2002 4 September :: 11.28 pm
:: Mood: refreshed
:: Music: Get Out Tha Way!
I hate band.......
today was nothing special. regular booring day, found out i have a C in bio. better than i expected, but not good enough to stay in ib. :sigh: i was trying to bribe mattera for a ride home, cuz sara k really wanted me to go, so he kept saying no when i asked cuz his mom would get pissed or some stupid shit like that, and i was offering him gas money n he still said no. i got upset n was like, "mike, come on, im offering you gas money, i know you jewish kids like money" man, that kid got soo pissed at me. im sorry if thats offensive to ne one, but it was soo funny. he just like flips out, n gets on this whole thing about how hes not jewish, and hes like flippin. thouight he was gonna kill me. lol, freshman year.
this is gonna be a long booring post. ya should just stop reading here. its not worth your trouble. so i got home, n i was playing the bari sax with my new mouthpiece. soo incredibly sweet! i finally set up my speakers on my stereo too, so double sweet!! productive afternoon. Get out tha way was playing this morning when alex and i got on the bus, and strangely enough, it was playing at the exact moment we got to school too, so it was stuck in my head all day. it was playing when i got on the bus again in the afternoon, so ive finally resorted to downloading it now. its such a shitty song, but its catchy as hell. i figured out the beat on my digital drums. i rock! well, ive got nothing of any more importance to say, so ill just stop now. actually i do, but its not shit id want to share with ppl that read this. thats the one thing i hate about woohu, but besides that, i love it. im gonna go stare at the wall. peace,
2 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 3 September :: 10.11 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Tool
All Day I Dream About Sax......
soo much to say, soo little effort put forth to say it. i feel depression comming on once again. it seems to be a common occourrence; im getting used to being depressed now. i try to hide it, and i try to fight it, but its still there; always there, looming, waiting for me to accept it once again. admitting it makes me feel even worse. oh well
on the brighter side, we talked today. it feels good to talk after soo many days of being apart. although most of what we say is incoherent, its still something.
damnit, im bored. i should be doing my hw now, but woohu seems like a lot more fun. :)
2 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 2 September :: 8.38 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
i had a pretty good weekend. ninas party on sunday was a lotta fun. messing foreign kids and almost relieving myself on alex. the foreign kid thing seems to be everyday now. well besides that, there was this drum pad at mars. it retailed for almost $300 when it was new, but mars has one out of the box, for $189. yamaha stopped making these almost a year ago, so this was a good price for it. they couldnt find the dc plug for it, so i had the guy take $30 off the price. that was the rock bottom price they were giving me, almost no profit to be made off of it. well seeing as im a full time shopper at that place, i had this thing for labor day weekend that entitled me to 10% off of everythign in the store. sweet! not only that, mars gives ya like 2% of your quarterly spending back to ya, and i spent like $1400 a few months when i bought my sax, so i had about $30 at my leisure. with all my deductions, the drum pad came out to $106. the store manager was surely pissed :) that'll teach mars to be soo generous.hahah. well besides that, my parents bought me a brand new 5.1 dolby digital reciever for my stereo. i was pretty damn shocked that they did. they usually never buy me anything other than clothes and stuff, cuz they expect me to buy the big ticket items myself, seeing as i have a job and all. this sure took me by suprise, but it is pretty kick ass. my old reciever was almost dead, and it was only a 2 channel stereo, with like 40 watts per channel. my new one is 100watts x 5. lol, now i can prob break some windows. or maybe not, my speakers suck. just wait till i get a sub. hahahah. then i will rule the world! gotta go do some reading for history. peace
3 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 31 August :: 11.26 am
:: Mood: exanimate
:: Music: Buck-O-Nine
Such an adventurous day.....
ive never made an outline of my day. i think i will. not like anyone reads this, or realy cares...
changing shu laces on the bus
cracking on rene
getting yelled at by stoneface
cracking on josephine's whore-ness, in english
fun in bio
signing up for fbla
planning on not going to the meetings and just the trip at the end of the year with a buncha my friends
trying to show alan my ass three times
coaxing pat into a ride home
cracking on joey ::sniff::
7-11 and the pixy stix
getting sara mad at me. hehe
stealing pats car
him licking pixy stick off my arm
beating the shit outta my desk while listening to 311
realizing my fav local band that was playing last night at surf cafe didnt go on till 1:45am, so i couldnt go :(
going to incredibly expensive stereo store with alex
drooling over pair of $20k speakers
convinging his mom to buy him those $90 headphones
bypassing his dirty little brothers at his house
having ear orgasms while listening to anazing headphones
dancing like hookers while listening to headphones
velvet underground, the who, yes, supr. furry animals, tool, etc...
diet pepsi. ewww
stealing cheese ritz
more ear orgasms
going home by curfew for the first time in a while
chineese food and guitar
falling asleep watching tv
waking up and realizing its only 2, and youve been asleep for a half hour
waking up at 10 am and thinking you've missed half the day at school
making your amazing clock (those of you who've seen it know what im talking about) to make it not say its friday
wondering why the tv is on the spanish chammel
wondering what the ppl are saying, cuz you slacked off in the last 2 years of spanish, so you cant understand a single word of it
yea, ya know it. my life is incredibly booring and pathetic. if you actually read this, ive gotta give you some props, cuz youre prob asleep by now.
2 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 28 August :: 10.59 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
well i forgot to mention what happened in band class today. we had a memorization test on the first song of out show, n me being the lazy fucker i am, didnt sign up for a partner to play it with. we hadto play it infront of the class with a partner from memory while marking time. so somehow i got paired up with magda, sharif's sister. it sounded weird, cuz im on sax n shes on trumpet, so we have totally different parts. so we're up there marking time, and wind instruments come in in the 3rd measure, after the vibe intro, so we mark time for two measures, then go to a horns up and play, so we're up there marking time, n i saw she didnt do the horns up, so i look at her all puzzled n such, n after about two mroe measures or so of not playing, everyone in the room yells out how trumpets dont come in till like measure 7. that was really embarassing, but i just played it off with one of my dumb facial expressions. so we're playing, n i totally improv'd the first part of the song, cuz i totally forgot how it goes. it sounded right, but my section knew it was wrong, n they loved me for it. theres a drum break in the middle of the song, n the second half of the song starts right after that. so as we are just starting the second part, the fucking fire alarm goes off, so everyone gets up to go outside, and magda stopped to go put her trumpet away, n i just stand there blasting my part over the fire alarm. it was soo great. everyone was like, man, whata baller. lol, so after the fire drill was over, we started again from the second part, n we we're playing, and sharif makes some stupid funny face to magda, n she just breaks out laughing, n stops playing, while i just keep on going, due to my uncanny ability to laugh n play at the same time. i just blasted my part all alone n finished the song while making some stupid faces to everyone thats allready laughing. i finished it off playing the last few notes an octave down, for effect. oh man, it was great. im not gonna call myself a baller for that, cuz everyone allready did. was just a fun experience i wanted to share. it probably sounds really lame, but im not good at describing these things.
3 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 28 August :: 4.43 pm
:: Mood: chillin
:: Music: 311
lol, i made a nice $5 investment today on the bus. i got bored n started thinking of ways i could exploit people and freak out sufyan at the same time. after almmost 10 minutes of coaxing, i got alex to grab the crotch of a sleeping sufyan. my plan worked, and i can safely say that that was a $5.40 well spent lol. i think alex's hand will be contaminated for a long time now. we have a new chernobyl. i havent paid him yet, and i am still debating it. it sounds really sick to say i paid some dude with a fro to grap a foreign boys crotch. lol. on the evilness scale, i think this one is right up there with the one about the backstreet boys and the girl with ms. god, im so evil. ask greenspan about that one.lol. well im off to commit more evil deeds. peace
Pimp or playa? |
2002 27 August :: 6.41 pm
:: Mood: happy
me happy. i got some good news today, n im all happy about it :):^):P
to take me off my happy high, i have a test in every class tomorrow, and thats sure to suck. wont be online at all tonite (a rarity) due to these stupid fucking tests. im out. peace :)
1 true playa |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 26 August :: 9.20 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: 311 - Self Titled!!!
.....All of the DJs' surely have taken their lesson......
ok yea, gotta start it off with a sublime quote. well today was an ok day with school n all. bitch face bitch ho (stoneman) was trying me in band today, n that got me really pissed, but english was cool cuz of our sub, and bio we had a lab. wasnt too bad. then i coaxed mike mattera into giving me a ride home. so its me, mike, sara k, abbie, and that other sara, shes short, so for all intensive purposes she'll be referred to as little sara. we stopped at taco bell, n it was cool there, n mike was freaking out cuz i was gonna bring a drink into his car. but while we were there, the truth about what happ. at the party last saturday came out in front of all of them, and it was really embarassing, but sara and i covered it up with our hysterical laughter, so it was good, somewhat. well leaving the taco bell parking lot, i licked mike's ear on a dare, and he about pulled me out of the car n left me there. i was almost if not more disgusted than he was, but it was all in good fun. he was freaked out for the rest of the ride, n it was really funny. he flipped when he found out how far west i live. haha. thats south central boca, kid, him n his east crew dont kno how ruff it get out on powerline boyee. (god that was lame). well ne ways, it was an eventful day, and its 9:30 and my day still hasnt involved homework yet. aaah! well i must go off and study. peace everybody
2 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 25 August :: 10.44 pm
:: Mood: zippy
:: Music: sublime (what else would i be listening to on a sunday night?)
"Former President James Taylor"........
im not really zippy, but it soulds cool to have that there. also my homer simpson quote just balances it out. well to recap, my weekend wasnt too bad. friday night i blew everyone and everything off and slept, then woke up at 1 am n watched the history chanel till i fell asleep (ĦQue excita!). well saturday was cool. got to hang out with drunken redneck plumbers, and kicked back a few, tho only got a teeny bit buzzed. my today sucked, cuz i didnt really get anything acomplished; homework or cleaning, but besides that it was cool. i didnt hafta work at all this weekend tho cuz my boss fucked up my schedule! :)
besides my previously described adventures, my endeavors in drumming are turning out to be quite expensive. at first i was looking for a cheap used drum set, nothing over $200. ok, not too bad, but then i was having trouble finding anything good. after searchign and searching, on ebay i found this guy wholesaling full drumsets (with cymbals and all) for about $320, brand new. this excited me mucho. turns out the company that makes them (Argent?) is no where to be found, and likely went bankrupt. that didnt bother me too much, but my dad figures that it\'ll be a crappy set cuz of this. no shit sherlock. thats what i was looking for in the first place. so turns out one of the drunken plumbers usta work in a recording studio and wants to sell his set. hes got a very expensive ludwig set with a complete zildjian cymbal kit. although its used, its high q shit, and has a 26\' bass (sweet) and 2 more cymbals than the ebay one has. he said hed give it to me with stands and all for $500. now im conflicted. the ebay one was $320, making it a $180 difference between the two. but the ebay set lacked a ride cymbal, and buying one and a stand would probably be around $180, so it seems worth it to go with the dudes ludwig set, although it is incredibly expensive. one plus is that it would have a very high resale value over the ebay set. damn, its scary how much money these stupid things are. i was only looking to spend the money burning a hole in my pocket, but now its turned sub-zero freezing over my pocket. damn!
Pimp or playa? |
2002 24 August :: 11.25 pm
ok, well it says 10:59 on my last post, but i actually posted it like 2 minutes ago. took me that long to get it out :)
Pimp or playa? |
2002 24 August :: 10.59 pm
:: Mood: fucking pissed off
my mother is a bitch
fucking shit!!! ok, it all started last saturday. my friend threw a party at her house, and we all got shitfaced, and i was soo drunk that i could barely walk straight. well ne ways, somehow i got home without my mom noticing, and the next day i go to call her (my friend), and her dad says shes not available. i took this as a sign that she got caught n was grounded. turns out she was. well in first period on monday we were passin a note to eachother about it, like how she was grounded, and about all the crazy shit that happened. so like i wound up with the note, and i put it on my desk at home as i was cleaning out my backpack that afternoon. so that brings us to today. my friend's (friend #2) parents were having a party, their 10th anniversary for owning their plumbing company. it was fun, and it was during the day, so like if we drank, we could settle down, n if i hadto go home, it wouldnt be so bad cuz we had had time to settle. so we did drink, but not too much. we were planning to drink more, but my mom wouldnt let me sleep over, cuz shes a bitch and a ho. so i called her to come pick me up, cuz my friend (#2) wasnt good enough to drive according to his mom, which he was, but shes waaaay too cautious. so my parents pick me up, n theyre giving me shit in the car like they always do, and it was nothing out of the ordinary. so that brings me to about a half hour ago. my mom comes in my room to annoy me, as she always does, and we start talking as usual, and i tell her to leave as usual, and she gives me this weird smirk. she says that she read my letter from my desk when she was using my computer cuz something was "wrong" with hers (fucking bull shit). from that second, i started giving her a total riot about invading my privacy n shit like that, n she tells me to shut up. i was suprised she had the guts to stand up to me like that. so i let her go on. she said she didnt let me sleep over cuz she knew i was gonna drink, n she doesnt trust me any more, and she didnt tell my dad. she said for me not to give her any shit about her reading my private stuff cuz she didnt tell my dad about it. fucking shit, she had me there! at that point i wished she did tell him, cuz them i probably woulda fucking went off on her for invading my privacy and going through the stuff on my desk (although it was open n just sitting there). this is it. i hate my fucking mom! shit! my friend (#2) was planning a road trip to go up to sebastian next weekend for his birthday with me n a couple of friends, and now im not even sure if shes gonna let me go. fuck! im pretty sure shes gonna tell my dad, so i fugure i can give her hell about going through my shit when she does. this is war! my mom is going down!
Pimp or playa? |
2002 16 August :: 10.43 pm
:: Mood: shitty
:: Music: Deftones - White Pony
poetry sucks
My white lies shine so well through your black light of investigation
Enough facades for one time
I must face the reality and admit my faults
Crying alone in my room, the end will come
But when will this pain be over?
The truth impales my soul
Bleeding through the new orifices
Why could admitting things to myself hurt so much?
Sitting by the light of the streets as life passes me bye
Thinking, thoughts of what I\'m missing
And things in the way that cant be overcome
How will it ever change?
2 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 15 August :: 10.00 pm
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: my own playing
lol. jammin on the bari sax is sucha pickup for depression. man, i love this thing, its soo killer. ive gotta split tho. peace out
Pimp or playa? |
2002 15 August :: 6.17 pm
fuck you A.J.
"well shit hits the fan now, doesnt it asshole" sorry, but im really pissed and drained. like my day wasnt too bad, till i was called down to the ibo in 2nd hour. it was nice to get away from stoneface, but what came from it was bad. they reccomend that i leave ib, but if i dont, i will be put on this thing where i hafta get all a's and b's, and if i have any c's at the end of the semester, even one, i am fucked n sent to boca high. that really pissed me off. baah, i am soo incerdibly pissed! then like in last period, i came down with a headache, prob from trying to fight the softlips out of saras clenching grip. well i had band right after, and it sucked totally cuz of the headache. stoneface made me do pushups for cursing, that fucking fuck shit ass faced shit bitch! god i hate that woman. after band, my dad was being annoying as fuck, n got all pissy that i wanted to go buy something to eat, bc i forgot my wallet n didnt have lunch or anything to drink today. devin lent me a dollar n i bought one of those nasty cheeseburgers. i got home, n they bitched at me for not bringing in the garbage n recycling, n fucking when i picked the bin up, all the nasty fuckin rain water spilled on me. fuck. i hafta tell my mom to call the ibo, n tell her what its about. not looking forward to that, plus i still have my fucking headache. go me! i have hw and reading to do too. shit, dont expect me to update my journal any time soon, cuz im gonna hafta bust my ass to keep myself c free. i havent done that since middle school. god damnit, im soo fucked!
well on the brighter side, i got to take home the bari today :). josh would roll over in his grave knowing i took it, although hes 18, in college, and not dead. still tho, hed be pissed im in control of it. lol. well im out. i need to go lay down. hopefully i dont fal asleep, so i'll do my hw. peace out everyone, and goodbye for now, or i guess a little while.
2 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 13 August :: 10.32 pm
:: Mood: sticky
evilness in hair
ok, so tonite i learned that hair gel and hair wax make a lethal combination. the shower didnt help. my hairs still all sticky, and somewhat crazy-ish. i eventually need to get it cut. aah. tweak moment, lol. im out,
Pimp or playa? |
2002 12 August :: 7.37 pm
:: Mood: nostalgic
:: Music: Sublime - New Thrash (Live)
I wasjust thinking about the time i put a stick of gum in sam greenspans cheese sandwich on the last day of euro, then like a few days later alex n dave told me about how he was complaining that his sandwich tasted like mint. man, that was hilarious. haha, i was just thinking about that, and i wanted to share it with everyone
...soo evil......heh
5 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 12 August :: 12.09 am
:: Mood: bouncy
strizzoke in my brizzane
2 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 11 August :: 1.16 am
:: Mood: tired
i was thinking of writing anther crappy emo poem, cuz then ppl would actually leave me a comment. hehe. my day sucked. i thought skipping bc for work would be a lot cooler, but it wasnt. least i got money. oh well. i think im gonna go off to bed now. peace out. oh wait. i met this wellington girl today, n i was supposto mention something about her here. so there.
3 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 8 August :: 12.19 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: jazz
damn me. i got home yesterday from bc, n like i didnt feel too good, so i took a nap, my dad came in to wake me up, n i wound up being a half hour late for work. while i was there, i was all miserable, n for some reason i fell down with a cold. i musta slept through my alarm clock this morning, n like i dont know how, cuz its set really fucking loud on big 106. well my mom comes in, n i tell her i feel like shit, so she asks me if i wanna stay home. i roll out of bed, and realize how much my throuat hurts, n say fuck yes. (well i didnt really say fuck yes. i only curse infront of my dad, n like when im half asleep i dont curse as much as i do normally, n like i wanted to say that, n i only added it for effect. damn you) she called up stoneface to tell ehr i couldnt go, so i hope its ok. but damn, im gonna miss ben day. blast! theres nothing to eat here either. wish i wasnt soo sick, or id go get some wendys. lol, oh well. sara said shes bring me cookies after bc, n to her suprise im not there. oops. hope shes got my cell number like she said. neways, im out. gonna go find some food. peace,
Pimp or playa? |
2002 4 August :: 6.35 pm
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: Bosstones!!!
as everyone has allready made pretty damn clear, warped tour FUCKING ROCKED! im not gonna go into that too much, cuz everyone allready did. the only things im not happy about is that one skinhead that was the boss of them all (god i wanna kill that guy), the fact that i didnt get to see bum ruckus, bad religion, and five iron frenzy, and the fact that i smoked. i promised myself i wouldnt, cuz i stoped a long time ago, n i didnt want to start again. but besides all that, the day seriously kicked ass. if ya didnt go, ya seriously mist out. well im out, peace.
Pimp or playa? |
2002 31 July :: 11.12 am
:: Mood: bored/tired
:: Music: the virmen???
mornings suck
i had been planning to sleep till 4:30 to go to work at 5 today, but this morning i was awoken by the subtle pokings of sara. she came to my house n woke me up at 9. i should really start locking my doors. lol. she threatened to do it before, but i didn't believe she would do it. i should have more faith in that girl. twas kinda embarassing tho, cuz like my room is a disaster area, and my hair was all un-gelled and such, but she brought me a cd n some cookies, so that makes it ok. some crazy indy band called the vermin. theyre ok, nothing special.
damnit, i shouldnt be up this early! well im gonna go try to go back to sleep. doubt it will work.
Pimp or playa? |
2002 29 July :: 12.45 am
:: Mood: emotional
Have you ever felt the moment?
A moment that you've seen before,
A moment that happens,
A place you've been before,
Where you can do something you did before,
Something that feels so right,
And no wrong can can come from it,
But this time you just cant bring yourself to do it.
You have no idea why,
And you know you want to,
But strange forces and rumors,
Are stopping you.
If only it was before,
Then the deed could be acomplished,
But this time it just can't.
The moment feels very right,
So does the place,
And so do you
But this time just cant be done.
Maybe it is a fear of reaction,
Be it positive or negative,
Or the feeling that youre not at the moment,
Or the fear of the rewarding satisfaction of being there and loving it,
But something is keeping you from it.
4 true playaz for real |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 27 July :: 3.22 pm
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: Sublime - Stand By Your Van!!!
...Got my greatet Hits.....
lol. im all stoked, cu zi bought stand by your van yesterday, completing my sublime collection. ive become somewhat obsessed with sublime over these summer months, but they really do rock. i bought it at cd connection, and i was kinda reluctant to do it, cuz with tax it was about $19, which is like 3 hours of death at work wasted for a cd. its worth it tho. i think i just might have bought it cuz those dudes in cd connection were crepin me out with their evil stare-downs. i could tell they were sayin in their heads "what the fuck do you want surfer dude? i know you dont listen to techno, so get out!" they creep me out. that place usta be cool, but now its mostly techno, and techno dudes. that cool girl with the piercings quit, so it sucks now. but besides that, i missed my chance to go surfing yesterday cuz i was asleep when devin called. he called me like 5 times. im pissed cuz like i havent used my bored in almost a month, n there was actually decent waves. damnit! well i must get going. i tore apart my closet over a week n a half ago, n i still havent put all that shit away.
Pimp or playa? |
2002 24 July :: 10.29 pm
rabble rabble!
fuck you mongolians!
sweet and sour pork!
lol. that was the stupidest ever
Pimp or playa? |
2002 24 July :: 10.00 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: southpark!
progressive sucks
wow, im suprised. progressives whole ad campaign revolves around how they compare their quotes to other companies, so i just did that, and i dont see hwo this is working for them when theyre the most expensive?!?! The quote for me from them was $4500 for 6 months, but from the 4 other companies they listed, it was systematically $1000 less for each company. the lowest was $1200 per 6 months. i dont get it. why do they rate other companies if the other companies have better deals? stupid progressive. haha
Pimp or playa? |
2002 16 July :: 4.41 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Green Day - 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours/Kerplunk (old school Green Day)
hey, sup everyone. i dont know why, but i seem to be in a good mood today. i took a nice nap on the bus, and got home and got busy. i rewaxed my surfboard, and got rid or all that nasty brown shit. I also finally finished remodeling my room. lol. thought i would never finish. i still cant figure out why im in such a good mood tho. prob a few things. i got a b on my quiz today (lol, a first), theres a new sorta hot girl on my bus (must seduce....), my ap scores should be here soon (if the damn mail lady wasnt so fucking slow), and today sara paid me a visit for the second day in a row while she was waiting for the ppl in the ibo, and she brought me wendys! i love wendys. love sara. hehe. id love ne girl that'd bring me wendys. well, ive gotta get back to finishing my room, gotta hurry cuz i gotta be to work at 6. peace out everybody
1 true playa |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 15 July :: 9.47 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Bum RucKus - dyin to know
wow, i love ska, but i wouldnt concider myself a ska kid. this is somewhat suprising...
I am 77% Ska
 Pick it up, I skank! I am one full-fledged crazy Rudie, I am going to go celebrate my victory with some skankin'!
Take the Ska Test at fuali.com
Pimp or playa? |
2002 12 July :: 3.31 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: sublime - second hand smoke
work sucks
dont eer get a job, ne of you. this is soo gay. i just woke up, its like 3:30 now, n i hafta work from 4-11. thats my whole fucking day. ppl, dont ever work. if you ned money, id reccomend panhandling or prostitution. fuck working.
1 true playa |
Pimp or playa? |
2002 7 July :: 11.00 pm
:: Mood: scared
am i this crazy?
i took one of those online personality tests just like a few mins ago, and it gave me these results. im kinda scared.
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Very High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
aah. im gonna turn into tweak. holy shit. i must have exaggerated or something, cuz i kno im not this messed up
2 true playaz for real |
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