2005 22 December :: 7.09 pm
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!!!
Well, today was the last day of school before Holiday Break! YAY!!!! Although we all failed our math tests and got grilled by Seiler (except Lynne, and her 92%... Grrrr...) It was a pretty good day. I got into the holiday lather, and that explains my festive journal. I also went and got coffee with the homies after school. We had a good time, shared some laughs, and talked about Nintendogs. All right, that's all for now fool.
Too make up fro her good grade, Lynne has all these projects to do over break. Sucks for her. Though I should study for exams, I'm not. Oh well! Later G's!
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 21 December :: 7.00 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Music of the Night...
Chistmas Cheer!!!!
Well, what's poppin' sons. Today is my sisters birthday. Yay! She's 18! You know what that means? PORN!!!!! Anyway... Christmas is really, really soon! It sucks that we still have school though... The school board must hate us. -.- It's not just that, but we also have to study for exams over the break. Great, just what I want to do! Not only that, but then Katie and I have to drive... 2 days... In a car... To Florida. PEACHY. Oh well, I'm still excited for Christmas!
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA WAS SO FLIPPIN LIKE A PANKEYKE GOOD!!! It made me cry, and it was all cute and romantic, and the scenery was really cool, and the chandelier was awesome, and the music was superb...
But the Wishbone addition was so much better.
Seriously though, it was awesome. I highly recommend it. You know it's good when I say superb, OK?
Later G Dawgs.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 16 December :: 4.11 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Phantom of the Opera
Derdy's and blowfish!
Well, I'm going to see the Phantom of the Opera tonight! Yay! It's for my sister's birthday! Yay! She'll be 18! Yay! Old enough to legally buy AND star in porn! Yay! I just put the ornaments on the Christmas tree(kinda late...)! Yay! I'm drained! Yay!
My weekend is full. I have homework, this musical, Christmas shopping, and on Sunday I have to spend nearly the whole day at school because of a Christmas concert. -.- I hate having to do crap on the weekends, it's the only time busy little Freshman get to relax. I guess they're just cramming us before winter break. If I get work on winter break, I kill things.
Bye! ^.^
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 13 December :: 3.09 pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: A bizzare mixture of Tippin on Fo Fo'z and Stairway to Heaven... 0.o
It's cold. Yes, yes it is. It snowed a bunch so we got a snow day on last Friday (YES! My snow dance WORKED!!!) It was really a good thing because I had all these stupid tests to study for. One in nearly every class. Damn them, damn them to hell. Other that that, I went to Lynne's Christmas shindig and I got some sexy flower light things to make my room even SEXIER. I know, it's unfathomable. We had fun, watched Spirited Away, played DDR, ate some lasagna, and I destroyed my knee while doing an awesome ninja/matrix move. It was pretty painful. Other than that, my homie wants me to go to a concert of hers tonight but I don't have a ride and I'm all around too lazy. What a great friend! Oh flipping well, I'll buy her Bio Brolly and atone for my sins. Well, that's it. My life is pretty boring...
But I am under the strong impression that my Mother purchased me NINTENDOGS for Christmas!!!!! 0.0
Later, kids.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 8 December :: 6.33 pm
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!
White. Every where.
It snowed pretty much today, so everyones hoping for a snow day. We better have one, dammit! I even did a little snow jig to help the process!!! Oh well, let's just hope...
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 2 December :: 3.52 pm
:: Mood: x_x
:: Music: You pushed me, do do do do do do do!
Damn it...
Bye for now.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 30 November :: 7.23 pm
:: Mood: pessimistic
:: Music: Venus Hum- Big Beautiful Sky
Today sucked terribly. It all started in Chorus. We had singing tests, and we had to go up in groups of two and sing our part from this song in front of the teacher. Well, the alto's were first (I'm an alto) and I was hoping I'd be paired with someone who knew what they were singing, because I didn't really know the song that well. Well, my time came to sing and instead of one partner, I got two. Lucky, right? Wrong, oh so HORRIBLY wrong. The other girls DIDN'T SING. I was basically by myself singing at the piano, so when I messed up horribly, they did too. It sucked really bad. Then, in Science, this stupid fat jerk accused me of cheating. OK, I'll admit that I wrote two little things on my desk to help me remember, but I erased them before the test even began and he still accused me of cheating. Damn fatty. I know it's really mean, but after the quiz instead of taking notes I just made fun of him. I made up all these fake quotes from him saying he's fat and everything, it was pretty funny. But then, he said the best thing, he said, "I'm really getting hungry..." It was like the icing on the cake, and I started cracking up. So what if everyone thinks I'm crazy? It was funny as hell! The rest of the day was OK, I guess. Everyone seems to be dying from cancer. It's really sad and scary... I'll have to keep them in my prayers.
If it makes cheater kid feel any better, I'm quite positive I failed that quiz.
Let's end on a happy note:
The words of wordless May...
Sing a song to me
She stands as tall as trees these days
The words of wordless May
Dear Jesus make me simple,
Strong as trees to sway
Give me arms wide open
With a beautiful way
Just like wordless May
If there were fields as pretty as you
I'd want to kiss them too
If there were fields as pretty as you
I'd want to kiss them too
If there were eyes so pretty and blue
I'd want to swim them too
If there were skies as pretty as you
I'd want to kiss them too
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 27 November :: 8.08 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Venus Hum- Montana
I came... I saw... I ATE A 20 POUNDER! (Not by myself, mind you...)
Thanksgiving came and went in a blaze of fat. My dad, sister, Carlene (my sister's girlfriend), and I went over to my Aunt Marilyn's brother's house for dinner. It was really nice, it was out in the woods and had this homey and cozy atmosphere. The only thing was, IT WAS TOO DAMN COLD. It snowed through the whole dinner!!! It was quite something for Carlene though, she'd never seen snow. The only places she ever lived were Mexico and LA, so this was a big thing for her. She was really nice, I liked her a lot. She let me beat on my sister, and told me numerous stories about her pet chickens and how every animal she seemed to have, died at the jaws of a dog. 0.o She was awesome, however, and the food was really good. I think I had a better time with them then I would have had at my cousins house, so it was all gravy.... Speaking of which, I got Gungrave Overdose!!!!! WOOT!!!! It was awesome, but I swear, playing it makes you dumber. All you do is mindlessly shoot people over and over again. I think I scared Carlene when I started laughing maniacally while I played it... 0.o; Oh well! I like how at the end of every level it gives you a count of how many random people you killed....
Any way, my mom's birthday was yesterday, but she was still feeling a little depressed. My dad, sister, Carlene, and I took her out to eat at the Rock Bottom Brewery, and she appeared to have a good time. It was her first time meeting Carlene, and she really liked her, so I decided to break the news to her. I basically told her that Carlene and Katie were going out, and she broke down and cried. I really didn't expect it, but she did. I guess the reality of it all was too much for her or something.
By the way, did I tell you Cindy (Aunt Marilyn's brother's wife) ran over one of their cats? Yeah, she did. It was in a lot of pain. Poor thing.
School tomorrow. Bleh.
OK, well, that's all for now. Later cats.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 23 November :: 4.27 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Mariah Carey... For who knows what reason...
You know what's sad. This will most likely be true. -.- <--- Shame.
Your arch-nemesis is: | Marie Antoinette |

Why? | Because you peed in the pool |
The winner will be... | You will forget about them as an arch nemesis and will find a new one |
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Shhh! Don't tell!!!!
OK, this one is even more true...
Romance is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. You need romance in your life. You love the extra dimension that romance brings to a relationship and you tend to fall in love very quickly.

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
You are Ellie

You are shy at heart, but you are always there for your friends. You are very caring and devoted to protecting your friends. You are also artistic and mysterious. Usually, your life doesn’t have that many soap opera moments, and guys are always attracted to you.
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 23 November :: 3.49 pm
:: Music: The Veronica's- 4ever. I love them!!!! ^.^
So. Thanksgiving is tomorrow. YES! I GET TO INDULGE IN THE FATNESS OF THE HOLIDAY!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! We got a 20 pounder... OK, I don't know how big it is but it better be big enough to fill all these peoples fat.
My mom was really TOed last night and she took all the crap that her ex-man ever got her and through it in his yard. I was there, it was awesome. I saw him in the window as we drove by, but as we came back, he turned off the light and just hid. What a spineless jerk. Then, my stupid Grandmother blamed my Mom for everything. What an ignorant swine.
*sigh* So, on the other hand, I watched "Poltergeist Report" on AZN the other night. Yeah... It was weird. It was all, Yu Yu Hakusho-y with different voice actors and really... REALLY... bad sound effects. It was like, "Doo! Doo wa ca ba shoom!!! GAH!!!" Well, it made me laugh.
My background is sparkly ^.^
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 22 November :: 6.35 pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: The Beer Song by Weird Al
Men suck and coffee is awesome!!!
My Mom's boyfriend dumped her today after two and a half years of them being together. Why he dumped her? Because he's a whiny ass baby who is spoiled by Mommy and Daddy and just talks big. Men suck. This is why I've never had a boyfriend.
Anyway, Emily, Lynne, and I went to get coffee after school. It was awesome. We walked there with the freezing wind nearly ripping our flesh off with it's force, and then when we got the place we realized we didn't have any money to actually buy coffee. ^.^; Lynne, however, had this coupon for free coffee so she just got a large and we all shared it. Bonding AND teamwork... AT THE SAME TIME!!!! OH YEAH!!!! After that we went into the game store and just played demo's and looked at games for 30 minutes. The guys working there were probably wondering why the hell we were in there that long. It was good times... But their damn Nintendogs wasn't working. >.< Lynne asked me to Winter formal, isn't that adorable?
Speaking of which, one of my kind of homies asked this one guy out that she likes... And together... They are the most ANNOYING PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! But, anyway, so today she got asked out by this other guy because one of our friends forced her to. She said yes, and now she has to deal with this guy when she really want's to go with the other guy. In fashion design I playfully called her a player, and she starts getting all worked up and says to me really, REALLY, loudly, "NO I'M NOT!!!! I WANNA GO WITH BLINKEY!!!!" <---- Annoying as hell. -.-
Other than that my sister and I were talking about how funny it would be if I were in History and when everyone was quiet and taking notes, I yelled Who Dey! as loud as I could. Why would it be funny? Because I never talk in History, he doesn't even know my name, I'm the unknown one in the middle of the room, and I HATE football. It'd be great.
We had to make turkeys today. Mine was playing DDR. Did you know that a turkey gobble can be heard up to a mile away? Yeah, neither did I. Listen for a gobble the next time your outside.
Now, a survey:
1. What is your full name? I have no name. I am the nameless Beef.
2. What color pants are you wearing? What pants?
3. What are you listening to right now? Nothing, but I was listening to Family from my awesome Gungrave CD awhile ago...
4. What was the last thing you ate? Sweet tarts. Damn them.
5. Do you wish on stars? When I feel the need...
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Probably green... Like grass... Sheep graze in the grass.
7. How is the weather right now? It's autumn-y.
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My fajah I do believe.
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I suppose... I'm just kidding Lynne. We're BFF'S. (spoken in manly voice)
10. How old are you today? 15
11. Favorite drink? FANTA!!!!!!!
12. Favorite sport? I kinda like that one game... With the sticks and the balls and you have to throw them at each other... We played it last year... I forget what it's called but it was fun!
13 Hair color? Strawberry Blonde.
14. What color is your car? My mom's is green with huge dents in it.
15. Siblings? Satan, age 17. She can legally get porn next month. I couldn't be more proud.
16. Favorite month? I like March. And August.
17. Favorite food? Tuna Noodle Casserole kicks ass.
18. What was the last movie you saw? The Birds.
19. Favorite day of the year? Easter! Yes! Bunnies!
20. What do you do to vent anger? Scream at my family... Or throw knives at Katie... Or eat pudding. That REALLY pisses them off.
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Pokey little puppy!
22. Summer or Winter? Both.
23. Hugs or kisses? hugs.
24. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
25. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? They can, but I probably won't read it.
28. When was the last time you cried? Last night. FMA is to damn sad.
29. What is under you bed? Corpses and a few stuffed animals.
30. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Lynne. Isn't that cute?
31. What did you do last night? Watch the news and you'll see the mass hysteria I caused... With my bologna and Julius by my side.
32. What are you afraid of? death, of me and my loved ones.
33. Plain, buttered or salted popcorn? I'm not gonna even go there...
34. Favorite car? Whatever is shiny.
35. Favorite flower? Night lillies and those really puffy whit ones with the pink in the middle (they smell good!).
36. Keys on your key ring?House key
37. How many years at current job? I'm in 9th grade...
38. Favorite day of the week? Friday
39. What did you do on your last birthday? "Hey, if anyone wants this candy, you can reach into my crotch and get it."
40. How many states have you lived in? I've lived here my whole life.
41. How many cities have you lived in? Loser.
42.What is the funniest word on the face of the planet?(and we are talking real words now, folks) Toucan!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
43. What is your favorite game on the Price is Right? The one where everyone explodes.
44. Have you ever been in the hospital for yourself? Only to get a blood sample, and that wasn't even the real hospital so no.
45. How many of those plastic wristbands do you currently own? 4
46. How many do you have on right now? 2
47. Have you ever weighed your backpack? Yes. It didn't really weigh that much...
Ska: WTF?
49. Can you read music? Kinda.
50. Are you currently wondering why the heck you are doing this? I don't have a nintendogs, that's why.
51. Do you own a calculator? Yes. His name is Sparky.
52. Do you know how to tie a tie? No.
53. Have you ever clipped your toenails? Why do you CARE?
54. Would you rather have a snake crawl down your pantleg or a tarantula in your left hand? Doesn't matter. As long as I don't die or get wounded.
55. Have you ever thrown a pot on a pottery wheel? No
56. How many books do you currently have in your room? Umm...a lot?
57. Who (or what) are you annoyed by the most? Mary Ellen and her man when they're together, emo kids, druggies, Mr. Seiler, Laura Lakes, and Emily Wilson and her ugly ass hair that she finds the need to stick in my face in every class. (Sorry, I don't like them. At all.)
58 Do you have a cell phone? No.
59. If so, what color is it? Poop color. Like this. Actually, this is pretty dark poop. Oh well.
60. How many belts do you own? 2. A girl one and my MANLY one I got in the little boys section.
61. Are you good at this game? I'm a loser in the game called life. Cry emo tears with me.
62 Do you think your handwriting sucks? Maybe...
63. If you could, would you rather go and land on the moon or the sun? Moon!!!
64. Would you ever consider doing an artshow with just your art? Probably not.
65. Would you ever consider entering a poem you wrote into a national contest? Sure.
66. If so, do you think you could win? No.
67. Are you a freaking awesome photographer? No.
68. Are you obsessed with an actor/actress? No.
69. Do you clean your ears using a q-tip? Again, why the hell do you care?!
70. What kind of soap is in you bathroom right now? Ivory.
71. Have you ever lost a library book and had to pay for them to buy a new one? I've lost plenty... I'm a wanted woman. (Damn you, Mein Kamph!!!!)
72. Are you terified of speaking in front of other people? No.
73. Do you know all of the lyrics to more then one song? Yup on a platter.
74. Are you seriously tired of this quiz? Kinda.
75. This is where YOU make up your own questions to add to this... James certainly took advantage of this... I think 41 was where it originally stropped... Go ahead... make my DAY!!!
76. Do you like beef jerky? No.
77. Do you have a food themed nickname? Hell, I'm the originator. Beef.
78. What is your favorite insult? Is that your ass or is your momma half brain dead? (What the hell does that even mean?!?!)
79. Favorite show?: FMA or Gungrave. Or X-play.
80. Faborite movie?: ... Reptilicus.
81. Do you love Julius?: Yes. I do.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 21 November :: 7.16 pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: Ready Steady GO!
Today was a very good day. It all started going well when the teacher said, "Hey guys, you miss 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th periods today because of an assembly!" It... was... AWESOME. 0.0 The assembly was just all about making right choices and things like that. It was pretty interesting for the most part. There was this one part of it, where these two peeps from kids helping kids came and talked to us about drugs, and it was pretty interesting. The one girl that talked to us was 19, and she said she started out with weed and drinking. From there, it just went on. Cocaine, LSD, PCP, Methane Phedamine (or however that's spelled), inhalants, and on and on and on. She said her parents kicked her out so that she was homeless, and she said she had to be a prostitute for a while to get money. Why would you ever do something that damn STUPID? Fuck being cool, if it takes that, I'm definitely out. Yeah, and that charcoal stuff you have to drink in the hospital... Ew. Just looking at it made me wanna puke. I did, however, get some stylin' jelly bracelets out of the whole ordeal! ^.^
Anyway, Thanksgiving is coming up. YES! FOOD! GIVE IN TO THE FATNESS!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! We aren't going over to our Aunts like we always do, instead my sister and I are going over to our Aunt Marilyn's brothers house to eat. Katie's very mannish women friend is coming. 0.o This will be a Thanksgiving to remember!
I got a blue pig. His name is Julius. We are in love, though he is evil.
The Toucan in The Birds is funny as hell.
I called my corndogs corn mutts.
That's it for now. Later.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 15 November :: 6.41 pm
:: Mood: *gurgle*
:: Music: My Humps
Today I was all minding my own business, heading to fashion design, thoughts of burrito's and happy things on my mind. Then, I enter the room and find no other than... MY MATH TEACHER! 0.0 BUM BUM BAAAAAAH!!!!! <--- Like a sheep! ^.^ It was so creepy... But he really showed his manliness, didn't he? Subbing for a fashion design teacher. Heh heh, loser.
In honor of the new FMA DVD that comes out today, I made this beautiful quiz! Sadly, only 5 people took it. -_- Oh well!
 Your true love is none other than the great Edward Elric, better known as the Full Metal Alchemist. Though he is new to the whole girlfriend scene, he will love you with all his heart. He will always want to keep you safe and happy, and he will find strength in your smile and your love.
Which Full Metal Alchemist man is your true love? brought to you by Quizilla
On the other hand...
 Your true love is Zolf J. Kimbley, AKA the Crimson Alchemist. So you go for the crazy ones, eh? Though he isn't exactly one to be romantic, he definitely loves you and would do anything for you. Though he might not show it, you mean the world to him. Hell, you're probably just as crazy as him!
Which Full Metal Alchemist man is your true love? brought to you by Quizilla
Over and out cats.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 12 November :: 8.13 pm
:: Music: Never want to come down...
Woo! It feels like it's been forever since I posted in here... I guess mainly because nothing monumental has happened. I went to borders and got a spiffy-diffy FMA illustration book and FMA manga's 3 & 4. Hughes dies in the 4th. *Teartear,puddlpuddle,riverriver,OCEANOCEAN,FLOODFLOOD!* Ah the angst. Other than that I went to an anime film fest today and saw my homie Pankeyke who I haven't seen in a minute, yo. Also, we watched His and Her Circumstances and it was cute. I liked it. Yes I did. OK. That's all. Because my life is boring. New FMA tonight. WOOT!
Quizzes. Why, you ask? 'Cause I'm bored as hell:
 Caring boyfriend...he is gentle and always concerned about you...gotta love him! ^___^
What's Your Perfect Anime Boyfriend?! brought to you by Quizilla
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Friendly Girl:
Cheerful, you're a fantastic company! But you're kinda disorganized...I pitty your mother! Huhuhu! You love parties and hangin' out with all your friends
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
Which Fruits Basket Guy is For You? Results have Pics! brought to you by Quizilla
Till next time. *Explodes*
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 6 November :: 2.14 pm
:: Music: My cat meowing.
I feel better now...
Well today after church my father and I went on an adventure to see who exactly hated us after last night. Well, it turned out Kelsey's fam was the only ones so we ventured to her house to apologize. I was SCARED TO DEATH. 0.0 I had her dad as a math teacher, I know how beastly he can be. Well, we went and it actually wans't really that bad. They said Kelsey was in trouble for her own reasons, and it wasn't my fault, and they said that they appreciated that we apologized. So basicly Kelsye was just being a drama queen. Oh well, I hope now she can forgive me too.
Damn cos-play pictures!!!!! I'll have to find another way to post them...
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