2002 6 August :: 10.31pm
:: Mood: a big 'ol mix of everything bad!!!!!!!!
:: Music: nothing!!!
we'll start off on a good note.... i started teaching Vacation Bible School yesterday and i love it!!!! the kids in my group are soooo cute!! by the end of the day i have about 5 kids all wanting me to pick them up all at once and another one pulling on my leg and another one holding my hand. it's so precious. they are so innocent and make me forget about my problems for the time i'm with them. i think it's been really good for me. anyways....
i have so much on my mind right now i can't really control it. my mind that is. my mind is out of control. i'm analizing myself and i think it's because ryan is gone and all i think about is us and i can't talk to him to tell him everything. he's at overnight marching camp (who's ever heard of that anyways!?) and it's killing me!! i miss him alot. sunday he sang me a song over the phone while playing the piano. he's a really good singer. it was some country song. oh! you know what... taryn's subject got me thinking ...it was the one that said......
When am I going to find someone who thinks like I do? In all ways, not just one.
i've found that person...and it's the greatest feeling ever. i guess i'm extremley happy about that...i have been. but he's far far away and i miss him... no one really knows how it feels except kaly. she's been a BIG help. i think i'm jumping subjects way too much...bah.. oh well. too many thoughts...too little brain. of course i'm wondering if he's thinking of me too. he claims he usually is...but you never know do you?! 2 days till my BIRTHday!!!!!! woooo!!!!! and 2 days till we leave for montana!!!! woooo!!!!!!
Kiss My Ass
2002 4 August :: 1.08am
oh yeah... and my birthdays thursday... go me.
6 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 4 August :: 12.59am
:: Mood: okay
well... i've neglected my journal only because of the fact that i was pissed off at the last comment i got. my only say about it is.. if you are sick of hearing about it.. don't read my journal and don't talk to me. other than that.. i have nothing else to say. good night!
Kiss My Ass
2002 30 July :: 10.49pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: weezer- the sweater song
tee hee hee hee tee hee
marching camp was more fun today. everyone in pit was really giggly and squirly so we had alot of laughing outbursts. fun times.... i only talked to ryan for a few minutes...but it was better than nothing. anyway... i'm tired..good night!!
8 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 29 July :: 11.36pm
:: Mood: satisfied i suppose
um...yeah... marching band sucks soooooo bad. pit is alot of work. alot more than marching flute was last year. ugh...oh well. i'm talking to ryan and he cheers me up :) eh...good night
Kiss My Ass
2002 29 July :: 10.34pm
So young...so angry...damn that rap music!!!
I think everyone needs to chill. Although it is a journal site where you post your opinions, thoughts, bitch, complain, and in some peoples case, whine and degrade other people, you have to remember that it is Gunnie's site. And who is Gunnie?? Some call him Andy Gunneson...you know...that tall, kinda goofy, but cool in his own way, kid that used to carry around a metal lunch box?? Yeah, him...his site...his site means he controls it...control means the ability to monitor and edit anything added to his site...INCLUDING journal entries...so chill...everyone!
5 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 28 July :: 10.56pm
:: Mood: tired/sad/happy
i'm back
well... i'm back from band camp. this year was by far the best year of them all. i met the boy of my dreams. his name is ryan and he lives about 3 and a half hours away. he's sooooo cute and he has the most beautiful eyes. we have alot in common too! i had the time of my life. i'm really tired so i don't think i'm going to put all the details in here... call me and i'll tell ya all about it... you know my number. i hope everyone had a good week... i started to go back and read everyones journal...but i got too lazy. good night.
5 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 20 July :: 12.58am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: get up kids- out of reach
Long way from home
Lost by an echo never of known
I've got pictures to prove I was there
but you don't care
Here's me overseas
cross the pond by the dover peaks
I've smuggled myself into new nationalities
think you'd be proud of me
There's room to believe
Out of sight
Out of mind
Out of reach
Start over
it's no way to begin
Long way from home
Lost by an echo never have known
I've got pictures to prove I was there
but you don't care
There's room to believe
Out of sight
Out of Mind
Out of Reach
Start Over
Start Over
It's no way to begin
There's room to believe
Out of sight
Out of Mind
Out of Reach
Start Over
Start Over
It's no way to begin
way to begin
way to begin
1 Kiss Ass |
Kiss My Ass
2002 20 July :: 12.35am
:: Mood: moved
:: Music: mmm.... some song with a pretty acoustic guitar
ok...this is it. it's the last one. i just couldn't leave without saying goodbye to everyone on instant messenger! i'm such a dork. but yep... i'm almost to tears from this song and mixed emotions. i love you guys.. wait..i already told you that. oh well... see you when i get back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo ...hugs..kisses... high fives... anything else... hand shakes i guess... mmmmm...they make milk shakes at camp!!!!! they are ssssoooooooooooooooo good..so is their ice cream...it's homemade!!!!!! anywho... have lots of fun and i'll talk to you all when i return!! GOOD NIGHT!
Kiss My Ass
2002 19 July :: 5.31pm
:: Mood: happy and excited..but sad too :(
:: Music: stroke 9- kick some ass
this is crazy!!!! i'm so freakin excited about camp!! like..i can't wait.. i can taste the food, i can smell the way the dorms always smell, i can feel the hugs and i can hear the laughs. i absolutly cannot wait!!!!!! on the other hand, i'm going to miss you guys alot! i hope you all have a GREAT week and don't update too much so i don't have to sit here forever to catch up. i'll think about you guys everyday. hmm... i could put the camp address on here but i don't think people would write me. oh... you know what else is weird??? my music that i have donloaded on here is making me so happy. like... it's the same stuff i listen to every time i'm on the computer, but today... it makes me want to run around screaming the lyrics so loud so the world can sing with me. i love that rush i get from music. all music.... i always get a rush when we play a really intense or pretty song at camp. it's the greatest thing. for the next week i'm going to be surrounded constantly with music and it's going to be so wonderful. i can't wait. take care of yourselves... don't get hurt or lost and don't do anything dumb. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! SEE YOU ALL IN A WEEK!!!!!!!! BBBYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 18 July :: 3.17pm
This is it my friends, I hope you understand:
"But now we are a mob. Man does not stand in awe of man, nor is his genius admonished to stay at home, to put itself in communication with the internal ocean, but it goes abroad to beg a cup of water of the urns of other men. We must go alone. I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching. How far off, how cool, how chaste the persons look, begirt each one with a precinct or sanctuary! So let us always sit. Why should we assume the faults of our friend, or wife, or father, or child, because they sit around our hearth, or are said to have the same blood? All men have my blood, and I have all men's. Not for that will I adopt their petulance or folly, even to the extent of being ashamed of it. But your isolation must not be mechanical, but spiritual, that is, must be elevation. At times the whole world seems to be in conspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles. Friend, client, child, sickness, fear, want, charity, all knock at once at thy closet door, and say, — 'Come out unto us.' But keep thy state; come not into their confusion. The power men possess to annoy me, I give them by a weak curiosity. No man can come near me but through my act. "What we love that we have, but by desire we bereave ourselves of the love." "
- Emerson, Self-Reliance
4 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 18 July :: 3.11pm
It was too good, I had to put it someplace else....
We live our life through our eyes, our eyes see through our heart, and our heart get's it's reasoning from the brain. The way our brain preseves things is the way in which we live out our life. I don't know how anybody sees this world except for the way I see it. And the way I see it may be totally different from the way you see it, or he sees it, or she sees it, but we'll never know, now will we, because I have nothing to compare it to. Just like you don't know what pleasure is, if you've never had pain, and you'll never know how much sun on a cloudy day can cheer you up, until you don't have any sun at all. And without this, I just have to surmise, that I am the only one, I am and indiviual, I'm the only one to see the world like I do. And that makes me feel lonely, not knowing if you understand what I tell you, if you don't understand how I see, how I feel, how I know you. So we might as well be complete strangers, because I don't know you at all, yet, dispite our world of differences, we have one
common, which will unite us, unite us as a world, as a society, and as human beings, until we cannot see, feel, or hear our fellow people. All I ask is that you understand that I may be ununderstandable, and that maybe, we can find each other on some other level, of which our perspective meets, and we can be free, free to be ourselves unlike anyone knows us, unlike anybody understands us, just to be, just to feel, like us, and to talk like us, and just to be us.
3 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 18 July :: 12.56pm
I'm now working at Wolverine World Wide...finally out of Rosies. I start on Monday...had my interview today. It was basically me showing up for them to make sure I wasn't a nut or anything. 1st shift...6:30-3...it's gonna be weird being up that early...eh...for 8 bucks an hour, I'll manage...
Kiss My Ass
2002 18 July :: 12.50pm
mmm...chex mix...mmm...
What's your favorite part of chex mix? The round pretzels, the windowpane pretzels, the bagel chips, rye chips, the wheat chex, the corn chex, or the bread twists??
8 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2002 18 July :: 10.23am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: some song in b flat
hmmmmmm...... hm hmmm hmmm... i want to say what i'm feeling...but if you refer up to my mood, i can't really put it into words. so.. oh well i guess.
2 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass