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i try to imagine a careless life;

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:: 2023 19 August :: 2.03 pm

Weird Body Shit
took my meds and feel like talking to the void about things, so here ya go

i'm fond of my body, despite a history of dissociation and all that, and i also have a lifelong love of anatomy and physiology. due to these two things, i've made a habit over the years to hunt down and get clues on anything i notice that's kind of unusual or weird about my body.

these aren't things that are actually dangerous to me, or [at least at time of writing] that cause undue suffering, which is what makes them primarily neat curiosities that i feel satisfied when i at least think i've gotten a ballpark answer.
mostly i just like cataloguing and figuring out these things; if i don't, no one will after all, and my body and its quirks are unique and tell part of my overarching story, so i value talking about them.


1: slipping rib

this is the most recent and thus the most exciting!

so for many years, ever since i was a kid [circa 1999 or 2000 is the earliest memory i have of it], i have been able to "pop" my lower ribs. as a child i enjoyed grossing people out with it, getting them to touch my side and then disturbing them with the pop lol.

i knew it wasn't normal, based on everyone's baffled and grossed out reactions, but it has never caused me any actual pain, so i've never been too worried... but increasingly curious and inquisitive about it as the decades pass.
then last night, as i was laying on my back - one of the positions that aggravates this sensation sometimes - i started googling for the umpteenth time, and at last -- slipping rib syndrome.

if i'm right, this is a deformity of the costal cartilage [the cartilage that connects the front of your ribs to your sternum, especially the lower ones where the cartilage is very big and long] where the 8th-10th ribs do not connect properly. everyone has "floating ribs" [11th-12th ribs], which are small and don't come fully around to the sternum, but in these cases, a few of the ribs up above them may be additionally "floating" though they're not anatomically meant to be.

thankfully, though i have no idea how, this has never caused me any pain, only irritation and discomfort. it has gotten a little more noticeable in the past year, i think it might be because i've lost a significant amount of weight, and the ribs are more "floating" and unsupported by fat than they were previously, but that's just conjecture on my part.
normally this condition is associated with nerve pain, which is pretty much the one and only symptom which doesn't line up with my experience. but imo, that doesn't rule it out, because as is the case all over medicine, it's the cases with pain that get noticed, diagnosed, treated - squeaky wheels getting the grease, etc. i only notice because i'm hyper-body-aware, and nerdy about how the body works on top of that. otherwise it would just be a Weird Wrong Feeling in the bottoms of my ribs, i suppose.

the way it works is that the 8th through 10th ribs [not sure if all of them, or if it can be only one or two of them], being not properly connected to the ribs above, tend to fold up underneath the higher ribs. this is exactly how it has always felt for me to 'pop' the ribs: like a grasshopper stridulating, is the visual i always get. a lower rib rubbing against one above it and 'popping' from friction. [again, how the fuck does this not hurt me. but it is uncomfortable and annoying, and 'nerve irritation' is exactly how i've always thought of the sensation. and the symptomatic pain is caused by nerve irritation, so!]

this is probably only treatable with surgical intervention [artificial cartilage or some other stuff placed where the natural cartilage should be, to help support and keep the ribs in line], but unless and until this starts causing me physical pain -- or if i should turn out to be one of the unlucky few for whom this poses an actual threat of punctured organs, which can happen, but rarely -- i'm not interested in an invasive solution. it's not causing me undue suffering, or severely impacting my life; it's just one minor bodily discomfort that i can at least temporarily soothe [the "popping" motion also puts them temporarily back in place, i believe] that only happens in certain positions.
oh, and for me at least this is definitely bilateral. it's easier to pop on the right side, but feels the same on either side to me.
either way though, this is something i've been curious about for over 20 years!!! and no one's ever known what to tell me. i might bring it up at my next doc appointment, if the doc can handle me just wanting to talk shop about my body and physiology, without seeing it as me asking for treatment, since there isn't really much to be done, nor am i overly concerned. but i DO like talking shop with medical professionals, when they'll do so with me, so hey!


2: hiatal hernia

this one began around the time i was a teenager, but before it happened to me, i observed it happening to my mother. most of the time it presents as a weird, pseudo 'hiccup'; usually just one, sometimes two or three, as if you hiccuped like a sneeze instead of "getting the hiccups". it's involuntary, but i can sometimes feel it coming and ward it off by taking deep breaths.
clearly i inherited it from my mother, but if i ever mentioned it with her i have no memory, so i don't know if she ever knew what it was or thought much about it. [my parents and i are no longer in contact, so i cannot ask now.]

this was another case where i was frustrated for decades before i finally hit on what looks like my situation: hiatal hernia. this is a condition where the upper part of the stomach protrudes through the hole in the diaphragm that admits the esophagus [the hiatus]. this results in the hiatus being pushed open wider than is normally intended, which can in turn put pressure on nerves in the area [the vagus nerve, iirc?], which is what causes the muscle spasm and involuntary inhalation "hiccup".
it doesn't happen all the time; i noticed it happened the most if i'd just eaten a big meal. i can definitely feel the stretching feeling, it's a little uncomfortable, and so is the spasm, but it doesn't usually hurt unless it's just an especially violent one [trying to eat too fast, for example]. sometimes rather than hiccuping, the diaphragm spasm "flutters" quickly instead, causing me to seem like i'm hyperventilating for a second. it's alarming to people because it's so sudden and often i can't stop it from making noise, but i always reassure them nothing is dangerous, just my diaphragm going off lol.

this one doesn't cause me too much distress, most of it was solved by just simply understanding what was going on [as with all of these, that is my primary goal]. even if i am wrong, it's unlikely to be something serious, as i've brought it up with my docs and they seemed not too concerned. as far as i know, hiatal hernias are mostly correctable with surgery, though i've read interesting research about 'massages' one can do to pull the stomach back down, but as interesting as that is, i doubt it would stay that way without surgical intervention.
as with the ribs case, i'm not worried about getting surgery on something that's not actually causing me pain & suffering, or putting me in physical danger, so as far as i'm concerned, unless it starts causing some other problem, all i do about it is try not to eat food that 'sticks to your ribs' too awful quickly or i'll have to do some unpleasant wrestling with my diaphragm for a bit :P


3: metatarsus adductus

this one was no mystery, i've known about it my whole life, but it took me decades to actually hunt down the name of the condition and more info about it.
metatarsus adductus is a fairly common birth defect, most especially found in firstborn children [like myself]. it's also worth noting that it's commonly found in oversize neonates, and i was three[!] weeks late for my due date. [my mother apparently had some kind of quirk of her own, where her body just..... never went into labor. since i was the first, she didn't know this yet, and therefore i got almost a month of extra fetus time before being pushed out!]

basically what it is, is the infant at birth has feet that are bent in the middle, shaped sort of like a boomerang. this is caused by the metatarsal bones -- think of them as the same bones in the palm of your hand, the ones that look like extra finger joints, but don't function as such, but they form the midfoot and part of the foot arch. in this case, the tarsal bones [little rock 'knucklebones' that form the hindfoot and heel] are pushed outward and the connecting metatarsals follow, creating an inward curve. this is distinct and unrelated to other common foot deformities of infants like clubfoot, which is actually a deformity of the ankle and not the foot itself as in this case.

in my case, i was made to wear therapeutic shoes for the first year of my life. nowadays, at least visually, you'd probably never guess my feet were deformed without an x-ray; they look pretty straight and normal. with one exception: as i've gained more muscle mass and my body shape has shifted due to HRT, the top of my foot towards the outer edge has gained a weird little bulge of flesh on either side -- this was present before HRT, but is much more visible now. i always wondered wtf it was, but now i know: it's nothing wrong, just the tarsal bones underneath are pushed to one side abnormally, and the normal flesh on top just follows its shape and exaggerates it a bit.

as for effects, i am now in my early 30s and only in the past few years have my feet started to bug me at times other than when i've been on them too long... but in the Before Times, pre-2020, when i still worked a 'regular people job' and was on my feet for many punishing hours, it turned out that the foot pain i was complaining of was MUCH MUCH worse than normal. of course, everyone told me i was being a baby and needed to tough it out. this is one of many, many reasons why i have not sought out another 'regular job' since i was blessedly released from my last one.
i knew even then that the older i got, the more likely these would become a problem and i was told growing up that i might be at risk for arthritis in the future. in the x-rays i had taken last year [which were very crap quality, but still the first ones i'd ever had done as an adult], my bones looked pretty ok apart from still being visibly crooked inside, but there was a forming bone spur here and there. i made note of their positions and monitor those spots for pain [while not monitoring Too Much, to discourage convincing myself of pain which is not actually there :V].
generally though, at least at time of writing, my feet don't fail me too badly. i can usually walk pretty far without issue; it is standing in one place for long periods, such as at retail jobs, that hurts me the most. today happens to be a compression sock day; the balls of my feet [metatarsal->digit joint that touches the ground] were hurting me, so i wear compression socks for several hours to help squeeze my feet together some. it seems to be helpful!
in the future i would like to develop some unique gear like inserts for my shoes to help me walk more comfortably; it is difficult to find comfortable shoes and when i do find them, due to my deformity, i bear my weight in an unusual and uneven way on the inside soles of my feet, and my shoes, not designed with this kind of movement in mind, usually wear out more quickly and unevenly. [my left foot has always been the worse one, and when i'm feeling nervous, to this day my left foot will turn toe-in unconsciously. i can stand and walk with them straight, but i will always lean a little bit pigeon-toed now and then.]

edit because i forgot one other thing about this: if i try to bend my feet downward in certain positions - think of a ballet pose with the toes curved down as far as possible and the arch of the foot exaggerated - my feet will sometimes 'seize up' and it hurts quite a lot, i will have to grab my feet in my hands and physically move them back upright or else they will just stay that way and be in pretty severe pain! it's like a cramp but also in the nerves. my theory is due to the weird situation of my metatarsals, positions like that one cause them to 'roll over' each other, trapping some nerve in between the bones and crushing it. this causes the electrical pain sensation and maybe also the inability to move my feet on their own without help back out of that position. this would be a pretty rough handicap if it wasn't a pose that my feet rarely need to take, lol!

gathering light

:: 2023 7 August :: 10.54 pm

what's up internet?


few nights without weed to help me sleep. should make for an interesting time. i need a tolerance break anyway though. and just a break from it in general. helps me appreciate it more


realized i'd fucked up my hormones extremely and that's probably the primary reason why i've felt *so* exhausted and insane and irrational. so. working on that now


insane out of whack chemicals in brain leads to feelings of bored aimlessness but i'm doing my best to aim those feelings regardless instead of letting them devour themselves and me. so. not a whole lot of writing getting done when i'm spending a lot of my energy navigating mood/energy swings. only have myself to blame for that tho. working on getting it in order.


want to take another trip soon. not TOO soon. but. the second time was a useful experiment in what exactly i'm missing out on when i don't do things exactly as prescribed. it was harmless, but i can pinpoint the specific parts of the experience that were conspicuously absent. it's pretty clear that ritual cleansing is required if i want to receive those things as well.


idk. not a lot to write in words because a lot of what's going on in my brain lately is inarticulate screeching of confused panic, for no real reason other than chemical imbalance :V but that's life sometimes. it'll settle down especially if i take my goddamn meds on time like i'm supposed to.

gathering light

:: 2023 29 July :: 11.04 am
:: Mood: telebizion
:: Music: that high pitched noise that crts make

entry the second: the tale of the brick & behemoth
[unrelated prelude: i cannot for the life of me figure out why i'm getting errors when i try to change the format of the journal/style, emailed the admins, hopefully they still check their inbox otherwise i'm stuck w this :V
and edit: got a response right after posting this LOL, aye, just glad someone's still at the helm so to speak! love an old platform still being given attention and love!]

part 1: the Brick
the Brick is the loving epithet i've given to a 27" Panasonic CT-27G5B cathode ray tube television set, manufactured in mexico in january 2001. presumably for the first several years of its life, it lived with a friend of mine that i knew from marching band in high school. we had bonded a little over being two queers in a very homophobic rural area of the south in the mid 00s, well before online social justice became the new thing and it became cool to give a shit about causes as a teenager.
so, summer of 2011 was the beginning of what became a little over a year of homelessness, though i didn't think of it as such at the time. funnily enough, i was in that period while i started writing here! and i think i referred to it as "courting" homelessness, because i was always in a room or on a couch and wasn't "on the street"... therefore not homeless, right? [nope lol]
at the beginning of that period when i moved out from my mother's place, she and i agreed that i could take with me a particular small crt TV/VCR combo. i forget the details, only that she had a change of heart a month or so in, and contacted me demanding that i give back "my brother's" tv that i had "taken from him" [LOL]. i won't bother with all that drama, but long story short, she got her tiny ass tv back, and my wonderful band friend i mentioned earlier .... she saw me complain about it online and offered me a free tv. well holy hell, that one was QUITE A BIT BIGGER than the one i had been made to give up. massive. i mean, dishwasher or laundry appliance size.
i loved that brick immediately. it was entirely too large to be reasonable. and i was NEVER getting rid of it. again, this was 2011 -- CRTs were probably still available in stores at this point, if few of them, but i was homeless and i knew there was no way i'd ever be able to afford one this big. so i kept it no matter what. for several months of that period, it even lived in the back seat of my [hot, unlocked] old camry...! because i REFUSED to let it go. even when the camry died and was towed away, i went and saved the Brick from the backseat of the dead camry and kept it in another car until i finally could put it somewhere and use it.

i still have the Brick today, more than a decade later. that friend and i have parted ways [amiably, no drama, just time] and i will always remember her kindness.

the Brick has only recently been "dethroned" as it were from being the centerpiece of my retro gaming/VCR corner [which, in this place, happily now lives within a big beautiful 'armoire' style old entertainment center. it's kind of a boring beige and i hope i can paint it in fun colors someday!] -- it currently waits in the dining room for us to find it an appropriate mini table to rest on, and once that's done, we plan to hook it up to one of our old spare laptops [one of my partners is a linux wizard and loves working with older pcs the way i love working with older games and televisions], and use it for playing whatever we feel like having on in the room while we eat :]]] i think the Brick will do very well at this job. there's nothing wrong with it apart from its remote needing to be repaired [damn battery exploded at some point over the years, so it prolly needs new contacts at least], and maybe some degaussing, but other than that it's still kickin <3

part 2: the Behemoth

the Behemoth is a 32" flatscreen Sony Trinitron FD WEGA, mfg date june of 2000. the batteries that were in the remote [original remote i think!] had an expiry date several years in the future, so best as i can tell, this puppy was used [gently!] right up until maybe 2020 or 2021!

so this was, oh idk, a month ago? [checked: june 26]
one day i got bored and realized we had an old barnes & noble gift card laying around. and so i got ready to go. my partner dug out HIS old one of the same kind [prob from the same person however many christmases ago] and gave to me, so i had 50 bux worth of free books :D! and yes, they both worked. but that's not the story to tell here.
the story to tell is: on my way there, about halfway to the store i just so happened to spot a big beautiful screen sitting alone on a porch... a CRT! a big one! well! if it's still there on my way back, i suppose i'll stop by and check it out. i noted blue painter's tape [someone was moving] which also seemed to be holding the remote on top [someone took care to include the remote!]... so i felt optimistic.

had NO idea how lucky i was when i rolled up a few hours later, satisfying pile of books and stuff in tow... and realized a few things:
> that is a BIG ASS tv.
> ......... WHAT
> sign taped to it saying "works with remote FREE"
> the house it's been dropped off at is abandoned. no driveway. someone went out of their way to put this in front of the curb hoping someone would see it. therefore: this bad boy almost certainly WORKS.

[you could also just google it, but: a sony trinitron is one of the most sought-after machines in CRT 'fandom', particularly for gaming; the short version is just that it uses a different sort of 'light gun' and things can look really nice on them in ways unique to these sets. they were relatively high end at the time, so now the same holds true of their desirability relative to other tvs.]

so uh. yeah. imagine my shock at the luck i'd stumbled upon.

then, when i got ready to try to hoist that bad boy, i realized one more fun fact:

> due partly to the manufacturing process of the special type of CRT that trinitrons have, and due to some other unknown malevolent forces involved in the deal with the devil that sony must have made in order to create these beasts, trinitrons are some of the most unreasonably, ungodly heavy objects for their size in the fucking world. according to wiki, the model i have weighs 175 lbs but i feel like it's got to be more than that. it's UNREAL. i legit almost hurt myself getting it down off the stoop and i'm lucky i didn't break the screen or my foot. i didn't know!!! i knew it would be heavy but not THAT HEAVY!!!

so! i was alone, and did my best to push and walk that thing sloooooowly across the abandoned yard. but it became obvious pretty quick that there was no way in hell i could do this alone. thankfully, my wonderful partner and another member of our group showed up about 45 minutes later to rescue me and pick up the Behemoth in their larger car LOL. it took three people to move it, not only that day, but weeks later when it was finally time to get it back out of the car and into the house, it ALSO took three people and some careful planning and risky maneuvers. that sucker was H E F T Y. EXTRA THICC.

but worth it. holy god, was it worth every bruise and strain and sweat and cuss. it looks SO slick. nothing wrong with the brick at all, but man. i didn't even consider how good a flatscreen would look by comparison.
[flatscreen CRT, that is. modern 'flat' TVs are not in the running here; retro games and their visuals were quite literally made to be displayed on a CRT and usually will look weird on a modern tv. do it if you must! but trust me, you haven't seen the beauty of your old games til youve played em on a cathode ray tube.]

the armoire is JUST BARELY big enough to hold it too lol, whew. i'm also glad because the brick was a little too small! and the 32" behemoth is absolutely perfect. i still have to figure out how to store some things in there [my controllers, for instance], but still :>

so yea! thats my two beauties. i have a couple other small CRTs in my possession but they need repairs and don't fully work. they also need some serious retrobriting. [that is, taken apart and soaked in peroxide and ultraviolet light; this helps with that gross yellowing you see in so many old appliances and electronics. the yellowing is caused by a flame retardant that was used in these plastics at the time, and retrobriting is not a permanent solution and it may also make the plastic slightly more brittle... but! it's what we have right now, and it looks pretty damn good by comparison!]

maybe i'll write some more about my old toy autism later, but for now i think i'll go poke around in there and see if i can find places to hang up controllers and such. :D

gathering light

:: 2023 29 July :: 10.55 am
:: Mood: &in walked an angel
:: Music: born slippy

so lets see. taken my meds and they've kicked in which always makes me wordy.

whats on my mind today? what to do with this day... i'd go to some yard sales, but i'm too broke [which is actually a good thing, as i'm trying to quit nicotine for the 9999th time, and right now is the best possible time for me to be as broke as i can be]
i think i might do some mending... maybe even in the living room if i can get the guts to open up the gateleg table leaves again. idk why i've been so anxious about that lol?? as if people hate it being open?? i should just ask so my brain can't be mean to me about that anymore.

i've always been a diarist. for, god, more than 20 years now in various forms? but the internet has kind of, gotten less safe for public blogging, which sucks. however, i remembered there's a few little small sites here and there that are undisturbed, the online equivalent of finding pristine, classic VHS tapes at goodwill for a buck a pop because nostalgia hasn't decided they're worth any money yet...

... and speaking of vhs, i closed up the sewing table [that gateleg table i mentioned] in the first place because we had to make space for the trinitron wega. what a beauty that thing is. i'm soooo so so glad i stopped for it, and so grateful that the others came and found me and helped out when i realized i couldn't lift it by myself [trinitrons are HEAVY!! and this one is 32 inches!!!]
so if i do spend time at the sewing station today, i ought to make sure there's room to reach the vcr and watch some movies while doing so :>
[i need something else to focus on besides nicotine cravings anyway]

AWWW my partner just walked in to show me this little bundle of dandelions he'd picked from the yard and tied together with some twine!!! how sweet! he said he's hanging them over the door. not even for any particular reason.... just celebrating summer. hell yeah <3 that made me grin so big

anyway. let me in brief [for me, which is never brief] relate the story of my beautiful "new" wega.
firstly, 'wega' here means a particular type of sony trinitron, which in turn means a particular type of CRT television [the old, boxy ones? yea, those have finally started rocketing up in price now that they're hard to get in store and getting older... grab em while you can before the scalpers have em all!].
i have not totally decided on a name for this one yet, but i'm tentatively referring to it as Beast or Behemoth, in the style of its "predecessor", the Brick. [the Brick deserves its own story. hell actually i'll just make a separate entry and discuss both tvs, why the hell not right?]

so yea i'll do all that in the next one. if you haven't guessed, i'm a long winded SoB. eventually i'll figure out how to do the equivalent of lj-cuts here, if they exist. but for now: Suffer >:D

gathering light

:: 2023 29 July :: 8.17 am

well now. it's been a minute, hasn't it?

not totally sure what to say here, but i remembered this account yesterday and thought.... i dunno. it's been lifetimes, actual lifetimes since the last time this was touched. everything has changed. so much in fact that it's not even possible to fully summarize, but just a few:

- on my own for good now. no going back. my blood family are dead to me, barring my sister
- transition well underway, over four years on testosterone now, more or less done except for top surgery
- still with my partner, though we have added additional partners to the mix and live together in a real, actual house with them all, and we're doing pretty okay all things considered [and there are a lot of things to consider]
- the plague happened and i was laid off from my most recent soul-crushing helljob, and i decided i wasn't going back under those wheels actually. i am currently in the process of finding a way to make a living that doesn't kill my spirit and/or body in one way or another.
- we live in interesting times. i do not intend to write extensively on those topics. everyone else is doing plenty of that already.

... anyhow. i miss having a blog. the internet has changed too, including since the last time i wrote here, and not entirely for the better - it's a smaller place now, and privacy is hard to find. ironically enough, since the publicity of that 'privacy' was always its appeal for me back then.

i'll try to write more later. <3

gathering light

:: 2012 19 September :: 11.03 am

Preserving, while I still can. Recording. Saving memories from this fragile plane, where they can so easily be deleted. We won't pretend that they never happened, not this time.

It's a lot of work. I'm taking regular breaks. But this time I must get it done as soon as possible. My time is limited, but just how limited, I don't know.

gathering light

:: 2012 12 July :: 1.59 am

I miss my Camry. I miss the 2nd house. The wonderland house. So many happy memories of being left alone there, just wandering around, spending endless hours listening to AoF audiobooks while putting together puzzles on the kitchen table.

In my inner world, there is a copy of almost every place I have lived, or at least part of it. It's almost always totally empty except for me, and maybe some of the pets that lived there.

And I walk the halls.

Like a ghost.

gathering light

:: 2012 11 July :: 6.22 am

After months, suddenly reading up on this stuff, and my spirit just /cries out/ for it. Just begs for more. Needs it.

Why did I ever drift away. This is so /right./

gathering light

:: 2012 9 June :: 11.56 pm

why am i here
What am I doing here?

To get to know people? When was the last time I made and kept a friend online?
To make friends? All I do is learn more reasons to hate humanity. Also, none of the nice ones I meet have enough in common with me.
To share opinions? The internet is much more full of assholes and trolls than it once was. Sharing opinions is just begging to be mocked.
To document my life? Not really publicly possible these days without a great deal of anonymity. It used to not matter so much.
To waste time?
To find nice art?
To find stuff that offends/upsets me?


I really need to just block everything except cute animals and insightful youtube channels.

gathering light

:: 2012 11 March :: 4.43 am

why am i still awake
because i can. fuck bodies

i could do this shit forever. once i fall into it i can't stop. organizing.

you have left this behind. so i will wear it. i will become you in your wake.

you'll never know. you walk the earth every day knowing nothing of this. it gives me a strange sort of delight.

how you've changed. you left a niche to fill. for me, at least.

gathering light

:: 2012 23 February :: 1.30 pm

Why do I always burn my bridges?

I guess because what comes from the other side is more harmful than good.

Still, I get judged all the same.

Oh well.

gathering light

:: 2011 24 September :: 2.04 pm

well, lock the door next time, then, if it's such a problem.

gathering light

:: 2011 31 August :: 6.32 pm

doing more testing.

gathering light

:: 2011 30 August :: 11.21 pm

you abandoned me. don't whine when i abandon you back.

gathering light

:: 2011 29 August :: 9.00 am

everything i want to post in here sounds so damn stupid.

well. i'll find words soon.

gathering light

:: 2011 29 August :: 8.41 am

i feel like it's going to be one of those "regret getting out of bed" days.

doing what i have to do today... hurts. but what hurts more is the thought of that smug FUCKING face. as always... he wins. i lose.
i hope he's happy. it's his fault.

gathering light

:: 2011 29 August :: 12.54 am

i've always used blogs to record what is going on in my life at any given moment. the current state of the constant flux that is my interests and thoughts.

however. i've always used lj. been very matter of fact. described events and scenarios. this is good; my memory is so terrible that otherwise it would all just be a blur.

but that is not what i'm here for. i'm here to let myself be cryptic. i'm here to be public and at the same time be away from everyone.

i'm here to do as i please.


a good deal of this stuff will make sense only to me. some of it may be distressing in nature. i can't claim what will come out of my fingers in the future.

... i should not be drinking this cherry coke at nearly 1 am. maybe i'll actually get some drawing done.

gathering light

:: 2011 29 August :: 12.47 am
:: Music: tokyo police club - a lesson in crime

well then.
... known of this place since 2003 and only now got a chance for a spot of my own.


i don't think these colors will last. they're just familiar. and amusing.

in case i want to use this layout again and don't feel like grabbing all those colors over again--
background; #CCCC98
table background; #999965
links; #F7B122
also make the outer border black.

gathering light | Random Journal