2002 29 August :: 11.08pm
:: Mood: happy pappy like a moose
:: Music: ben folds five and counting crows- a long december
whoa! i'm so excited about tomorrow!!!!!!!!! how about this shiz... 12 hours and 22 minutes till i see RYAN!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! and we won tonight!!!!!! GO TEAM!!!! the game was fun except for spupid ass mr. greene. he just pissed me off. oh well...i'm not going to let it get to me. well...i must go because i have to pack still because we are staying the night at my grandpa's house tomorrow. i'll be back sometime this weekend to tell you how it went. have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!! kisses!!!!!
Kiss My Ass
2002 26 August :: 4.00pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: africa (one of the songs we played at band camp that i downloaded!)
well... last night wasn't so bad. it got better when ryan got on and cheered me up. then for some reason i couldn't fall asleep but i guess at one time i did. i didn't really have any trouble getting up or anything. my classes are nice. i really like mrs. crowley. i can tell it's going to be a really fun class. the only class i'm not going to enjoy is algebra 2...the teacher is soooo scary!!!!!! but kevin is in my class so i have someone i'm friends with in it. other than that....everything is good. cya'll at marching band tonight. well...not everyone..but you know what i mean. :)
1 Kiss Ass |
Kiss My Ass
2002 25 August :: 9.10pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: moulin rouge- come what may
well... this is the last night of summer and as of right now... it sucks ducks. hopefully in the next 50 minutes i have before i have to go to bed, it will turn around. school will be alright i guess...i'm really sad that beans isn't in any of my classes or lunch. :( as for homecoming, i'm not sure of my plans yet. i'm either going to ryan's homecoming or just going to ours in my beautiful dress. i don't really want to go to ours though. oh well... ryan will cheer me up... last night we fell asleep on the phone..it was one of the best nights ever. i miss him soooooo much though. if we're lucky, we'll see each other in 6 whole days. i can't wait. for now... i'll see most of you bright and early tomorrow morning. :) gnasd
1 Kiss Ass |
Kiss My Ass
2002 24 August :: 2.09pm
Just let me be who I am,
Let me believe that I can control me,
Let me believe in the divine,
And let me believe in love.
I should feel for you,
So close yet so far away,
The guilt is all I have to keep me going.
Feelings for you are nothing,
Nothing to be acted upon,
Despite the pretense that I feel,
We will be kept apart.
We were one,
Now were none,
What we had does not exist,
What we had is still there.
I feel you, you feel me,
But still I know that together we would feel nothing.
And to all,
Let me be who I am,
Just let me be who I am,
Let me believe that I can control me,
Let me believe in the divine,
And let me believe in love.
2 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 22 August :: 10.59am
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: africa
i'm really sick which sucks ducks. i hate being sick. but a little change in plans...i'm going camping with kaly now so there won't be a trip to the beach for those of you who were still planing on that. we're leaving around 5:30 tonight and i should be back before dark on saturday. cya'll when i get back!!
Kiss My Ass
2002 19 August :: 10.34pm
:: Mood: second windish
:: Music: "You Shook Me All Night Long" AC/DC
I haven't been around here in a few days. I thought so much would change, when nothing really has. The drive to Allendale has gotten tiring already, but band camp is okay. The first day I was sort of optimistic, but that just went down the tubes after spending 7 hours out on the field and only going over attention, parade rest, left/right face, mark time, and roll step. Yes, for everyone in Cedar's Band, college is harder and they do things a little different, but it took us forever to learn just that little bit. Yesterday I was really depressed because we had auditions and I ended up 7 of 8, and the eighth person has only been marching tuba for one season and has to write the fingerings in. But I hit my second wind around 8 tonight. I figure if I can't be one of the best in music or marching like I was at Cedar, at least I'll show all these college kids that I can be the most intense person on that field, go me!
Now some personal notes:
Jessa, we all love you and care for you. Don't go that way, we're here for you whether you know it or not.
Shari: I'd be your bassist, but I'm going to be to busy and I can't hardly invision myself in a band with you, except that I once did.
To all those who wonder what my colors are now: here's you answer.
Whose the finest band in the land?
goodnight and God bless.
4 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 19 August :: 12.08pm
:: Mood: nice
:: Music: john mayer- not myself
ok all you dirty lusses.... i got my schedule fixed today so here it is!!!
1- Band- Robuck
2- Soc. Stud. Pers. 1- Schoen
3- Spanish 2- Crowley
4- English 2- Millard
5- Yearbook- Stark
6- Algebra 2- Andrus
mr. walker said the lunches go like this... if your 4th hour is on the BOTTOM floor, you have B LUNCH.
if your 4th hour is on the TOP floor, you have A LUNCH.
this means i have A LUNCH! if you have any classes with me, reply and we'll celebrate :)
anyways..i'm going to kaly's today. she's going to help me make an extra special scrapbook of band camp pictures from the past few years. then marching band! yippe! yep...time to fly... later ;)
5 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 17 August :: 11.28pm
:: Mood: dirty like a luss
:: Music: agjdgshda
You have just entered room "mushy taters."
danibean05: mushy taters?
LibertyCPD: yeah
LibertyCPD: mushy taters
danibean05: we are the only one here
LibertyCPD: yeah
danibean05: are you tring to seduce me?
LibertyCPD: the other pplz are supposed to get here sometime
LibertyCPD: yes
LibertyCPD: i have been
danibean05: ohh
LibertyCPD: mwa ha ha ha *cough* *cough* i'm choking....
danibean05: i see how it is
LibertyCPD: *cough*
LibertyCPD: ok
LibertyCPD: i'm fine now
LibertyCPD: i'm fine
danibean05: you're a dirty luss
LibertyCPD: luss?
danibean05: yes
danibean05: luss
LibertyCPD: what does that mean?
danibean05: i don't know... i just play instruments...i don't spell
danibean05: gosh... there is a sweaty moose tring to lurch at me
LibertyCPD: ?
danibean05: save me from the lurching moose!!!
LibertyCPD: *kills lurching moose with a toothpick and a picture of george clooney wearing a suit*
danibean05: ooooOOOoooo
danibean05: thank you roger!
danibean05: roger w.
danibean05: you saved the day!
LibertyCPD: sarah was hitting on me...
danibean05: was she
LibertyCPD: *yay*
danibean05: how so?
LibertyCPD: i saved the day
danibean05: i know
danibean05: but how did she hit on you
LibertyCPD: she goes "i love you roger w!"
LibertyCPD: she's such a shameless hussy
danibean05: hahahahaha
danibean05: i think so
danibean05: and i'm a dirty luss
danibean05: :-D
danibean05: see my teeth?!
danibean05: those are the teeth of a dirty luss
LibertyCPD: those are lips
danibean05: no
danibean05: teeth
danibean05: see:-D
LibertyCPD: i hate to know what you've been biting on with those teeth
danibean05: um...ryan's face
LibertyCPD: i think it's more than his fac
danibean05: no no no
LibertyCPD: face
3 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 17 August :: 11.23pm
:: Mood: shameless
:: Music: get up kids- i'll catch you
i've got some funny stuff for later... you just wait!
you shameless hussy!
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Kiss My Ass
2002 15 August :: 9.19pm
:: Mood: sad
this sucks ducks... i hate this... why can't we just be together??? the world is such a cruel place. *tears roll down face*
Kiss My Ass
2002 15 August :: 1.32pm
:: Mood: tired even though i took a virtual nap
:: Music: john mayer.... your body is a wonderland
toot toot i like ryan!
Kiss My Ass
2002 13 August :: 11.27pm
:: Mood: okay
i'm back from montana. it was really nice. call me for details... i'm not going to go in depth because i'm too lazy. oh well. i laid around today.. it felt good to lay around. so good... i might just do that tomorrow...with the exception of going running with beans in the morning. well... that's it for now.. im in no mood for posting. good night
3 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 8 August :: 12.02am
:: Mood: happy!
:: Music: birthday!
to me!
TOOT TOOT!! it's my birthday!!!!!!!
too to totoott
toot toot
4 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 7 August :: 11.20pm
one other thing before i leave... i changed my aol screen name. it's danibean05... i think i'm going to use it from now on so just talk to me on that.... good night.
Kiss My Ass
2002 7 August :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: eh...
i bet an elephant wouldn't feel this bad the day before his birthday. i need ryan here...bad...i'm going to cry. oh yeah.. i'll be back tuesday for montana. have fun kids. my birthday's tomorrow and *****i think that ryan kiernicki smells like an elephant on it's BIRTHday*****
Kiss My Ass