GLOBAL_HEAD<= <=GLOBAL_HEAD i want to be good for you... you are good for me GLOBAL_HEAD<= <=GLOBAL_HEAD


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:: 2005 23 July :: 10.21 pm

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pretty swirl

:: 2005 10 June :: 1.57 pm
:: Music: why should i care

begging please

why so many things lately? its like .. i got hit with everything. its so weird? i dont care.. well.. i guess i thought i didnt. so many things.. everything. everything is like whoa. nvm dont think of that.
i was in the mall yesterday and i walked by a perfume i bought about a year n a half back and i had to walk out of the store... thats what i was wearing that night.
wtf?? why do i care? why does it matter? grrrrrr!

= /

hanging out with David Dubois tonight.

2 swirls | pretty swirl

:: 2005 8 June :: 10.42 pm

matt7: i do it cuz i love you

pretty swirl

:: 2005 6 June :: 7.06 pm

pretty swirl

:: 2005 1 June :: 10.12 pm

goodness. im goin to miss that crazy kid.
always listened.
hah-> always had a blunt, or something.
im guna miss his laugh.
his smile
his everything..

2 swirls | pretty swirl | Random Journal