I got Netflix for my Xbox on Sunday. Really nifty. The only thing I really miss is the skip feature. I’m used to being able to skip 30 seconds at a time to get through the boring parts.
So far Netflix has been suggesting good movies. Although, this morning, I watched two flops. Nine was awful. Keith was only slightly better. Or maybe it was worse. Either way they both sucked.
Wee Irish boy crying by the side of the road.
A man asks "What's wrong?"
Boy says "Me Ma is dead"
"Oh bejaysus" the man says "Do you want me to get Father O'Riley ?"
Wee boy replies"No thanks Mister, sex is the last ting on me moi nd roight now."
Hydrogen bomb. Time travel. Satan. Smoke Monster. Death by impaling. Body switching. Gunshot. Gunshot. Magic sand. Alternate universe. More Satan. Magic water. Resurrection. Satan.