2005 22 May :: 1.22 am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Do the Hitler! *Dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee* (To the tune of do the hustle)
ARGH!!!!!!! I just spent an hour looking at Hitler pictures for school so my eyes feel like jelly... Nazi swine jelly. I did find something really weird though... I was looking through pictures of nazis on google andfound this nazi anime girl. 0.0 It was pretty damn weird, if I may say so myself. Anyway, today I went and saw Return of the Sith. It was niffty. I usually don't like star wars stuff but this held my interest. "Your name is now Darth Vader, but I will call you Darthy because it's cute." Moving on, I went and saw it with a homie. We lovingly named the komodo dragon/chicken/waffle thing Obi wan... However you spell that, rode on Nelly. Yup. Those were some good times. This computer aludes me. I'm out. Cluck.
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2005 15 May :: 8.38 pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: And I get tired of going through the motions...
Quizzes... Just because.
^.^ It was meant to be.
Over and out.
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 14 May :: 10.42 am
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: I'm every woman, it's up to meeeeeeeeeeeee!
NAMI walk!!!!
I just did the nami walk for mental illness. It was an adventure. You walked. For two miles. It wasn't very long, but hey if it was I probably wouldn't want to do it. We saw my Aunt Sue there and we got to talk to my cousin who is all the way in Thailand because he's in the Marines. It was pretty spiffy. I explained to him how my sister didn't have good fashion sense so I had to pick out her dress for her. It's the truth! She's gonna look so pretty tonight... All because of ME. ^.^ Heh heh, sorry. Yesterday I went to the half price bookstore and got the first Gad Guard DVD. I was so TOed. The box was for the regular DVD, all 4 episodes, but then the actually DVD was only a screener and only had one episode on it. They made me pay $15 for one episode. BLAST THEM!!!!!!!!! On top of that, Adult swim took off FMA. RAWR!!!!!!! Samurai Champloo better be one hell of a good show. On the other hand though, my sister got me an Ed key chain so it's all good. ^.^
I'm going through mood swings.
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2005 12 May :: 3.22 pm
:: Mood: gloomy
:: Music: That's alright, let's give this ANOTHER TRY!
Holocaust day.
Yes, today was holocaust day. We had a survivor from Auschwitz come in named Mr. Coppel. I always wanted to meet an actual survivor from the holocaust and hear their first hand account on what happened. He didn't really talk a lot about camp life, which is what I was most interested in. Maybe it was too hard for him, or he didn't have enough time too. He did talk about how he got to the camp and what happened to his family. He also talked about how he just walked away from the camp when he escaped. I felt very privldged to meet him since there is so few survivors left today. He told us what his number was, but we never got to see it (even though I wish I had). At the end, we were all allowed to ask questions. A girl asked if he believed Anne Franks quote, that all people are good at heart. He did, but then a boy asked him if he believed that Hitler was good at heart if he believed the quote. I forget how he replied exactly, but it really did make him think. He said he never lost faith in God, he just began to question some of his actions. To go through all that and still hold on to your faith, that's quite a feat. My only regret is that I never asked a question, we ran out of time. I hope someday to meet another survivor, one I can hopefully sit down and really talk to. It makes me sick to think that out there their are people who still have never heard of the holocaust or don't believe it existed. Ignorance is bliss I guess. We also had a man come in named Mr. Bailey, I think. He was a guru on the holocaust and had all these niffty artifacts. I touched three of the prison shirts, even though I probably wasn't supposed to, but I just had to! Among the clothes he also had Zyklon B canesters, signs posted in the camps (like the one in Night that said Caution! Electric fence!), stars of David they had to wear, boots lined with human hair (that's why they shaved all the people), propaganda posters, letters, notes, pictures of victims that were incredebly gruesome yet at the same time the best I've seen, badges the prisoners had to wear, and all sorts of other things. He hoped to one day start a museum because on top of the things he brought in, he said he had a bunch more at home. He told us that when he first met Mr. Coppel, he came in and looked at all of his things but seemed most interested in one coat. He asked if he could touch it, and Mr. Bailey said of course he could. Mr. Coppel explained that this was one of the last pieces of clothing people at Auschwitz were issued and that it was something that he had to wear. Yes, today was holocaust day. We had a survivor from Auschwitz come in named Mr. Coppel. I always wanted to meet an actual survivor from the holocaust and hear their first hand account on what happened. He didn't really talk a lot about camp life, which is what I was most interested in. Maybe it was too hard for him, or he didn't have enough time too. He did talk about how he got to the camp and what happened to his family. He also talked about how he just walked away from the camp when he escaped. I felt very privileged to meet him since there is so few survivors left today. He told us what his number was, but we never got to see it (even though I wish I had). At the end, we were all allowed to ask questions. A girl asked if he believed Anne Franks quote, that all people are good at heart. He did, but then a boy asked him if he believed that Hitler was good at heart if he believed the quote. I forget how he replied exactly, but it really did make him think. He said he never lost faith in God, he just began to question some of his actions. To go through all that and still hold on to your faith, that's quite a feat. My only regret is that I never asked a question, we ran out of time. I hope someday to meet another survivor, one I can hopefully sit down and really talk to. It makes me sick to think that out there there are people who still have never heard of the holocaust or don't believe it existed. Ignorance is bliss I guess. We also had a man come in named Mr. Bailey, I think. He was a guru on the holocaust and had all these niffty artifacts. I touched three of the prison shirts, even though I probably wasn't supposed to, but I just had to! Among the clothes he also had Zyklon B canisters, signs posted in the camps (like the one in Night that said Caution! Electric fence!), stars of David they had to wear, boots lined with human hair (that's why they shaved all the people), propaganda posters, letters, notes, pictures of victims that were incredibly gruesome yet at the same time the best I've seen, badges the prisoners had to wear, and all sorts of other things. He hoped to one day start a museum because on top of the things he brought in, he said he had a bunch more at home. He told us that when he first met Mr. Coppel, he came in and looked at all of his things but seemed most interested in one coat. He asked if he could touch it, and Mr. Bailey said of course he could. Mr. Coppel explained that this was one of the last pieces of clothing people at Auschwitz were issued and that it was something that he had to wear. Then he asked if he could smell it, and Mr. Bailey said he could. When he was done he looked at Mr. Bailey and said "Wow. You don't want to know what just went through my head as I smelled that." Could you only imagine? The smell of burning flesh, all the death, and people still denied that it happened? It makes me sick just to think of the extreme hatred. I'm so glad the world is still teaching this because we can never EVER let it happen again. Anyway, thanks for listening! Sorry if I just wasted your existence, I'm just really interested in the holocaust!!!!!!
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2005 11 May :: 3.12 pm
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: TM Revolution
ARGH! Stupid fat computer!!!!!! I already wrote this once and then it's gotta go and SHUT DOWN LIKE A LOBSTER ON SPEED. Yeah, that's right. Lobster. 0.0 Any way, what I was saying was that we were working on our time capsules in school. Odd to think that pretty soon we'll be leaving each other. Half of my friends are going to a different school so in a way I don't want to leave 8th grade. I know we'll still keep in touch and all, but I will miss seeing them everyday in school and such. That's why I must force them to write me note-age in my note-age book to put in my time capsules. Ah, the days of our youth! Now I can't wait till senior year to see what all those freaks wrote... Moving on, tomorrow is Holocaust day at school. We are gonna have a speaker who was at Auschwitz come in and talk to us. I'm excited, I've wanted to hear a first hand account of the holocaust for a long time... Like actually meet the person, not just read about them (like in Night.). Yup, leave it to this one to find one of the saddest, most gruesome parts of history interesting. Some times I think I really need a life. Let's see... I got the TM Revolution CD. It. Is. AWESOME! I love it's techno rock spiffyness! I got to go to two of the homies birthday parties (blasted old people) annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd... We rescheduled our cave excursion. That's all. I just wasted your existence. XD
1 Chose the right path. |
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2005 5 May :: 6.28 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: Tear my heart open, I sewed myself shut. My weakness is, that I care to much.
*WARNING* This entry is gonna have a lot of rant-age in it. If you don't want to read it then be a swine and don't. OK, anyway. I AM FUCKING SICK OF HAVING A FUCKING BABY SITTER!!!!! I'm sorry, but am I the only one who thinks it's ridiculous that a 17 year old girl and her 14, nearly 15, year old sister can't stay home alone? It's a waste of money, and just plain stupid. All the fat ass does is come in, sit her lard down, and watch TV. Yup, that's about it. Does she help around the house? No. Does she try and help us with homework? No. She just comes, drinks our water, and leaves. Yeah, that sure is worth all your hard earned money Mom! She says we're not allowed to stay home because we'll have people over and all this shit, but excuse me, over the summer won't we left home alone 50% of the time anywhere? Don't you remember, you were out with one of your Internet men? Yeah, and that was like until two in the morning so she can't sit here and say, "Well I come home from work late." She comes home at twelve. ARGH! It makes me so MAD! Tell me kind Internet folk out there, do you all still have baby sitters? Are you younger than me and don't have one? DAMMIT! I just wish we could stay home alone! This summer is gonna be fucking terrible if we have to spend it with a woman who isn't needed. That's it. If my Mother won't tell her to leave, I will. She should get a clue. It's kinda sad we're the only place she gets money! Damn. Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Thanks for listening!
Oh yeah, like my new layout? ^.^
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2005 1 May :: 7.42 pm
:: Mood: TOed and rather angsty...
:: Music: We live for love
For those of you who watched FMA last night...
WHY DID HUGHES HAVE TO DIE!!!!!!! GAH! IT WAS SO SAD! Even my Mom was crying, and she doesn't even LIKE the show. DAMN YOU ENVY!!!! You can't just kill off this Beef's favorite characters and get away with it... Anyway...
My cat's being a beast. She just knocked over our cardboard cut out of Elvis, can you believe that? She had us catering to her whims all day. Spoiled piece of lard...
I got the FMA manga! ^_^ OK, that's all.
5 Chose the right path.People |
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2005 28 April :: 3.32 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Blaghdy blarghdy blargh.
Why does it feel like today is Friday.
I get to watch FMA tonight! ^.^ OK, quizzes because I have nothing better to say.
 You are a nature loving anime girl.You love all types of animals and care for them.You are a calm person and loves to have people around.You love to be outside just admiring your surroundings and playing with the animals that are around.Now just if you keep loving the nature pretty soon everyone is going to copy you maybe i'm really not sure.But do what you do best and it will soon pay off ^_^
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Toad croak! Meaning you are a fairly normal person! You are mostly a happy person, getting on with your life with only a few croaks and moans! You are also a practical person and probably quite a hard worker. You enjoy the simple things in life like the company of your friends, going shopping or to the cinema, reading a good book and being with your family or loved one. Your good points are that you are even tempered, fairly happy go lucky and a good friend to have around! Your bad points are that you sometimes lack the drive to succeed, being happy with what you already have. Which really, isn't such a bad point at all! Mostly content with your life, you are a happy, well-rounded person!
Are you a Princess, Enchantress, Faerie, Mermaid or Toad? (with pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
OK... I'm anything BUT normal.
 you represent the begining of life. you are bright and cheerful and love being who you are!
What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^) brought to you by Quizilla

What Saiyuki Bishounen Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
And that was that.
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2005 26 April :: 8.14 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Don't tell me that it's OVER! Something about a world spinning and winning...
Snorkle. Heh heh.
Well aparently today at school was "rockstar day" at school. How are we supposed to dress like rockstars with the stupid dress code in play? But anyway... Pankeyke dressed like Kyo from Dir En Grey and it made her happy so I'll leave it at that. That damn VCR kid is STILL bugging me. He put a little note on my locker that said VCR on it. 0.0 This is getting out of hand. I'm gonna have to use alchemy to kick his but... Anyway... *cough cough, COUGH COUGH, MAJOR COUGH-AGE, COUGHS UP HEART* 0.o That can't be good. Lemme go take care of this...
Do you think we decided right? |
2005 25 April :: 8.38 pm
:: Mood: lethargic
*cough cough*
I was just on notashrimp.com (Ed fansite) and after looking at all the FMA stuff that wench has... I feel like I have nothing. DAMN HER! I'm envious!!!! I need to start saving money... That way I can get A crap load of FMA stuff at Sugoi-con. Anyway, I didn't go to school today. It's the blasted weather's fault. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO SNOW IN THE MIDDLE OF SPRING DAMMIT!!!!!! And on top of that, my Father and a crazy chicken women felt that they needed to go shopping for flowers out in the cold with me. -_-; I did get to pet a kitten though. ^.^ Other than that I spent my weekend watching Jurassic Park (don't ask...) and Spirited Away. Yup. That's about it. Bye for now, yo.
2 Chose the right path.People |
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2005 20 April :: 3.25 pm
:: Mood: high
:: Music: Volvo driven soccer mom
It's 4/20 day! Get out your pot you stoner nazi's!
 You are Samara Morgan!
What 'The Ring' Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Sweetage. What can I say? I like the Ring, and Ring 2, and Ringu... I need a life.
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2005 18 April :: 3.23 pm
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: That happy song about wanting to ride bikes by Queen.
I'm now a state Alchemist!
Yup. It's official. Now I'm a state alchemist! My niffty diffy spiffy pocket watch came today. REJOICE! What else happened... Oh yeah, there was this punk sign that told me to not slip on this water that was on the ground. Well, it tripped me and a homie (RYHME!) so it was GOIN' DOWN! I attacked it with my altra super alchemy powers. It was awesome. Sure was. Oh yeah, I went to PKI yesterday. Mmmm, roller coaster goodness. I did DDR and my sibling unit said I had my own little crowd. ^.^ Sweetage, I know. My friend went to a solo concert and got rated a 2 (which is good) by judges... And... WOMBATS! BYE!
I'm weird.
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2005 12 April :: 7.17 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: Another one bites the dust.
Well, there went my hair I've been growing for a year...
I got all my hair loped off today. 0.0 OK, not all of it, but pretty damn much. I'm gonna give it to locks of love because I'm such a great individual. Yeah, the hair lady (names Nelly) talks like a mile a minute. She's cute though, and nice. She's as big as a freakin twig, but hey, she still has an attitude. She talked about a cat a lot, and this creepy pedophile guy who tried to talk to her daughter. He's old, so she can take him. Why am I telling you this? Anyway, I have a speech I must get ready for on Thursday. Blast. That's all.
Just to let you know... My hair was nearly to my bum. Hee hee! Bum.
I also ate at IHOP. Damn Flapjacks!!!!!!
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2005 4 April :: 7.01 pm
:: Mood: All squee like... Yeah...
:: Music: Does he love me, I wanna know. How can I tell if he loves me so?
Spring break is... over...
Yes, unfortunately today was my first day back to the hell pit learning center. It wasn't really that bad I suppose. I got to see the G dawgs again who I missed so dearly. I didn't miss their damn angst though. Which is still going on. WHEN DOES IT END?!?!?!?!?!? At least they're going to a different school than me for high school (or at least a good deal of them). Aw, I'll miss the little comrades *wipes tear from eye*. But, I'm sure we'll keep in touch. Well, somehow I survived the mountain tundra of Gatlinburg with Amanda (A homie). I was almost eaten by a bear, fell off a mountain, got attacked by a pig hair ball, and was seduced by a trout. Yup, all during one trip. 0.0 I did, however, conquer a mountain. It was a beast, and was marked as "strenuous" on the little brochure thingy. Now I know why. It was nearly all uphill with rocks and waterfalls. It had a really pretty view at the top, but still it was harder than a rotten jelly bean to climb. Oh well, at least our LEGS WERE LIKE GUNS at the top. I claimed it. The mountain is now known as Mt. Super Alchemy Beef. Yup, I even have a picture of me poking it to prove it. The place we stayed at looked like linkin logs, but they were still nice. It had a fire place in each room (which came on with the flick of a switch or the use of Alchemy), and it had a hot tub and game room that had an air hockey table, fooseball (sp?) table, pool table, and Ms. Pacman. Amanda beat me at everyone (the wench), well, except for pool which I won when she kept accidentally hitting in the 8 ball. She got a little cranky at times, and doesn't really understand my weirdness. She also couldn't take a joke a lot of the time and yelled at me while I did DDR, but it still managed to be fun. We went hillbilly golfing (which I also blowed at) and we went to the Ripleys Museum. Out of the whole trip I got some mountain fudge and these cute little thingies of maple syrup that come from Crackle Barrel when you buy pankeykes. So it was all good. I went on a website and saw Ed's pocket watch for sale, so now I'm gonna buy it which means I have to work my butt of and not get allowance for a year. It will be worth it though! I think that's all I have to say for now homies! Later.
Oh yeah! My loser self also got to watch Adult Swim on the trip. Rejoice! CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY!!!!!!! I'm alive again!
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2005 24 March :: 3.01 pm
:: Music: Ain't no mountain high enough...
SPRING BREAK IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!! REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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