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these words at best were worse than teenage poetry.

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:: 2003 22 October :: 4.37pm

that describes exactly how i am...hehe.
holding hands
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 21 October :: 6.26am

its too early.

i hate him so much. i have never tried so hard to like someone...just to even accept his existence. if theres one thing in my life i regret is ever meeting him. i hope i never see him again...unless hes dead or I have a gun in my hand. while everyone cried for his death, I'd smile laugh. is it wrong to have that strong of a hate for someone...wait i dont care.

anyways...im not gonna update woohu anymore, im not even gonna read it...why read something that only pisses me off.


:: 2003 20 October :: 4.17pm
:: Music: The Get Up Kids-Campfire Kansas

i love the get up kids...hehe. today was good. i guess. seeing everyone put me in a good mood.

god i hate them. sometimes people are just so ignorant, i guess i can pretend to like them? yeah...thats what I have been doing anyways. i dont like being fake but meh...why deal with it now. anyways i have lots of homework..

oh and the sophomore surveys for the yearbook were really stupid. it was asking all materialistic questions...fucking school...i had fun writing dumbass answers tho..i must admit.

2 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 20 October :: 6.24am

i have found that what i thought i needed was only what i wanted.

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 19 October :: 6.28pm

(If you listen) Listen, listen
(Listen close) Beat by beat
(You can hear when my heart stops) I saved the pieces
(When it broke) And ground them all to dust-AFI/Bleed Black

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 18 October :: 11.07pm

*sings..bang bang*
just got back from the movies. we saw Kill Bill. that movie was...gay. it was just fountains of blood. it was so fake. dont see it. but the swords were pretty. yeah. the stupid lady wouldnt let us in the movie cuz it was rated r and we didnt have an id but were oh so smart...so we said we were seeing something else and got in..mwahaha. yeah thats not important. im gonna go, talk to ya'll later.

3 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 18 October :: 6.10pm
:: Music: The Get Up Kids-overdue

he is so pathetic.

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 17 October :: 8.03am
:: Music: AFI-smile

tee hee hee.
i decided to stay home awhile...and come to school around 10:15...mwah ha ha...im lazy, i didnt want to get ready. anyways...tell me what everyones doing saturday...im not sure whats going on...whos having a party...or are we going to a movie...or what...tell meeeeeeeeeee...well im gonna go get ready...i guess.

2 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 16 October :: 6.52am
:: Music: taking back sunday-lullaby

i changed my journal just a little bit...i just had to use the lyric thingy joe made. heh. its awesooommmee...well i gotta go...gonna miss the damn bus.

2 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 15 October :: 5.44pm

this is insane...my mom just got home and she brought home McDonalds...insane i tell you...insane!!

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 15 October :: 3.53pm
:: Music: yellowcard-believe

today was an excellent day! im not sure why...im just super hyper right now.

i think im in heaven...i just ate at Burger King(thanks kevin...once again *throws fry at you*)...than I get home and theres Wendys!!! how great is that...i know your all jealous. mwahahaha.

mmmm...chocolate milk. ah ha ha. i tend to talk about food a lot. yes well...im gonna go now...talk to ya'll later.

4 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 14 October :: 8.08pm

i told raych i was eating cheese nips...


thats two people i have inspired to write beautiful poems...yes i am so great.

mwa ha ha..i shall take over the world...i need some help tho..anyone care to join me...

3 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 14 October :: 6.59pm
:: Music: The Get Up Kids-Fall from Grace

i got bored so i drew on my stomach...heh. im such a loser...*shrugs*

ok this entry is about pointless.

6 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 14 October :: 4.50pm

ok so i lied...

[ series 1 ]
Name:Stacy Elizabeth Cain
Birthday:April 7th, 1988
Birthplace:s hospital
Current Location:here
Eye Color:blue/green/brown...changes from time to time
Hair Color:naturally brown...dyed black
Righty or Lefty:rightaaay
Zodiac Sign:aries
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
Music:most kinds of rock
Cartoon:the simpsons
Car:anything that runs
Slushy Flavor:...
Magazine:Alternative Press
TV Show:That 70s show
Song at the Moment:well at the moment..Yellowcared-Only One
Language:english ar ar.
Spice Girl:none
Food & Beverage:popcorn and powerade
Subject in School:i hate them all
Weekend Activity:hanging out with friends
Frozen Yogurt:uhh
Roller Coaster:no
[ series 3 - what is ]
Your most overused phrase:"grrr" or "mmmm"
First thing you thought when you woke up:please let school be cancled, and mrs.babbit die
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:and why would i tell you thaaat
First feature you notice of opposite sex:eyes or hair
Best name for a Butler:melfoye!
Wussiest Sport:cheerleading
Your best feature:sense of humor
Your greatest fear:being alone forever
Your greatest accomplishment:having so many friends
Your most missed memory:dont know..
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke:neither!
McDonald's or Burger King:McDonalds!
Single or Group Dates:Group
Adidas or Nike:neither...converse
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers:nuggets
Dogs or Cats:dogs
Rugrats or Doug:bah
Single or Taken:taken
Monica or Brandy:bah
Tupac or Jay-Z:Tupac
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:bah
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:bah
One pillow or Two:two
Chocolate or Vanilla:chocolate! mmm
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa:theres a difference?
Cappucino or Coffee:cuppucino!
[ series 5 - do you ]
Shower everyday:yes
Have a crush:yes
Think you've been in love:maybe
Want to go to college:no
Like high school:sometimes
Want to get married:yes
Type correctly:rarely..
Believe in yourself:sometimes
Have any tattoos? Where:nope
Have any piercings? Where:nope
Get motion sickness:sometimes
Think you're a health freak:a little
Get along with your parents:not really
Like thunderstorms:YES!
[ series 6 - the future ]
Age your plan to be married:22 or so
Number and names of children:im not having kids. but i like the names marty and landon for guys
Where will you be at age 20:i dont know
Dream wedding:doesnt matter...
How do you want to die:doesnt matter
Dream job:rockstar
Country you'd like to visit:..
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
Best eye color:doesnt matter
Best hair color:i like hair messy..thats all i care!
Short or long hair:medium
Best height:tall
Best weight:scrawny guys are cute
Best clothes:doenst matter
Best first date location:anywhere
Best first kiss location:doesnt matter
[ series 8 - other ]
Last time you slept with a stuffed animal:cant member
Rings before you answer the phone:the machine picks up
What's on your mousepad:the pizza i just dropped
How many houses you've lived in:dont know
How many schools you've gone to:one
Bedroom carpet color:navy blue
Shave your head for $5,000?:no
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people:i would only take one...a damn airplane!
Best time of your life so far:thats for me to know...so ha

Series 1-8 brought to you by BZOINK!

3 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 14 October :: 4.27pm
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday-Head Club

sorry...this is the last quiz...I SWEAR!
Movie?:Monty Python and the holy grail
Computer?:this one
Band?:Taking Back Sunday
Song?:not sure...too many to choose from.
Person?:all of them. i love you all.
Solo Artist?:uh...
Sex Position?:i kinda have to have sex first to answer this...yeah.
Pepsi?:no...i dont drink any pop.
Animal?:your mom
Type of Clothing?:hoodies and bondage pants
CD?:Taking Back Sunday-Tell All Your Friends
Subject in School?:i hate them all..
TV Show?:That 70's show

Your Favorite brought to you by BZOINK!

4 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 14 October :: 3.45pm

What do you think of Mexicans?:meh
Jews?:burn them all.
Do you like Canada?:i like thir accent..its sexy
I just got my own way, instead of you getting yours. Are you pissed?:nope
Does Britney Spears turn you on?:i want to spoon her eyes out.
Have you ever gotten suspended or expelled from school?:nope
If so, what for?:la la la
If you had to,would you kill the love of your life, or 30 strangers?:30 strangers
What's better? An amusement park or a water park?:water park
Do you like cats?:no...im allergic.
Kruisenga's an ass, isn't he?:sure is!
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like your parents?:mom...8...dad....-200
What do you think of retards?:their retarded
What do you think of fat people?:their fat
Fire = yum:mmmmmmm

Your opinions and such. brought to you by BZOINK!

1 brave fuck | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 14 October :: 11.42am
:: Music: Saves the Day-Reverie

meh. im all aloooone. i was gonna stay after school...but i couldnt find anyone that could take me home...grrr. so now i sit here...bored out of my mind. ah well.

mmm...chicken noodle soup is yummmmmy.
im gonna go then...tra la la la.

9 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 14 October :: 5.57am

"You're depressed and you're not doing anything to get yourself out of it. You're only talking about it and wallowing in it."

kates right. that wasnt towards me...but its exactly what im doing. why make myself sad...whatever im looking for will eventually come to me...so why worry. yesterday was a good day. im gonna make sure today is and the next day...im just gonna hang around the people that love me and be happy. sounds good right? grand. *smiles*

all this time i sat here saying i was so alone...what the hell...thats the last thing i am...i have all these awesome people that do love me...even if i question it at times.

2 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 13 October :: 6.51pm

*takes poem out of journal*

since no one takes me seriously...


ah ha ha ha.

2 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 13 October :: 4.26pm

What is your favorite color hair on a member of the opposite sex?:...its cute when guys just wake up and come to school with it messy
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?:*points over there* and he does your mom
What's your favorite coin operated machine?:gumballs!
Can you sing the speed racer theme song?:*sings the speed racer song*
What's your favorite old nondisney/nonlooney tunes cartoon character?:uhh...
How do you feel about the government?:they can die.
If you had one wish, what would it be?:for him to love me back
Would you enjoy a riot?:yes...very much.
Is the word "fuck" funny?:fuck yeah
What are your feelings on techno remixes?:their gay
Canada or Canadia?:CANADIA!
Would you rather be canadian or mexican?:canadian
How much do you weigh?:98
Could your mom beat up your dad?:no

Tabletop's Untitled brought to you by BZOINK!

1 brave fuck | as if your opinion matters

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