2004 13 December :: 10.50pm
contact has been established.
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2004 12 December :: 5.18pm
today was a lazy day. a wonderful, lazy day.
shelbys christmas program was this morning, she was a little angel... kind of a stretch, nooooooo. she is.
i came home from church, put lounge (ish) clothes on.... napped for 2 hours, which i NEVER do. did some homework, and now im here.
so chris informed my mom tonight that he's leaving for florida wednesday morning and wont be back until the hearing in feburary. im uneasy... i dont know why yet. something isnt right. why would he just up and leave shelby? and before christmas? its almost a miracle, because until FEBURARY we wont have to deal with him... but thats the part that worries me. he wouldnt just make it that easy for us. its his soul purpose to destroy every aspect of our lives... why would he just leave. i dont know....
found something interesting yesterday... whether or not i pursue it is still in question. a part of me is nervous, a part of me thinks its only right that i do. once again.. i dont know.
i started to think about him today. and what i would say to him if i was to ever see him. i've come to the conclusion that i'd just cry and scream. what good does that do. sometimes i wonder... well i guess it doesnt matter what.... by i do, and it bothers me, and it frustrates me, i hate feeling out of control. i hate waiting for something to happen, when in truth.. it never will. i guess accepting that is the next step.
i dont like that they're breaking up. in my eyes, they're perfect for eachother. grrrrr. i cant even get ahold of her to find out whats going on.
a positive i've gained in the past two weeks.... im finally happy for him. i can finally put my worries aside, and accept everything and move on. not that i hadnt.. but im so much more at ease. i know nothing of this girl, which may be a good thing, that i know nothing that is..... but he seems happy, finally. a sincear happy, i can see it. and that makes me.... well, happy for him. its a good feeling.
and i can finally say that im (trying to think of a different word than "happy"... but regardless you get the point). he's opened my eyes to things i've neglected to see. im more in tune with myself now then i ever was. never have i been more connected to someone than we are to eachother. its so comfortable, so ideal, so right. and yes, it happend fast, i can admit that. but with him time has always been irrelevant. when we're together, time has no bearing. for lack of properly expressing exactly what it is that puts this permanent smile on my face... im gonna stop here.
i've never mentioned the play yet have i. it was incredible. an experience that i'll cherish forever. it ended in the best way possible.. i'll be forever greatful to the cast and mostly to H for making one of my *corny moment* dreams come true. i gained alot more than just an awesome experience though..... *smiles.
desperate housewives is on in like a half an hour... i've become sickly addicted. its sad.... its just one of those shows. i advise you to watch it.... mmm hmmm.
i pray that we'll have a snow day tomorrow. pleeeease let there be snow.
i've gotta learn to stop rambling.
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2004 11 December :: 8.30pm
tonight was a good night. a really good night.
you make me wanna be that person i never though i could be.
you are that person.
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2004 10 December :: 3.21am
im so tired all the time.
today should be a good day. we're making pies for a red flannel thing, the dance is tonight, i got work off.
and then tomorrow im gonna be with keegan, and then alyssa.
its nice having weekends where you can just.... stop. stop everything, and not think about anything.
have a good day loves...
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2004 7 December :: 5.27pm
so i went to danielles house to study history... instead we tried on random articles of clothing and had a tea party with "i love ike" cheese cake and chi. chi for lack of proper spelling.. regardless it was good, and regardless i am destined to fail.
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2004 7 December :: 2.34am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: only the hampster on his squecky wheel in my head
. This is outlandish. this is unacceptable.
'Woohu is in transition from a free, dull journaling community to an exclusive and elite all pay community.'
woohu's soul is not summarized by a modern background. woohu is people. the people frequenting your website are what matters. i'm offended for one. i'm certain old school woohuers are as well. tisk tisk.
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2004 1 December :: 1.32pm
im a moron.
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2004 1 December :: 3.06am
:: Music: comedy central
*attention all who have been in econ @ cshs*
Hey folks. i'm suffering from insomnia tonight. so, i've decieded to be productive. homework is done. check.
so, what better way to spend my time than creating a contest.
I've set up a group: BaileyChallenge
The password is: bovinetb
it's a super easy site to navigate, but if you have problems; post. i'm thinking the prize will be liquor.
i'm going to try to convince my rents that a new years eve party in my basement is a brillant idea. we'll see. good luck to all, and by all i mean myself.
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2004 1 December :: 2.13am
Congratulations, Baylee!
Your IQ score is 136

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.
isn't iq stationary? a few months ago i had 7 fewer points... it must be something in the red cedar water, wait that would be urine and a beer bong, n/m. try this test @
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2004 30 November :: 10.36pm
:: Mood: touched
i like to squeeze brandis nose.
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2004 30 November :: 10.03pm
i just had like 80 pieces of pizza... WHY am i still hungry..
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2004 30 November :: 9.56pm
frustration.... but bliss.
im not sure if bliss is used in context here... but thats what it is.
yearbook is stressing me out...... the PLAY is stressing me out. but im so sad its over. its OVER. WHAT is that.
mom...... *shakes head. stop
and thats about it... i have ooooodles to update... but im not in the right mind set... hense the word ooooodles. in which im sure it doesnt have that many o's. *ponders.
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2004 29 November :: 11.05pm
do you like fighting with me? do you get something out of it.
just leave me alone... i hate you sometimes.
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2004 26 November :: 9.06pm
we've become us... and i love that.
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2004 23 November :: 9.54pm
should i redo my journal..... (?)
work was long tonight. reallly long.
im frustrated. and i would generally just leave it at "im frustrated", except that im so frustrated, i cant help but express it a little more profoundly. and im not exactly sure what profoundly means, and im not exactly sure if i could say frustrated a few more times. but yes..... thats my story.
i like art. all art. poetry, photography, paintings, everything. i think if its done with soul and it has meaning behind it then its art. and i think thats insanly beautiful.
theres no point to this entry.
i started it with a point in mind, but it slowly deteriorated and turned into nothing. so i'll just conclude my ramblings now......
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