2005 29 April :: 12.00pm
Soooo, my homework that's due in like....15 minutes, is supposed to be me analysing myself and finding some fault that I myself have created by choosing to ignore a truth, or by convincing myself of another truth.
The problem is....I don't really see it as a fault, XD. But anyways...I figured I'd post it here since it's about me.
I have long prided myself on the ability to accept other people's ideals...I may not agree with them, nor like them, but I can accept that -they- believe in them. There is however, one problem with this. I can't accept people who cannot accept other people. Kinda dorky and totally cliche sounding, I know.
The people who walk around with their up-turned noses, classifying people by their clothes, by their hair, the color of their nails, the amount of make-up they use, and their social skills are the ones I can't stand. The people who believe that they alone matter, and if someone believes in something they don't, then they are disgusting, unworthy of simple walking space, or a moments silence without teasing, jesting, or even violence in a variety of cases. I can accept that someone likes to wear pink, but I cannot stand the person who believes that if you don't -like- to wear pink, you are an outcast. I can accept that someone would believe in a different religion, but I cannot accept that belief if they believe that their religion is absolute, and everyone who does not believe as they do will go to hell.
part of this purely seemingly unreasonable hatred comes from the people who I live around every day. The people you pass in the hall who comment at the top of their voices on what you're wearing that day, the one's that sit around in groups of posse, talking about all the people that they think are gross because of a hairpin, or a jacket that happens to have threads hanging off of it. They seem to believe that surrounding themselves with people who agree with their views somehow makes them right, and if someone laughs at their cruel comments, it gives them the right to think that way. I cannot even describe the pure disgust that rises in my throat at the very sight of those who proudly wear a "I'm a snob and don't care who knows it" sign written all over them.
Perhaps this is a fault of mine, perhaps it isn't, but I can certainly say without a doubt, that those who believe in thinking this way would certainly accuse me of being intolerant of other people's views. I can admitt that I am intolerant, that I could never, would never accept a view that forces itself upon everyone else around who does not share in that belief. Maybe it is all in the eye of the beholder. Some may be intolerant of my intolerance, others may share in my bias. Whatever way you classify it, it is still in nature, a biased opinion, though one could argue it's merit.
Tell Me a tale
2005 23 April :: 5.59pm
ask me three questions. Anything you want. Then go to your journal and copy and paste this, allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
just something i found. please do it. i think it would be interesting to see what people or maybe only one person asks.
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Tell Me a tale
2005 21 April :: 1.02pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: none
*falls over laughing*
I could never imagine going anywhere else for school..XDDD <3 Polaris
my afternoon class was so hilarious ^^
Seminar+drill+metal saw+Hammer+High Schooler's= XDDD DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD
>. >
for like.......amost an hour, every time someone started reading outload, one of the construction drills would start up and we'd all start laughing. 'Twas funnay. And we had Frank (VP) sitting in for part of the class, and everyone kept telling him to go kick someones butt for making so much noise...lol. Then, after break, we all got back to the room and turned the lights off....cause the room we're in right now is -ebil- -ebil I say ebil-, *cough* the room is like being in an asylum.....anyways, we were all sitting there in the dark just chilling, and Bill came back and turned the lights on...there was like this collective shriek..XD And then, when frank left, he told the contruction people to stop making so much noise on that wall, and the supervisor came over to the room to see where the noise was coming from, and we told him that it had stopped earlier, and like the -second- the door shut behind him, one of the drills started up again, XD
Anyways...more quotes ^^
"it's not my fault I ate beans last night!" (*cough* Matt was being a dork)
"Now we just have to find out who bopped off Frank in the dark" - "no, Frank had to go to a meeting" -"Oh! so thaaaaaaaaat's what they call it these days!"
"This is -Polaris-, if you're not crazy then there's something wrong with you!"
XDDDD <3 Polaris
Tell Me a tale
2005 21 April :: 11.57am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: none
Well.......today was actually kind of fun....o.o
(although considering it's lunch...I'm technically not done)
Comp II was funny XD, we had to a free write, and mine was about toy's I will never get rid of. I used Byrdie for the paper ^^ XDD
And then joe made us all read our papers...so now the entire class knows I snuggles with a blue and green elephant
<3 Byrdie
it was funny though, cause I had a bunch of comments in there about how everyone would snuggle with Byrdie if they had one (though they'd never admit it) and how anyone who does not like snuggling with soft fuzzie things needs to call a doctor emmediatly, cause there has to be something wrong with you
*had fun* ^^
AK Studies was halarious and seriously annoying at the same time o.o
Halarious because Jack was subbing for Allie, and was doing joint teaching, so he kept making comments about how he was Allie, then Jack. XD, it was also funny because Casey and I were beating on Cody because he was being his usual idiotic irritating and infuriating self, and Jack would pretend he didn't see anything, and Cody would complain and Jack wold be all like "Who did what? I didn't see anything, I just saw a bunch of kids rehearsing their script!" *cough* XDD And Cody was saying Casey and I should be hussies in the play...*-.- whack* and Jack started making comments about how Cody was the play's Hussie
<3333333333333333333333333 Jack
Advisory was also (amazingly o.O) entertaining today.......usually all we do is sit around and do nothing, except complain about doing nothing, of course..XD. But today, we had to all get weighed and get our height taken because the ASD is "going to start keeping track of OBM" (obesity) And we all started talking about how much of a freak I was because I weigh less than all the girls in the room. (every girl in the room besides me and Kerry are short railroad tracks) I find my lack of weight to be scary considering my big fat hips =p XD. And of course we started talking about how stupid the ASD was, because weight doesn't mean anything (obviously, I mean come on, Amy, who is at least 4 1/2 inches shorter than me, and is as wide as a stick weighed almost 20 more pounds than me o.O) And it was the parent's fault their kids were obese, and there wasn't really anything the ASD could do about it....and then Amy got reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaally hyper...and started bouncing around in her chair and talking about how everyone was awake and happy today because it's "sunny Sunny SUNNY!!!" as she put it, XD. And then, when there were 2 minutes left before lunch...she started singing, XD.
"Oh it's -2- minutes, I took 2 whole minutes for your present...yeah it feels so good to buy your present...and it only took 2 whole minutes!! "
She was still singing as we left...XDDDDD
<3 Amy
*randome quotes from this morning*
"Wow Sheri, you sound like you were talking to a councellor"
"well you're the one who told him to write about the man who got a pole stuck through him!"
"ok, so that was Allie-" *twirls around* "And this is jack! Ok, so today we're..."
XDDDDD <3 Jack..*cough*
"I could be Stinky Pete!" Chorus: "NO!"
"And you could be writing about the Hussie!" *points to cody*
(<3 Jack, XD)
"Did you have Cocoa Puff's for breakfast Amy!?!? o.o"
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Tell Me a tale
2005 20 April :: 9.23pm
Wow dudes..you might have to go back to the very beginning of my journal life to find 2 entries 2 days in a row. Ok well this is the first time in a long time for 2 entries written within 27 hours of eachother.
ok now I'm done. BYE!
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Tell Me a tale
2005 19 April :: 8.31pm
:: Music: The Monkees
Hey dudes..
Just something that was bothering me that I'd like to write about: Well its not bothering me but its an interesting thought I had.
I wish that I could live on the east coast cause out here in California we are one of the last time zones on earth and I'd like to see what it feels like to be over there and know that when your getting up people on the west coast are sleeping comfortably or that when your just going to bed people on the west coast are eating dinner. I've been to the east coast but I guess I never thought of it until now. All this talking to English people has really got me thinking of time zones now and I obsess over it. Throughout the day I sit there and say "Well..its 2 pm here so its...10 pm in England right now." I'm crazy!
Anyway, I just got sidetracked with homework and stuff. I had a strange moment. I was working on my math homework which was kinda boring me like it always does and then I felt like my brain wasnt working hard enough so I had to look up other stuff on the internet. I decided to look up the Golden Gate Bridge (Dont ask why! I LOVE THAT BRIDGE I WISH IT COULD BE IN MY BACKYARD) and then the perfect song came on but thats not my point. So as I was looking at it I realized that I'm freaking in love with San Francisco. I mean...really really in love it. ITS SO STINKING PRETTY AND UNIQUE IF YOU HATE IT YOURE A DUMBASS WHO OBVIOUSLY HASN'T EVER BEEN THERE! Its just funny cause I always say how much I wanna move to the U.K and stuff but really I would miss it here. I'd miss being a 40 minutes drive from San Francisco. What sane person wouldnt miss it? Unless of course they got in a car accident on the bay or golden gate bridge and came a few feet away from falling off the edge into the icy water. I could understand that. Or maybe they came on the one day in like 50 years that there was a big earthquake. That also I could understand. It bugs me how people are paranoid of earthquakes. MY GOODNESS PEOPLE! THEY HARDLY EVER HAPPEN STOP GETTING ALL WORKED UP ABOUT HOW BAD THEY ARE! I think I'm going to die in an earthquake. I actually wouldn't mind it. Earthquakes are great and they are so unexpected. If you got killed in a tornado you would know it was coming unless you are blind and deaf person. Tornados are scary. They kill thousands of people in like 3 months of tornados every year no matter what. Earthquakes kill thousands of people on one day or maybe 2 with after shocks and stuff and then thats it for several years. HMM...WHICH ONE DO YOU PICK? Yea I know I'm preaching to the choir here because Jessica is the only one that reads this and on occasion a few other people but I felt like getting my view on earthquakes across.
Ok back to the San Francisco part. (I really think its nearly impossible for me to get tired of talking about it. YAHAHAHAHA!) I was looking it up on the internet tourism sites when I was supposed to be finding stuff about Portugal. I found it funny what they tell you to do. "The Golden Gate is a must see!" Duh.. You dont need a tour book or website to tell you that. "Golden Gate park is beautiful and full of special plants! Visit Chinatown, ITS HUGE!" or.."Grace Cathedral is a large and pretty church that had cool looking stained glass windows." I wonder why they don't have any of the really good stuff in there. You have to go see the stuff they tell you to go see in those books and stuff but you should also see the stuff they don't mention. So many wonderful things tourists miss out on. If I go to New York City I would want to see all the stuff that people who live there get to see. I know the only way to do that is to spend some serious time there though because no one will tell you about it. Someday I'd like to make a tourist book that doesn't just have the shitty regular stuff to go see. I would include things that the locals get to see. Although...that might piss the locals off..hmm. OH well. Everyone should get to see the cool things hiding in cities.
Tell Me a tale
2005 15 April :: 4.08pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Existentialism on Prom Night - Straylight Run
Fun Fun Fun
Last week was....interesting
First part of the week was ok, started testing...was vastly amused at the easy horridness of the reading test, XD
Then came writing test on Wednesday......it was ok....although I fear for 99.9% of the peoples in my room.......-I- was the last one to finish with a grand 50 minutes left..........and thats because I was trying not to show my horrid grammar......and considering that I know at least half of the room doesn't even know what a verb is..............
yeah, XD
I missed the math test, me and mom both got the crud early in the week and it got worse on thursday night.
Finally went back to school on monday after spending the last 4 days with a bucket on the couch.....yeah....that was fun x.x
Of course....I didn't get there until ten...and then at my next class the office made me take the math test....And I was so hoping coming late would make them forget >. > *got like....20 minutes of sleep the night before* The math test....was horrible........My advice to all you little peeps, -never- attempt a math test when doped up on pain killers and sleep deprivation......I felt sooooo stupid x.x And of course...when Gail (the re-take coordinator) found out...she wanted me to just finish the first session and skip the last...me being my usual idiotic stubborn self refused and just asked for a lunch break (which I got....lurve Gail ^^)
After lunch was when the day got interesting.............me, having not had stomache problems for a day and a half was not expecting the sudden tumbling and roundabouts that my stomache decided to do when I was 7 problems away from finishing...and ended up having to go see the nurse...extremely quickly n.n
Of course...it's a testament to my life that Patty was in a meeting, therefor I ended up sitting on a chair in the office, with the secretaries fussing over me because I had turned white as a ghost and was shaking from teeth to toes. yup....my life n.n Margeret was so worried about me that she had me lay down and wouldn't let me get my stuff and go home (it was about the time my mom picked me up every day by then), so she went out into the parking lot and -waited- for like....6 or 7 minutes until my mom got there and brought her into the office to take me home...... of course...having turned white with weird splotches on my cheek by that time, and being so icy cold you could almost see the crystalized air I was breathing, mom called the doc, only to find out she'd just left and hour earlier.......have I mentioned that this is my life??? >. >
So anyways, dad ended up carrying me up the stairs....and I slept the whole rest of the day.........
felt better tuesday, went to the doc, she..as usual, didn't have any ideas, so I had to have a blood test done today................
I'm so abused
>. >
<. <
So anyways....thats my exciting life's story....
Tell Me a tale
2005 9 April :: 10.26pm

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.
Yay for the quizzes that are -mostly- true.
Well, I can't say this past week or so hasn't been eventful. Whew.
I cannot WAIT for summer! So much planned, so much to look forward to..
TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) is supposed to be happening the week of the 18th, I think.. or the week after that. How.. exciting? Nah, not really. I don't think I'll do too well on the math one (they'd better blitz us [review]). Dunno about Science.. wonder if we'll have a history test.. -shrug.-
Well.. I thought I should update somehow.
<3 The-N.
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Tell Me a tale
2005 4 April :: 10.35pm
Stupid crap has happened that is really annoying and mean and horrible.
My sister is evil. This weekend she said that she will never come over to our house again because we have issues. I know we have issues but so does she therefore she has no right to say that. It hurts. I called her today because thats what my phsycologist (Sp) said to do. So I told her that I really missed her and how much it was hurting me never to be able to see her. I even read her some stuff that I wrote in my paper journal. I wrote her a letter in there that I never mailed because it was more of a letter that was helping me organize my feelings about the whole situation. The letter talks about how we used to have so much fun and I mentioned the things we used to do and talk about, our deep bond that we had that was broken because of her. Its so awful feeling like she hates me. Enough people hate me as it is. Why should my sister hate me too? In the letter I wrote "I hate feeling like I have dropped to the bottom your list people you love." I read her that and she said "Marilyn, you know that you haven't dropped to the bottom of my list but things are going on that you can't understand." Its stinking ridiculous. I'm old enough to understand a lot of things but she doesn't know me anymore so she doesn't realize that I am smart and mature for my age when I need to be. Its so frustrating. She hardly knows anything about me anymore because she doesn't bother to find out. I try to find out about her by asking questions but there really isn't anything to know because everything about her is on the surface. What you see with her is what you get and I hate it like that. This summer she said that we do will do more things together but I know thats a lie. Last summer, when she wasn't pregnant (well barely pregnant), we only saw eachother twice because she was always busy. Busy doing what? I don't know. I'll never have a clue what she does in that fucked up house of hers that really isnt hers. Its James' parents house that is on the property of their other house and bigass recycling company thing. I wish I could dive into her brain and untange it so that I can figure out what is wrong with her so I can tell everyone else so they can help her. Oh this feeling is truly horrible.
Other things. Cynthia's mom is mean because she won't pay for their cat to go to the vet for its sickness. That makes me sad.
I'm depressed or something. I dunno. I keep crying for no reason or for stupid reasons. I started crying because of the cat thing and then I was in the middle of doing math that I didn't get and I almosted started crying cause I didn't get it. Damnit. It sucks. I hate being sad and not being able to control it. In fact, just talking about it chokes me up. I just wanna write this in here because I don't feel like putting it on paper so shut up if you find my talking about crying annoying. Don't read it! Anyway, while I was talking to Monica I started crying just because I missed her. Just in the middle of when she was talking I started crying. Its fucking screwed up. This has been going on for like 2 months now. Well..actually since February around the time of the baby shower but not as bad then. I realized that I really have a bad example of what a good mother/ daughter relationship should be. I had to ask Mary because I started to think it was normal for you not to talk to your mother or even family every week. How pathetic! Thats so screwed up too. My mom hates her mom. Monica hates mom. I love mom. I guess I'm the one with the issues, right? When you move out you are supposed to talk to your family every day or every couple of days at the very least because you need them. Never adopt your husband/boyfriend's family because whether or not you want to admit it, you need your own flesh and blood a lot. You need their support and their love more than someone else's family's love and support.
I just hope things change....
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Tell Me a tale
2005 31 March :: 5.41pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: none o.O
Oh the joys of life………
>. >
Soooo, today was interesting………………………………..
I had a ruff draft ready for Comp II when it was actually due this morning for the first time this semester…my teacher Joe must have complemented me on how good my paper was at least 5 times………..I think he was trying to tell me something =p, XD
Alaska Studies was as boring as usual…..*snore* now of course I have another stinking project to do……*kills the Anchorage School District*
The class might have been better if Allie at least could teach the class herself, instead of going through some crap class arrangement with district provided materials and everything…………*hates hates hates* ebil peoples.
Advisory was kinda boring…..kinda like usual……….
Lunch was as bit more interesting…….considering that I spent the entire lunch period running around trying to find a damn phone that would dial a long distance number. Let me tell you something…..this afternoon was –not- worth it just to find out that the two blacklights I had my eyes on were –both- over 2,000 freaking bucks…..not even our advisory has that much……..so now I have to find out if the remaining two that are going for 200 are pieces of crap or not…………..
*hates people who over-price just because some people will pay it*
so yeah….then in my 2hr and 20m class after lunch I got to spend 30 minutes in the dark during Seminar….which was actually kinda fun ^^ XD Our electrical panels broke down so….yesh….it was interesting to say the least……..
Yup….fun fun
Tell Me a tale
2005 30 March :: 11.28pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: none
Woo Woo Woo
I said I hip, hop, I'm hippin', I'm hoppin'
yeah I hip hip hop and I don't stop
I rock it I'm the easter bunny
say up jumps the bunny to the rythm of the bunny's two feet
well it's on 'n on 'n on on 'n on my beat don't stop till the break of dawn
I said E.A.S.T.E.R
EGG with a double g
I said I go by the unforgettable name of the rabbit called the Easter B
Well my name is known all over the world by all the little fellas and all the little girls
I'm goin' down in history as the cutest Hopper you ever will see!
Now I'm passin' out eggs, jellybeans too:
Easter fun courtesy of you-know-who
You start poppin' ya' candy and chompin' your treats
and groovin' this easter to the crazy
*dances around laughing like a maniac*
*looks around*
>. >
you did not just see that =p
hmmm......anyways.......I was going to catch you up on everything that's been going on...as well as telling you
about H2Oasis and my incessant seemingly biological invitation to complete strangers to start up conversations with me.
but that can wait til tomorrow..........cause I'm freakin tired.
Tell Me a tale
2005 28 March :: 7.26pm
:: Music: Who else? The Doors
Hey guys. YOU KNOW WHAT! I SAY "HEY" TOO MUCH NOW! arg..I gotta stop that.
Ok I really really can't stand braggarts. My goodness. Shut up about how great you are and show us. If you have to brag about it then youre probably lieing. I love compliments. NOT FOR ME! I love to give them. I think that compliments are the best thing a person can get. Braggarts never get compliments. Not genuine ones at least. THis is because they are constantly fishing for compliments so if they do get some they are fake. People compliment them to make them shut up.
People these days really piss me off. In fact...the way things are today piss me off in general. Dont get me wrong. I like being alive but I hate the way people are now. So many rude people. Everyone has issues (including me) but we make such a big deal out of them. Maybe the reason your kid is so mean and violent because you dont know how to discipline them. Maybe its your fucking fault. No no no. Its always they need medication. Today, medication solves everything. There is a medication for just about anything you "have". If you cant sit still we'll put you on 5 medications that will cause you to become a zombie but at least youre "dealt" with and no one has to worry about you. Fuck that. Fuck all these medications and shitty ass things doctors have come up with. "Oh no! My kid sneezed! Doctor do something! SHES NOT SUPPOSED TO SNEEZE!!!!" and then the doctor puts the kid on some antibiotic cause the mother is such an over protective bitch who cant let her kid sneeze.
Another thing. (I need to sepertate this even though this probably isnt a new paragraph spot.) Do you know how many things there are for babies? How many toys and clean up things and protective shit? HOLY FUCKING COW! Whatever happened to letting a kid roll on a blanket outside with some stuffed animals? NO fucking way. First) you cant let your kid outside cause they will get a disease. Second) Stuffed animals don't allow a kids brain to develop correctly because they will get bored. Well, parents and doctors, maybe if they are bored when they are babies all the education in school will be interesting and they will put effort into their learning because all this new crap is so darn exciting! PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID! Children today are fat and stupid. Back in the days before all these new brain developing toys were invented, kids were smart. They succeeded. They tried and they became the great leaders of our country. Maybe we should take a look at what they were doing and go back to that style of raising children. We might actually be able to save the kids of today and tomorrow. FUCK ALL THE STUPID DOCTORS AND THEIR THEORIES BECAUSE THEY ARE SCREWING THE NATIONS CHILDREN INTO THE GROUND. WE ARE CREATING A GENERATION OF LAZY CHILDREN WITH NO INSPIRATION TO DO WELL.
Yea ok. Nice to get those things off my chest..
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Tell Me a tale
2005 24 March :: 7.57pm
Yay...new layout ^^
Half of the background probably doesn't work for most poeple...but oh well...it's what I see that counts =p
Tell Me a tale
2005 21 March :: 7.15pm
Yo dudes.
Today was so fucking awesome. I talked to an English guy who was 25. He was really polite though. He asked me how old I was and most American dudes would be like "oh Youre too young I'm not gonna talk to you anymore" so i said "yea i know i'm young.blah blah blah" then he said "Youre age doesnt change who you are." HE IS SO NICE! So I was asking him questions about England and people there and stuff. He said that most people dont really like Scottish people and he has a few Scotish friends but he generaly dislikes them. Then I said I was Scotish but I like English people and he said "Thats nice to hear" It was like 2:30 over there but he was being nice and doing his best to keep up with my questions so that was cool. I LOVE ENGLISH PEOPLE! Oh yea. I mentioned 80 degree weather and just now I have remembered they use celcius. So they were thinking its like 500 degrees over here. Hmm...Unless they are stupid they will have figured that out I hope.
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Tell Me a tale
2005 15 March :: 7.14pm
AH DUDES! I just became an aunt 3 and half hours ago. Its a boy and really cute. James' family was really mean and I hate them
Yea well I need to go so this will be the shortest ever entry by me.
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Tell Me a tale