2007 4 February :: 4.05 pm
The Washington State Supreme Court recently ruled that the state could prevent gay and lesbian couples from marrying because the state has a legitimate interest in preserving marriage for procreation.
In a clever response, gay marriage activists have filed a state initiative that will allow only couples capable of having kids to marry, and require that they file "proof of procreation" within three years of the marriage. If not, the marriage would be annulled. It will also require that couples married in other states provide proof of procreation and will make it a crime to get marriage benefits without meeting the procreation requirement.
The Washington Secretary of State has accepted the initiative as a potential ballot measure. Activists need to get 224,800 signatures to get it on the November ballot.
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2007 3 February :: 10.48 am
"The Church Of Scientology thinks that Tom Cruise is the messiah. I don't know, I always expected God to be, you know, taller. And a top."
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2007 29 January :: 8.40 pm
Isaiahgate Update
Despite costar Isaiah Washington’s rehab stint for his homophobic slur, Grey’s Anatomy cutie T.R. Knight may leave the hit show, according to MSNBC’s Jeannette Walls. “He feels that the atmosphere there is so toxic and unhealthy,” a source told the Scoop. Knight’s spokeswoman wouldn’t comment at first, but mere moments later adamantly denied Knight’s departure, saying the rumor was “one thousand percent false.” Meanwhile, on Friday’s The Ellen DeGeneres Show, sexually ambiguous funny gal Wanda Sykes gave her two cents on Isaiahgate, joking, “Gay rehab? That sounds like traffic school.” After commenting on how African-Americans have “overcome” now that they are dishing out bigoted comments rather than taking them, Sykes added, “Maybe gay is the new black now.”
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2007 29 January :: 6.36 pm
"A `eugoogolizer.' One who speaks at funerals. Or did you think that I would be too stupid to know what a `eugoogoly' was?"
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2007 13 January :: 9.57 pm
:: Music: 98 Degrees: Give Me Just One Night
So, my great aunt Ruth sent some photos from the funeral...
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2007 12 January :: 8.11 pm
Death has its side effects.
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2007 11 January :: 10.54 pm
What's so great about being normal?
I love Roswell.
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2007 6 January :: 10.33 pm
For some reason I thought I wouldn't need a new car fixed. Need to make an appointment for no less than four warranty repairs.
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2007 3 January :: 10.25 pm
You bought a used lion?
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2007 2 January :: 11.06 pm
Going number three
Dude, that penis is sweet.
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2006 21 December :: 3.41 am
"White trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy."
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2006 18 December :: 1.16 am
:: Music: Regina Spektor: Fidelity
More Cock, Please
By N.S.
More cock, please.
No, that’s not enough. More, more. It’s important that you help me reinforce the stereotype of the sex-obsessed gay man who fucks compulsively and indiscriminately, thereby living an empty and hollow existence in which he is unable to love.
Any orifice will do. Oh, you have genital warts? That’s okay, I do too. And AIDS and every other STD imaginable, which are, of course, punishment for my immoral lifestyle.
You, over there. Yeah, you. You’ll do.
Are you straight? Yes? Shit, that’s great. The fact that you’re having sex with me permits me to brand you as a homosexual, a ‘closet case’ as it were. And everybody knows that the scientifically observed fact of sexuality being fluid and permitting a plethora of activity outside the bounds of standard heterosexuality is bullshit, so come out of the closet already, you fucking faggot.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your cock. As you ram it down my throat, it’s apparent to me that it’s not the act itself that turns me on, so much as the high I get from symbolically possessing aspects of a masculinity that I have denied in myself. For this we can surely blame my father, who never taught me to play baseball.
So now that you’re having sex with me and I’ve brought you down to my level, I can feel, if only for a moment, like being gay isn’t all that bad. As if it isn’t a behavior that I know deep in my soul to be unnatural and against the will of God.
That’s it, come in my mouth. Mmmm.
Okay, next! How about you? Oh, you’re gay? Whatever.
Hey, maybe we can devise some semblance of a mutual relationship, and pretend that we are in love? Perhaps this will provide a brief respite for the crushing knowledge that we are in fact uber-narcissistic man-children, forever slaves to a thumb-sucking mommy complex, and destined to die in loneliness and despair because we can never love anyone as much as we love ourselves?
Anyway, fuck me in the ass.
What—you’re putting on a condom? Jesus, you gotta be kidding me. Do you really think I respect my body and myself enough to want to protect myself from an STD that--heavens forefend--I don’t already possess?
Please. I would consider it an honor to receive your diseased meat and/or the toxic seed contained within. It would only hasten my departure from a world in which I attempt to normalize behaviors that are quite obviously unnatural, exhibiting a denial bordering on psychosis in which I do not see that men were given a penis and women a vagina for a reason, and that homosexual behavior violates the very fabric of human existence and the universe.
Harder, please. Also, keep calling me your cock-hungry fuck puppet. Your continued thrusting and hurling of insults only turns me on more. Oh, it may seem that we’re only role-playing, and the slaps you apply so generously to my face and ass are a fetishistic device used to enhance the sexual relations we are currently enjoying.
But we both know that your hatred is real, and what may seem like an innocent game is actually a serious expression of the hatred you feel for yourself, and my acceptance of this hatred hinges upon my sublimated desire to be punished for the sinful lifestyle that I have chosen, yes chosen, for myself.
Yeah, pump your load into my ass.
Isn’t it depressing to think of all that is wasted in the act we have just completed? Instead of taking part in the beautiful creation of life, we have instead resigned ourselves to a state of suspended adolescence in which we espouse the futile and vile notion that the gay lifestyle is somehow “normal” and “acceptable.”
Your precious seed of life has become little more than excrement, to be eventually shat out of my bowels and cast into the sewer, the sewer where our kind most assuredly belongs.
Oh well. On to the next one.
What, you don’t want to fuck me?
Well fuck you!
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2006 15 December :: 5.51 pm
Q: What do gay men call testicles?
A: Mud flaps
There are three gay couples. One man in each couple dies. I ask the first man how he is going to remember his gentleman friend. He replies, "I'm going to put his body to sea because we loved the beach." I ask the second one the same question. He replies, "I'm going to bury him in the mountains because we were big hikers." I ask the third man, "How will you remember your gentleman friend?" He replies, "I'm going to cremate him and put him in my chili so he can rip up my ass one more time."
Q: What's the difference betwen a washing machine and your ex-boyfriend?
A: With the washing machine you get your clothes back after putting a load in...
Q: What are glow-in-the-dark condoms used for?
A: So gay men can play Star Wars.
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2006 7 December :: 10.44 pm
What if I did rent a homosexual for the evening? And pay him with rare collectibles from Asian cinema?
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2006 6 December :: 5.28 am
:: Music: Jessica Simpson: I Think I'm In Love With You
I'm bored.
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2006 23 November :: 3.42 am
Just watched Undercurrent. Pretty good for a really old movie. Although the black and white was really starting to drive me crazy. Well that and the acting style of their day.
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2006 22 November :: 10.01 pm
My life as a game of strip poker.
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2006 20 November :: 3.01 pm
:: Music: Bowling For Soup: High School
Suddenly that invitation to join a group of misguided friends on a
year long nude roller skating trip across Central America looked pretty
damned good.
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2006 17 November :: 8.25 pm
Men are to me what chardonnay is to you. One sip and I’m hanging upside down from a chandelier.
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2006 17 November :: 6.14 pm
God doesn’t make mistakes.
Oh, I don’t know. Testicles on the outside isn’t such a good idea.
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2006 17 November :: 5.12 pm
Just watched “Come September.” Rock Hudson was hot. Too bad he was a man whore and is dead.
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2006 15 November :: 8.11 pm
Christians Piss Their Pants
No, they aren't into watersports. Christians, particularly the Roman Catholics and the more obnoxious evangelicals, are pissing their pants in fear.
On Tuesday, the nation's Roman Catholic bishops met in Baltimore to re-declare the church's teaching that same-sex attractions are "disordered". Why do they think this? Because same-sex attraction does not lead to pregnancy - the only reason that the Catholic Church believes sex exists. And so they claim that gays cannot experience true happiness because nobody gets pregnant.
Ask 1,000 American Roman Catholics if they think that sex is for getting pregnant only and that God intended that sex only be engaged in by a husband and wife and only when they intend to have a baby and see how many of them agree? If you find 100, especially among Catholics below the age of 30, I would faint from shock.
At the same time, the largest Baptist group in North Carolina adopted a policy that expels any Baptist congregation that is too "gay-friendly". God forbid that any Baptist church should show any compassion or welcome to someone that is on the 'fringe' of society. After all, Jesus NEVER did anything like that!
Uh...oh, that's right. He did.
Well, never mind, the Baptists won't make that mistake! After all, you can't keep people the object of fear and hatred if you actually get to know them, can you? And they need that fear and hatred to keep their congregations in line.
That's what this is all about. Control. The more that Gays come out of the closet and show the world that we are just like everybody else, that we don't have two heads or horns, that we don't rape children, that we don't do 99% of the shit that we're accused of, people start to not listen to the bigots and hypocrites running the churches. And not listening equates to not putting so much in the 'plate' anymore and who the hell is going to pay for their huge churches and their fancy wardrobes and their limousines? After all, didn't Jesus ride around Judea in a litter dressed in the finest robes that money could buy?
Uh...no? Oh, well, he should have because his followers sure do!
The most disgusting thing about all of this, is this restatement of the Roman church's hatred of Gays comes from new guidelines for church ministries to Gays! They want to minister to us at the same time they're calling us "disordered".
No, thank you.
I want nothing to do with your church or with your narrow-minded god. Keep your Jesus and your Baptist crap and your catholic crap and shove them up your ass. You have no business ministering to Gays until you spend at least 100 years apologizing for all the harm you've done to us throughout the centuries. Your bishops and your popes and all your priests and nuns and ministers should burn in your denominational hells for that alone.
I love it when I find an amusing journal.
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2006 13 November :: 4.29 pm
Guess the lick word.
It’s just that your tongue has bad penmanship.
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2006 10 November :: 11.44 pm
I used to be a master of the anti-gay crusade
Until a butch disaster blew my pastor masquerade
But if it's true I'm pounding more than pulpits, don't blame me
It's 'cause I caught my hooker-tweaker-stud's infirmity
Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis
Worse than plague and bird flu crossed with osteoporosis
We were playing doctor and he gave this diagnosis:
Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis
Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
I found the perfect therapist - the kind that gives massage
I like to drive my Escort and I park in his garage
I swear he only serves me crank when all his coke is gone
And then he helps me straighten out my Peter, James, and John
Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis
That's my greatest guilty pleasure next to Guns N' Roses
Good thing there's no ban on it in all the books of Moses
Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis
Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
It seems all pious public figures bugger on the sly
But Jesus loved republicans and sinners; so must I
Say "Holy moley, Mister Foley! That boy's underage!"
But I believe the congressman has turned another page
Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis
Next time, better cut me off at handshakes and Mimosas
No more meth or men for me (at least in overdoses)!
Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis!
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2006 7 November :: 11.09 pm
That fucking Pentecostal bitch!
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2006 6 November :: 8.16 pm
:: Music: Scissor Sisters
This is going to be an obscenely long post, so deal with it.
Just when you think the post office couldn’t possibly mutilate a package worse than last time, they prove you wrong.
Best birthday card yet! And congratulations remembering who the actor was and actually finding a picture of him with clothes on. Great find on that book too, I need to start a video rental account.
Grandma’s wake was tonight. It’s kind of amazing the number of people I met tonight. Not really surprising that I didn’t know everyone, but what was surprising was the number of people that I didn’t know that are family. The wake was supposed to start at four for family and then at five for the general public. Almost none of the family showed up until well after five. I got to meet my aunt Paulette, ug. Aunt Mary dressed grandma in the dress that she got her to wear to her wedding. Kind of bothered me because it really wasn’t grandma. It’s a satiny silver dress like thing that reminds me of a space suit. The grandma that I remember was always in a denim skirt to her ankles and a plaid shirt. The mortician put funny makeup on her too. I’d never seen her with any so it was odd to begin with, but they gave her a metallic pink gloss lipstick… I never realized that her wedding ring was a plain gold band, no stones/diamonds whatsoever.
My family is fucking nuts. I can’t believe how much cat fighting was going on at a stupid wake. And do you really need to be told to dress nicely? I mean a jumpsuit is not a good thing anytime, but for a wake? How about blue jeans and cowboy boots? T-shirts? I felt completely overdressed in leather shoes with nice blue jeans and a button down shirt. And would it kill people to do your hair?
So much to write and so much I don’t want to think about. Maybe I’ll expand on this tomorrow…
Ione Elizabeth Burgess, 76, of Fall Creek returned to the Lord on Nov. 1, 2006, at Dove Healthcare Nursing & Rehabilitation with her family by her side.
She was born in Cleghorn, Wis., on Aug. 27, 1930, one of 12 children born to Albert and Louise (Tumm) Henning. Ione married Paul Phillip Burgess, Sr., on Sept. 14, 1946, at the First Baptist Church parsonage in Eau Claire. Ione and Paul started their family in Eau Claire before moving to Cleghorn, the site of their first dairy farm. Ione and Paul later moved to “the farm” in Fall Creek, where they raised 11 children. Ione and Paul were married more than 58 years at the time of his death.
Beloved wife and mother, sister and grandmother, Ione was never too busy to cook a meal, provide care or serve the Lord. Family meals were an occasion for Ione to bake pies, to serve her homemade pickles and to share the lives of her loved ones. All who knew Ione will remember her kindness, strength, generosity and faith.
Ione will be remembered with love by her children, Steven (Brenda) Burgess of Eau Claire, Paula Burgess of Ogden, Utah, Mark (Judi) Burgess of Boerne, Texas, Elizabeth (Dan) Hayden of Rock Falls, Peter (Nancy) Burgess of Elk Mound, Andy (Diane) Burgess of Fall Creek, Nathan (Brenda) Burgess of Brackett, Benjamin Burgess of Fall Creek, Joanna Madison of Eau Claire and Mary Beth (Chris) Huson of Eau Claire; 21 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; her siblings, Doris (George) Frase of Fall Creek, Marlys Zimmerman of Eau Claire, Della (Ron) Kunz of Stromberg, Neb., Donald Henning of Eau Claire, Albert Henning, Jr., of Minneapolis, Minn., James (Ruth) Henning of Ponca City, Okla., Arliss (Ray) Goff of St. Paul, Minn., and Diane (Joe) Hall of Annandale, Minn.; her daughter-in-law, Lori Bates of Fall Creek; and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul; their son, Paul Burgess II; her parents; infant sister, Elizabeth Henning; brother, Alfred (Bud) Henning; brother, Lester Henning; infant great-granddaughter, Michaela Barby; and nephew, Dale Zimmerman.
Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006, at Pentecostal Assembly Church in Eau Claire. Pastor Paul Bennett will officiate. Burial will be in the Rest Haven Cemetery in the town of Washington.
Family and friends may call at the Pentecostal Assembly Church in Eau Claire on Monday, Nov. 6, 2006, from 5 to 8 p.m. and again on Tuesday morning from 9:30 a.m. until the time of services. Ione supported numerous charities throughout her life. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to the family or given in her name to Tupelo Children’s Mansion Ministries, P.O. Box 167, Tupelo, MS 38802.
Friends and family are invited to sign the guest book online at www.fullerspeckien.com.
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2006 5 November :: 10.52 pm
You be Christina and I’ll be Izzy.
Uteruses, uteri?
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2006 4 November :: 10.37 pm
So, uncle Herb shot a deer up the ass. When asked why he shot there, he said, “It was looking right at me.” Maybe it’s just me, but shouldn’t you check and make sure the deer isn’t looking over its back at you? They couldn’t even find an entry wound; he had to have shot it directly up the ass. Somehow this is extremely amusing to me.
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2006 4 November :: 9.58 pm
:: Music: Justin Timberlake: Like I Love You
So, I went funeral shopping today. Got some new shoes, shirt, undershirt, tie, belt, and just to throw it all off, a pillow. Somehow that wasted $250. Never again will I visit a mall on a Saturday afternoon, well until I forget again.
The wake is going to be Monday and the funeral Tuesday. I wonder how it will be having the whole family crammed in a room together? Last time this happened there were derogatory conversations about faggots.
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