"There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You've got your talkers, and you've got your doers. Most people are just talkers, all they got is talk. But when all is said and done, it's the the doer's that change this world. And when they do that, they change us. And that's why we never forget them. So, which one are you? Do you just talk about it, or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you and me, allll the rest of it is just coffee-house bullshit."
we were hanging out in his room and he decided to play WoW.. so i took off all my clothes while he wasn't paying attention and laid on his bed and started playing with myself.
did he notice?
of course he didn't notice.. he was playing a fiesty level 1 fucker that wouldn't give up..