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:: 2003 30 November :: 11.51am

feelin' slightly CRANKY

but zee sun it is out and i likes zhat

leave werds


:: 2003 29 November :: 10.13pm

for some reason i feel dissatisfied

and nothing bad happened today.

i'd say it was all good.

but still. i'm not in a dazzling mood.

and for another strange reason, this bc party doesn't sound like a good idea.

4 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 29 November :: 11.04am

You are Jasmine from Aladdin!

What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 werd | leave werds


:: 2003 28 November :: 11.12pm
:: Music: threedoorsdownherewithoutyou

just when you think it's safe.

nothing is funny, and everything comes back to bite you.

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 28 November :: 10.08pm

intervention time. ah.

it's like the ghost of relationship past.

leave werds


:: 2003 28 November :: 2.23pm

went hunting, seen nothing, and thats about it.....i am worried about my dad and janet breaking up thought *tear forms in eye*

leave werds


:: 2003 27 November :: 8.02pm

plus, the ovary pain seems to have subsided a little bit today.

leave werds


:: 2003 27 November :: 7.55pm

thanksgiving didn't suck this time around. we got to watch finding nemo while we ate and we didn't get yelled at. and no one punched anyone else. it was glorious.

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 27 November :: 7.06pm

i never want to hear a girl complaining that she is bored. why you ask? becuz if i was a girl, i would just get naked and stare in a mirror if i was bored!! how could you be bored if you have boobs???? its not possible. if i had boobs, i would never leave the house. if i had boobs, i would constantly be looking at and touching them. so, the next time you hear a girl complaining of boredom, point to her boobs and walk away. and if you're a girl, and bored, go play with your boobs, or at least let a guy do it.

4 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 27 November :: 4.43pm

hey guys happy thanksgiving!....well i found out my mom is aunt told me that she just happened to see my mom while she was driving down the road...but she said that my mom obviously didnt want to be seen, because she slowed down so my aunt wouldnt see her....but anyways talk laters byes!

leave werds


:: 2003 27 November :: 12.36pm

i just don't understand thanksgiving. it seems super bogus to me. there's nothing wrong from getting days off from school though.

4 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 26 November :: 9.54pm

i should go to bed. but i'd rather eat skittles.

three advil. nothing. damn ovaries. they're immune to pain killers.

9 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 26 November :: 9.21pm

is she ok?
well today i am in like a sad mood....i just relize how much i miss mom. I am so scared....she hasnt called us or anything when i even told her she could...i wanna cry now...what if he (wes) did something to her...i so afraid...non of my family has heard from her and i am just dying inside cuz i wonder what he could have done to her, and is she*thinks the thoughts of what he could have done to her*....i dont even wanna say it or think it!

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 26 November :: 4.10pm
:: Mood: substitute

that aleve is working. sort of. it took two hours.

leave werds


:: 2003 26 November :: 12.23pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: school of rock

at least that med student was cute.

leave werds


:: 2003 26 November :: 1.46am
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: fuel - million miles

I think i've suddenly picked up a few enemies
They may not be enemies, but they hate me the same. No, they don't want to kill me, but if they had the chance, i don't know if they could resist. Somehow, one person i used to love more than anything hates me. out of nowhere. i don't know what i did, but i guess i don't really care. (ha, yeah right, i'm writing in my journal about it) I'm just going to act like nothings wrong and lie to myself once again. The other, kaylen, she hates me, and i don't give a rats ass about it. i never really liked her anyway. but i wasn't going to say anything, i never 'hated' her. but if she wants to hate me go right ahead. no hair off my shoulders.

life has been pretty easy. today i found out i have a 100% in my honors english class, and i'm am non-arguably (is that a word?) the dumbest kid in the class. maybe the teacher's in love with me. thats the only explanation i can come up with right now, at 1:43 in the morning.

we don't have school today do we?
I don't think so...


I like someone. but i don't feel that much for her. not like i ever felt with Hater 1. I don't know if i'll ever feel that way about anyone ever again. the fact that i really loved her and lost her makes me just want to get a girlfriend to have sex with and not have a relationship. but that would be wrong.

maybe thats why all guys are the way they are. they've been hurt and need sex. i know i do. so if there are any prostitutes or whores me. 696 - 8751. or write toll free at
i'll be sure to write back.

I think i'm going to become a prostitute. they seem to get laid alot. if you want some sex, call me. or write me. i'll write you back.

-Writing back may take 1-3 weeks if not longer. Ron and Ron Accesories are not reliable for any injuries sustained during intercourse-

1 werd | leave werds


:: 2003 24 November :: 8.03pm

endometritis. i am scared.

7 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 24 November :: 6.42pm

well today i was really hyper only one day left yayayayayayay! lol and JENNY YOU OWE ME A NOTE AND A PICTURE HEHEHEHEHE! LOL ok love you guys thats all ihave to say!

leave werds


:: 2003 24 November :: 5.13pm

i find that snow gives people a new presence.

in a good way.

6 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 24 November :: 3.22pm

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone even though its early!

leave werds


:: 2003 23 November :: 9.22pm

it's really sad when you watch full house and the plot pertains to your life. but people actually learn a lesson. and then everything is okay again, and someone makes a joke.

i'm a loser. i can't ever deal with things the right way. i just lie.

1 werd | leave werds


:: 2003 23 November :: 3.05pm

so things perked up after my mini insane fit.

stayed up till two and go up at 8:30.

sunday school was frustrating though. i can't be both. i really want to be neither.

and i think i'm going to make the strain over. i can't deal with it anymore.

blah. i worked out like a fiend.

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 22 November :: 11.23pm
:: Mood: craptacular

i'm just am not good at confronting things.

but the guilt just knaws at me until i start saying really stupid things to people who don't even bother to say anything remotely comforting.

i'm going to ruin someone else.

and i can't even cry about it.

4 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 22 November :: 3.39pm
:: Music: now that i can dance

I would work for SOUUOP! Custard! Ah! I love Curtis and Stinko. They rock my early bird special world.

grood stuff

i'm going to the play later...ready for another rockin' time.

2 werdz | leave werds


:: 2003 22 November :: 10.57am

I WENT TO THE MARTY STEWART CONCERT! it was fucking awesome! omg you guys shouolda seen them guys playing them guitars damn were they ever good them fingers were moving like lightening! not jokeing!! when we went to get one of the bands before marty stuarts i complemented the guy for his guitar skills! lol well that was the highlight of my weekend so ttyl! byes!

2 werdz | leave werds | Random Journal