2004 24 September :: 10.03pm
Jess and Sarah totally get a celebrity upgrade!
Band Is An Aweful Passtime For The Lovers of SUDDEN death.
I so want to kill you again, just to see you cry.
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Where is the love?
2004 24 September :: 10.01pm
:: Mood: cold
It's not that way.......
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Where is the love?
2004 24 September :: 9.58pm
Gah... one day!! about this time tomorrow I will be partying it down with some really cool people.
I can't wait.
See ya there.
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Where is the love?
2004 23 September :: 12.58pm
What to do when you like someone... who likes someone else.
A. Tell them straight out
B. Flirt and hope he takes you seriously
C. Cry and give up
D. Be devious,and sneak in when he's not looking
I need some help and some more options because they all sound good to me.
I hate boys. Look what they do to us.
I hate boys.
But you gotta love them!!!
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Where is the love?
2004 21 September :: 1.24pm
I hate Being Sick.
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Where is the love?
2004 19 September :: 8.50pm
:: Mood: blah
I just got home from work....I did carts for four and a half hours. That was fun. Actually, it was the best time that i've done it so far, no one tried to run me over (by accident or on purpose), none of my carts got loose (tight!), and I never had any times when my corrals were overly full, or my holding spaces were too empty, plus it was around seventy, so it wasn't too terribly hot.
This weekend went by fast. I don't know how I'm suppose to have time..for anything. Of course, that's right, I don't. Oh gee.
Maybe I should go to bed so I can wake up for another WONDERFUL day of school. You know, IT IS JUST SO refreshing to walk into a building everyday that reminds you of a prison, oh, and guess what!?! Feels like one too. Oh, and a quick tip, if you drop your soap, don't pick it up. You never know who'll pull up your thong.
I hate that, girls with really low jeans, and thongs half way up their back..but hey, what am I talking about, a small percentage of my school, right? Yeah, 99% is a small number.
Eh, i'm being very.......moody today, I must go to bed, then.
Good night.
Oh, and Rueben, I'll be home around three, call me then!
Where is the love?
2004 16 September :: 1.05pm
Wow I feel really bad. I think i'm coming down with a cold cause I've got the shivers all the time and I sniffle and stuffy.... It's aweful and I now hate and envy all healthy people. Gahhhh.
Waiting for the weekend! It wil be fun. I'm excited. Haven't hung out together in forever. See ya.
Where is the love?
2004 12 September :: 3.19pm
I'm so tired, it's like summer never even existed. This is the part that i hate about school, oh, and that whole "we'll lock you up for seven hours a day using fluorescent lighting so we can kill your spirit, and your eyes!"
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Where is the love?
2004 8 September :: 7.31pm
Her eyes closed slowly in quiet rememberance. The thoughts of then slowly crept into her mind. The scenes, that happened so long ago, but seem like yesterday. She thinks of those feelings that she felt, that still remain. Somewhere deep inside her she can tell she's still waiting, still wondering why it all lingers. The purpose of it all is so unclear. The echoes of a million voices reverberate in her head. Which one will she choose? She knows one voice speaks louder than the others, and she clings to it, but still wants away from it. She knows there is a dangerous part of herself, that will do anything to rebound, even if it means destroying all that has been achieved, or at least, appears as such. She wants what she shouldn't, and grieves for what she had, no matter the cost. She is confused at this all, but still cannot understand, and cannot comprehend, so all she can do is patiently wait, until the day arrives, where the choices will be made, and the future will be fortold.
Where is the love?
2004 7 September :: 9.49pm
All my classes are pretty great and I have my freedom back. I miss the summer though. I wish even more I wasn't grounded.
Oh, well. If all goes as planned, everything will be worth it in a couple weeks.
Cross my fingers.
I'm obsessed.
And for once it has little to do with Pirates.
Hmmmm...... Unless things get kinky.
But with Jessica and Hilary- who knows what will happen.
(It's almost a promise.- Good )
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Where is the love?
2004 4 September :: 11.53am
I wish I wouldn't care anymore, and let things slip by. Somehow, I remember, it was easier that way.
Where is the love?
2004 26 August :: 8.21pm
It's amazing how people build houses and stores and places just to get away from the outdoors. We came from the outdoors. We are ruining it.
I was cleaning all the fast food wrappers and cigarette butts from the Meijer parking lot today, when I happened over a stunningly beautiful view on the west side down a hill. It had the most beautiful purple flowers, in full blosom, beech trees, tall grass, that is browning in the knowing that it will soon be time to die in order to renew the cycle it was born into. I stood there for a moment and looked about my feet. The dirty trash of humanity had destroyed the view, and I was overcome with sorrow. We came from that, and all we do is destroy it in hopes of living the "good life". What good is life when you've ruined everything you ever had, and you have nothing beautiful to pass on to your children. Nothing but stories of beauty, things they may as well never see, except maybe tainted in captivity.
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Where is the love?
2004 26 August :: 10.36am
Music cleanses the understanding; inspires it, and lifts it into a realm which it would not reach if it were left to itself. ~Henry Ward Beecher
Music has been my playmate, my lover, and my crying towel. ~Buffy Sainte-Marie
Where is the love?
2004 21 August :: 9.53am
:: Mood: awake
I came home from the lake to get some cabbage for my mom. And my calender, and my straightener. I have a few more hours next week. Yay. not really.
Oh, and Rueben, there's something I want you to read, you know where to find it.
Where is the love?
2004 19 August :: 11.22am
I went to sleep last night in the hopes of forgetting everything and waking up to a better day. It wasn't a better day.
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Where is the love?