyways, i'm probably going to go get a shower,
do this 30,
wait for justin to get home to smoke a blunt.
i'm bored. peace.
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2006 25 July :: 10.52 am
updated layout. =)
Justin just had me meet Cam.
Now, I am going back to sleep.
lisa3019: i did that and now i think im going back to sleep
billsfriend01: Okay night baby
lisa3019: night?! its morning, silly!
billsfriend01: Love you bye
he's at work. =)
kk, if anyoone wants to do anything today, let me knowww.
Liz Wypych: fuzck yhu
Liz Wypych: that was from ben..you dont want to know what he typed that with
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