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The story of one person trying to live everyday for today.

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:: 2005 27 September :: 10.20pm
:: Mood: Giddy
:: Music: Trapt - Stand up

whoa, long time!!!!
Ya, i can litterly say its been a long while sincei updated this bitch! lol lots of exicting things have been happening last weekend i hung out with ben and his gf stephanie and she is cool as all hell shes my new bestfriend, hehe no lie! i cant wait til i see her this weekend woooooweee** and .. schools gay lol. i feel like im gettin fatter. lol but im really not fat its just my mood. ugh. i think im seeing my new hun bun LOL tomorrow.. i cant wait, and this weekend i think im going to stephadoodles house, I LOVE HER SO MUCH! *wink*. anyways im outtie. later.

i hope everything works out for me

i mean i deserve to be happy.. dont i? lol

you are blind


:: 2005 25 September :: 12.43am


Great day.
With a somewhat dissappointing ending.

Oh well...

Happy birthday, Carly. :]

you are blind


:: 2005 22 September :: 7.42pm

She's a maverick, she's so smoothe.

you are blind


:: 2005 19 September :: 9.42pm


1 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 14 September :: 3.22pm

yo homie
well i havent really updated lately, and i apologize hehe, forgive me?

anywho. school is going okay.. i mean its GOOOOOING. im makin more friends basically every other day. :) but they will never add up to my old ones. *make new friends but keep the old.. one is silver and the others gold* i remember that shit from like 4th grade music class. lmao.. this weekend is going to be fun, im going to stephanies to chill with her and ben! hehe funnnnn.. so ya thats bout it. oh ya and i havent missed school yet. last yr i missed 493482042 days and this yr. sooooo far none.. ZILTCH !!!!! ya whos cool now? uhm not me. oh and my ex got put away for robbin the pizza guy.. and not for the money, for the pizza. LMFAO HAHAHAHAHA what a dumbass. oh well hes a moron. :)

Gat Man and Robbin' :)


you are blind


:: 2005 11 September :: 9.59pm


I love Rhode Island.

Everything there is just... Really laid back, and beautiful.

The family reunion went alright. I still don't know pretty much any of the people. And, I also don't know how I'm related to any of them... But that's okay, because they're a really nice group of people. (One of the old ladies looked like the grandma from The Andy Milonakis Show!!) =)

We met my brother's friend from Xbox Live. Colby. He's pretty cool.

And the plane rides were pretty fun.

So all in all, it was a pretty good weekend. :)

2 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 9 September :: 11.14pm

todays friday thank goodness.. im so tired anymore and on top of that i am sick! :( i dunno i think its allergies but then again i keep gettin worse:( probably a freakin cold.. ugh! also i went to the football game with jena (mad ppl there) ppl i havent seen in forever and kelly met up with us later on. i was so tired n sick i just wanted to go home, but i had a good time seein my friends.

1 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 8 September :: 6.22pm
:: Mood: gayyyyyyyy
:: Music: Twiztid - darkness

ya ya ya
i've been tryin to get my mom into letting me go back to bentworth.. u dont understand how much i miss my friends. i want to see them, i need to laugh and be around them.. ugh ::sigh::

you are blind


:: 2005 6 September :: 6.13pm

Well, I'm learning a lot already this year.

I've lost a few friends, but I'm okay with that. I don't need to constantly be around people to be happy.

I've been good about doing all my work and what not... So far.

Most of my classes are bearable. I like chorus a whole lot this year. :)

I believe by the end of this school year,
I'll be a better person.


2 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 6 September :: 6.14pm

i hate waking up in the morning


you are blind


:: 2005 5 September :: 5.46pm
:: Mood: okay..
:: Music: The killers - on top

well i havent updated in this forever. but i will fill u in on some things.
school is okay, better every day i guess, but its just school.
i went to ambers yesterday, we went to the mall and met up with derrick it was great.
i miss all my bentworth friends.. it just isnt the same but i guess i will make it through i wouldnt say im depressed but it sucks.. i dont hate ringgold, (i do hate school in general though) but i miss everyone, gosh this sucks.
i try to make the best of things..

Lies will come back to hunt you
Bulletproof your limosine
Lies will come back to haunt you
Hit and run, a broken dream

you are blind


:: 2005 2 September :: 11.11pm

So tonight...

I hung out with the sXe kids. I'm thinking of claiming...
Not like the whole, "x on the hand," thing...
Just pick up the lifestyle.

Oh how very trendy of me.

1 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 30 August :: 9.41pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: MSI - I'm your problem now

day number too.
today was my second day! it was okay i suppose i wasnt so left out at lunch today, i sat with my friend jon so it was cool, people seem to be talking to me more. and im like so happy! but tomorrow is another day blah!!!! but i could never forget or let anything take place of my old friends, ever!

TODAYS DERRICKS BIRTHDAY! i wish i could see him. but i no hes having fun! i just hope i get to talk to him b4 i go to bed. hehe so special D! LoL

1 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 29 August :: 9.53pm

first day
today went ok, it was my first day at Ringgold.. i met some new ppl some were very nice;others where snobby.. just like anywhere else.. everything seems to be okay though, i mean i just dont like sittin in lunch cause the ppl i DO know dont have lunch 10 with me.. ya lunch 10 ITS A BIG ASS SCHOOL ugh im not used to that shit. but ya my schedule isnt that bad at all like i i thought i was and complained bout, haha. heres my day and what i have to look forward to everyday,. ugh

Fine Art 1.
English 11
American Cultures
American Civics
LUNCH , my oh so fav class
Refresher math (LoL)
Consumer math (lmao)


TOMORROW. hopefully is better i mean were gettin assigned seats in most classes.. well the ones we didnt do today anyways also books.. WTF more books blah! I COULDNT FIND MY LOCKER FOR THE LONGEST TIME! lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!! 665, one more & it woulda been 666. wooooo omfg.

1 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 28 August :: 12.32am

can u see right through me?
SOo yeah, i havent updated in awhile to keep everyone posted, so heres what i have to say --

i got my schedule done for school monday (yikes) & i hate it... also i got my hair dyed a light brown no more blonde highlights THANK GOSH! hehe.. i went to the mall with this kid named josh, it was pretty rad.. hes a cool kidd-o!, ohhh i'm done with all my school clothes shoppin for atleast a month, LMAO; ATLEAST! LoL.i've been going to work with my mom to try 'n' make some tips for school. tim is TRYING to talk to me again, well was i kinda told him to fuck off! woowee. i'm still nervous bout this school type deal, ugh! but i have to get brave! PIISHH. im such a wimp. =]. and yeah thats basically it cause im a fuck. <3

I'd love to be,
The shoulder that you cry on.
I'd love to be,
The friend you call when things are great.

You're the dream that hasn't ended,
And I'm still anxious for rest.
Your words they seem to hang above my head.
You're the bud before the flower,
Unfurls into full bloom.
Captivating beauty,
But it maybe all too soon.
You're the song that writes a story,
But leaves a lot to read.
The closest thing to perfect,
But the farthest thing from me.

And like I really deserve a chance to,
Sit across the table,
And tell you that I think you're wonderful.
And I think you're something special.
I guess this is my only chance to,
Say I wish I knew you,
Because I'm sure you're wonderful,
If I'd get to know you.

1 can now see | you are blind | Random Journal