2004 6 October :: 9.11 pm
I got a job at burger king today.
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2004 1 October :: 4.54 pm
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2004 26 September :: 3.55 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Blink 182
Well this weekend was pretty good. After school on Friday I went to Jessicas and hung out with her and Sydney. Then later I went to the football game and the dance. I felt really weird at the dance for some reason. Saturday I went to a party for my cousin. Then later I went to Perrys and hung out with some people. I ended up staying the night at amandas. Today I went and looked at home coming dresses ( dont know why, cuz I dont even know if I'm gonna go yet). I started reading those chicken soup for the soul books. I know me reading. Its a scary thought. Well I got nothing else to say, see you all later.
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2004 17 September :: 4.00 pm
?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
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2004 13 September :: 9.28 pm
well havent updated in a while. School has been okay. I ended up seeing my best freind from my old school today, which was pretty cool. This school year seems a lot different from last year. I'm not sure if thats a good thing or bad thing yet. It seems like every year something changes.
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2004 30 August :: 2.32 pm
kctc 1st session
american lit (Eilola)
History ( Carr)
Algebra 2 (Andrus)
Science Review (Vree)
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2004 27 August :: 9.39 pm
img src="http://images.quizilla.com/E/elven-mage/1080575991_eloftheSea.jpg" border="0" alt="Jewel of the Sea"> You are the Jewel Of The Sea. A mermaid with class and style. You are worthwhile to meet. Your freinds are mant since you are soooo populer. You live in a palace with many anglefish servants. You love your make-up and hairbrush. You are one of a kind. Please rate my quiz I think you are absolutly stunning?
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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2004 23 August :: 4.51 pm
Well I havent updated in a while. I have been having tons of fun. I went to the drive in movie. I got my hair done. Then Chelsea, Amanda, and Jessica all spent the night and my dad let James, David, and Jen come over to have a fire. I kicked David and James butt at horse shoes. Well thats about it for now.
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2004 16 August :: 1.30 pm
:: Mood: amused
Everyone go rate me!
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2004 14 August :: 6.45 pm
The party last night was awesome. I had tons of fun and I hope everyone else did 2. I wish James could of stayed though. This weekend has been tons of fun so far, last night I stayed at Amandas and now I'm staying at Jessicas.
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2004 11 August :: 10.05 pm
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2004 1 August :: 2.02 pm
So I'm having a garage sale this Friday and Saturday, so people come visit me. I think its gonna be pretty borning.
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2004 30 July :: 10.54 pm
well I'm back from camping. The weather was great. I had a good time. I went swimming in lake michigan and floating down a river.
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2004 30 July :: 10.16 pm
 Pop punk... I'm not really that fond of you, but you can churn out some good stuff... Old punk doesn't really like you but you couldn't care less...besides it's all about having fun isn't it?
What genre of rock are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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