2007 23 April :: 6.18pm
So I just finished an exam...1 down 3 to go. I think it went ok though, I only needed a 60 on it to get my C. It is sad that I have resorted to "hoping for C's" but there it is.
The day after tomarrow I will be in CAlifornia. I am really excited even though it is a not so happy reason for a visit. I love my aunties and am excited to see them. My cousin Ryan is takin me out to dinner before I leave might be wierd, but good weird.
Now I have to write some papers, so I guess I will try to get on that.
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2007 20 April :: 11.12pm
Is it paranoia that Monica Lewinski was a KGB trained sex agent mole?
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2007 19 April :: 8.37pm
:: Music: Ben Folds- Alice Childress
"Some summers in the evening after six or so
I walk on down the hill
and maybe buy a beer
I think about my friends
sometimes I wish they lived out here
but they wouldn't dig this town
no, they wouldn't dig this town"
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2007 19 April :: 3.24pm
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2007 18 April :: 1.56pm
So at 10:30 am today, I finished college. It's unbelievable to think I will never have to do any of that school crap again. And I am so proud of myself I could burst!
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2007 17 April :: 9.03pm
So, breaking my rule of not writing a journal entry about something if I don't so immediately following the event, I felt compelled (as if by some external force) to write about what is now being referred to as "The David Duchovny Experience." Yes, Michelle and I went see a premeire of Jake Kasdan's "The TV Set" shortly upon returning from Spring Break, and afterwards Good Morning America's Joel Seigel interviewed David. It was a very surreal experience, the culmination of years of... X-Files I don't know what. It was nice to materialize something that has been part of my life for a very long time. I can't remember feeling so nervous, even school-girlish, about an experience in a very long time. The details are mostly already available from Michelle's entry, but I did get a chance to shake his hand and wish him luck on his upcoming Showtime series (interestingly enough, entitled "Californication"). I'm really glad we were able to go. As weird of an experience as it was, I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like if it was Gillian instead. Very cool, indeed.
Horrible camera phone picture of David and Michelle. You can make it out, if you know what you are looking at:

Things are going really well of late. I'm proud of what I've accomplished this year, and am proud of what others are accomplishing as well.
Kurt Vonnegut died. So it goes...
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2007 17 April :: 1.01pm
SO my mom freaked me out while she was here...I forgot my grandma Santiago died from Breast cancer...both sides of the family is not good...
Dunzo was sad.
I fly out to California a week from tomarrow.
I have 4 papers, 3 exams, and a presentation due before that.
Harrison might stay in my apt. while I am gone.
Ryan wanted me to go to his graduation, but I don't get back til the day after. I think he was dissapointed, but we will both have to get over that. I was just happy he thought about it.
Ricci finally contacted see when she could drop off my stuff...*sigh*
BAck to the grind I guess...
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2007 10 April :: 12.02pm
Well, i presented my thesis yesterday and rocked it! Now there are only 3 things for the rest of my college career that I need to do and turn in..this is the most incredible feeling.
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2007 8 April :: 10.46pm
Zicam is an ingenious product. It causes you to sneeze so many times in a row that your sinuses become clear. Just make sure you’re standing in front of a sink before you take it, there will be explosive emission.
Hi mom, how was your date, with your pimp?
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2007 4 April :: 7.27pm
So My mom was here frome friday to this morning and I almost killed her numerous times. This was the first time we had spent that much time together though in...and i would not be exagerating....years. She is thinking about marrying Mike and wants me to think about being her maid of honor...gag.
In other, more happy news, I am flying out of Michigan as soon as my last exam is done on the 25th. I am going to stay with my Aunt Paula from the 25th of April to the 6th of May. I am SO excited.
Also My plane ticket to Prague came in the mail the other day. It is real. I am going to Europe this summer. weird.
Harrison is picking me up in few minutes and I have to print off a map. Hopefully after certain kids see David D. I will get a phone call with some details and we can catch up.
I finally have made peace with my Kalamazoo situation, mostly because I am realizing how temporary it is. I am happy again.
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2007 1 April :: 8.20pm
"Being gay is not a choice to be made but, rather, a fact one must eventually resign oneself to."
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2007 1 April :: 12.51am
Travel Agent: Hi, come on in. What can I help you folks with today? Have a seat.
Male A-Hole: Yeah, we wanna take a trip. What kind you got?
Travel Agent: Well, we have all sorts of travel packages, do you know where you want to go?
Male A-Hole: Where ya wanna go, babe?
Female A-Hole: I don't care.
Male A-Hole: We don't care.
Travel Agent: Okay, well, I can help you with that. Would you like to go someplace warm?
Male A-Hole: Whaddya think, babe?
Female A-Hole: 'Bout what?
Male A-Hole: The warmth.
Female A-Hole: The WHAT?
Male A-Hole: Warmth.
Female A-Hole: Can I have a diet ginger ale?
Male A-Hole: Yeah, I'll take a lemonade.
Travel Agent: Uh, we don't serve drinks here. We do have water.
Male A-Hole: You want water, babe?
Female A-Hole: I hate water.
Male A-Hole: She hates water.
Travel Agent: Well, I guess a, uh, cruise is out of the question, then, huh?
Male A-Hole: Yeah, we don't get it.
Female A-Hole: Should he be showing us pictures or something?
Male A-Hole: Yeah, you guys got brochures?
Travel Agent: Of course. Here are a few of our, uh, popular destinations, all very beautiful. Are you, uh, familiar at all with the Yucatan?
Male A-Hole: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that place. Y'know that place, babe?
Male A-Hole: Know Yucatan?
Male A-Hole: You hear about that one--you heard 'bout that place, right, babe?
Male A-Hole: Babe, Yucatan?
Female A-Hole: Yah.
Male A-Hole: Yeah, we know it.
Travel Agent: Great, would you like me to pull up some more information for you?
Male A-Hole: I dunno. You wanna go there, babe?
Female A-Hole: Where's your ATM?
Male A-Hole: Yeah, she's gotta check her balance.
Travel Agent: Uh, look, folks, we don't have one of those here. There is a Seven-Eleven across the street.
Male A-Hole: Mm-hm. Wanna go over there, babe?
Female A-Hole: I wanna go to Europe.
Male A-Hole: You guys know where Europe is?
Travel Agent: Yes, we know where Europe is. Did you have someplace specific that you wanted to go, someplace specific in mind?
Male A-Hole: Yeah, whaddya think, babe?
Female A-Hole: I wanna drive there.
Male A-Hole: Yeah, we wanna do that.
Travel Agent: You can't drive to Europe.
Female A-Hole: I can if I drive a BOAT.
Travel Agent: So you want to rent a boat and drive it to Europe.
Female A-Hole: What STREET are we on?
Male A-Hole: Yeah, where are we?
Travel Agent: Look, why don't you two think about this some more, and when you narrow it down to a few places, come back. Okay?
Female A-Hole: I know where I wanna go.
Male A-Hole: All right, we got it, buddy. Where ya wanna go, babe?
Female A-Hole: England.
Travel Agent: Okay, England's great, it's a big place. There's, uh, London. Brighton's very nice. Did you have someplace in mind?
Female A-Hole: I wanna go to Hogwarts.
Travel Agent: You mean from the Harry Potter books?
Male A-Hole: Yeah. You guys got trips on magic school?
Travel Agent: Sir... that's not a real place.
Male A-Hole: Mm-hm. All right. They don't go to there, babe. Probably gotta go online for that, right, somethin' like Orbitz or somethin'?
Travel Agent: NO, it's a fictional place. You cannot GO there.
Male A-Hole: Right, right, right, gotta wait till summer, the wizards are outta school, right?
Travel Agent: No, never. It's impossible. You can never go to Hogwarts; it doesn't exist.
Male A-Hole: It's invisible, right.
Travel Agent: Look, you obviously don't know where it is that you want to go, so why don't you go home, and think it over, and come back when you've made up your minds.
Female A-Hole: I wanna go there.
Travel Agent: Where?
Male A-Hole: Where ya wanna go, babe?
Female A-Hole: I wanna go there.
Travel Agent: Ma'am, that's a poster of an airplane.
Female A-Hole: I know. I wanna go there.
Male A-Hole: Yeah, we wanna go there. How much?
Travel Agent: Get out. Get the hell out of here.
Male A-Hole: They're closin', babe.
Female A-Hole: Can you rub my shoulders? I slept weird.
Male A-Hole: Yeah, you guys do backrubs here?
Travel Agent: LEAVE!
Female A-Hole: Maybe a grilled cheese.
Travel Agent: Fine, you know what, I'm gonna go in the back, and I'm gonna get some coffee. When I come back, you two better be gone.
Female A-Hole: He looked like a rabbit.
Male A-Hole: Yeah.
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2007 29 March :: 11.28pm
Have you ever built, or wanted to build a female robot?
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2007 28 March :: 10.54pm
I love how Bones mocks god.
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2007 27 March :: 5.00pm
Well, I think I had one of the best weekends I can remember having all year. (being a senior hasn't done much for me) ANYWAY. I got the best hug ie the pick up and spin you kind when I got there, then I had a weekend of basketball, movies, darts, food and games. It was awesome. mostly I was just really glad to see Ryan, I needed my fix.
I also went and saw mike's mom and dad, and that was really a good thing. I was proud of myself because I was scared, but i made myself do it anyway.
ON to the bad news:
LAst night VEronica mars was interupted by some weird noises coming from the livingroom. I went out there and dunzo was hanging from the side of his cage by his back leg, which was broken, and he was flailing around and intermittnely passing out ( i think). so I FREAKED OUT because he wouldnt let me get near him and I needed to get him unstuck, so i called my mom and she calmed me down enough toget him unstuck and told me to call ryan to see if he would look up the scenario on the internet. so I called Ryan and had him "fact check" and he stayed on the phone til I calmed down. Dunzo is now resting comfortably in a box with some carrots and water and lots of fluffy bedding. I didnt realize how sad i would be until i almost lost him.
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2007 26 March :: 6.53pm
:: Music: The sound of my students sighing at their multiple-choice exams
D-Town hosts NCAA Tourneys
So, it appears that Ford Field will be getting some March Maddness-related attention in the next couple of years. In 2008, they will host one of the regional finals, and the following year they will host the Final Four. Here are the particulars:
Regionals: Friday and Sunday, March 28 and 30, 2008
Midwest Regional
Ford Field
Detroit, Michigan
Host: University of Detroit Mercy
Final Four: Saturday and Monday, April 4 and 6, 2009
Ford Field
Detroit, Michigan
Host: University of Detroit-Mercy
So, it would appear that the city didn't totally muck up its Super Bowl hosting duties. I hear it's a very impressive facility. Don't know when I'll ever make it there, but I'd like to one of these days.
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2007 24 March :: 3.27am
Top Twenty Reasons to Circumcise Your Baby Boy
1. Because all the women's magazines advise it
2. The Doctor offered a "twofer" special for him and his brother.
3. Because Mom's boyfriend is Muslim/Jewish/Whatever.
4. Because everybody else does it
5. So the neighborhood wives won't have yet another thing to gossip about.
6. So he won't look like he has "Gorilla Dick".
7. So he can feel included in the Fraternity of the Circumcised.
8. So it won't look like a rat in a garden hose.
9. So the flap won't get caught in the zipper.
10. To keep him from masturbating later on.
11. So Dad won't be jealous of his son's dick.
12. So the other kids won't call him "cheese dick"
13. If you prune it back, it will grow better.
14. Harvested foreskin provides collagen for cosmetic lip surgery(Did you know that's what you're wearing on your enhanced lips?).
15. Because cleaning it makes Mom nervous.
16. So that when he grows up and drops out of school, he won't be able to transport concealed drugs under his foreskin.
17. Because a circumcised penis always looks ready to go.
18. When he's old and senile, he'll be easier to catheterize.
19. It just looks so much more modern.
20. Because God wants to touch you in your private place.
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2007 20 March :: 12.27am
Today I have done good and bad in equal measure.
I went to class, talked to professors, picked up a shift, got my passport, signed up for classes, did homework and am writing a paper, I have done more taday and been more productive than I have been in weeks past combined, but all of this is now overshadowed by one bad:
I hurt a friend.
For that I am truly sorry, and the way in which the situation occured can only be resolved by explanation...if you are willing to listen...
You didn't answer your phone, and your email bounced back, so here is my message in a bottle...
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2007 19 March :: 11.56pm
I was just thinking about VEronica Mars, so some of you might not want to read past here:
So something has been bothering me lately. I REALLY like this show and I get really emotionally attached to the characters, but the thing that really has hit me lately is that I am a lot like veronica...bear with me...She really doesnt trust people and she runs from intimacy. She can love lots of things, but she can't say I love you to her boyfriend. she doesnt let herself really experience the emotions she feels and keeps herself distanced for fear of getting hurt ( presumably). I mean online kristen bell has been saying that logan is bad for veronica, but i think that logan and veronica are good for eachother. veronica make logan better and logan forces veronica to thaw out a little. he makes her feel things, even when she doesnt want to. and I know he is a huge player, but he doesnt cheat on her, she runs away and he looks for what he cant get from her elswhere. SHE always runs away or blows him off first then he gets another woman, and she wants him again. Avoidance is key in thier realtionship and I feel like I do that too. I avoid until I can't then If possible I lie or run away. There are a lot of things I want and I am afraid to go after them. I dont want to hurt, but I guess ploating along not feeling anything isnt working either.
Switching shows:
Our pain makes us real.
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2007 19 March :: 3.19pm
sooooo, i was just cleaning out my inbox and I saw an email from fantasy moguls from...about forever ago and I thought I would check to see how everything turned out, and guess what? I WON! I WAS IN FIRST PLACE!!! TAKE THAT BITCHES!
that is all.
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2007 16 March :: 11.52pm
Just saw October Road. I think it's gonna be an excellent show. Plus the lead male is hot.
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2007 15 March :: 12.37am
So this song was on an episode of Dawson's a while back, and then it is on one of the BEST scenes on plays at dances at both...anyway, it is a great song though.
Sway by The Perishers
I talk to you as to a friend
I hope that’s what you’ve
come to be
It feels as though we’ve
made amends
Like we found a way
It was you who picked
the pieces up
When I was a broken soul
And then glued me
back together
Returned to me what
others stole
I don’t wanna hurt you
I don’t wanna make you sway
Like I know I’ve done before
I will not do it anymore
I’ve always been a dreamer
I've had my head among
the clouds
Now that I’m coming down
Won’t you be my solid ground?
I look at you and see a friend
I hope that’s what you wanna be
Are we back now where
it all began?
Have you finally forgiven me?
You gathered my dreams in
When they all blew away
And then tricked them
back into me
You saved me I was
almost dead
Oh, and I like the Dandy Warhols too...I love it when the shows I watch have good music because then I find out about all these band I never would have otherwise...
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2007 14 March :: 7.37pm
well i have discovered some cool stuff lately. I found some new music thanks to VM: Spoon and The Old 97's.
I have not watched regular tv in about 2 and a half weeks...which is, admittedly, weird...but the weirder part is that i have been watching VM contunuously in that time. and that it still hold my interest. I have 2 seasons which helps, but why am I STILL watching it? I tried to watch something else the other day I i put in another disk of VM...pathetic....more pathetic? I dream in that reality. Like I live there in that town and most of the time I dont see any of the characters, but like the "cinematography" of the dream lets me know that I am there. I dont know if I am making sense, but like the way the dream looks lets me know I am in VM's world, but I still dream the normal kinds of things mostly. LAst nioght was weird though...I rode a motorcycle and took a roadtrip, but it was raining, and I went up the caost of Cali and it was really pretty....but i was riding a MOTORCYCLE.
anyway, I am just putting my work off, so I should do that instead of this.
Aaron wants to hang out this weekend...that could be cool...
Sean doesnt seem to have thought about me while he was gone, and he doesnt look to be changing that now that he is back...oh well, i have other shit to worry about.
My Aunt Shell flew to Cali to see my Aunt Paula today...I wish I hadnt messed school up so bad so I could go.
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2007 12 March :: 12.46am
SO here is what I did for spring break:
I watched VM for 8 days and worked at kohls for 30 hours. Those 30 hours were the only time I left my Apt. and it was the only time I wasnt watching it ( I did sleep a little too...) buit the thing is I am realizing I have a pattern. when my grandpa was really sick sophmore year I got engrossed in OTH i would stay in my room for days watching it on an endless loop, now when things are all uncertain again, I am doing the same thing with Veronica Mars (which is way better in writing, but just as frusterating and satisfying in the drama by the way). I feel relly lost right now. I used to like so much about myself and now I am really struggling. I think I made some very wrong choices and have landed myself in a situation that now I just have to dig myself out of. I came to Western when I souldnt have, I picked a major that is next to impossible to succeed at in life, I have next to no support system in this town. I run from connections and am alone in more than one sense. Right now I am justy going to get this shit over with so I can start over somewhere, anywhere.
I have a notebook of invisible questions that need letters put to them.
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2007 8 March :: 10.07pm
frogie5d: hey, i found this footage of holloween a few years ago
Auto Response from mbenznut: I am away from my computer right now.
frogie5d: you know, the time when i had you dress up as an ewok, but you sorta ended up looking like poo instead. Its pretty funnyfrogie5d: I love that you did that, you'll always be my hero
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2007 3 March :: 12.14am
Just saw the pilot episode for the Black Donnellys. Great show.
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2007 1 March :: 11.30am
I am smart, but my actions do not reflect it sometimes.
My Aunts cancer is worse than it seemed.
I am scared of a lot....that I will never get out of here, that I will let people down, that I will never find my "epic", and that I will not make my mark on the world...I am scared she is going to die.
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