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And when July has come and gone, this day will last forever

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:: 2003 26 January :: 12.53 pm

Yay. I have now finished that survey, so all the info is right unless I skipped something. Anyway, bye!


Is it love?

:: 2003 26 January :: 7.36 am

This site is being stupid. The whole internet has been stupid for the past several days. I havent been able to check my email, edit my journal entries, or any of that! JEEZ!!!


P.S. I wasnt done with my last entry, but Mom kicked me off, so I had to just stop and save it. And NOW I cant edit it because this stupid site doesnt keep me logged in long enough....

Is it love?

:: 2003 26 January :: 12.27 am
:: Mood: bouncy

Woohoo I found a survey..
01. Full Name: Melinda Paige
02. Hair Colour: brown
03. Eye Color: brown
04. Height Currently: 5'2"....
05. Glasses/contacts: glasses, want contacts
06. Birthdate: April 9th, that's 3 months and some days or something like that
07. StarSign: aries
08. Current Age: 14
09. Siblings: 2 bros
10. Siblings Age: 8, 13
11. Location: Grapevine, Texas
12. College Plans: Either Rice or something up north...Towson maybe
13. Any Piercing: ears

01. Best Friends: Maria (MIA!!!)
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none at the moment..
03. Current Crush: uhhh..there's too many
04. Hobbies: dreaming. reading. chatting.
06. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: I like to be the center of attention with my friends but with strangers I'm a wallflower
07. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: I dont drive, but I'll be happy with anything that runs
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: Depends on the occasion
09. Do You Have A Job: Planning on one this summer
10. Do You Like Being Around People: yeah for the most part!

01. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: not really...
02. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: mhm...
03. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: I'm not picky..
04. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Yeah..
05. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: Yes. Scott was so great..I miss him
06. Are You Lonely Right Now: Mhm...
07. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: No.
08. Do You Want To Get Married: yes.
09. Do You Want Kids: Yep yep. More than one..less than 5. Lol

Who Do You Think Of When you Hear These Names:
Shawn/Sean: Boy Meets World
Steve: No one.
Pat: Uhh...
Bobby: Bobby! Stupid weirdo..I have so much dirt on him
Jessica: JC!!
Elizabeth: nobody.

01. Room In house: Umm..probably mine.
02. Type of music: Anything but rap. And hard metal..
03. Song: At the moment Travelin Soldier or Globes and Maps...sad songs.. :(
04. Memory: Dunno..I dont have memories, just dreams
05. Day Of The Week: Thursday
06. Colour: Green!!
07. Perfume Or Cologne: Cotton Blossom
08. Flower: roses...lilies..
09. Month: May..
10. Season: Spring
11. Place to be kissed: Neck, lips duh..
12. Location for dates: depends who it is and how far along we are, blah blah blah..

01. Cried: not that I remember..
02. Bought Something: nope..
03. Gotten Sick: yesteday i had a headache but i don't think that counts..
04. Sang: Of course! Mia and I sang a lot last night, to the songs on my CD
05. Said I Love You: Umm...
06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: yep..
07. Met Someone New: nope.

08. Moved On: yes, I have.
09. Talked To Someone: yes, bunches of people.
10. Had A Serious Talk: Yep.
11. Missed Someone: yep
12. Hugged Someone: yep
13. Kissed Someone: nope..
14. Fought With Your Parents: nope..
15. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: mhm..
16. Had a lot of sleep: kinda
17. Wanted This Survey To Be Over: I'm not that annoyed yet.

* ? of your friends which is the ..
[best] Maria..
[funniest] Maria..
[prettiest] Uhh..
[smartest] Maria..
[craziest] MARIA..
[most likely to succeed] Who knows?
[the one that hangs with you most] Maria
[quietest] Erm..
[sweetest] depends..
[bitchiest] Kristen
[weirdest] Maria
[blondest] Maria
[the one that lives farthest away] Erm..scott, robin, ali, amy, nicole..
[the one that lives closest] Maria. or Melissa. NO! Its Alexa. She's a few houses down..

* ? future
[do you want to get married] Yes, or course
[if so, what age would you like to be married] Whenever..
[who will you marry] Sweet guy. I used to know, but now...I've no idea
[what do you want to do when you grow up] Teach. Or something..
[where will you live] A place that's not too big, but not too small
[do you want to have kids] Yes!
[if so, how many] Some.
[what would you name them] The girl is Marie or Maria (No, Mia, not named after you, I had decided on these names long ago) and the guy...Tom.

* ? this or that
[coke/pepsi] Pepsi..but I drink coke more often[pen/pencil] pen
[vanilla/chocolate] CHOCOLATE!!
[hug/kiss] both..but if I have to choose, kiss
[lights on/off] off
[dark/light] dark
[rose/lily] both dangit
[dr pepper/mountain dew] mountain dew
[mcdonalds/burger king] both?
[sandals/shoes] sandals
[*nsync/bsb] Bsb prob..
[britney/christina] Uhh..they're both slutty
[justin timberlake/nick carter] Nick carter.
[cd/tape] cd
[phone/computer] not really a phone person
[skittles/m & m's] M&M'S!!!
[rich and unhappy/poor and happy] poor and happy
[tootsie pops/blow pops] blow pops

* ? favorites
(wasn't this already a section? yeah, it was, I'll do it anyways though.)

[color] green
[food] italian
[song] Travelin Soldier or Globes and Maps
[group] dunno..
[solo singer/rapper] dunno..
[movie] hmm...I don't really have one
[tv show] American Dreams
[beverage] Sprite!
[alcoholic beverage] Er...none. The stuff is gross
[subject] Choir
[teacher] Dunno
[store in the mall] Cold Stone, the ice cream place..
[radio station] 94.9
[book] Anything by Tamora Pierce
[holiday] Easter
[sport] dunno.
[fast food] taco bell
[color to wear] hmm..dunno
[number] dunno. 17
[actress] dunno
[actor] dunno
[place to eat] olive garden!
[ice cream flavor] Err..chocolate chip cookie dough

* ? questions
- have you ever ..
[cheated on a test] Homework, yes. Test, no.
[cut your own hair] Yeah, when I was little :d
[dyed your own hair] No. Mom did though..
[been in a fight] not like a fist fight.
[if so, how many times] Er..
[skinny dipped] Hahaha, once again, when I was little.
[skipped school] not
[stayed home on a saturday] uh, yeah
[streaked] no..
[toilet papered someones house/car] nope
[paintballed someones house/car etc] nope
[got toilet papered] no.
[got in trouble with the police] no.
[if so, for what] did I not say no?
[stolen something] Not from a store..
[broken a bone] no, just an ear cut in half
[cheated on a bf/gf] Yeah....
[fell asleep in class] Nope, but came close
[gone to jail/juvenile] nope.
[been in the hospital] Never over night cept when I was a baby
[flashed someone] Haha no
[kissed someone of the same sex] No
[gotten lost on a vacation] In San Antonio. Yeah. Mom and I got lost looking for a place to buy feminine products..

* ? what/who do you think of when you hear ..
[Tara] Annoying.
[Jeremy] He asked about me the other day..
[Joe] No one
[Shane] No one
[Billy] The bum..
[Tim] Sweetie!!
[Josh] Josh...evil
[Ashley] tall thin slut
[Ben] Ben Baker, tall, blonde, smart
[Amanda] Haha the girl next to me in Spanish, she has the BEST come-backs when someone insults her.
[Sally] Scarlet Pimpernel character
[sweet pea] right..
[peanut butter] Nummy!
[hay] ....?
[Sarah] Too many of them
[David] David's a cool kid.
[Michelle] Oh she's annoying
[Crystal] "Hamster cage" Haha she always smelled horrible, right Melissa?
[Jamie]Hilarious girl
[Kelly] Braindead, but that's one of her charms.
[Heather] Heater and Heater and the annoying Heather I never talk to.
[Mike] Haha Mike is cool
[Justin] Ew....

Is it love?

:: 2003 25 January :: 2.54 pm

Well. Yeah. Whatever. Things are going on. But AJ wants on, so I dont have time to explain. Oh well.

Is it love?

:: 2003 23 January :: 3.47 pm

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
There is this guy here at school who looks exactly like Jason. Ok, not exactly, but its still uncanny. Although the Jason here has black hair, earrings, and one of those chains on his wallet in his back pocket..but still...looks exactly like him. His first class of B day is very close to mine, so when I get out of my classroom, he's usually leaving his. :) I know its not really Jason, but its still kinda interesting....Not that I've ever talked to the guy, he's always surrounded by people, and I think he would run away screaming if I just came up to him one day, "Hey, you look exactly like a friend of mine down in Austin. I've never met him, but I've seen pictures, and you look practically identical." Ya know who's cute? Dustin. Sarah was going out with him for a little while, but..they dont sit next to eachother at lunch anymore, so I'm thinking they arent going out anymore. Liz has a HUGE crush on him, and she'd kill me if I were to go out with him before her, but I really doubt that's likely, I hardly even talk to the guy. Oh well, anyway....I think I'm done. No, I cant get on the computer this afternoon, you people will just have to survive without me. Bye!


1 Indeed | Is it love?

:: 2003 23 January :: 9.29 am

Mom somehow caught me last night, but she didnt come in or anything. I figured that out last night; their door was open when I went back to bed, and it hadnt been earlier. But whatever, my punishment hasnt really been lengthened. At least, I havent heard anything about it...whatever. Oh well, I wont be on today at all and you can watch for me Friday afternoon. Bye!


Is it love?

:: 2003 23 January :: 2.53 am

Mom is still mad at me, so I wont be on tomorrow afternoon either. See you guys on Friday, I\'ll probably update tomorrow morning in Recordkeeping. Bye...I gotta get to bed.


P.S. Got my GPA and class rank after school today...bleh. It wasnt terrible, but I know I can do better. I mean, I hardly even made top 20%...and I need to be at least top 10% in a few years. But I have a few years to bring it up, so we wont worry too much yet...just gotta stay focused on at least fricken passing..I dont even wanna see my grade in Geography...stupid class. Why cant I just be at CHHS now? I miss so much junk that I want to be there for.

Is it love?

:: 2003 22 January :: 3.39 pm

Hey. I'm not quite sure, but this morning Mom got mad at me for not having my homework done, blah blah blah, so she told me no internet today. So yeah. Hmm..well, like I said, all depends if she remembers or not. Got C-Groups tonight, not sure if I'm gonna go or not. Dont have much homework. Well yeah, I got all of my homework done, which is good. My bumper stickers werent as great as they could have been, but hey, I had a funny story to tell that got people laughing, so they could just ignore my sucky drawings...yeah. Anyway, I'm done. Today was ok. For an A day. And a Wednesday. Oooomg, you know that song I put in here? Well, when I thought of Jason, Tim, David, even Xan and me in that sort of position, I just started crying last night! I care about them so much, they're some of my best friends. But yeah...the song has been stuck in my head all day. Well, I'm gonna go now. Just thought I'd inform you of stuff, and dont worry if I dont end up showing up for the rest of today.


P.S. I didnt even realize how sensitive I was today, but when I was telling that funny story, I nearly started crying. Apparently I had been holding it in, and I didnt cry, but I guess my eyes have been kinda watery all day...jeez. Stupid song...

2 Indeeds | Is it love?

:: 2003 22 January :: 2.20 am

Two days past eighteen
He was waitin' for the bus in his army greens
Sat down in a booth at a café there
Gave his order to the girl with a bow in her hair
He's a little shy so she gave him a smile
So he said would you mind sittin' down for a while
And talkin' to me I'm feelin' a little low
She said I'm off in an hour and I know where we can go

So they went down and they sat on the pier
He said I bet you got a boyfriend but I don't care
I've got no one to send a letter to
Would you mind if I sent one back here to you?

I cried
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy
Too young for him they told her
Waitin' for the love of the travelin' soldier
Our love will never end
Waitin' for the soldier to come back again
Never more to be alone
When the letter says a soldier's coming home

So the letters came
From an army camp
In California then Vietnam
And he told his heart
It might be love
And all of the things he was so scared of
Said when it's gettin kinda tough over here
I think about that day sittin' down at the pier
And close my eyes and see your pretty smile
Now don't worry but I won't be able to write for a while

I cried
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy
Too young for him they told her
Waitin' for the love of the travelin' soldier
Our love will never end
Waitin' for the soldier to come back again
Never more to be alone
When the letter says a soldier's coming home

One Friday night at a football game
The Lord's Prayer said and the anthem sang
A man said folks would you bow your heads
For the list of local Vietnam dead
Cryin' all alone under the stands
Was the piccolo player in the marching band
And one name read and no one really cared
But a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair

I cried
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy
Too young for him they told her
Waitin' for the love of the travelin' soldier
Our love will never end
Waitin' for the soldier to come back again
Never more to be alone
When the letter says a soldier's coming home

*tear* Mia has me hooked on this song. Evil Mia! Oh, kindly ignore the time of the journal entry. Yeah, anyway. Bye.


Is it love?

:: 2003 21 January :: 9.55 am

Is the Robin Hood Plan a good thing or a bad thing?

OMG it SUCKS!! Its taking away all the money we use for all of our junk, like sports and stuff.
Yes, we need to help the poorer districts.
I'm not too invovled in things at school, it doesnt affect me any..
The what?

view results

Is it love?

:: 2003 21 January :: 8.47 am

Eeeeee my other journal site has been blocked by the school because of "Inappropriate content" but the content in my journal isnt THAT inappropriate is it? Hmm..I'll check later on Mom's computer, even if it is slow as anything. I packed my lunch today. And I might get some cheese cake after school. Yay! Anyway, time to go. Bye


Is it love?

:: 2003 21 January :: 8.39 am

Teacher is back. Oh well, just thought I would inform you that Sunny D died sometime during the night. Greg is staying home sick with a fever, and Dad is staying home with him. Greg is going to beg Dad to take him to PetCo and get 3 new fish (I would have a total of 10) and a big thing of fish food, because what I have isnt going to last me very long. So yeah. Its kinda hot in here, I'll probably end up like taking off my sweatshirt at some point, oh well, anyway, got to go. Bye


Is it love?

:: 2003 20 January :: 3.34 pm
:: Mood: happy

Yep, Saturday was nice. Got to lay around and be lazy. Not too much happened that I can remember....

Oooo yesterday was lots of fun. I went to church at 9 and sang, that went well although they forgot to put up our "stick" microphones, so I heard people commenting they couldnt hear us as well as last week. After that Dad took Greg and I to PetCo because AJ needed crickets for his lizzard. Well, turns out they were all sold out of crickets, but I was looking for a good way to spend my Christmas/allowance money I had been saving for a while. So I ended up buying a good size aquarium with the filter and heater and all that stuff, the gravel, decorations, and 8 fish to go in it. Ended up spending $55, which is actually pretty cheap because the aquarium and junk itself was actually supposed to cost more than than all of it did, but a lot of their fishie stuff was on clearance, so yeah. That was nice. I love fishies. Their names are Tangelo, Orangelina, Joe, Mr. Catfish, Sunny D, Hewey, Dewey, and Lewey (ya know, Disney characters. we cant tell them apart, so we just gave them names like that). Yeah, they're cool. All guys, yes, but Orangelina is such a cool name, I dont care if it sounds like a girl. Jessica slept over, and she is the one who named all my fish. She's good with names. We went and saw Lord of The Rings, FINALLY. It was a good movie, I liked it. Oh, last detail of that day: my period started that morning. -.-

Well, as today IS today, I cant really say what I'll do. I should really get at least half of my homework done though, I have A LOT due on Wednesday. Which sucks. My teachers ruined my weekend by giving me homework, but, I guess as Mr. C(Jessica's dad) told me last night, since I havent done it yet it really hasnt ruined my weekend. I just told him that I was always THINKING about it, which ruined my weekend because I couldnt get it out of my mind. Oh well. Whatever. Yeah. Dad is bringing home sandwiches from Mc Donalds, oh boy..yeah anyway. I'm done.

Is it love?

:: 2003 18 January :: 4.31 pm

Hm. I dont have much to say, but I thought I would update. Mia and I had fun. We made cds and stuff. Yeah. Played the game Life 2 times, she won the 2nd and I wont the first. In pool she won the first game by a lucky shot, and I wont the second because she shot the 8 ball in before she had gotten all her other balls in. So over all, it was a pretty even game. Oh well, anyway. I'm done. Bye!


2 Indeeds | Is it love?

:: 2003 17 January :: 7.20 pm

Yeah. Whatever. Mia gets to spend the night, yay!! FINALLY though, her mom is so picky about stuff like that. She's worried Mia and I are gonna run off somewhere....where would we want to go? And its so cold outside. What would we do? We're too lazy to go anywhere. But whatever, I'm gonna go eat.


Is it love? | Random Journal