2004 13 February :: 8.54am
valentines day is coming
bah!, i really don't like valentines day
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 8 February :: 1.13am
happiness courses through me at the mere thought of his deep admiration for me being that obvious to complete strangers
in all honesty, i love him too
2 useless delusions |
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 1 February :: 10.51pm
the patriots won!
yay for new england!
2 useless delusions |
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 31 January :: 6.48pm
why would anyone do that to her? why would they think she wouldn't accept them for who they are? why would they treat her that way? i don't get it
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 29 January :: 3.02pm
entirely too much sadness
she doesn't deserve all this stress
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 26 January :: 12.00pm
this is so much fun!
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 21 January :: 4.31pm
yay! for four day weeks!
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2004 11 January :: 9.40am
yay! back to school tomorrow!
is somebody out there, will somebody listen
2003 25 December :: 10.31am
yay! its christmas! and there's snow!
is somebody out there, will somebody listen