2004 28 October :: 12.44pm
Work is not all fun and play. It also involves messing with people's minds. I haven't been taught that yet but I think I can catch on fast.
Where is the love?
2004 27 October :: 1.13pm
McDonald's is a great place to work and play. That's all the workers do anyways. I really love it there! You have no idea. It's the easiest job I've had in forever and I am dah dah dat dah dah... I'm loving it.
I know. I'm a complete dork.
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2004 24 October :: 11.09pm
:: Mood: sad
Baby -I'm really sorry we couldn't hang out on Friday night. My mom was being really retaded and she wanted to have talk with me that night with my father. Anyways, I really want to see you again though. We use to get together all the time and we just suddenly got lives or something like that. I really miss those marathons of Dawson's Creek we use to stay up watching or cuddling on the couch with you and Joe. Or just laying on your bed thinking of boys and what to do with them. Or making out. That was fun too. Anyways, we really need to do something soon. I really miss you and want to be best friends again. And I understand with your schedule and My own filling up it makes it difficult, but when I start driving, things should get easier. Ah well. I'll call you Monday and see if you're home. Love you!
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2004 24 October :: 10.29pm
:: Mood: full
My weekend- or just Saturday
I hate it when my freakin dad cooks. I eat too much. It's just to good. And the worst part is his cookies. To die for. Yum. Raisin. I have to bring one to Sarah. She loves her raisins.
Brianna came home this weekend and I'm glad I can tell her a few things like I do Katie. She's really cool now. I'm gonna go stay there sometime with her at CMU. Maybe in November or something. We'll see.
Yesterday was fun. We just hung out at David's house all day and watched movies and talked about anything imaginable and that was awesome. You know The Cat in The Hat is a pretty funny movie once you ignore the fact that Mike Myers is The fricken Cat. I guess I never really like that book, but David's obsessed with the Dr. Suess so he wanted to watch it really bad. We watched the Secret Window twice because he didn't really get it the first time. He doesn't pay attention very well. And he interupts me all the time when he thinks of something else to say and I'm still talking. But I'm a chatter box around him anyways.
I'm gonna go see "The Saw" on Friday. It looks pretty scary.
2 weeks today. He keeps better track than I do. That's different for a guy, but I guess he's different anyways.
I am just really happy. Content. Satisfied.
I loved the thunder storm even though it only lasted like 1 hour.
I'm making a fort out of hey bails in David's barn this Saturday maybe. It's way cool there. They have so much land and a few horses and pigs.
I am starting training this week for work and I am kind of nervous. I have no reason to be but I still am. Oh well. It shouldn't be as hard as the last couple jobs.
But I can't talk to David at all. That sucks. I don't want to be distracted anyways. I have to stay proffessional at work. We'll see how that works.
Well, I have concluded that I like taking walks to relax me. It's kind of an obsession now. Music isn't working anymore like it use to. Shit.
David hate's Flogging Molly. He didn't say it to my face, and he deserves some credit for that, (the kids got brains) but I really think that one's gonna be a "too bad, shut up and listen anyways kid"- thing.
I just want November to be done so I can drive already. And Jessi can be ungrounded. And The Incredibles will be in theaters. And The 3rd Lord of the Rings Extended Version will be out and I can watch it. I completly can't wait.
I need to go to bed because I'm rambling.
I need to change the colors on my journal because I'm annoyed. I guess I'll keep that really hot guy as my picture though. He's just too cool to cut.
Or.. not.. to.. cut ....with a .... knife.
Anyways, Concert band tomorrow and no more retarded stupid Pep band. THANK THE LORD!!!!!!
Sarah, why do you seem so sad all the time in your journal? You know our love will last forever. No need to worry. Becca's here to stay. Kiss Kiss.
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2004 24 October :: 3.01pm
:: Mood: calm
I don't quite know what's reality anymore, I'm going back and forth, and it's really all quite confusing, I don't even know how to explain it.
There are so many things that I think about sometimes, and they all just blend into one, and I don't want them to.
I just want to paint the world with my tears.
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2004 20 October :: 11.20pm
:: Music: German Techno
4 wheeling today and I suck! but it was fun. I don't suck- it was a shifter one and not automatic so don't tease me about that. I got better.
Tried something new today. Making out while driving. It was fun but make sure he pays attention to mailboxes and stays on the road. It was stimulating.
Anyways, so the freaking weekend can't come any sooner?
Sleep makes everytning go quicker. I better sleep more.
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2004 15 October :: 10.12pm
Ahhhh.... A whole day with David ahead and no dumb stupid family. Sweetest day tomorrow? That's what they tell me.
Wrong Turn is suppose to be good? I guess we'll see soon.
Anyways, no more marching forever and a day. And ... and!.... I get to play my Barry in a quartet for the intermission for the play and for a small Christmas Concert treat. I really like this Hubert thing. He's a beast!!
(Hubert=Barry Sax for those who can't follow.)
Anyways, I need my rest. Long day ahead tomorrow. wink*
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2004 14 October :: 1.11pm
True Story
I'm not gonna lie- I had a little corn last night. You got a little somethin' right... there. Okay we're good.
True Story.
(Dangle Dangle)
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2004 13 October :: 12.55pm
So cuddling sets a bad example for the little one's. Since when?
Brothers who spy should be shot and burned.
I think I'm gonna like this 3 day weekend.
Hope everyone has fun at homecoming!
And for those of you who are grounded. Boy does that suck. Too bad.
Not really.
5 found the love |
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2004 12 October :: 12.59pm
Hey these entries are for us to correspond with eachother via internet. Write something interesting. I dressed up as Jack Sparrow again today and I am better than last time. More beads and such. Yeah- you?
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2004 12 October :: 12.48pm
:: Mood: indescribable
Orientation Last night was pretty good but it kind of was boring. What am I talking about... IT Was Boring!!! But I got to see David after. That's the only highlight of my night.
Wow am I the luckiest girl in the world or what? So I was sitting there last night just laying there with him watching Anger Management. It was just so nice. My parents and siblings love him and Brianna, you gotta meet him. He just, gosh, makes me so happy and I just have such a massive crush on him. We so just get eachother and I've mentioned that so many times before but there it is again.
Awww... finally- bliss!
I haven't felt like this for a while!
7 found the love |
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2004 7 October :: 1.14pm
:: Mood: bouncy
Hey Brianna
What's up?
Not 2 much here.
Really bored and sick of school.
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2004 7 October :: 12.33pm
:: Mood: cheerful
Celebrity Upgrade?
It's a good day and no homework so far. I hardly have any homework which is pretty good and I just love life right now.
Going to Mitch's house after school to meet his mom and then he's gonna meet my mom and possibly dad if he's home.
Anyways, I just was typing to say "I love You" to all my 'friends' out there.
5 found the love |
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2004 7 October :: 12.31pm
Happy Birthday Jessica
I love you!
Where is the love?
2004 6 October :: 7.56pm
:: Music: Yeah- Usher
I so got the job at McDonalds!!!
An orientation on Monday will seal the deal. I'm so excited!!
I am gonna have a blast.
I really hope everything goes good with David and Jess tonight. He's such a riot.
Party this weekend? Girl's night or Becca style?
I prefer the last one.
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