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:: 2011 17 October :: 3.10am
:: Mood: pissed off

Dear Rachel, moose, and Tom,
The world may have well as ended.

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 14 October :: 11.01am

I think I was cheated on.

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 28 August :: 10.59am

today should be interesting.

It's time to get it together.

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 28 August :: 10.59am

today should be interesting.

It's time to get it together.

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 23 August :: 10.40am

Not sure what kind of mood I was in two slots ago but I'm having memories flood back like CRAZY lately. I miss him. He's single- and back in alpena. Lucky me.
I've been really crappy and reclusive this month and it's so weird...
I care. But in a different way now-

Still nothing from Meg still. Shes been gone 2.5 weeks and texted me saying she'd call and i haven't even gotten so much as a hello the whole time. So when my sister and I are disconnected, I am disconnected from the world.

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 8 August :: 4.44am

What happens when the one person you count on most in this world let's you down.

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 1 August :: 1.57pm

so I finally put up the deuces, and for good reason too.

The idea that I was being played was apparent, but I didn't mind as long as it wasn't staring me in the face. Last Tuesday it spit in my face and I was left with no choice. Really I should have drawn this conclusion in the beginning. too bad because that ass is seriously tax deductible. I mean that in the nicest sense.

what was nice as well was the back up that I got from everyone.

But worry not, you think I don't have a back up plan? pfff... I don't really. But you know me, perpetually on the prowl.

1 missed call | ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 20 July :: 12.31am

Ok. Still not packing anymore for n.c. However I've gotten to the point where I'm not crying about the dirtbag anymore. I'm pissy, annoyed, and kinda sad still but it's kind of whatev now. Going nowhere. He's got a new girl- now to find me a new guy...

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 14 July :: 11.20am

This is a letter I've been meaning to write for awhile.

To You,

Can you explain something to me? How is it that he's been back in town for almost a week now and you've slept with me for 5 out of 6 of the nights?

When you were arrested, who did you call first to come pick you up? Who drove you to get your car from the towing company? Who talked you down until 9 in the morning?

If you didn't look so good in my Rooney jersey when you aren't wearing any pants I'd probably not have let you stay and although I may have played the "point to the couch and tell you to get the fuck out" story line in my head I cannot follow through for the life of me

Sometimes, I wish I was a cold beer.

You are considerably hindering my ability to get some whilst augmenting it at the same time.

Why do I have to be on this new "nice guy" kick?

3 missed calls | ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 11 July :: 2.33pm
:: Mood: Just sad

Just another disappointing day. After these past few weeks of excellence having Jen and Scott, Steph and John, and Rach things have been so nice. The fireworks, bonfires, going to the beach, I had yet to start thinking about N.C.
This morning, I drove to town for boxes in which I returned home to fill them. I started with photo frames, looking, reminiscing, crying. I texted Meg this and her response was polar opposite of what I expected.
Basically, I quit my job for no reason, told everyone I was leaving, was starting to get excited to be with my sister away from this drama filled town- all for... Nothing.

If I'm not ready for school, quit shoving it in my face. Who's to say when I will be? ME. Don't keep saying 'come live with me' if you don't want to accept me for me. You're supposed to be my best friend. Not the wall I'm supposed to climb.

Today has taken a shitty twist. Especially when I woke up after an awful dream, trying to keep a good mindset by this:

'U can spend minutes hours days weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation : trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened - or u could just leave the pieces on the floor and move on' -Tupac

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 11 July :: 11.25am
:: Mood: crappy

I'm still so sad here. Not here, but where Mousseau and I stand.. I can't seem to accept the fact that it won't work. He still visits my dreams, I see him almost every weekend, not by choice. I don't fail to admit I'm running from him. Running from what I thought was a perfect love story. I just want to be wrapped in his arms. I feel infatuated. Want it to go away so I don't have to be sad kel anymore :(

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 27 June :: 5.23pm

Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you're happy

yes... the rock-a-fire explosion version is necessary. It makes me happy and creeped out at the same time.

2 missed calls | ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 27 June :: 5.20pm

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you're angry

my late uncle once told me this was devil music... and then proceeded to ask me for a copy.

1 missed call | ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 22 June :: 5.41pm

Day 19 - A song from your favorite album

you're killin me smalls.


ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 22 June :: 5.31pm

Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 21 June :: 1.11am
:: Mood: pleased

Fuck fuck Fuck
Fuck you, Chris Mousseau. Fuck you with a big fat punch in the face for making me feel this way!!! I wish I could hate you with every cell in my body but that's impossible for some reason. Fuck you for the things you said, for the shitty ways of breaking my heart not once but TWICE. Fuck. You.
Fuck you for meeting other girls and adding them on fb and saying you miss them just like you used to miss me. Fuck you!!!!!

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 20 June :: 4.43am
:: Mood: lonely

Things are still hard. You're still on my mind. It drives me crazy. You, drive me crazy. I just want to feel normal. Waking up last night you were the first thing I saw. Across the room, which was my first problem in itself. My knees gets weak, the butterflies start fluttering, organs have dropped to the floor. I freeze up and think of everything I want to say, only for it to come out silent and unheard. I never thought a breakup could be this bad. I miss you so so much still, everyday you're on my mind. I miss your voice, the feel of your skin, your laugh, your face. I just miss you, so much. So so much...

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 19 June :: 10.18am

Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio

five and a half in boys, ass is off the hook...

1 missed call | ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 18 June :: 10.54am

Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate

I blame work for this one

ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...


:: 2011 18 June :: 10.44am

Day 15 - A song that describes you

This song, while its meaning likely different from my interpretation, seems to lay out the one consistent dilemma that I find myself in, and which usually gets me in trouble in the end.

I do feel as though it's a bit narcissistic to try and describe you're own life...

1 missed call | ZOMG, that's not my voice mail...

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