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Living in a world where one's dreams are left to rust ...

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:: 2003 7 August :: 11.33 am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: family furd theme music

page is done
Well my home page is finished but i still gotta make one mor page to it for like shout outs n crap but i dont feel like doin to for a while so u guys ken have the link now if u wanna go there... the address it


so there yah go happy 7th of august everybody! lol cyas ~~*lauren*~~


:: 2003 6 August :: 6.21 am
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: hib a jib a ja waa aaa hoom a daa wudda

home page
hey all u sports fans! yup today i made sum of my home page n when i get it done im gunna send you all a link but until then im gunna be busy so dont expect to hear from me for a while! i luv ya! ~~lorlor~~


:: 2003 4 August :: 6.30 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: at first i was afraid! i was petreified! lol sry i have that dumb song stuck in my head!

welp guyzers! today was pretty good... annalisse left for sumwhere north of her with her brother and sister... i went to lisa's for a lil while today but then had to cum home n eat n yeah we still gotta plan that crap but we forgot today n im very like calm todya i think its cuz half my brain isnt functioning right and i keep forgetting things and yeah welp wut cani say my head has like been in the clouds for that past month and ive been feelin like mixed feelins but o well! online is gettin bored... if any of you guys find any good links (preferably with johnny depp in them) it would be great if u guys shared lol. n yeah my birfday is in like 16 days!! yay! i kno like half of wut im gettin but thas ok. n yeah im gunna gogogo! bye luv yas!
l u v l a u r è n
i l o v e j o h n n y d e p p!


:: 2003 2 August :: 11.21 am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: TV

hey... bak again... its like 1130 i think and im really tried cuz i just got bak from st james city to eat there with my moms friends. yeah then my dad got this sherriff call so he had to go pik up this car and i guess it was a drug bust so yeah we got to take this pphycos car lol bak to the shop... its been a a LONG day today and im very POOPED! lol well im gunna go cuz this is site is very bright and its hurting my eyes lol ttys! ttfn! ttyl! ~lauren auren-lay


:: 2003 2 August :: 3.53 am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: "i see a little sihlohett..... (ppl who sing we are the champions) i've had the stupid song stuk in

GoOd DaY!
HEY guys! i had a really good day today but i was really short tempered too. i went school shopping and got lots of stuff and yeah two other things... yeah good things that i have to mark off on my birthday listcuz i couldnt wait another 15 days to get them lol. but yeah im so happy right now and i think im goin down to lisa's today to plan this party thingy i dunno wut the hek is goin on o well. i feel like sum word that doesnt exist its like punched drunk ur sumthin i dunno i need to start up on my lil dictionary again annalisse lol. welp im gunna go... got lots to do! loads to plan! luv u guys!!! ~lauren

1 Watched me as I | Fell

:: 2003 2 August :: 3.53 am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: "i see a little sihlohett..... (ppl who sing we are the champions) i've had the stupid song stuk in

GoOd DaY!
HEY guys! i had a really good day today but i was really short tempered too. i went school shopping and got lots of stuff and yeah two other things... yeah good things that i have to mark off on my birthday listcuz i couldnt wait another 15 days to get them lol. but yeah im so happy right now and i think im goin down to lisa's today to plan this party thingy i dunno wut the hek is goin on o well. i feel like sum word that doesnt exist its like punched drunk ur sumthin i dunno i need to start up on my lil dictionary again annalisse lol. welp im gunna go... got lots to do! loads to plan! luv u guys!!! ~lauren


:: 2003 2 August :: 11.05 am
:: Mood: scared
:: Music: ummm nothin

final destination
Welp... annalisse is sleepin over tonight n im rly freaked out right now! we just watched final destination.. n mind u scary movies arent my thing ok?... n now im scared to go to the bathroom... drive in a car... cross train tracks... and well drink alcohal over my computer lol jj but yeah n im not 2 excited about storms either. and yeah my dogs dreamin over here like havin spasms n kicken the wall lol. im goin shoppin 2morrow hopefully with annalisse cuz shes got work 2 do at home! grr. i feel disoriented! i cant type or spell right. my parents r at sum club lol i think its the island club ur sumthin... its new for them cuz usually they go to the bamboo lol yeah no joke. welp im gunna go... lol 'member to call me if u plan on goin to the movies. \

"well... we don't usually go Friday or saturday nights because... well... we go "Clubbin'" - fandango commercial"


:: 2003 31 July :: 5.00 am
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: the sound of the dishwasher oooooo swish gurggle swish!!!

phone!!!! arggg
HEY you ALL! our HOUSE is BEING gay AGAIN... our PHONES keep GOING out BECAUSE of THE stupid STORMS and I havent HAD phone IN like A hole DAY! and ITS makin ME mad!!!! but other wise alls good over in ever ever land! annalisse slept over last night and the night before and maybe ill sleep over there tonight i dunno but HAY! wow im very very bored over here and i need sum excitment like maybe going to the movies to watch my favorite movie! yeah sounds like a plan 2 me so anyone up for a movie call me ur sumthin! lol welp ima gunna goa...t bye!! luv ya! ~lauren~

1 Watched me as I | Fell

:: 2003 29 July :: 9.39 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: YO HO YO HO A Pirates Life For Me!

Welp it's morning and annalisse slept over but she's still sleepin' cuz she wakes up usually around lik.... 11!!! i woke up at 8. If need directions to the viperroom just ask me lol... i'll give u a link. yeah for all thos who dont kno yet im havin my 21'st birthday at the viperroom (a club in cali. that johnny depp owns) and everyone is invited! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES! yeah its james birthday today guys. lol. this journal is temporarly keepin me off thos johnny depp sites but not for long lol. well im gunna go... check in later! ~lorlor~


:: 2003 29 July :: 4.21 am
:: Mood: in the mood for a johnny depp sunday lol jj
:: Music: na-na-na-na-na-na... and really bad eggs, drink up my ardy jo ho!

hey guyzers! lisa is over and we were just discussing my plans for my 21st birthday! and you ALL INVITED! so anyone who... "WEDDING? I LOVE WEDDINGS! DRINKS ALL AROUND" who is wanting to cum and have a grand olè time ur invited! its gunna be in hollywood at the viperroom! johnny depp's club which he owns and we're gunna get wasted BECAUSE IM GUNNA MAKE SHUR THE rum isnt gone!!!!! !!! lol jj maybe so yeah ur all invited on the 20th of august in year... um lauren's 21st birthday year! lol i dunno bye yall! AND BY THE WAY... LISA THINKS IM WIERD!

2 Watched me as I | Fell

:: 2003 29 July :: 1.57 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: ummm i dunno

well guys i cant take the credit... thanks ashley... im shur this will take me a long time to figure out but hay its sumthin to do. if u guys ever go to the movies let me kno cuz i need to go because i love johnny depp aka captain jack sparrow and i need to see him like now lol yes im obsessed just ask annalisse or lisa im shur they would tell you to shut up because they've heard enough of him lol. well anywho theres not much to say right now so ttyl!!!! bye luv u h=guys!


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