2004 22 July :: 3.15 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Outlaw Blues
I really dislike my family. Very much.
I don't know. I guess I'm the only one that finds it odd that my mother would rather spend more time with one of her boyfriends then her daughter. I mean she has two. One at home and one in Florida. It's perfect. I mean, today is her day off and I thought maybe we might go someplace because well, except for Washington I've been locked in the house all summer because my sister goes out with her friends. My mom yells at her to stay home but then she yells back that it's not her fault I didn't have friends. I do have friends. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna be rude and just come over and be like hey! My family abandoned me so I'm gonna stay here! My friends actually have things to do. GASP! Like Whenever I talk about these things with my mom (about going out) she's like, "I'm an adult. I deserve to go out every once and awhile." Yeah, every once and awhile, not every night at 2 o' clock in the morning! I swear if she makes me eat dinner with one of her men tonight I'll go insane. Wait, I'm already insane. Well, you know what I mean...
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2004 21 July :: 6.27 pm
:: Music: My dog barking. (It never shuts up -_-;)
Well, today was eventful. I just kinda sat their, like every other day. It's kinda sad really. My mom has a more active social life then me sometimes. I'm getting papers for back to school. *twilight zone music* EVIL! My sister and I just dragged soggy carpet out to the trash. That was the event of the day. PIZAZZ!
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2004 19 July :: 7.34 pm
:: Mood: high
:: Music: Celebrate good times come on!
Angel sanctuary.
I'm so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Katie's friend Nicole gave me four of the angel sanctuary books today and they are awesome because I thought they were gonna be American, but they are Japanese! It's so cool! I can't exactly read them but I'm so happy! Anyways, this gives me a reason to learn Japanese now, right?
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2004 18 July :: 10.16 pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Outlaw blues.
Washington, the epic tale, now in hardback.
OK children gather around and let me tell you the pointless but VERY humorous story of my trip to Washington. Well, after ten hours in a car (and seeing a truck that said "I LIKE EGGS.") we finally got their and the first thing we saw was the capitol. It was so shiny. We found our hotel and YAY! It had Cartoon network meaning, Adult Swim! My aunt made a good point in saying that she thought D.C. was run by the Mafia because, well, their was an Italian Restaurant on EVERY CORNER! The first night in Washington we ate at one and the waitress asked me if I wanted soup or salad but I thought she said super salad and when she asked I said "Sure." It was great. Anyway, here is a list of the things I poked:
1. The Capitol
2. Lincoln Memorial
3. Jefferson monument.
4. WW2 memorial (It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty and shiny! my favorite monument.)
5. Gates around the White House.
6.A nazi plane. (I tried to poke the meatball (Japanese plane) but I couldn't reach it. Haha. Meatball!)
7.A cattle car that carried Jews.
8. Stones from a Ghetto.
9. The library of congress.
10. The Supreme Court.
11. Vietnam memorial.
We got tours of the library of congress, the Capitol (our tour guide looked like a gummy bear!), and the Supreme court. The library of congress was so pretty and golden and shiny inside I nearly died of shiny shock! The capitol was cool. The dome of the capitol was so high that you could fit the statue of liberty in there and it wouldn't touch the surface. You could also take the Washington monument and lay it on it's side and it wouldn't be as long as the capitol (so the gummy bear said.) To get to the capitol we had to go through an underground tunnel to reach it. It made me feel special, AND NINJA LIKE! I also met Rob Portman. Snazzy, yes. He asked me where I was from and I said Cincinnati, and he said well were in Cincinnati? And I said Ohio. Yup. I'm smart.
It was VERY hot in Washington and our second day their we walked EVERYWHERE. It wasn't very fun and I nearly died but still it was worth it. After that we discovered the metro and from then on just rode that. It beat driving and trying to find a spot. It was quite humorous though, driving with my family. My father often got frustrated at my aunt and one time yanked the map out if her hands, glanced at it, and threw it back at us saying "we don't need a map." Then he came to a highway called Anacostia and he was like "What it this? Anaconda?" Oh, it was great.
My favorite thing at Washington though I think was the holocaust museum (pssst! that's where I got my friends postcards from!) It was so touching and sad. It took us two days to see the whole thing. We got these cards that told us who we were and they were real people from the holocaust. One of my people survived and the other died. I got like 50 of them though cause I found some and my dad gave me his. Everything in their was sad but amazing. To see and witness the nazi's brutality made everyone cry. They had amazing artifacts (I sound like a philosopher!). They had a real cattle car and real stones from a ghetto (to walk on, like a sidewalk.). Other then the main exhibit their was one called deadly medicine that told about Germany trying to create the perfect race and the awful things they did to the other people who weren't "perfect". That exhibit really showed me how stupid and cruel Germans were. Their was also an exhibit for children called David's story. It was very cute. You went through David's house, then where he stayed at the ghetto, then the concentration camp. All through it were pieces of his diary explaining things. At the end children could write letters to David (I wrote one! YAY!) The cutest one I thought was a little Indian girl who wrote, "I know what your going through. A lot of my ancestors died on the trail of tears." At the end of the main exhibit their was a hall of remembrance for those who had gone through the holocaust. It was very touching. It also had a pretty decent gift shop lol! One of my friend's postcard has pictures of people that were Jewish that lived in one town alone and all probably died in the holocaust and Emy othe friend's has shoes of people that all died in the holocaust. There were millions of shoes. All in all, it was awesome yet sadder then anything. I had fun hissing at Hitler though!
If you made it this far I salute you! Anyways we saw the changing of the guard and the tomb of the unknown solider. I don't see how they do it. It was bloody hot but they still didn't let anything get in the way. It was interesting. I wanted to poke him but I thought he might eat me. The Arlington National Cemetery was pretty awesome. We saw JFK's grave. Yup.
What I did notice was everyone seemed to not like Bush in Washington. There was a lot of anti Bush and pro Kerry ads. It kinda pissed me off. Other then that we went to this postal museum and there was this cool little thing were you made a card and put down things you liked to do and your name and stuff and it took your picture and then it showed you how it sorted your mail. At the end you got a letter! It was all like WOOSH! We also went to 2 art museums and in one this lady took pictures of dead things and her pictures were in the museum.. It was cheery........We saw the Norman Rockwell exhibit and art done by kids between 12 and 18 (some girl made a corgi! Looked just like Ein.) I wanted to go to the spy museum but no............ Oh well.
We walked around all the monuments at night and they were so pretty and even shinier. For being an educational place Washington really was fun and pretty. I almost didn't wanna leave. Almost.
The only things I regretted or was disappointed in was that the Washington monument is like beige, not white. IT'S HITLER! HE LIES! The reflection pool was gross. It was covered with nasty slime and sludge. It was also littered with those damn ducks. We saw a lone duckling and I wanted to keep it but no again. What I regret is not poking the Washington monument or the White house. Oh well, all the reason to go back!
Oh yeah! We also went to the zoo and saw some panda's and elephants (YAYx10!) and then we went to the national cathedral and it was tall and pretty. It had a lot of corridors and a wedding was going on but it was still cool. Perfect place for a secret liar of evil.... I mean..... *cough cough*
Well, if you seriously read all of this, YAY! If you didn't, well, I probably wouldn't read it all either so it's cool. What did I learn? That the Gestapo flung babies in the air and shot them for target practice. Over and out.
Oh yeah, we got new carpet! Pizazz!
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2004 9 July :: 12.19 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Jesus Walks
Well tonight I'm going to Washington for a week so I'll get back the 17th. *sigh* No compy and no T.V. just this one crazy insane lady showing us where we should go... What if I don't want to go their? She like has EVERYTHING planned. I mean I know you at least have to have an idea if you are going someplace like Washington D.C. but it's our vacation. WE SHOULD PLAN IT DAMMIT! Anyways on a lighter note my mom got me this niffty spiffy kimono thingy and It's very shiny and smooth. OK that's all. See ya later space cowboys!
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2004 7 July :: 10.29 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Ode to joy
YAY! Why do I always get hyper after I watch Inuyasha? 0.o
You're Sesshoumaru!
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2004 1 July :: 8.02 pm
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: Wanta Fanta, don't you wanna wanta Fanta!
Haven't updated in awhile so here it goes. Well um, I wanna go cow tipping some day. Yup, on my 16th birthday I'm goin to a farm to tip some cows. Anyway, I had all this stuff I was gonna say and now I forget it. Drat. Anyways today we went on an adventure to the grocery store. I got a Shonen Jump and my family yelled at me just to prescribe so I guess I will. ^.^ OH YEAH! One of my sisters friends has the whole series of Angel Sanctuary manga and she doesn't want it anymore so she might give it to me! I hope she does. If she does I must worship the ground she walks on, lol. Thats all.
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2004 27 June :: 7.58 pm
:: Mood: YAY!
I went swimming today and saw a friend named Kaitlin at the pool and we have been fighting for like 2 years and she said she was sorry so we hung out. It was cool.
I took the Yu Yu Hakusho personality test, so can you!
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2004 25 June :: 7.31 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: That one song.
Well, I must say my computer is doing better. I haven't attempted to try quizzes yet but maybe I should. My mom said we'll get the computer fixed when we get the money so I guess that could take awhile. Oh well, better go hunt for some pennies! Bye!
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2004 24 June :: 9.22 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Um, HELLO!
HE'S DEAD! I saw Trigun last night and Wolfwood died. It was so sad. I cried (I'm a emotional shut up!) First Spike and now this? Tisk tisk. Any way, my friend and I wanna make a Ed fan site, now all I have to do is get my damn computer to work... This girl named Sharice is stalking me. I wish she would just GO AWAY but no..... now she's coming over to the house at like the crack of dawn (Ok so 12 in the afternoon isn't really early but come on it's summer!) to talk to me. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Any way. I went shopping YAY! Wolfwood is dead! *cries* OK I'm done. Over and out!
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2004 23 June :: 6.39 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: I will *dee dee dee de* let you down!
Well my computer is still a pile of crap so no quizzes yet. I went to the movies with my "friend" Sharice and we saw White Chicks. It was actually a pretty good movie. I thought it would be really stupid but it wasn't. We had the whole theater to ourselves so we had fun. I also stole a peanut butter cup. Just one.... OK two. Fine three...... OK I HIJACKED THE WHOLE FREAKING CANDY STORE OK! Anyway, then we went and we spent like an hour in the mall. We saw the Hot Topic buddy and I bought these niffty black white and pink arm things and a skull black and white checkered arm band thingy. It was an adventure. Well I think that's all for now.
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2004 22 June :: 6.45 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Eat you alive
My computer the peice of crap.
My computer is a pile of crap! It always locks up when you go on a website! Geez! I'll tell ya this much, no more quizzes or meme's or anything else for awhile until it works.
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2004 21 June :: 4.21 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: All you need is love
Family reunious scare me.
Well, the family reunioun was tacky and scary yet it managed to be fun. The theme was margaritaville. Scary I know. We saw our cousin Hailey and we went around throwing grapes in fires so that was fun. We had to wear these name tag things and I wrote Vash the Stampede on mine and everyone was like, who's that? They didn't know my real name though so they were all callng me Vash. It was great. We had an egg toss and I was so tempted just to chuck it at my aunt and get it over with but no. Oh well. We didn't win, shocking huh? After the reunioun we went to our cousin Cindy's house to spend the night and we saw Haileys obsession with Spike from that show Angel. When she kept saying Spike I thought she ment from Cowboy Bebop and when I asked she said no so ya know. I GOT THE KURONEKO SAMA BACK PACK! Rejoice! It's so preety! I was so excited and happy! Anyway in Pittsburgh all these freaky pan handlers kept asking me for money. It was just me not the rest of my family though. What do I look rich? Their was this really neat old gothic church from the 1700's though we stopped by and saw. It was awesome. Their was another really old church next to it which was cool too. It made me happy. My family took gothic family pictures in front of it. They made me hold a tripod for reasons unknown to me. We walked all around Pittsburgh though and saw where my dad grew up and stuff. It was cool. Then my sister threw up and we had to go home. All in all it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The only thing I was disappointed about was I wasn't able to watch Adult Swim. Oh well. You can't win them all I suppose...........
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2004 17 June :: 10.27 pm
:: Mood: Happy as a clam
:: Music: The clicky sound the mouse makes. YAY! CLICK!
You're Vash the Stampede! In the words of Meryl, "A doughnut-eating, brush-headed, skirt-chasing BAKA (fool)!" but you know that there's more in that needle-noggin of yours that would surprise people who don't know you well.
What Trigun Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
You are Wolfwood!
Which Trigun character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Take the quiz: "What Trigun Character are you?"
Vash Even though Vash has a reputation for being insanely destructive, his personality is actually the opposite of that reputation. He shrinks from harming anything that lives, and he only fires off his gun to prevent injury to others. He believes that theres always a way to save everyone, no matter how evil they may seem. :D
You are Rem Saverem! Are you honored? You should be! Purity, charisma and innocence fills your vibrant soul, and you can know no wrong! You are a leader, not a follower, and like Meryl, you're strong willed and like to have a path set for yourself. But you also think of other paths and alternatives just in case you might get thrown off your original one. You care about all of those who surround you, and you believe that even the tiniest flame of life should be cherished. You're care-free and fun loving, and instead of crying over split milk, you just pour yourself another glass. You're actually quite the hippy, and everyone can't help but love you for that.
What Trigun Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
What Anime Legend Are You?
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