2004 29 April :: 7.28am
i'm finally finished with humanities and that wmoan. if i never see her again in all my life, it'll still be too soon.
only one more final before i'm no longer a freshman.
1 useless delusion |
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 21 April :: 3.36pm
tell me, is it completely wrong that i cheated on my test? i know i wasn't the only one doing it, but i still did it. i don't really feel guilty about it, and i feel guilty that i don't feel guilty
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 15 April :: 5.02pm
summer's coming. thats like 3 more weeks of school or something ridiculous like that. like 15 more days. i only wish i was going somewhere exciting for vacation. that would make it sooooo much more worth it. yeah...
1 useless delusion |
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 3 April :: 2.29pm
"a heart can be broken, but is goes on beating the same"
2 useless delusions |
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 28 March :: 11.15pm
:: Music: hoobastank
check list
humanities paper: done
psychology research: done
humanities photography project: done
life is good
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 25 March :: 3.27pm
so unbelievably...i don't know. to steal a word from my wonderfully beautiful and talented friend, i am *happious*
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 9 March :: 9.38pm
yay for making new friends
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 5 March :: 5.31pm
things are so unbelievably crazy. i don't know. its not just crazy for me either. it seems to be that way for everyone. i'm worried about anne. she has way too much stress. entirely too much to deal with. i don't know.
anne, i love you. just remember to take it one day at a time and not let it get to you so much. thats all you can do right now. thats all anyone can do
1 useless delusion |
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 29 February :: 10.36am
last night was a lot of fun. not quite as much as i hoped it would be, but what do expect when there are new people there that don't know what they're doing and some of the best people that have been there from the beginning aren't present. i don't know, i don't like the new lady. she's very competitive. she's been out for too long. she doesn't know how to handle herself around people. its odd. it really is. i don't know. i don't know
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 19 February :: 9.40pm
i've made him so unbelievably happy again and disappointed myself
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 14 February :: 8.02pm
okay, they tell me i take things too personally. maybe they're right, maybe i do. but that's how i am, that's how i've always been. if someone acts angry with me, i automatically assume its my fault. when you tell me you don't know what to think anymore, i take the blame. i must have done something wrong. i usually do, i usually have. i don't know what to do with this life anymore. i don't want to leave it behind again. for the most part, i'm happy. i have friends. i love my friends. they're always here for me. they always help me through the hard times. the problems start when i get TOO attached. when the feelings become more than platonic. that happens all too often. there are too many that i truly love. too many that i care so much for. so much it hurts. i don't like that pain. its almost too much to bear. i don't like to cry over them. "no use crying over spilled perfume" i wish it were that simple. i wish it was so easy to not cry over these small set-backs. it can't be that easy. its not possible. i don't know. friends are great until they become more than just friendly feelings. this seems so minor when i look at what all of you are going through. i'm sorry for wasting your time. i love you all.
is somebody out there, will somebody listen