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:: 2005 14 January :: 12.02pm

It's all so close. No. Yes. No.

Such little things can hold you back, if you let them. Circumstances.

It's been so cold today.
I wish it would go away.

Exams are the worst things ever invented by mankind.

Especially AP Chemistry exams.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 14 January :: 9.29am

I Just Love Kitties. Just Love Em. I Think Im Going To Grow Up To Be The Crazy Cat Lady...Cept Well I'll Have Something Different In My Pants, Making Me Not A Lady At All

4 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 13 January :: 9.23pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Masquerade

That damn pig
Why do I have to feel so damn bad about aDAMN rat?

Why doesn't he just die and get it over with?

I'm even scared to go into my room- I may hear him. That would be so tragic.

I feel like I have a kid. That's really small and hairy. That shuts up when I feed him. Shit. I'm going to bed.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 11 January :: 6.18pm
:: Mood: SICK AS FUCK!!!
:: Music: whatever

This Is Not The Question I Was Going To Post
I Fucking Hate noses They Are So Fucking Ugly And Stupid And Ruin Faces. When Im Rich And Famous I'll Get Plastic Surgery And Have My Nose Removed.

12 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 11 January :: 12.18pm

I swear I wanted to die last night. I have hardly ever been so.....fucked up?

Today is a long day. I woke up at 4:30am to memorize my drama thing, and go in early for a history test. After school is a band trip meeting, and then I have to drive to Howard City to give lessons. Finally I should be home around 6pm. I want to sleep then.

I'm having a bit better day today, but still tired.


Where is the love?


:: 2005 9 January :: 7.18pm
:: Music: Bright Eyes - From A Balance Beam

Lyrics To The Afore Mentioned Song
This Makes Me Feel Something Along The Lines OF love...I Guess Thats The Feeling In The Pit Of Your Stomach.

There is a man holding a megaphone, so he must have been the voice of God. The bystanders claimed they saw angels flying up and down the block. Well, they must have been attached to wires. I'd seen one laying in the lawn with a broken arm, so I called 911. Well that is one less founded opinion. One more cause for a dispute. So the street filled, like a basin, up with cameras and their crews and they washed away the rumors leaving just the concrete truth. It was a spectacle. No, I-I mean a miracle. So then I fell like that girl from a balance beam. A gymnasium of eyes were all holding on to me. I lifted one foot to cross the other and I felt myself slipping. It was a small mistake. Sometimes that is all it takes.

Now I'm staring at my wrist, hoping that the time is right. When the planets will align. There will be no planets to align. Just the carcass of the sun and those little painted marbles spinning senseless through an endless black sky. [and so it never started and it will never stop just like I am and you are] It was in a foreign hotel's bathtub I baptized myself in change. And one by one I drowned all of the people I had been. I emerged to find the parallels were fewer. I was cleansed. I looked in the mirror and someone new was there. But, I was as helpless as a chess piece when I was lifted up by someone's hand and delivered from the corner my enemies had got me in. But in all of my salvation I still felt imprisoned inside that holding cell that is myself.

So I wait for the day when I'll hear the key as it turns in the lock and the guard will say to me, Oh my patient prisoner you have waited for this day and finally you are free! You are free! You are freezing. Now I'm staring at the sun, waiting for it to explode. Because a day is gonna come, don't know when but it will come and we'll finally know the way out of here. And I will throw away this wrinkled map and my chart of stars and compass, cracked. And I'll climb that tree all wet with sap to avoid the hungry beasts below. I'll cut out my love's tongue and sing of a graveyard gray and a garden green and then we won't have to worry no more. No we won't ever wonder again about how this song or story ends about how this song and story will end.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 9 January :: 6.51pm

I Made New Friends



13 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 9 January :: 6.36pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Dashboard Confessional - Rapid Hope Loss

Am I Hott Or Is It Just Me?

20 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 7 January :: 9.53pm

So i got the part of Bobby Child in the spring musical. im happy and really proud. its going to be a shit load of fun and i cant wait to die from all the music and all the sould spilling through my feet as i tap my heart out.

5 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 7 January :: 8.43pm
:: Mood: anxious

So I just gave a huge part of myself to a group that I barely even trust. I guess you just have to do some things. I guess I just had to say some things. I took the step, as scared shitless as I was about it, but I had to. That's the only way I knew how to trust them. We'll see what happens. We'll see...

Where is the love?


:: 2005 6 January :: 9.39pm
:: Music: Blink !*@

follow this
stacy rocks my fucking socks. she has showed me to so many new bands and styles of music. she is like my god. she is my god. i love you stacy *dreams* looking forward to the summer memories we've yet to make. *hugs* see you later o and by the way....I'm tired of hearing all the sappy love songs on the radio.....

8 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 5 January :: 11.02pm
:: Music: Johnny Cash - When The Man Comes Around

Why does everyone use the net like a fucking weapon? convo save files and shit like that and hacking and stealing....it hurts alot. saving convos and then using them as blackmail or just threating people or just waving them around like fucking flags...it hurts....why do people do it?

6 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 5 January :: 9.12pm

So much is going on, but still it feels like nothing. Nothing is striking that chord, you know, the one where you're like "this is great, I'll always remember that".

If you don't remember things, then how do you know you really had a past?

You write them down? What if you don't remember writing them? Then, does that mean you never wrote them?

If I am part of everything I have met, yet I don't remember everything I have met, then isn't that like forgetting who I am?

If you are left with no past, no memories, just impulses and thinking, then, are you really a person? Would you do the same thing as you would if you knew of a past?

I need to go to bed before I drive myself crazy.

Where is the love?


:: 2005 5 January :: 12.55pm

people find me humerous when mean?

To get people to laugh when you are being mean.

1. Take on a serious tone if you don't usually have one and don't show any expression at all.

2. Yell everything. ( Despite what people tell you, no one takes you seriously when you are screaming.)


Jess: Where is the freaking note?(REPEAT AT LEAST 40 TIMES)


Jess: Aww... (giggle giggle) that was cute. Okay. You can read it. I'll wait. I just wanted to put it in the notebook.

Gah. What to teach next.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 5 January :: 12.49pm

Dan: Me and Jessi were waiting for you at the locker but you never came.

Becca: I had stuff to do.

Dan: We must never let the thought of you grace our minds again.

Becca: NOOOOO!

Dan: Don't worry. She'll probably forget by tomorrow.


4 found the love | Where is the love?

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