2002 3 December :: 4.43 pm
:: Mood: loved
Well, just a sec ago I was trying to sign onto AIM on this computer. But it didnt work, saying there was a firewall. I just find it interesting that all the computers at school have AIM on them, yet it doesnt work. What good does that do us? But it would have been cool if it had worked. Oh well, the school's mean and I guess I'll just wait until I get home. Mom has hall duty today. Hopefully we can go home after she gets back. Last night I only stayed up until about 11:15, and although Mom yelled at me in the morning for leaving a few lights on, at least I got enough sleep to keep my from being totally out of it the way I was yesterday. You dont even want to hear about yesterday. I lost this lab Mrs. Parham assigned us forever ago, so I got a 0 on that. But to make things worse, she decides to count it twice. So if my grade was an 80 before, how bad do you think it is now?! I'll have to do really really good on that exam in order to pass, and hopefully I'll have everything in my notebook. I'll kick myself when I find that stupid lab on the fireplace with my other old papers. I'm so disorganized, its surprising the teachers havent just gotten rid of me. I sat out of swimming today, but only because I was tired and I hadnt done my Spanish homework, which, it turns out, wasnt due until Wednesday. I need a new planner, I lost mine a while ago and because of it I've been getting in trouble. Oh well. I'm gonna go walk around or something, maybe I'll update later tonight...maybe.
Is it love? |
2002 2 December :: 9.09 pm
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: Its a movie on TV, but I still dont know what its called...
Mondays suck.
Ok, this day just started out horrible. Didnt get to sleep until 1 in the morning. Had to get up at 6:20 or so, was a few minutes late for swimming. But that was ok. Swimming wasnt so hard, and that's a relief. I did my biology homework while helping Amanda learn her capitals. And...the rest of the day I'll explain some other time. Maybe. But yeah, its about an hour and a half later than when I started this, and I guess I just wasnt paying attention. Oh well. Night!
Is it love? |
2002 1 December :: 3.23 pm
Heehee. :D
 Where Did Your Soul Originate? brought to you by Quizilla
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2002 1 December :: 2.48 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: TV commercials
Yay, we're home. Its good to be home, I'm not SO spooked here. But that's because its a lot more familiar than Kara's house, although I did have to sleep with my radio on, and my light. I feel like such a baby because of it. Well, over the past hour and a half, I've been just pigging out. I had a bunch of chips and dip, a HUGE bowl of ice cream (my fave kind) with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, AND a nice bowl of noodles covered in parmesean cheese. Lol. So I'm not gonna be hungry for a while. I get to make spaghetti for dinner tonight. I have to make sure we eat before 7 so I can watch my show!! Yay. My homework is CLOSE to being done, and since I didnt get up until 12 today, I'm thinking I wont be able to sleep tonight because I slept too much last night. So I'll probably just end up doing it sometime late tonight. But whatever. Dad put in a new re-write drive on the computer last night, so maybe I'll be able to burn CD's again, which would be nice. So we're gonna go try that out. Later!!!
Is it love? |
2002 30 November :: 12.36 am
:: Mood: confused
I've noticed that whenever I go to update my journal, the time is always an hour ahead of what it's supposed to be. What's up with that? I guess I'll get used to changing it eventually, but I do tend to forget every once in a while. And now all the sudden Kara has disappeared. But maybe not, maybe she's just in a corner and I cant see her, because her mom just told her to turn up the stereo, and she did. Yeah, there she is. Ok anyways. Today was fun, after not sleeping for about 2 hours last night, I finally managed to go to sleep. Her mom got us up at about 10, we got ready then went to the cabin. We were there for about....4 hours maybe. We watched TV some of the time, but we were also out on the trails which was fun. We came back and I took a VERY quick shower because I didnt trust being in the bathroom by myself for too long. Kara and I got ready to go, then her friend Stephanie picked us up and we went to the football game. It was such a close game, it was close to half time before either team made a touch down. But we lost. :( And its just too bad. If they'd won this game, they would have gone to Little Rock and been in the championship game, which is the best they've done in history or something. But their stadium is a lot smaller than the one back home. But ours is pretty new too, I guess. But yeah, I think we're gonna go to bed soon. That is, if the Dream Shake I had earlier doesnt kick in soon. It was a coffee tasting kind of milkshake, and normally I dont really like coffee. but today I didnt really mind. So yeah, I'm done now. Do you think I've said enough? I do. So bye!!
Is it love? |
2002 28 November :: 6.53 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: Giggling girls on the phone
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yay, we've had Thanksgiving. I'm in Arkansas hanging out with Kara and Lynz, who are cousins. We're thinking about going to the movies tonight with guys who I will have never seen before in my life. It is sooooo obvious I'm in a small town. We went to Kroger a little bit ago for chocolate pie, and even though the store was practically empty, we met up with 3 people who at least 1 of us knew. Craziness! Everyone knows everyone else, no matter if they're older of younger than them. It makesme feel so jealous, I mean, I dont know hardly ANYONE at home, especially compared to them. Its so evil. But oh well. I'm hogging the computer, so I'll just go now. Bye!!
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2002 26 November :: 9.10 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: 7th Heaven
I couldnt think of anything to write about, so Mia says I should write about nothing. Ok then. NOTHING!
1 Indeed |
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2002 26 November :: 12.44 pm
:: Mood: discontent
:: Music: Jimmy Eat World "For Me, This is Heaven"
Swimming is an ass.
Ya know, I like being part of the swim team. I dont like the fact that Coach Henry practically kills me in the process. Like, today. It started out ok, I was actually putting a little effort into it. We had an interesting set in which we swam a bunch of 100 IM's, but that's to be expected. We have some sort of set like that everyday. But then he started yelling at us about sitting out 50's and stuff, which I'm proud to say I did NOT do as much as I used to. So he says "Swim 35 100's, dont stop!" And Leah says "Doesnt that mean its just a 3500?" And yes, it was but that's just too hard to count. So as I swam and counted my 100's, I dreamed of my perfect life. Going to college, being best friends with Maria, having everyone I love at a party after I graduated from college, where Jason would propose to me...but..ya know what? Life rarely turns out the way you want it to. It might form vaguely to the shape I want it to be in, but it wont be exactly the way I pictured it. And no matter what, my kids are growing up right. Growing up in a church and NOT moving around all their lives like I did. Because when I really think about it, the moment I would feel like I belonged somewhere, we would move. Do you know how much that sucks? It really really sucks. So my kids are going to stay in one place all their childhood, and then they can go wherever they want to when they grow up. But yeah, its probably not too interesting to listen to me go on and on about how I'd like my life to be. But do you realize that in 1 set, I swam more than 2 miles NON-STOP?!?! It just makes me so mad that my parents dont let me stay home, and then he works us like he hardly ever does. He's NEVER given us something that hard. EVER. The only time he got close was that one day that he gave us 4 500's, but even that only comes up to 2000, which is only a little more than a mile. I'll probably end up doing swimming this year and my junior year and that's it. Other then that, I'm sticking to my summer team. Its really easy, I know. But I'd rather not HAVE to get committed to something. And ya know what? I'd rather get my letter jacket for Choir anyway. Now THERE is sometime I'm good at and can be proud of. I love singing, and I would rather have my jacket show that off rather than my stupid swimming abilities. I even have a patch for it already..its from a contest we went to last year, but its special to me because I loved my choirs last year and we did so well. And we showed up that STUPID choir from Cedar Park in Austin that came to compete. Mrs. Allen and I heard them say we looked stupid in our tuxedo shirts and skirts, but at least we SOUNDED good. And we sounded mature. They sang 2 songs. One was really pretty good, but the other was a stupid and immature song, and they did horrible at it. So we did so totally much better than them. And it was great. I loved choir last year, and I cant wait to get into the varsity choirs again next year. I SHOULD be in the varsity choir this year, but because I'm a freshman, he turned me down. Next year he's not going to have a reason to turn me down, and he knows how well I've sing. He's heard me sing on my own DOZENS of times, for all-state rehearsals and the audition I had just last week for the Christmas concert. Unfortunatly, I dont get to find out if I made it until a week from now, when I have that class. But that's ok. I have the music to it, and when I look at the piano part now it looks so childish and easy. I had never realized how much the piano had helped us sing in our songs. But oh well, we made up for it by singing beautifully on our a cappella pieces. Well, I dont have too much more to say and I should be working on my biology paper as it is. Later!
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2002 25 November :: 9.38 pm
Mom didnt belive me, so I have to go in the morning. She sucks. Swimming sucks. All I wanted to do was get a little extra sleep over my break, but guess not.
1 Indeed |
Is it love? |
2002 25 November :: 8.02 pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: Jim Brickman & Michelle Wright- The Greatest Gift of All...Now it's Jim Brickman- You never know
Hello hello. Well, I didnt end up sleeping at all. What I actually did was lay down under a blanket on my bed for about 45 minutes, reading 50 pages of The Human Comedy by William Saroyan. And I must say that so far it does NOT seem like a comedy. Its kinda depressing. But its good. I just wish they didnt use so many names from the stupid Odyssey. But that's probably why we're reading it. I guess I'll get over the fact that the main character's name is Homer. And that he lives in the town of Ithaca, California. Wonder if there really is an Ithaca, California. Maybe I'll check sometime. But for now just whatever. My fingers are tired from typing all day, but I dont really care. I havent even gotten to my brilliant plan yet! Ok, now I told you how horrible swimming was this morning, and about how this is my holiday and I want a break off. So I'm just going to tell my parents that We only have practice today and on Friday, and that I'm going to need a note saying I was out of town so I couldnt get to practice. Then I just make sure to write the note (making sure I word it so it sounds like I could either have missed Friday only, or Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday) and then just have them sign it. That's just my easy way out, and I dont care. I want to be able to sleep in tomorrow. Tomorrow, Wednesday and Sunday mornings are probably going to be the only mornings I get to sleep in, and I'd actually like to go to church on Sunday. So maybe I wont get to sleep in then either. So ya see? That leaves 2 mornings left that I'll get to sleep in. I dont really expect to sleep in late at Kayla and Marty's house, but ya never know. I sleep well at Mia's house, I know that. And its nice. So yeah. Well, I have to go now, so I'll probably just write tomorrow. Hopefully my plan will work out!!
Is it love? |
2002 25 November :: 4.48 pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: Jim Brickman- Where are you now
Earlier today I realized how truly horrible the circles under my eyes are. Damn swimming. It should be in the afternoon after I'm awake. They should make the divers go in the morning, but of course not. Whatever, I'm not doing swimming next year so I can do some other stuff, so at least I'll have time to recover. Time to recover sounds sooo good right now. I mean, even as I type I'm just yawning and thinking about bed. And yet I have swimming practice tomorrow morning. And my fingers have been stumbling all over the place. But I'm taking a break in a few minutes. Maybe I'll go take a nice little nap. Sounds great. :) And if I dont sleep I may just read or something. Either way I'm going to STOP YAWNING! So bye!
Is it love? |
2002 25 November :: 3.46 pm

Yay. There is what I was. I've seen all 9 results, and all are pretty funny. Check it out!
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2002 25 November :: 2.09 pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: New Found Glory- My Friends over you
The first day of actually break.
This is my first day off school for Thanksgiving break. Yay. I had swimming this morning, in which he made me and a bunch of other people who couldnt keep our interval on our kick set ATTEMPT to do 40 pull ups. But yeah right, I cant even manage to do 1. So I at least tried 40 times, then got back in the water. But yeah. Went to the dermatologist a bit ago. That was ok, and a very fast visit as always. Then Mom and I went to Jamba Juice, which is officially my favorite place to get a snack now and forever more. I'll never get tired of that place. But yeah, I'm done now!
Is it love? |
2002 25 November :: 6.16 am
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston- When you believe
WHY am I up this early?
Ok, its too early to be up on Thanksgiving break. But thanks to swimming and being ever-loyal to my sweetheart, here I am. So tired though...cant I just go back to bed for like...1/2 an hour? Before I have to get up for swimming anyway? Going to swimming makes it feel like its a school day, and its hard to get in my mind that its otherwise. I have a dermatologist appointment today at 1. Then Mia and I wanna get together sometime. Probably just hang out either here or at her house. Which is always fun. So yeah. I just had to say something. Have to break in this journal.
Is it love? |
2002 24 November :: 7.34 pm
:: Mood: quixotic
:: Music: Mom on Strike (abc fam. movie)
Family, my story.
One thing I've done maybe in one of my many journals is talk about all the people in my family, and my life before now. And I probably will sometime, but I've changed my mind just now, so now I'm just gonna go. I promise I will sometime though!!!
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