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My Bitching Grounds

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:: 2002 13 November :: 10.15pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: 311

remember when...?
so many things have jumped out and reminded me of last year. i think this might be some sort of sign to maybe think about last year. no... too many good times that will be too good to forget, i haven't forgotten, they have just been put behind me. i'm thinking i like the freshmen dani. she was nice and fun, but not as annoying and stupid as the sophomore dani. the sophomore dani is kind of dumb. i dont know if i like her as much. she's kind of loud. i don't know....i'm talking crap. i had a very meaningful conversation with a very meaningful person today. i got what i wanted, the truth. it was so nice to have someone just tell me straight up what i wanted to hear. wow. wonderful. if i could have one conversation like this each day, my life would be complete. hmmm...no it wouldn't, but it would help. wait, i had this last year. shit.

2 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 12 November :: 10.18pm
:: Mood: tired/curious
:: Music: classical guitar- the romantic guitar

wow...this song is so beautiful
i think out of all the things in the world, the biggest complement someone could ever give me would to tell me that i am a good musician. that to me is so meaningful. more than anything. my love for music just grows everyday, even more. it's like a fire, that was lit at camp last year, but now has turned into a campfire... which will soon be a rip roarin bonfire. wooot.. :)

mu·sic Pronunciation Key (myzk)
1.The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous,
unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony,
rhythm, and timbre.
2.Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony,
or rhythm.
3.a.A musical composition.
b.The written or printed score for such a composition.
c.Such scores considered as a group: We keep our music in a
stack near the piano.
4.A musical accompaniment.
5.A particular category or kind of music.
6.An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of
sounds: the music of the wind in the pines.

[Middle English, from Old French musique, from Latin msica, from
Greek mousik (tekhn), (art) of the Muses, feminine of mousikos, of
the Muses, from Mousa, Muse. See men-1 in Indo-European Roots.]

oh...i'm starting a new project, that i really don't have time for, but it's worth it. and i guess i'm supposed to toutor this girl in english now too.... and yet, i still have time to drool over beautiful gutiar music and copy and paste the definition for music in my journal. HA!

Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 12 November :: 7.42pm

So much more visible
Every detail co clear
Your light not your own
Dulled illumination, brighter than a thousand stars

God created the sun and the stars
No mention of your precious gift
Perhaps that is what is meant by the heavens

Beautiful Apollo
Shine on tonight
Make it special

You control the tide of our seas
The tide of our lives
The pull on our hearts
Gazing to the heavens

The story you tell never ends
Earthly or cosmic, a picture of endurance
To the populace you are huge
To me, the same picture of perfection

4 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 11 November :: 11.03am
:: Mood: There's something in my teeth, oh, it's my tongue
:: Music: "Jack and Diane" John Cougar Mellancamp

Gdavorschzak never saw Marching Band. Especially one as good as us.
Yes, we kick ass. Two week show. Classical music. Armed Forces Medeley, Finale from The New World Symphony, and The 1812 Overture. Didn't think that would be a marching band show did ya? We nailed it. Learned the last pictures of it on Wednesday and absolutely nailed it Satuday night.

This week is going to be so fun. No band on Tuesday, nothing big due. No papers, no exams. Game on Saturday but, bah. I thought this weekend was going to be bad especially Friday and Saturday, but it wasn't bad at all. I think that I am getting used to it. And the girls sing "Downtown, where all the lights are, downtown, dee da da dut da."

Yeah, I took her out to breakfast yesterday. Now everybody at work is going to be talking about us again. I don't care I really don't. It's just given me that confidence again. I know what she said was true. And that's what it's been like before. Of course she hasn't seen me being too much of an ass yet because I'm always in a good mood when I'm working with her.

For those of you out there who are feeling lonely I can only tell you this: You are lonely because you made it that way. Just be confident about yourself. Be confident and if people don't accept you for who you are, find some other people. I'd like to think, for those of you still in high school, that I was able to float between groups and never get stuck predominately in one or the other. Take the cafeteria, chances are I could go up and talk with at least one person at every table there. Just be that person. BE LIKE ME I AM PERFECT. I wish.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 10 November :: 9.21pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: ajkdlafgnjkhfkjhre

i never know what to say anymore... epp.. stef used that word today. it's a cute word. it's so good to talk to her again.

Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 9 November :: 1.45pm

here's a lovley song about my favorite food!!

frijoles negros
navy and northern and garobonzo
i love beans!!!!
wooo wooo wooo!!!!
high in protein low in fat
i bet you didn't know that :)

view results

Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 6 November :: 11.15am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: I haven't listened to much music lately. I've been listening to NPR

A response to you, more than an update for myself.
I hate quizzes. They are really starting to piss me off. Not the one's you get in school, but the ones you can take on the internet. YOu know, the kind that make your friends page endless when your friends think that you need to know what their "element" is.

I'm happy to a certain extent how our political situation turned out. The only thing I fear now is a general budget plan by Granholm that will deprive people in West Michigan and take away from conservation efforts to fund more "socially acceptable" programs liek Affirmative Action. I doubt she will get much accomplished though, too much of a deadlock within the legislature.

Someone finally has their drivers license and I'm scared. I'm very scared.

She thought what I did for her was sweet *score*. I have a hard time believing that she didn't know I felt that way about her, but who knows. i just have to be careful because I don't want to get too far into the gray area and realize that we can't go back. All that will do is hurt people.

6 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 4 November :: 9.39pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: Metallica - nothing else matters

what to do...what to do...
My girlfriend is pissing me off. She calls constantly, wondering where I am...what I'm doing...She gets mad at me when I tell her I have to get off the phone...I feel like I'm married...and I'm not!!! What the hell is up with that? It's driving me absolutely nuts. I'm trying to get her to break up with me, but it's not working that well. She's too obsessed...I think. I'm 18. I don't want this kind of commitment. I want a 'friend'. Not a life partner. I want someone I can hang out with, and mess around with, instead of someone who's more interested in me, than in continuing her own life. I don't know. I hate it...peace.

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 4 November :: 2.10pm

Some people love me.
Some people hate me.
Most people don't care.
But if you all knew me like I know me,
Then you'd feel hate and despair.

2 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 3 November :: 8.46pm
:: Mood: oh bah.. who knows..
:: Music: algkjahgsa

hmm... the party seemed to be somewhat fun. not really what i expected, but fun none the less. i found out i got into CMU's honers band yesterday. so i was really excited until today i found out ryan didn't make it so now i have no idea when i'm going to see him. don't take things for granted you guys... because some day, you might wake up and not have it. ugh.. i need a break from life.

2 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 31 October :: 9.41pm
:: Mood: better
:: Music: ben folds- hiros song ... sigh...

*Girls:beans and jessie wilde
*Guys:gunnie and andy sischo
You've Known the Longest:jamie from pa.
You've known the least longest: probably andy
You can tell anything to:beans, jessie, kaly, gunnie and andy
Lives farthest away: not ryan!!!! haha... my friends from sweden
Lives closest: beans! yay!!!
Weirdest: oh boy.... either beans or ryan ;)
Shyest: Jessie
Quietest: when it's not just the 2 of us, jessie... or maybe kaly too..
Smartest: gosh, i don't know... hahaha.. ryan.. he has a 4.0.. yup
Coolest: oh everyone is so cool int their own way
Flirtiest: gunnie, he's such a luss
Cutest: RYAN!
Prettiest: jessie, beans, and kaly it's a toss up
Tallest: gunnie
Shortest: jessie or danielle
Most outgoing: danielle
Most hyper: haha, beans or ryan or danielle
Most charming: this is funny, andy
Most friendly: beansy
Most caring: all my friends
Most sensitive: kaly
Most Popular: we're all big band dorks
Most creative: kaly
Most annoying: if t hey were annoying, i wouldn't hang out with them
Most "off and on": bah... i dunno
Most TRULY unique: beans
Most Pampered: uummm............ i dunno
Most kissable: hehehehe...ryan
Most confusing: jessie
Always there for you: beans, kaly, jessie
Always makes you laugh: beans and ryan
Always has something clever to say: beans
Always makes you really think: kaly
Always brightens your day: all of them do ;)
Most daring: oh hmmm.... ryan
Most outrageous: RYAN!!!
Most blonde at heart: i dunno...
Best Hair: angeeh
Best Eyes: jessie
Best Smile: ryan
Most likely to become famous: gunnie
Most likely to star in a "got milk ad":gunnie
Most likely to become a Hollywood actress: gunnie
Most likely to become a writer: beans
Most likely to go to Harvard: ryan
Most likely to end up flipping burgers at the local fast food restaurant: i don't have any loser friends..
most likely to become a celebrity athlete: ryan or andy...he's all athletic
First to get married: kaly
Last to get married: beans
The one who will probably never get married: i think all my friends are going to find true love in their life
The casanova: what's that?
The player: gunie, he's such a pimp
One who'll have the most kids: jenna
One who'll have the least: beans or jess
One who'll be your maid of honor: beans
One who'll be your best man: gunnie
One whose like the sister god forgot to give you: beansy and jess
One whose like the brother god forgot to give you: gunnie

4 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 31 October :: 12.59pm
:: Mood: sick

yuck, i feel so sick and crappy. i'm sitting here in yearbook and it's been a crappy day. but of course, the day doesn't care, and continues on without even bothering. it's been 64 days since i've seen ryan. for some reason, i alomst started crying in spanish. maybe because the girl next to me was glkoating about how she had a boyfriend and they see each other all the time. nice kid. right....

1 Kiss Ass | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 30 October :: 10.23pm
:: Mood: don't ask
:: Music: not today

ugh...today was the worst. i went to malecki's and myers music and got some new piano music, quartet music and a flute stand. and we got krispy kreme donoughts. that was good. but... we got home late, and all the pumpkin carving kids were there already. so me, being all crazy, got all frazzled and spazed. and then andy wouldn't pay attention to me playing the special new song on the piano so i got mad and when i went to kick off my shoe, it hit my jewerly box and smashed the glass in the door. so what does dani do, um.... cries. alot. so yeah... then i cry and cry and cry. so now, i'm freezing cold and need a hot shower and sleep. so yup... good night

Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 30 October :: 11.10am
:: Mood: flamboyant
:: Music: "She Hates Me" - Puddle of Mudd

Will elitists ever get over themselves?
Honestly I don't think they will. They act liek everyone else is so inferior to them. They won't even look at you let alone give you the time of day. Of course for sense for all of you out there dealing with elitists in high school, it gets better. Most people are friendly, if there not you can always avoid them. Mostly because they don't seek you out to mock because why should they care about your insignificant life? Well at least that's the way that they see it.

Life views just rock, especially when they are going good. I have no qualms anymore about having a relationship. It is not going to happen, but it has just given me reason to look back on my past relationships and look at them in a new light. And by following the "Only Connect" theory, it all makes sense. Pyschology, Lib studies, Crystal, small group, all connects to make me look at the relationship that I was in. The fundamental fact that the relationship was so out of balance, that seeking balance is everything and we were too concentrated on the passionate side of our romance was not healthy. We had good beginnings for the rest of the relationship, but we concentrated too much on that.

Why does the muscle under my eye keep contracting? who knows.

What if the elitists actually lost everything and realized they were so much inferior to the rest of us?

2 Kiss Asses | Kiss My Ass


:: 2002 29 October :: 9.21pm
:: Mood: !?>>J!
:: Music: moulin rouge- come what may

i want to cry, and i feel like cring for some reason, but i'm not sad. hold on...here...

danibean05: for some reason i feel like cring, but i'm not sad, but i can't cry because i feel like i need someone to cry on...
danibean05: does this make sence?
danibean05: or none at all..or something?
SischoKid2006: it makes some sence
danibean05: i dunno...
SischoKid2006: might make more sence to someone more intouch with emotions, like a female
danibean05: usually i can cry without someone to comfort me, but today it just seems like i can't..
danibean05: yeah...but you are here, and you are listining
SischoKid2006: mmhm
danibean05: i dunno..i'm dumb
SischoKid2006: no no
danibean05: i don't know what to do...and i know you don't know what i should do either, but it makes me feel better to just talk

i dunno... i'm a phyco sometimes. heh... what are you doing you phyco!? oh boy, i miss him.... pish posh, i have to be happy, don't i?!


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