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these words at best were worse than teenage poetry.

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:: 2003 12 October :: 9.34pm

i wish i could tell you everything. i can. but i wont, and never will.

1 brave fuck | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 12 October :: 6.24pm

im sinking like a stone in the sea...im burning like a bridge for your body...
-Brand New

118 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 12 October :: 4.30pm

i am extremely sad right now. i want to cry but i cant...

7 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 10 October :: 9.37pm

I THINK::i love bunnies.
I KNOW::nothing.
I WANT::your mom.
I HAVE::air.
I WISH::youd die.
I HATE::mrs.babbit
I MISS::*looks around*
I HEAR::sounds
I WONDER::if your mom is hot!
I REGRET::being born!
I ACHE::uhhh YEAH!
I CARE::uhhh....

jessa's Untitled brought to you by BZOINK!

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 10 October :: 9.31pm

What's a weird fear you have that no one else probably does?:i dont know
Is not Jon Stewart great?:uh..riight.
What song are you listening to?:Yellowcard-Only one
Best face wash/acne fighting product?:dont know...dont care
How loud do you sneeze?:uhh..ok
Do you like your handwriting?:no
Ugliest color you've ever seen?:your mom
Does having matching socks matter to you?:oh yes, so much...no
If you were in band, what would you call it?:clever lines unread
Last time you were on a plane?:never
Have a digital camera?:nope
How big is your TV?:as big as your mom
Have you ever heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?:nope
How many pillows do you sleep with?:2
sXe.. good or bad?:good
Most annoying commercail ever?:uhh all commercials
Lamest pick-up line ever?:hey baby..*laughs*
Dumbest song ever?:ooppss i did it again
Worst way to die?:why does it matter...you die..
Who's the funniest comedian?:Adam Sandler
Ever been in a car accident?:yes
Ever had braces?:nope
Do you know HTML?:some
What's the most useless class in school?:all of them
Best Jones Soda flavor?:uhh what
Something you collect?:cds
Something you're allergic to?:cats
Something you wish would die?:your mom

[randomosity] brought to you by BZOINK!

3 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 10 October :: 9.01pm

Three things that scare me:
Three people who make me laugh:
Three Things I love:
2:My Friends
3:Taking Back Sunday
Three Things I hate:
2:The government
Three things I don't understand:
Three things on my desk:
3:Computer Monitor
Three things I'm doing right now:
3:Answering this damn thing
Three things I want to do before I die:
1:Fall in Love
2:Tell everyone goodbye
3:Learn Guitar
Three things I can do:
2:Tie my shoes
Three ways to describe my personality:
Three things I can't do:
2:Find a boyfriend

Three Things brought to you by BZOINK!

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 10 October :: 6.43pm

i have writers block to the extreme. im waiting for some inspirations...too bad my life is boring as fuck. writing is one of the few things that keeps me alive...


i have been working on geography homework for two fucking hours.

im sick of being alone. i'll be alone forever...*frowns*

im sick of pissing people off. my humor drives people away. too bad thats how i am...soon i will have no friends.

yeah i have nothing to say really...just complaining...whats new...thats what im good at.

shoot me. someone. please.

6 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 10 October :: 4.09pm
:: Music: Thursday

im at my grandmas...someone shooooot me...so much for hanging out with my friends. *shrugs* stupid msn doesnt work here..so talk to me on aol...please. anyways...today was good. yeah.

some interesting comments in 4th hour...
"I think Bears should maul more people"
"Bears dont like hats"
"if we did a study with people putting hats on bears heads not every bear would attack the person"
I must disagree...im thinking about 9 times outta 10 the bear would attack the person...but ya know..
yeeaahh...thats one interesting hour. hehe. anyways im gonna go be bored now. you kids have fun at yet another party i cannot attend.

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 9 October :: 8.38pm
:: Music: yellowcard-only one

I hate being stupid.

6 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 8 October :: 8.37pm

i dont hate anyone. im not mad at anyone. i just need a break. thats all.

i dont hate anyone besides tony and his mom. im not mad at anyone besides tony and his mom. i just need a break from tony and his mom. thats all.

as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 8 October :: 7.11pm

and I knew happiness could only last so long. its now my time to shelter myself from everyone. all people do is cause me pain. fuck that. leave me alone. please.

4 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 8 October :: 6.18pm



4 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 8 October :: 5.02pm
:: Music: Saves The Day-Driving in the dark

today was a really good day. no reason...just everyone was happy and I dont know...I guess it made me happy to see everyone laughing and such.
and the guys sure looked mad sexy in there camo...hehe...*sly grin* i was getting sexually harassed today by lots of people...lol. it was strange...maybe i had a sign on my back that said sexually harass stacy...hmmm....*wonders* anyways...i hope i have more good days like this...i got...21 hugs today...yes i counted...it makes me feel special.

come back kelly...i miss you dearly.

6 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 7 October :: 7.54pm
:: Music: AFI-morningstar

well im bored so i figured why not entertain myself with yet another pointless entry. today was good...i guess. i got signed out of 3rd hour to get my eyes tested cuz for some damn reason i failed the eye test last year...meh. i had to go to beach for the test....around all those little kids...it made me feel tall! *smiles* wow...im such a loser. anyways...im reeaallly bored. did i mention that...aww well. i think someone should have a party this weekend...i missed the last one...and partys are fun...so yeah. ok im done...comment...give me something to read..plleeeaassseeeee.

12 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 7 October :: 4.35pm

are you sexy? by jeska
your name
do YOU think you are?
on a scale from 1-10 you are a10
other people say you areperfect the way you are
your sex appeal will last tilMay 13, 2062
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

that could not be more wrong.

3 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 7 October :: 6.29am
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday-Eleven

holy fucking hell...people fighting AGAIN! gah...im about to leave...it hurts me to see people fighting all the time...not that, that matters at all...get along...its not that fucking difficult. quit acting like children and calling eachother names. fucking get over it. god.

*note the amount of anger*

on another note...my life blows.

8 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 5 October :: 5.53pm

i dont undertsand people. do they always feel the need to fight...honestly...why cant they just get over it?

6 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 5 October :: 4.10am
:: Music: Story of the year-until the day i die

i cant sleep..its like the next day..woah. red flannel was not as fun as i expected it to be...but it was better than sitting at home. the parade sucked major ass...it was so damn boring...except for watching the people get hit by marshmallows. yeeaahh. i finally got to see wylee...that made me happy. *smiles* it seemed as if the circle really wasnt all together...i kinda just drifted off from time to time..no one cared..dont say you did, i dont need to hear lies. yup. anyways kevin brought us to mcdonalds than we went to his house to play pool and such. yeah, that was fun. now im home...erikas here...were entertaining ourselves..its fun. its amazing how no one even tries to get to know erika...they just figure "she doesnt dress like us, so lets not talk to her" psshhh...whatever. meh. i guess im rethinking where im gonna spend most of my time. yeeaahhh.

oh i forgot to update friday...well it was oh so interesting...i received a letter from Nikki saying how much of a bad friend i am, and how i dont stick up for her and blah blah no one cares...and than later in the day i hear shes been telling everyone shes gonna "punch my face in" than i confront her after school and did she hit me....no. i hate when people talk shit and dont do anything. gah. anyways enough of my ramblings. bye ya'll.

26 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 4 October :: 12.35pm
:: Music: The Used-Greener with the scenery

i was cleaning out my messenger bag and guess what I found...a pixy stick!! It made me smile...hehe.

im sucha dork.


1 brave fuck | as if your opinion matters


:: 2003 4 October :: 10.12am
:: Music: AFI-perfect fit

yesterday was fun...some of us hung out in the park. i was so cold tho. sorry about being in a bad mood at the last part of the night...i just wasnt happy...had a lot going through my mind...so im sorry. i got home last night...and i was trying to get my toes from being numb...anyways...my mom is yelling at me because i wouldnt get my dad a glass of ice water, because I JUST walked in the door. i was trying to get out of my wet clothes...so than she comes and yells at me, tells me shes sick of my attitude and that im grounded and cant go to red flannel...than my dad stomps out of his room and gets his water, while swearing at me. so im grounded because i didnt get my dad a glass of ice water as soon as i get home. i hate my parents. they think im some terrable kid...yeah whatever. well my mom is letting me go to red flannel, but shes being stupid about it. and im still grounded. meh. today will be good i hope. it better not rain. well see ya'll there, you better try and find me. yeah.

I wish i could move out of this house, I hate everyone here.

3 brave fucks | as if your opinion matters

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