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:: 2004 14 January :: 7.59pm
:: Music: Incubus

I bite my tongue whenever you come around. Blood in my mouth beats blood on the ground.
I'm not particularly good at anything. But, that's not too say I'm terrible at most things. I'm just average in all cases. I don't know what I want to be. I don't know how I plan to live. As I see it my life has no point at this time. I don't know where I'm going, or even where I'm coming from. I don't know much about myself right now. Which is hard to admit, but it's true. I'm trying to change. Trying to become more serious to the world. But...I, can't seem to fake responsibility. I have two exams tomorrow...and I haven't studied for either. I probably won't. But I won't fail them. And I don't know shit about each of them. But I'll pass...I always do. Things have a strange way of working out for me. I don't do much, and I get things I don't deserve. I shouldn't be in honors english, I don't know shit about writing. Nouns..verbs, that stuff still confuses the shit out of me.

And another problem, I guess its bitching night...Girls. I don't like any right now, and yet I want a girlfriend more than I ever have. I think I just need...strangely, someone to talk to. Someone who is there for me. And no matter how gay that sounds, its probably true. I'm listening to Incubus and its really making me think. My mind is going at a pace I can't keep up with. When I close my eyes I see a blur. Blackness...speeding white light. I think its the sky. When I close my eyes I see shooting stars. I see millions of years into the past. And then I open them to see this screen I've seen more than recommended by any Surgeon General Warnings.

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:: 2004 14 January :: 6.33pm


Once upon a time there has a young FREIGHT TRAIN HIGH-JACKER named RON. He was FAST FUCKING in the FROZEN forest when he met SPICY JON, a run-away STRIPPER from the HOT Queen MOM.

RON could see that SPICY JON was hungry so he reached into his MAGICAL SANTA BAG and give him his BUMPY MAGIC PICKLES. SPICY JON was thankful for RON's MAGIC PICKLES, so he told RON a very LONG story about Queen MOM's daughter GRANDMA. How her mother, the HOT Queen MOM, kept her locked away in a PRISON protected by a gigantic GORILLA, because GRANDMA was so FUCKED UP.

RON TOOK A NAP. He vowed to SPICY JON the STRIPPER that he would save the FUCKED UP GRANDMA. He would KICK the GORILLA, and take GRANDMA far away from her eveil mother, the HOT Queen MOM, and PUNCH her.

Then, all of the sudden, there was a MIRACULOUS FARTING and SPICY JON the STRIPPER began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic GORILLA from his story. HOT Queen MOM STUMBLED out from behind a LITTLE HAND HELD POKER GAME THINGY and struck RON dead. In the far off PRISON you could hear a BIRP.


Make your own Fairy Tale at

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:: 2004 14 January :: 5.47pm

Chris and I are no longer together but Kyle and I are doing okay. We talk everyday! He is suppose to be comin to see me on friday! Well, whats up with everyone!?


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:: 2004 14 January :: 4.16pm

well...what up ppl! not to much here well Good luck on your Exams this week :(..oh well ill be glad when this week is over i hope we have school 2morrow so we can just get the exams over with....but oh well....anyways this friday i am goign with Jessica again and were goin Ice skating...she is gonna hook me up with her cuzin so we shall see how that works out. Apryl is also goinwoohooo! lol well ttyl byes

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:: 2004 14 January :: 3.37pm

i kind of want to take french again. it's prettier than spanish.

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:: 2004 14 January :: 3.15pm


Once upon a time there has a young TURD BURGLER named FLAMING SEAN. He was NONCHALANTLY KISSING in the WET forest when he met SWEATY JERRY, a run-away SMELTER from the MASSIVE Queen HEATHER B..

FLAMING SEAN could see that SWEATY JERRY was hungry so he reached into his WAMPUS CAT and give him his THICK GOOLASH. SWEATY JERRY was thankful for FLAMING SEAN's GOOLASH, so he told FLAMING SEAN a very MESSY story about Queen HEATHER B.'s daughter BECKY. How her mother, the MASSIVE Queen HEATHER B., kept her locked away in a FISHING LODGE protected by a gigantic BAYO, because BECKY was so PUFFY.

FLAMING SEAN SEXED HIMSELF. He vowed to SWEATY JERRY the SMELTER that he would save the PUFFY BECKY. He would EAT the BAYO, and take BECKY far away from her evil mother, the MASSIVE Queen HEATHER B., and MUTILATE her.

Then, all of the sudden, there was a FUNKY FIRE and SWEATY JERRY the SMELTER began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic BAYO from his story. MASSIVE Queen HEATHER B. STORMED out from behind a SWEATER PUPPY and struck FLAMING SEAN dead. In the far off FISHING LODGE you could hear a TOOT.


Make your own Fairy Tale at

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:: 2004 13 January :: 9.24pm

always waiting.

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:: 2004 13 January :: 6.13pm

I've thought throughout my whole life that everyone else were robots. That was the only excuse for everything in the world. And some how...I was born human. I've sometimes found myself thinking things like..."Do other people really feel? What are they thinking right now? Are there problems in other peoples lives?" But, I had to know that there were problems, and other people felt, thought. But...I didn't like that I guess, so I came to the conclusion that everyone but myself, were robots. Now...I've realized that there are other non-robots like myself. So...Calling all Non-Robots!! We must gather and take control of the WORLD!!! Which is rightfully ours...robots aren't supposed to own things.

We MUST take over.

We MUST take control.

We MUST win freedom from the robots!!

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:: 2004 13 January :: 3.07pm

I don't like the feeling of the upcoming exams. I'm scared. I know I'm going to fail at least math. I don't think English is going to be that hard, or Science. Well...Maybe a little bit with Science because I haven't really learned anything in that class, its so easy to get by without knowledge in Reyburns class. usual cool and collected self, has broke its dam and flooded out into my brain igniting a fire within my...stomach region...and sent me looking for a way out.

I guess I'll Study...I hate Studying. I've never had to. Until now...

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:: 2004 12 January :: 10.02pm


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:: 2004 12 January :: 7.27pm

*sighs* why me.......

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:: 2004 11 January :: 9.15pm

We're lucky the guy was real laid back...but what if it had been a person? GGGGGaaaaaaaaaaah.

I'm so stupid.

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:: 2004 11 January :: 5.40pm

oops...anyways back to my then we were like bitch and so we left there and we went to Hot Topics and it was great there was a really hot guy in there and we were all like checkin him out lol so yeah then we left and we to get pizza at Pizza Hut and this women fell coming up the steps and stacy and emily thought it was me! lol and i was laughing so hard cuz they did and jenni was like it wasnt her and there like Heather are you ok! and i just kept laughin and jeni was like it wasnt her! lol and i was liek no it was the lady carryin those boxes! and there like o0o! wow it was a great day! and then stacy and jenni and i were all talking about the *good old times we had* and lol it was just great! well ttyl and stacy is pry gonna talk about the dildo's too lol ~Byes!

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:: 2004 11 January :: 5.31pm

well after goin to jessicas i went to get Stacy and then we went and saw JENNI!!! WOOHU! lol and sunday we all went to the mall and it was awesome we went into spencer and was making fun of Dildo's! and the women comes up to us and she was like so are you guys 18 were like ummm NO! and she is like well im sorry you cant be back there and she like yells it so the whole place hears and i was liek there is no fuckin sign that says we can't!!

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:: 2004 10 January :: 7.23pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Korn - Right Now

I Feel Great
A three month conflict resolved in a 10 second gaze and a 3 second hug.

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:: 2004 10 January :: 6.24pm

Well, I have had a good weekend so far and I am havin a great time. Kyle and Syd are over and he asked me out and I have been very happy. Well, I will talk to you all later!


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:: 2004 10 January :: 1.03pm

today was a great day! i went Jessica's house today* YAY i was lots of fun i stayed the night last night at her house and we went Ice Skating and met a guy there and got his number lol it was great then apryl came over for a lil bit and talked then today we just kinda talked and hung out and my dad came and got me and now i am in a bad mood because my sisters are being dumb! but OH WELL! lol well ill talk to yall laters! loveyas! ~byes~!

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:: 2004 9 January :: 9.44pm

I'm a lucky kid.

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:: 2004 8 January :: 5.37pm

what the fuck is up!! lol

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:: 2004 7 January :: 11.25am

U.H.O.P.P & McRonalds
I've figured out what i want to do when i grow up. I'm going to make a resaraunt!!

Instead of ihop, it's going to be....uhopp. The Universal House of Pizza and Porn. What else could you ask for?

How about a drive thru?

Well...we have that too.


Pizza and porn, with a drive thru. Every guy in the world will be there everyday. I'll be rich.

Beer will also be served at uhopp.

Then...when i have enough money, i will make a "McRonalds" Just to make fun of McDonalds and all of the people that have called me Ronald McDonald. Bastards...

We will have burgers called... The McRonwhich, and, The McTastyRon.'ll be awesome.

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:: 2004 7 January :: 9.20am

Well, i guess mother nature heard me...she just forgot to check her woohu friends list she had to do it today. And i'm glad.

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:: 2004 6 January :: 9.24pm

i hate tuesdays.

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:: 2004 5 January :: 8.41pm
:: Mood: distraught

I'm a nice girl. I don't see what the big stupid deal is. We're kids.

And maybe I wouldn't seem like such a slut bag if you would just leave us be for like three seconds.

You're so scary, you don't even know it. If you could just stop looking at me like I'm crazy and making up these stupid rules I could warm up to you, and you wouldn't suggest awful things.

And I'd like you to know that I didn't push anything. It just happened. Coercion and guilt were not factors here. I am not a crazy obcessive kid. School nights are crap and weekly's not a big deal okay? It's supposed to be fun.

6 werdz | leave werds


:: 2004 5 January :: 8.27pm

hey everyone you should look at my journal stacy decorated it for me and i think she did a fabulous job!! *claps for the Fabulous Stacy Cain* lol yay now every one has to *bitch* lol cuz she did a good job!

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:: 2004 5 January :: 7.35pm
:: Mood: awake

well today was the first day that we had school *tear* the only good thing that happened was ummm I SAW MY FRIENDS! hehe.....yeah anyways and i had a fun time on the bus *wow* long story and dont wanna talk about ill talk to you all laters byes

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