2005 22 April :: 6.06pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: TRUST Company ~ Stronger
Well, this weekend should be entertaining. Fanboy comics for a few hours with my favorite dorks, then All American Rejects and Something Coorperate concert tommorrow. w00t. I miss Joe :(
Meh . . . . . distance makes the heart grow fonder, right? Whatever . .I'll survive.
Today was pretty awesome. Took an Alg 2 test, I think I made a high A. Then the HUGE World History projct in Mr. Snyders. He said we did well :) I agree. We didnt suck that bad after all.
Well, thats really all. Avalon in three weeks :( That sucks. I cant wait til Blood Moon >=) Four days bitches, four days.
Ok. I'm done.
~The Heartless One
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2005 20 April :: 4.44pm
I'm sick of my 11-year-old brother always getting better stuff than me.
Fuck today.
Fuck this week.
Better yet, fuck this whole year. Nothing has gone too well so far. I hate this shit. I really do.
I knew today was going to suck.
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2005 19 April :: 11.38am
Well. We had a bomb threat. Heh. It's bomb threat season. This always happens near the end of the school year. So today was pretty fun. I went to Chorus, then we had to go outside, and walk over to the park. So then I called my mom and my dad came to get me. So I'm at home. Kind of bored, but at least I'm not at school. ;D
you are blind
2005 18 April :: 7.24pm
I need a hug. =(
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2005 15 April :: 10.40pm
I just wish I could help everyone.
I want to be like a super hero.
I'd be able to fix it all;
Heal all the wounds.
--I just don't understand why there's so much suffering in the world.
you are blind
2005 15 April :: 7.25pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: The taste of Ink ~The used
Meh . .
Well . .I was right. I feel happier. Even though I'm totally bummed about this weekend . . . .Tommorrow I'm hanging out with Zach, Justin, and Darius at Fanboys to play magic, That should be fun. I also have to get together with Kim and Katie to do that damn project . . .
Hm . .well . .I found this thing in my journal from way back when. I decided to re post it with my updated info. I wanna see how much I've changed since then . .:-P
Three things that scare me:
1: Heights
2: Being alone
3: Weird noises in the dark . . .
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Katie
2: Dana
3: Olivia
Three Things I love:
1: PS2
2: Joe
3: Avalon
Three Things I hate:
1: Stupid people
2: Girls that act slutty
3: Stuck up people
Three things I don't understand:
1: Love
2: Joe
3: Universe
Three things on my desk:
1: Pepsi can
2: Candy
3: Computer
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Typing . .
2: Being cold
3: Contemplating my new costume
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Become a famous author
2: Do Ville Valo
3: Skinny dip :-P
Three things I can do:
1: Play flute
2: Write
3: Draw Anime
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Mean
2: Introverted
3: Sarcastic
Three things I can't do:
1: Whistle
2: Snap
3: Roll my tongue
Three Things brought to you by BZOINK!
. .lmao.
~The one and only
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2005 14 April :: 6.22pm
:: Mood: crappy
So, my parents tell me at the last fucking minute I cant go. So I'm crying. I dont really know why either. I wanted to go so badly. . . .and this was the only thing I've asked my parents for in long time. Heh. Go figure they say no. I probably wont feel as bad tommorrow or the day after . .but whatever. Like any of it it matters now.
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2005 14 April :: 5.36pm
I am a proud mother.
Yes, I got my egg baby today, and I have to admit, he's very cute. He has the little "^.^" face, overalls, and a mullet. I expected it to turn out very ugly. He's adorable, though.
I can't think of a name for him, though. He was "Elroy", then "Wong Chong", but I can't decide what exactly to name him. Oh well. He's only mine until tomorrow.
Today was actually okay. I'm not feeling too good, and I'm extremely tired. I hadn't been to classes in 5 days, so today was quite a rude awakening.
-The REAL Slim Shady.
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2005 13 April :: 3.47pm
I'm assuming I missed a good day- That always happens when I miss school.
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2005 11 April :: 5.54pm
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday- Cute Without the E.
Went to Myrtle Beach today. It was pretty fun. On the bus ride there, I was pretty sad and tired. Carlos was supposed to sit with me, but lo and behold, he sat with Chere instead. -.- So, yeah, I got stuck at the front of the bus with Edna. She's pretty nice. I slept. I sometimes wonder about the people I call my friends, though. They tend to be able to ditch me at any point for some hot girl. But oh well. Once again, I'll probably have to start new next year. I always lose touch with people over the summer.
I took the new kid, Nick in. I think he's one of "us" now. I got to talk to him while we were there. We like pretty much all the same music and whatnot. He's quite cool... And he's gonna burn CDs for me! Nick, Little Nicky, Michael, Carlos, Livingstone, and three other kids were in my group. Mr. Moore was the chaperone. It was pretty cool. We went to this dumb Imax movie.. Then to the aquarium... Theennn we went shopping and chilled in this joke store for quite a while. Nick got a camera, that when you push the button, it squirts water at you...
We ate at Margaritaville. XD It was nice. I got chicken fingers. They were good. We did the salt-on-ice thing. There's a big swollen mark on my arm. It still hasn't gone away. One of them actually bruised.
So yeah. I successfully didn't buy anything but lunch... And a Sobe, but we refilled it at the soda machine. =P
So yeah.
I've heard Mr. Brightside like 3 or 4 times today.
I wonder if John is thinking about me... Hmmm.
Haha. I'm lame. So what? Learn to live with it.
you are blind
2005 11 April :: 5.04pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: TRUST Company
AVALONNESS . . .and the Azalea Festival Parade -_-
Well, this weekend OWNED. HAd the parade . .wasnt all that bad, actually. Then went home and packed forAvalon. Faith came and got me, rode up with her, Tommy, and Katie. Saw all my favorite people . .(cough~AJ~sylvia~JOE~michael~daniel~cough) I got to NPC pimp-ass things . .even though I sucked at it u.u Jesse finally gave me the bow >=D Its UBER awesome. I wish I could go to Murshank next weekend . . . but I'm not really all that prepared :-/ Oh well . .Alg 2 test tommorrow. Joy.
Thats really all . .got my material for my new costume and junx. Cant wait til next event. :-D Ciao.
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2005 9 April :: 6.16pm
Woo! I love John! I just talked to him on the phone for like an hour. I'm turning him into a DDR whore and he's gonna like Atreyu. =D (More than he likes ICP!) Yeah, I finally got his birthday presents to him. Woo hoo. I own. XP
I just played DDR on Heavy... Dear Jesus, may you bring me DDR skills. They are very much needed. :P
<3 Dana
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2005 8 April :: 8.50pm
:: Music: Brand New- Jude Law And A Semester Abroad
Here's a present to let you know I still exsist.
Just thought I'd update, so I could look back on this thing and laugh some day. I like going through my past journal entries. It's really depressing, but then there are things that I wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't read over all this...
Today was funny. I was pretty sad, yet amused.
We had a substitute in Mrs. Johnson's class... And Carlos wasn't in his assigned seat.
Mrs. Gates: Carlos, get in your assigned seat!
Carlos: Mrs. Gates, what is you talkin' about? I am in my assigned se-- *looks around at the people sitting by him, and the tables around him*. Alright, alright... Which one of you niggers moved me?! I know I sat in my assigned seat! My stuff is over there! Who put me here?!?! Answer me!! WHICH ONE OF YOU GUYS MOVED ME HERE?!
As much as I hate to admit it, I'm dreading summer... The group of people in all my core classes has grown so close... But we never see eachother outside of school. I'm so afraid of all of us falling apart.
How many times will I be given friendships, only to have them fall apart? I must be doing something wrong. *sigh*
Mein kampf.
I'm a sucker for anything acoustic.
you are blind
2005 7 April :: 9.02pm
Today was a scary-ass day... o_o;
To start it off, Riel has NOT gone over sight reading at all! Festival is TUESDAY! Ugh. Tomorrow we get quizzed on the words for "Think On Me". We don't know them, because he never gives us the music! I've only seen it... 4 times, I think. Ugh. -.-
We watched the STD video in sex ed... *shivers* Syphilis is REALLY scary looking. You get these sores called chancres, and they look like gashes. They showed us a nasty black penis with a chancre on it. I almost barfed. Black penises are nasty enough on their own. Ick.
We met Mrs. Johnson's daughter. XD But yeah, Carlos scared the shit out of me, man! He was talking about how he needed my help with a big drug deal, and I needed to go to the KFC downtown... He thought up this big, long story, about how he had his dad's nine and some weed in his backpack, and he'd give it to me to carry it in... (You see, Carlos always ends up cracking up when he's joking, but this time he was being as serious as Hell.) So, I told him I wouldn't do it, and he acted all pissed and went to his locker, and came back in withs something under his jacket. He held it up to my side (making it seem like a gun), and he was like... "This is not optional Dana. Now tell me, are you going to do it?" I told him to quit fucking around, and he told me he was being dead serious. So I told him I still wouldn't do it, and he was like... "AHAHAH! YOU'SA NIGGA! You thought I was a drug dealer! What the Hell, man!?" Scary stuff. I swear to God, I thought he was being serious.
Mr. Moore's... I yelled at Aisha through the wall. XD And I got to take a referral to Mrs. Boiyce. (Mr. Moore NEVER writes people referrals, so it was exciting.)
Mrs. Glasgow was nice today. Nobody was there to laugh with during reading time, so I slept.
Killian spilled milk on me at lunch. :(
SUBSTITUTE IN MRS. CONNORS'S CLASS STILL!! w00t w00t. We're gonna be in some DEEEEP shit whenever she comes back, though. Carlos, JT, Codey, Spencer and I sat together... Twas fun. But we got in trouble and had to separate.
Oh, and did I mention, John is apparently goth now? No more teh wigga. *sniffle* Rest in peace, J-Unit... Live on, John of darkness.
*simmers* I despise ICP. I could learn to like ICP.
Dana out.
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2005 5 April :: 5.00pm
:: Music: Chevelle- The Clencher
Today went surprisingly well.
To start it off, Mr. Riel left for the day. ^.^
Then, in sex ed, I was the only one with answers, as always. ;P
Thhennnn I did my paper during Mrs. Johnson's class. We got her off subject, so she just talks about something completely different for the whole period. We got her talking about the bible vs. evolution. So yeah.
Then, I got a 70 on a test in Mr. Moore's class. XD
During reading time, Charlie and I kept drawing chodes on the desk.
^.^ Then, lunch was pretty funny, but I got lunch detention for flicking sorbet at the preps... And throwing Carlos' fish nuggets in their hair. =D So yeah,
Mrs. Glasgow's class went pretty good. People did their presentations. Charlie and I drew more chodes on the desk. XD!! Wow, that kid is really funny. He farted a few times, though. =O I have to dress up like Hitler tomorrow, so yeah... I drew me a swastika flag today. ;D Alex was gonna kill me.
Mrs. Connors wasn't here, but Mrs. Gates was in a pissy mood. Charlie took his little ostrich stuffed animal, and put it in his pants, so the neck and head were sticking out of his zipper... So we were singing happy birthday to Christa (it wasn't her birthday) and Charlie stood up. Carlos fell over, because "he thought Charlie's meat was really stickin' out." XD!! Wow. But yeah. I threatened to pee on the floor, so Mrs. Gates let me leave. Woowww. Funny day.
I just got back from Good Will, where I got muhself some boots and a trench coat... AND A HITLER HAT!! =P
I love John. He's the coolest jelly roll ever.
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