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Useless Ramblings

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:: 2006 30 December :: 3.35pm

i am posting this because it brings back happy memories.
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:: 2006 30 December :: 3.32pm

Life just potentially got a lot more complicated (in a good way... I think).

I suppose that's just the way things go, eh?

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:: 2006 23 December :: 11.05pm

Drag Queen Denounces Gay Marriage

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:: 2006 21 December :: 3.41am

"White trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy."

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:: 2006 18 December :: 1.16am
:: Music: Regina Spektor: Fidelity

More Cock, Please

By N.S.

More cock, please.

No, that’s not enough. More, more. It’s important that you help me reinforce the stereotype of the sex-obsessed gay man who fucks compulsively and indiscriminately, thereby living an empty and hollow existence in which he is unable to love.

Any orifice will do. Oh, you have genital warts? That’s okay, I do too. And AIDS and every other STD imaginable, which are, of course, punishment for my immoral lifestyle.

You, over there. Yeah, you. You’ll do.

Are you straight? Yes? Shit, that’s great. The fact that you’re having sex with me permits me to brand you as a homosexual, a ‘closet case’ as it were. And everybody knows that the scientifically observed fact of sexuality being fluid and permitting a plethora of activity outside the bounds of standard heterosexuality is bullshit, so come out of the closet already, you fucking faggot.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your cock. As you ram it down my throat, it’s apparent to me that it’s not the act itself that turns me on, so much as the high I get from symbolically possessing aspects of a masculinity that I have denied in myself. For this we can surely blame my father, who never taught me to play baseball.

So now that you’re having sex with me and I’ve brought you down to my level, I can feel, if only for a moment, like being gay isn’t all that bad. As if it isn’t a behavior that I know deep in my soul to be unnatural and against the will of God.

That’s it, come in my mouth. Mmmm.

Okay, next! How about you? Oh, you’re gay? Whatever.

Hey, maybe we can devise some semblance of a mutual relationship, and pretend that we are in love? Perhaps this will provide a brief respite for the crushing knowledge that we are in fact uber-narcissistic man-children, forever slaves to a thumb-sucking mommy complex, and destined to die in loneliness and despair because we can never love anyone as much as we love ourselves?

Anyway, fuck me in the ass.

What—you’re putting on a condom? Jesus, you gotta be kidding me. Do you really think I respect my body and myself enough to want to protect myself from an STD that--heavens forefend--I don’t already possess?

Please. I would consider it an honor to receive your diseased meat and/or the toxic seed contained within. It would only hasten my departure from a world in which I attempt to normalize behaviors that are quite obviously unnatural, exhibiting a denial bordering on psychosis in which I do not see that men were given a penis and women a vagina for a reason, and that homosexual behavior violates the very fabric of human existence and the universe.

Harder, please. Also, keep calling me your cock-hungry fuck puppet. Your continued thrusting and hurling of insults only turns me on more. Oh, it may seem that we’re only role-playing, and the slaps you apply so generously to my face and ass are a fetishistic device used to enhance the sexual relations we are currently enjoying.

But we both know that your hatred is real, and what may seem like an innocent game is actually a serious expression of the hatred you feel for yourself, and my acceptance of this hatred hinges upon my sublimated desire to be punished for the sinful lifestyle that I have chosen, yes chosen, for myself.

Yeah, pump your load into my ass.

Isn’t it depressing to think of all that is wasted in the act we have just completed? Instead of taking part in the beautiful creation of life, we have instead resigned ourselves to a state of suspended adolescence in which we espouse the futile and vile notion that the gay lifestyle is somehow “normal” and “acceptable.”

Your precious seed of life has become little more than excrement, to be eventually shat out of my bowels and cast into the sewer, the sewer where our kind most assuredly belongs.

Oh well. On to the next one.

What, you don’t want to fuck me?

Well fuck you!

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:: 2006 15 December :: 5.51pm

Q: What do gay men call testicles?
A: Mud flaps


There are three gay couples. One man in each couple dies. I ask the first man how he is going to remember his gentleman friend. He replies, "I'm going to put his body to sea because we loved the beach." I ask the second one the same question. He replies, "I'm going to bury him in the mountains because we were big hikers." I ask the third man, "How will you remember your gentleman friend?" He replies, "I'm going to cremate him and put him in my chili so he can rip up my ass one more time."


Q: What's the difference betwen a washing machine and your ex-boyfriend?

A: With the washing machine you get your clothes back after putting a load in...


Q: What are glow-in-the-dark condoms used for?

A: So gay men can play Star Wars.

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:: 2006 13 December :: 3.57pm

Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose
I don't normally concern myself with celebrity births and deaths, but this one made me a little sad.
Peter Boyle, 1935-2006

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:: 2006 12 December :: 2.12pm

Ugh, i hate studying this much. My brain is yelling at me, and I'm starting to stress out.

And to have another downer, nip/tuck tonight is the season finale. Damn short seasons. Good news is that Joely Richardson is leaving the show; i was getting so sick of her whining. Maybe she'll get killed off. I wonder how they would do it. They have killed off some ppl in pretty cool ways.

ick. back to the books.

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:: 2006 7 December :: 10.44pm

What if I did rent a homosexual for the evening? And pay him with rare collectibles from Asian cinema?

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:: 2006 7 December :: 4.57pm

When the lights go out
is the darkness all the same?

Are my dark and twisty insides real?

You guys are flying in on the 23rd?
I can't meet you at the airport because i will be in texas until the 24th...but i will find a way to use those signs you requested.

Ms. Moody McTaint & Mr. BeerBottle Toe-Man....this way please...

hey that is almost Taoman...

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:: 2006 7 December :: 12.45pm

almost done with my finals...

leaving for caddy saturday, and texas thursday.

call me when you are in Michigan Michelle, i will drive wherever you are.

I love you guys.

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:: 2006 6 December :: 6.20pm

This is why I have a problem with certain conservatives, at least those of the bible-thumping variety...

"Conservative Group Blasts 'Studio 60' Renewal

Townhall.com, a website operated by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, has blasted NBC's decision to renew Aaron Sorkin's Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Sorkin, it said Tuesday, "will get to continue his anti-Christianity themed show despite low ratings." The website accused Sorkin not only of pushing "his radical agenda on television," but of using his wealth to fund liberal causes and political candidates."

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:: 2006 6 December :: 1.09pm

Not much to say right now. Just wasting time at the CHHS. And for everyone who reads this, you probably don't even know what the inside of this building looks like.

slightly annoyed-my plan was to go to the bernhard center to print out some documents for my thesis meeting at 3, then realized that I dont have my ID so i cant do it, and now I feel slightly stupid. I just wish my proposal was turned in so I can stop worrying about it for a couple of days.

I also wish that I didnt have to study for finals, but alas, that is what will be consuming my life for the next week. Goodbye all my free time! Goodbye having fun! See you next week.

Although I can't complain too much as that I will be done with school by this time next week, and will be partying it up quite a bit. Why you might ask. Because I can! A celebration for my last winter semester. Sounds fitting to me.


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:: 2006 6 December :: 5.28am
:: Music: Jessica Simpson: I Think I'm In Love With You

I'm bored.

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:: 2006 4 December :: 6.02pm
:: Music: Weeds Soundtrack

If you care about such things, I've updated and re-posted my list of all the concerts I've ever been too...
Read more..

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:: 2006 1 December :: 8.18pm

Colbert vs. Decemberists

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:: 2006 23 November :: 3.42am

Just watched Undercurrent. Pretty good for a really old movie. Although the black and white was really starting to drive me crazy. Well that and the acting style of their day.

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:: 2006 22 November :: 10.01pm

My life as a game of strip poker.

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:: 2006 21 November :: 9.16pm
:: Mood: slightly indignant
:: Music: Beethoven

Who the hell steals a single wet black satin pillow cover, honestly?

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:: 2006 20 November :: 3.01pm
:: Music: Bowling For Soup: High School

Suddenly that invitation to join a group of misguided friends on a
year long nude roller skating trip across Central America looked pretty
damned good.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 8.25pm

Men are to me what chardonnay is to you. One sip and I’m hanging upside down from a chandelier.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 6.14pm

God doesn’t make mistakes.

Oh, I don’t know. Testicles on the outside isn’t such a good idea.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 5.12pm

Just watched “Come September.” Rock Hudson was hot. Too bad he was a man whore and is dead.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 9.25am
:: Music: Coheed & Cambria

Gawd, is it time to go home yet?? I'm soooo impatient.

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:: 2006 16 November :: 3.35pm

going to Ryans for a couple nights, then RICCI'S PARTAY!

JAson offered me eragon for the holiday...he must be high.

I miss some people, not gonna lie.

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:: 2006 15 November :: 10.03pm

In today's WTF news:

O.J. Simpson To "Confess"?

In what is shaping up to be another bizarre milestone in the murder case involving O.J. Simpson, Fox announced Tuesday that it plans to air a two-part interview with Simpson on November 27 and 29 (within the November sweeps) in which, according to the Fox news release, he "will tell how he would have committed the murders if he were the one responsible for the crimes." The news release quoted Fox reality chief Mike Darnell as saying, "This is an interview that no one thought would ever happen. It's the definitive last chapter in the Trial of the Century." The person interviewing Simpson has not been identified. The interview is scheduled to air days before Fox's corporate sibling, Harper Collins, publishes Simpson's If I Did It, Here's How It Happened on November 30.

Borat spanked by angry Yank... with a surprise!

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:: 2006 15 November :: 8.11pm

Christians Piss Their Pants
No, they aren't into watersports. Christians, particularly the Roman Catholics and the more obnoxious evangelicals, are pissing their pants in fear.

On Tuesday, the nation's Roman Catholic bishops met in Baltimore to re-declare the church's teaching that same-sex attractions are "disordered". Why do they think this? Because same-sex attraction does not lead to pregnancy - the only reason that the Catholic Church believes sex exists. And so they claim that gays cannot experience true happiness because nobody gets pregnant.

Ask 1,000 American Roman Catholics if they think that sex is for getting pregnant only and that God intended that sex only be engaged in by a husband and wife and only when they intend to have a baby and see how many of them agree? If you find 100, especially among Catholics below the age of 30, I would faint from shock.

At the same time, the largest Baptist group in North Carolina adopted a policy that expels any Baptist congregation that is too "gay-friendly". God forbid that any Baptist church should show any compassion or welcome to someone that is on the 'fringe' of society. After all, Jesus NEVER did anything like that!

Uh...oh, that's right. He did.

Well, never mind, the Baptists won't make that mistake! After all, you can't keep people the object of fear and hatred if you actually get to know them, can you? And they need that fear and hatred to keep their congregations in line.

That's what this is all about. Control. The more that Gays come out of the closet and show the world that we are just like everybody else, that we don't have two heads or horns, that we don't rape children, that we don't do 99% of the shit that we're accused of, people start to not listen to the bigots and hypocrites running the churches. And not listening equates to not putting so much in the 'plate' anymore and who the hell is going to pay for their huge churches and their fancy wardrobes and their limousines? After all, didn't Jesus ride around Judea in a litter dressed in the finest robes that money could buy?

Uh...no? Oh, well, he should have because his followers sure do!

The most disgusting thing about all of this, is this restatement of the Roman church's hatred of Gays comes from new guidelines for church ministries to Gays! They want to minister to us at the same time they're calling us "disordered".

No, thank you.

I want nothing to do with your church or with your narrow-minded god. Keep your Jesus and your Baptist crap and your catholic crap and shove them up your ass. You have no business ministering to Gays until you spend at least 100 years apologizing for all the harm you've done to us throughout the centuries. Your bishops and your popes and all your priests and nuns and ministers should burn in your denominational hells for that alone.


I love it when I find an amusing journal.

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:: 2006 15 November :: 8.18pm

Leave some memories that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you.

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:: 2006 15 November :: 3.04pm

Woot! I'm done with my paper! Now I have to work on a care plan :( I feel like it is never ending. on the other hand, in 4 weeks from right now I will be on christmas break. And only have 1 semester of college (which scares me the most). I don't want to be out of college yet.

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:: 2006 13 November :: 4.29pm

Guess the lick word.

It’s just that your tongue has bad penmanship.

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