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:: 2003 28 December :: 6.41pm
:: Music: afi - The Celluloid Dream

What's everyone doin for New Years?
I need some where to go, something to do, for New Years. Or any other day for that matter. So, any ideas? six nine six eight 7 five one

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 28 December :: 6.23pm

my family could be a tv show. we are all running around laughing and beating each other. my brother has bleaching stuff in his hair, and getting it everywhere. mark is trying to cook hambugers and fries, and we are getting in the way, and he's getting mad, and i'm talking on the phone to his friend. she believes that i'm ben and i'm telling her i ( as ben) am gay. he is coloring his hair pink like a faggot. everything is weird in my house. i have to get some cameras in here. that would be soooo cool. i could definetily make millions. i would just have to turn them off while watchin porn. but thats alright. i need some i can buy cameras.


If you have money...and are thinking about putting it in some stocks...or buying something dumb with it...give it to me, i'll buy some cameras. then we'll make millions from selling my disfunctional family episodes to fox or something...and then i'll pay ya back for the cameras. and a little somethin somethin extra too. but lets keep that one on the downlow. aight homies? aight.

peace out...don't be frontin...or hatin...or playin you mama. dat shit not koo...
stay koo...get high, smack yo gurlz a$$, den tella to get on ha neez.
don't bea hata!!
PS. I don't know where that 'nigger' talk came from. As some of you would call it.

leave werds


:: 2003 27 December :: 10.52pm


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:: 2003 27 December :: 9.49pm

Syd and Mike hmm...I don't know. Mike might not be movin here but Syd will and her and I are like best friends now! I love her , she is like a sis.

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 27 December :: 5.33pm

Justin Timberlake
Please rate this quiz I worked hard on it thanks
and I hope that you had fun

What Celebirty are you going to MARRY?!(14 outcomes with pics for anyone)
brought to you by Quizilla


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:: 2003 27 December :: 5.17pm

I hate this town, its so stupid! Why does everyone have to be so mean and stupid? I don't understand. People call me fat but you know I try and ignore it but then they keep saying shit and it hurts and then people talk behind other people's backs and they don't care. I don't know anymore. People who call me fat don't know why they do they just do. I may be "big" but I am NOT fat! So, all you who say I am get ur facts straight!


leave werds


:: 2003 27 December :: 2.17pm

hey guys whats up! a whole nother week at home! if anyone wants to hang out call me @ 696-2302

leave werds


:: 2003 27 December :: 2.13pm

Sitting! Hard, fast and freinzied spur of the

How would you be fucked in a hentai anime? (with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

this is sooo not me!!! :) It's funny though!

leave werds


:: 2003 26 December :: 4.55pm
:: Mood: livid
:: Music: lifehouse-simon

the more you will something to happen the more it doesn't.

1 werd | leave werds


:: 2003 26 December :: 3.15pm

hey everyone whats up? well i hope you had a good Christmas. I did kinda. My mom called suprisingly and we only got to talk to her for like 5 mind though cuz our phone went dead but she said merry christmas and i love you. I dont know if she'll even go on saturday to where we are gonna celebrate with her side of the family. Janet is down in the bahamas with Bill and Tony they wont be back till like after New years. so we are missing them. but they went with a couple that are so filthy rich that they bought a gift for every kid in the village they went to stay in and thats a big village. And the guy didnt want to wait 3 hours for another plane to take em to the bahamas so he rented a 6 seated plane and loaded all the gifts on there (this is on his cost) and they went over! damn i wish we were that rich lol oh well g2g byes!

leave werds


:: 2003 25 December :: 9.50pm


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:: 2003 25 December :: 1.19pm

the only present that matters is coming tomorrow.

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:: 2003 25 December :: 10.56am

if you're not going to put effort into it, you might as well just not waste your money.


3 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 25 December :: 8.40am

Merry Christmas, and oh by the way KelliJean we got snow!!!

leave werds


:: 2003 24 December :: 11.57pm

well Yesterday i went to amanda maxwells house and stayed the night and then today i helped her make 2 blankets 1 for steff and 1 for Jacob and we hung out for a long time then they took me home and i am bored byes!

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 24 December :: 10.32pm

i also hate the whole gift giving thing. i'm crappy at it, i hate shopping, i have limited funds. it would be more enjoyable if it was a holiday where we put decorations out for no reason and bought trees. but no presents. it would just be cute.

this is the only time of year i wish dad still lived with us, so he could help out.

my mom has one present. i'm such a jerk. and she's leaving us tomorrow. but if she stayed she'd just be grouchy all day.

1 werd | leave werds


:: 2003 24 December :: 10.24pm

so far, worst christmas ever.

i feel so disapointed, so cheated.

it's a time for families to annoy each other and be all stressed about dumb stuff, like forks or exagerated misunderstandings.

christmas makes me deeply unhappy.

everyone ruins christmas for everyone else.

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 24 December :: 12.05am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Eve 6 - Think Twice

I don't know what I'm going to type in the Box Labeled Content: But i will keep this going long enough to find out and then i wil
Well, i guess i found out.

Well, i guess i didn't.

I still don't know what to say. How about some....things about me. Like some other people have.

- My hair is longer than most guys hair.
- There is a speaker on my desk. Staring at me...
- I have a role of duct tape that says: Ron's Tape, on it.
- I like to color with crayons. But hate when they break. Especially the black one, because the black one is very rare when you have a big box of crayons.
- Blue Collar Comedy Tour is on Comedy Central
- I'm watching it and laughing terribly.
- I think clip boards are actually really cool. Though I hardly ever use them...
- My mouse sucks really bad.
- When I turn my computer comes right back on. It won't stay off. Thats true. The TRUTH!
- I have to unplug it to have it stay off, and even then sometimes it comes back on, and thats when the mouse hits me over the head. One too many times..and it sucks really bad now.
- I can't do math so I am always in possesion of a calculator. Or a phone so I can call Allison.
- I only like the pens that you can have clicky wars with.
- I have a popcorn kernal stuck in my tooth.
- It's really bothering me.
- I have never used a record player in my life, but really want to.
- I like big butts.
- I can't lie.
- I want to get really drunk...then pass out and wake up two days later in a deserted...desert thing, with an old hippie indian smokin paotie and 9 and a half naked chicks walking around me, feeding me grapes
like a baby. I like them.
- I don't really like the new CD I got yesterday, though I've listened to it over and over today.
- There are green lights blinking all around me.
- And they aren't christmas lights buddy...
- I always wonder why they call fingers...fingers. I've never seen them fing...
- Nail filers are just popsicle sticks with rough stuff on them.
- I don't know what else to put on here.
- I'm very bored.
- Popsicle sticks are just nail filers with the rough stuff rubbed off.
- I want to stand in a street naked holding a virgin mobel phone over my penis...on a commercial. Like those girls do.
- They were transexuals.
- It is 12:54. I started this at 12:05.
- I'm in the phone book, twice. Yeah...I'm cool.
- Once, I stared at a can of orange for over a half an hour...because it said Concentrate.
- If you're naughty'll save santa a trip.
- My uncle had his nipple bit off by a beaver. Twice.
- Midgets are just people that are really short. They have feelings too.
- Widjadidnja
- It's christmas eve, as I see it, I'm allowed to open one present right now...
- The elderly are just really old people. They have feelings too.
- You brought yer truck widjadidnja?
- Goodnight.

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 23 December :: 10.56pm
:: Music: cardigans-lovefools

oh it's so very good. do you think the attachment stage has set in yet?

no, nevermind i don't think that would make me feel giddy.

leave werds


:: 2003 23 December :: 7.53pm

i saw that lady again. funniest thing to happen all day

big boy wasn't so bad. even though i am dying and i don't have any sucky candy for my throat.

1 werd | leave werds


:: 2003 23 December :: 2.07pm
:: Music: billy joel-two thousand years

i think i need to find my spice world cd. asap.

i want to go to the gym but have decided against it since i don't feel good and i've done enough driving today.

and i think i'm going to stop going to Synagogue with Dad and start going to church again. I don't really like it. maybe that will end some turmoil.


the mayans were wrong. or maybe it was the aztecs.

1 werd | leave werds


:: 2003 22 December :: 9.44am
:: Mood: weird

well i am having a good break so far..i think...yesterday i had to go to my aunt beckys house that was weird then my dad took my sister mallory and i and we went x-mas shopping and i got my top right ear pierced...i already have my left done so why not! then my dad got his right ear done....we even asked the lady there what side you get your ear pierced on when you are straight lol she was like the right is right the left means.....your gay lol i could tell she didnt want to say that but oh well so my dad got his right ear done.....then we went and got my sis rachael and she was like omg when she finally noticed our ears after an hour of being there lol but it was fun ...tomorrow i am going with danielle pinney and 2 guys and we are either going to pando or the movies...dont know yet lol
well anyways i have to go ! byes!

leave werds


:: 2003 21 December :: 11.36am

I am going x-mas shopping with val what do u guys want?

leave werds


:: 2003 21 December :: 11.18am


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:: 2003 20 December :: 11.55pm

Hey all, x-mas is almost here!!


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