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The story of one person trying to live everyday for today.

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:: 2005 29 May :: 12.28pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: Simple and Clean ~ Utada Hikaru

In a better mood. Wedding and Hoggard graduation yesterday. Two words to describe each:

1. Boring
2. Hot

Anyway, I'm gonna go to Olivias and spend the ngiht or something. Eh . .no idea. Go swimming . .w00t.

Still need a job -.- I'm never goign to come up with $180. Grrr. That sucks.

Anyway, ciao.


2 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 27 May :: 8.55pm

300th Journal Entry!

Heh. Woo. Everyone celebrate.

So, tonight, I did what I just bitched about doing.
I (kind of) ditched people...
But I mean, only for a couple of minutes.
Because I showed up, and everything felt... Weird.

And Derrek called, so I went to go visit him.

When I came back, I guess people were either:
A.)Mad that I left, or
B.)Upset that I came back?

Because, no one talked to me.
Except for a few small comments from Tony. And Ryan.
But mostly just Tony telling me to go to sleep.
Because I "looked dead."

I guess I can't complain.
I didn't exactly try to strike up a conversation.

It was just... weird;
Sitting there. Staring out the window.
I always feel so out of place these days.
And I'm not sure why.

I must've really fucked up this time.

So. Happy 300th entry to me.
I've gone back and read over entries before--
I was so much happier.
Regardless, I was still a bi-polar, angsty teen.
I guess I'll just have to get used to feeling like this. =/

3 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 27 May :: 11.39am

I'm about to go out to dinner.
I'm not sure who's going to be there...
But I'm nervous. Because apparently people don't enjoy being around me...
Oh well. We'll see how it goes.

you are blind


:: 2005 26 May :: 7.47pm

Goddamnit all to fucking Hell. I can't believe some people . . .I hate how it can all change. I hate how someone can just act a different way than they used too . .

I hate it . . . but its the way life works. Sometimes I wonder . . . whats the point? Of any of this?

I'm tired of trying . .I'm tired of wasting my time.

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:: 2005 26 May :: 3.13pm

You know what?
Fuck all of this.
Bad day.
Just shows me not to have high expectations.

Edit @ 6:30: And now... This is what I get for posting my feelings online.
Oh well.
I'll just go jump of my fucking plateau of righteousness.
Maybe I'll just leave you all alone.
Because, you know, no one enjoys beign around a clueless person.

God. I didn't know a simple little comment could hurt so bad.
Welcome to the drama of the online journal.

3 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 25 May :: 11.49pm

You know what pisses me the fuck off?
When friends ditch their friends.

I'm sorry, but it makes me lose a lot of the respect I might have had for that person.

What ever happened to the almost daily visits I got?
What the fuck even happened to us talking?
I bet you probably think I'm not talking about you...
Fuck, I bet you don't even read this.

There are only a few things in life that really and truley piss me off... And this is one of them.

So, you make some new friends and just don't ever talk to us anymore? Wow. Great. Thank you.

I can't even fucking think straight.

Not the greatest of days. But Keely's here, which should prove to be enlightening. ;P

5 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 25 May :: 4.21pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: None

Summer . .and I'm already bored.
Yep . . today was the last day of school. I'm so bored. Over at Dana's . . . about to go to her voice lessons. Eh . . .

So I have a 100 in EE, an A in WH, and something like a 96 in Alg 2. I passed all my classes . .go figure. Drivers ED this summer . .lmao. That should prove interesting/dangerous.

And there's still the matter of finding a job . .or a way to pay for the next EO and Murshank events . . then Blood Moon. Meh . .I'll manage . .I hope.


PS: Like the new layout? The music is from . .its uber cool. Go there.

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:: 2005 25 May :: 1.17pm

So it's finally over...
Freedom is mine.
But I am so afraid that we'll all lose touch...
Please, just keep our friendships alive.
I've worked hard on this,
And I'll be damned if I lose it all.

I just went to J. Michael's Philly Deli with Carlos, JT, Nick and Killian.
It was pretty fun, and I hope we can do something like it again, soon.

you are blind


:: 2005 22 May :: 11.56pm

No one ever said it was going to be easy,
But I thought love was always supposed to be
So perfect; flawless... Like in the movies.
No, I didn't expect absolutely nothing to go wrong...
But I never saw this coming.
I didn't know something could hurt so bad.
I didn't know that this would be so hard...
And I didn't know that I could ever miss somebody this much.

I guess there's a first time for everything, though.

1 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 22 May :: 3.34pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Breaking Benjamin

I miss Joe :(
Eh . . .so yesterday was our Band concert. It took abouta bizzilion hours. But afterward, my mom bought me liquid eyeliner for Avalon :-D w00t. So I'm ok with it.

Today Dana, Aisha, and I went to Walmart with my dad. Fun fun. I'm bored . . .but I'm gonna go with Dana to Carly's Voyagers concert. That should prove enlightening.

Can wait for the next event. . . .Grr. . . . I miss soo many people. Its depressing. Eh, worse things could happen, right?

<33333 to Joe.

~The Heartless One

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:: 2005 22 May :: 1.52am
:: Mood: Alone.

Note: This entry is not supposed to hurt or offend anyone. It's just me telling about my day... Don't read it if you don't want to hear about my friends.
Carowinds: Off the sheezy. It was soo funny. First of all, the bus ride there was pretty fun. Marcus, Nick, Rhianna and Deputy Uncle Sam... Crazy people right there. We got there and went on some rides and stuff.

Highlights: Carlos making a big scene in front of a shit load of black people - PENIS CAKE - Sissy Pants - Losing Marcus - Calling people chickens - I'M A POSER - Making racist comments at all the wrong times - Hanging out with the most perverted people in the world!

Although the trip was great, I felt really lonely. It kind of hurt to see all of the happy couples holding hands and stuff. Long distance relationships suck.

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:: 2005 20 May :: 7.42pm

i am a faggot.
The rain falls hard,
Like the tears from my eyes...
Slowly swallowing the town;
Drowning them.

And for some reason,
I hope it's raining there, too.
Because, despite the distance between us,
It makes you seem all that much closer.

Summer goal: Layout making.

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:: 2005 19 May :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: Lonely.
:: Music: Story of the Year- Sidewalks

Well, it's love.
Make it hurt...

Well. My hair's purple now.
Go me.

2 can now see | you are blind


:: 2005 18 May :: 8.19pm

*long sigh*
Wonderful night...
Absolutely wonderful.

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:: 2005 17 May :: 7.24pm


I think it'll be a good week. :)

John's coming tomorrow...
I couldn't be much happier.

3 can now see | you are blind | Random Journal