2005 20 November :: 4.41 pm
I love this song
Well it was ugly but we made it this far
Some have gone but I forget who they are
Now the hangovers are worse but we get through them fine
Sleeping late but were not lazy
Getting older but were still crazy
I’m so glad that I have these friends o mine
It started out at a coffee shop in a most unlikely town
And there were casualties but we made it out anyhow
We stuck together through the good and bad times
Pulp Fiction, Blazing Saddles, and Fast Times
I’m so glad that I have these friends o mine
And jobs girls and obstacles did all but break us down
Night clubs and broken vans in every major town
And I’ve got your back, you’ve got mine
Like Johnny Cash said “I walk the line”
And you can always count on me for one last beer
We saw the world and the world seemed smaller
Were getting wider but not getting no taller
I know we’ve grown up just a little lot of time
Were sleeping late but were not lazy
Were getting older but were still crazy
I’m so glad that I have these friends o mine
So glad that I have these friends o mine
So glad that I have these friends o mine
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2005 18 November :: 10.45 pm
Gosh I wish I didnt have to work so much this weekend. I could of went and hung out tonight. I need to go have some fun.
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2005 14 November :: 4.42 pm
So this weekend was alot of fun, minus all the working. So Friday I worked, and Saturday I worked, then I went to Chelseas suprise party for Ashley. Which was pretty fun. Things got out of hand for a little while, but afterwards it was good. Then we went to Johns house at like 6:30 in the morning, he made us breakfast. Hes a pretty good cook 2. His house it pretty cool 2, he better have some parties during the summer. Corbin drove like a crazy person, a little scary at times. Then we went back to chelseas and I had to get ready for work. After only sleeping for like a hour the night before. This week I have to work friday, saturday, sunday. After work Saturday I'm going to the play. Then I gotta find some stuff out about Ferris. Seems like months are flying by. I cant believe pretty soon I'm going to be on my own. Its kinda scary, but also going to be fun. Only 186 days till I graduate.
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2005 12 November :: 2.36 pm
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2005 10 November :: 4.27 pm
Well today went pretty good. I got my stuff for teaching JA, I get to teach 2nd graders. I'm excited it looks like a lot of fun. Also I get to miss school. Today I didnt go to 1st session, showed up for a little of 2nd session, then I went out to lunch with David. Which was good, seems like we barely see each other anymore. Then tonight I'm going to Chelsea's and then the Tri county basketball game. That will be fun to hang out with people, that I dont normally see. Also next semster I'm going to start taking a college class on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I think I've made a decision. I think I'm going to Ferris, but the campus in Grand Rapids, so I will still be around. I'm excited, only 191 days left till I graduate. Now just to find a place to live.
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2005 9 November :: 9.30 pm
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2005 8 November :: 4.35 pm
So I'm making scrap book, finally. I'm going to do like all thru middle school and high School. So if anyone has any pics of all of us at something or just hanging out send them 2 me. I could also just copy some of them and give them back to you. I really need some from Homecoming my Freshmen year, thats like the main one that I cant find much for. So if you have anything, let me know. I want to have it like all ready for my graduation party.
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2005 7 November :: 4.36 pm
Today was kinda borning. I'm already ready for the weekend. I cant wait to be done with school. I've already started counting down. Its going to be a long year. Its only 2 months till I turn 18 now, and I still not quite sure what I'm going to do. I need to decide soon where I want to go to college first. But theres just so many factors. Oh well, life I guess have been okay lately, alot better then usual I guess. Man I cant wait for the weekend.
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2005 6 November :: 9.46 pm
This weekend was pretty fun. I spent the whole time at Jessicas, its so good to get away. I have to work all next weekend, which blows. I'm so tired right now. I think I was running around 2 much. Me and Jessica went to the mall today, pretty fun. We got some great deals lol. Were so cheap.
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2005 5 November :: 2.59 pm

Your true love is a very close friend. You have
spent to much time daydreaming or you are to
busy to see he is right infront of you. He has
always been there, always.
How will you meet your true love and how will he be like? (WITH CUTE ANIME PICS!!) brought to you by Quizilla
Richard / Jenny
What name suits you! there are tons on here so you will get a unique one! brought to you by Quizilla

You are the The Notebook kiss!
Which Movie Kiss Are You? (With Pics!!!) brought to you by Quizilla

You are most like the male/female version of
Austion Powers, becuase you are groovy baby!
okay, enough with the corny. You know how to
have good, clean fun! And, you may be a little
naive about things, but thats okay. That can
make you vulnerable, and vulnerability is hott!
Why do you think Austin was so popular with
such ugly teeth???
...:::What Famous Movie Character are you most like?:::... brought to you by Quizilla
 ...:::BAD DEMON:::...
If you were a higher-being with powers, you would be an evil demon! Maybe you don't like the world very much, so you go around causing as much chaos as possible. You would find it funny to see mere mortals running through the streets, as you stomp on cars and turn people's heads into watermelons. So its not so much that you're evil. Its more that you enjoy being bad, and you want people to know who you are. The only way to get their attention is to bring attention to yourself, right?
What higher-level being would you be? brought to you by Quizilla
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2005 4 November :: 9.59 pm
So this weekend is gonna rock. I'm staying at jessicas all weekend. Tonight were going to do some fun stuff. Tommorrow I have to work, but not that long and then I will hopefully be hanging out with David and some other people. Then Sunday I'm going to the mall and maybe to Wyoming to visit some people. Its gonna be so much fun. I just wish I didnt have to work.
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2005 3 November :: 3.19 pm
My woohu Journal is official 3 years old today. wow have I changed since the 1st entry.
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2005 1 November :: 4.30 pm
So today I guess was okay, I was kind of having a emotional day to start off with for some reason. I have no idea why, it was so annoying. Like I cryed cuz I mad a sandwich and we were out of cheese. I dont know what is wrong with me, that is such a dumb reason. I keep trying to get happy, cuz I know being down all the time isnt going to do anything. But it seems like the harder I try, the harder it is. Does that make any sense. I think I just need to have some fun and forget about everything.
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2005 30 October :: 1.39 pm
So this weekend was pretty good. Even though I really didnt do anything. I had to work everday, which sucks. I get to work on monday and we get to dress up for halloween so thats kinda cool. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID! and he thought know one would remember. Well today I'm going to see the saw 2,then were going to get something to eat. Then tommorrow its back to another week of school. I cant wait to be done. Still need to figure out what I want to do afterwards though.
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2005 28 October :: 9.46 pm
Well things went a lot better today, not that it took much. But its the little things that really counted today.
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