2007 8 February :: 8.27pm
Marlowe, Doctor Faustus
[w]hy this is hell, nor am I out of it.
Think'st thou that I, who saw the face of God,
And tasted the eternal joys of heaven,
Am not tormented with ten thousand hells
In being deprived of everlasting bliss?
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i want to know what you think
2007 2 February :: 12.46pm
like most of my witty, cynical entries, this is from
A U.N. scientific report says the best-case scenario for global warming is already catastrophic. Calculations: 1) By 2100, at projected gas-production rates, temperatures will rise 3.5 to 8 degrees, with a significant chance of an even greater increase. 2) Sea level will rise 7 to 23 inches and will keep rising for 1,000 years, with historical evidence that levels could end up 20 feet higher than today. 3) Arid, subtropical countries will lose another 20 percent of their rainfall, exacerbating drought. 4) All of this is happening because of industry. Idealistic view: Finally, we see the threat and are mobilizing to save our planet. Cynical view: Last one out, turn off the air conditioner.
i want to know what you think
2007 23 January :: 5.28pm
The following is an excerpt of a book review by Jack Schafer on Stephen Poole's 'Unspeak: How Words Become Weapons, How Weapons Become a Message, and How That Message Becomes Reality.' It describes common words and phrases that can encompass an entire political point of view without having to start or defend an argument, used especially by politicians and media giants that eventually filter into popular use and our subsequent interpretation of 'reality.' I chose this excerpt because it makes some brief but strong points on word usage in reference to sexual orientation and religious groups in America:
Poole calls community one of the most perfect political words in English because it can mean several things at once, or nothing at all. It can conjure things that don't exist, and deny the existence of those that do. It can be used in celebration, or in passive-aggressive attack. Its use in public language is almost always evidence of an Unspeak strategy at work.
The plasticity of community allows it to encompass geography, ethnicity, profession, hobby, or religion, and in the mouths of diplomats and journalists can expand to include everybody, as in the international community, a concept that Justice Antonin Scalia once described—rightly—as "fictional."
We're drawn to the "semantically promiscuous" word, Poole writes, because it allows us to simultaneously express our tolerance for a group and our discomfort. For example: the homosexual community and the black community. People rarely refer to the heterosexual community, the white community, or even the Christian community, because in the United States and Britain, they are the "default" positions and carry the "privilege of not having to be defined by a limiting 'identity.' " Likewise, a group defined by the majority as transgressive, say, the Ku Klux Klan, would never qualify as a "community" even though it organizes itself with the same conscious effort as the "anti-war community."
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2007 20 January :: 2.15pm
Ok Laurence it took a really long time for it to register that you and most others had changed your Disney icons, lol. New theme? What's next? Or are we on our own for a change.
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2007 14 January :: 2.11pm
give me religion and a lobotomy
i am so easily annoyed. i wish i was laid back. i want to be one of those cool, mellow people who can chill and not be affected by things... or who does not take offense to everything under the sun because it may possibly hurt himself or others. i can't take a joke for the life of me... perhaps because inherent in western-style jokes is the degradation or disrespect of an oft stereotyped person or group of people, which only exists for the purpose of the joke, after all. how else can you dehumanize people so killing them is so much easier?
i'm annoyed by what i perceive to be superficiality, when in actuality, it may just be a different way of socializing than i can understand or prefer. maybe some people truly do feel connections to 50 people at a time and can feel comfortable, happy, and complete without being serious or forming deep reciprocal friendships with other people. some, probably even most, people enjoy what i would deem superficial relationships in order to evade the bleak, meaningless existence that we each occupy. an existence like a fly stuck between the glass and screen of a window pane. it is reasonable... quite practical and logical, really, to want to deny such an existence by layering your life with more meaningless things. for, by collecting and surrounding yourself with meaningless things in order to disguise the meaninglessness of your life, the chaotic busy-ness that ensues will thereby create urgency and the illusion that everything is important and therefore meaningful.
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i want to know what you think
2007 13 January :: 5.10pm
taken from this article:
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday that those calling for dialogue with Syria and Iran fail to realize that these countries are seeking to undermine stability, and that talks with them are unlikely to yield results.
"stability" is relative, obviously... since a U.S.-israeli controlled middle east is somehow, in rice's opinion, more "stable" than an arab-controlled middle east. as usual, we have forgotten that much of the instability of the region has resulted from the imperialist domination by the US and israel in dividing and conquering arab lands for the past century. obviously, an infantile refusal to talk and cooperate with other nations will yield much better results than working for peace and justice for all people. i mean, look at how well bombs and guns have worked in iraq.
i want to know what you think
2007 3 January :: 12.50pm
i am so socially avoidant sometimes. i apologize for being the worst keep-in-touch person alive.
i really am a recluse...
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i want to know what you think
2007 3 January :: 8.15am
Cops gun down unarmed student in Wilmington, N.C.
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2006 25 December :: 9.48pm
happy christmas
i want to know what you think
2006 22 December :: 12.42pm
i meant to post this on wednesday
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i want to know what you think