2005 25 December :: 2.38 pm
So Christmas has been okay. Things have been going a little better lately. I get to go see Tasha on Wedneday, I'm super excited for that.We are getting pictures taken of the 2 of us, you will have to let me know if you want one. I played with my puppy all morning, hes so cute. We put on a bow on his head for christmas and he took no time opening his present. He loves his purple dog, hopefully he wont hump this one. Later today I'm going to go up to bk to clean the ice machine. I cant believe I can fit in that machine lol. Then I'm going to go to Jessicas and stay the night. Then tommorrow were getting up early to go shopping. I love the sales after holidays. Then I work 4 to close. I'm slowly starting to go back to that schedule, which is a good thing. I hate the 11 to 8, makes me feel like I wasted the whole day there. Well I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas. For some reason woohu wont let me stayed logged in, anyone else having that problem?
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2005 24 December :: 9.34 pm
Merry Christmas Everyone!
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2005 22 December :: 3.17 pm
Your 2005 Song Is

Beverly Hills by Weezer
"My automobile is a piece of crap
My fashion sense is a little whack
And my friends are just as screwy as me"
You breezed through 2005 in your own funky style!
Your Hidden Talent

You have the power to persuade and influence others.
You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.
The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.
Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!
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2005 20 December :: 2.12 pm
Break has been awesome so far. I guess I have to come home wednesday now, my parents are like freaking out cuz I havent been home in such a long time. What are they going to do when I move out. My brother coming home for christmas, that will be awesome. Both my grampas will be here 2. I was supose to go to this family christmas thing saturday and I completly forgot lol. Oh well, last night I hung out with chelsea. I had so much fun. I love you chelsea. Tommorrow were having a christmas party for work. Chelsea you better come with me lol. Well this is my last day off for the week, so I'm going to make the most of it.
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2005 19 December :: 10.05 am
Your Celebrity Style Twin is Mischa Barton

Funky, bohemian, and girly.
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2005 18 December :: 10.33 am
Well the break has been alot of fun so far, wish I could remember more of it though lol. Does anyone know for sure if we come back On monday January 2nd or Tuesday January 3rd, b/c it says it our agenda the 3rd but some think its the 2nd. So who knows. Tuesday I'm going to my old school, hopefully to see some people, I cant wait. I havent been home since we had school lol. I think I will be coming home thursday after work lol. Well I will have to make some stops there to see my puppy. Hes so cute. Well today work till 8 and then Jessicas party. I better go get ready for work see ya
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2005 15 December :: 9.28 pm
So I got a puppy last night. He is a chocolate lab, hes super cute. We named his chips. I'm looking forward to break a lot, I'm going to have tons of fun, minus all the working.
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2005 14 December :: 8.58 pm
We got chips and cheese tonight!
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2005 14 December :: 4.25 pm
I got my letter saying I got into Ferris!
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2005 11 December :: 10.25 pm
so I guess I'm not getting chips and cheese anymore...........
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2005 8 December :: 9.12 pm
We are gettting new chips and cheese!
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2005 3 December :: 6.09 pm
So the last couple of days have really sucked. Yesterday I had to put my dog to sleep. It was horrible. I loved her so much. I swear that was the longest hour ever, waiting to take her to the vet. Then Today I locked my keys in the car while it was running. So I had to get the spare ones and I was on alpine. So it made me late for work. So the last couple of days have just been great. Actually the whole week has been pretty shitty. I sure hope next week is better.
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2005 28 November :: 9.21 pm
Well this long break was alot of fun. Minus all the working I did. Which seemed to be everyday day. I spent the whole time at Jessicas. Which was awesome. Then went to the apartments and hung out one night. Went shopping the day after thanksgiving, got some great deals. I ended up running into my dad while shopping, it was weird. Tommorrow I'm going to see Walk the line. Hopefully that will be pretty good.
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2005 24 November :: 2.19 pm
Well I'm back from Traverse city. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Happy birthday Seth. Well I got tons of new clothes while I was away. We got like 75 dollars to go shopping with. But now were back and my mom is feeling guilty, so she decided she better cook today. Well Tommorrow its getting up early for the crazy shopping madness and then back to work. What a break I'm having.....
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2005 20 November :: 4.54 pm
This weekend was okay, I didnt really do much. Just worked and went to the play saturday. Basically next week, I'm working alot. Its like burger king owns me lol. I'm going to traverse city for a few days with my parents and those are the only days I have off. But I will prly do stuff around work.
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