2005 5 July :: 3.19pm
e__________-; I ...omfg. I am SO FUCKING pissed right now.
Okay, you know that account lollopy? I got it for free from some girl. Changed the password, then changed the email. I asked the girl to check her email. Today I found out she didn't change it. So I changed my pass back to the old one.
2 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 5 July :: 2.29pm
If someone logs into your account...
You (who were orgininally logged on first) get logged OFF, right?
I think someone logged into my account...because...my active pet was my OTHER pet...so I quickly changed my pw again.
But I wasn't logged off...? o_o;
1 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 4 July :: 10.32pm
Before you read on, I'm /only/ trying to find out what the hell's going on.
SUP i am oprah: She put all the stuff into an account she made herself. And all that stuff was mine ><
sugo1pink: So...Amanda = Hikaru...= owes me a faerie krawk.
SUP i am oprah: Amanda = Hikaru = owes me my draik and 400k neopoints and about 500k in items
sugo1pink: =_=; God this fucked up. I know I shouldn't be all that mad, since it /was/ a wedding present and all...but WTF. She should have had the DECENCY to at least ask me if I wanted Reokimi back...
SUP i am oprah: And she shouldnt have hacked me because I was mad at her for lying.
SUP i am oprah: Four fucking years worth of stuff..
sugo1pink: Did you change the password to the account? Because unless you didn't, she really had no need for hacking it...
SUP i am oprah: Nope.
sugo1pink: So then why did she hack it?
SUP i am oprah: Because I completely flipped out when I found out 'daisuke' was a girl.
SUP i am oprah: and i admit, i said some things i shouldnt have, but what i said wasnt THAT bad. i didn't deserve to be hacked over it.
SUP i am oprah: But of courrrsseee, no one listens to me EVER and just about all of those people in your 'group' hate me
sugo1pink: x.x I'm posting this on my wj. I mean...yeah, I don't like the fact that Amanda lied to me. Even that short time I 'went out' with 'Daisuke'. I almost cried. Almost. But...how deep into the relationship did you feel you delved into?
SUP i am oprah: Like it said in Kikyou's Wj.. lemme find it
SUP i am oprah: devaztated: No, I wasn't. I loved Amanda so fucking much, I couldn't even IMAGINE being with someone else while with her.
sugo1pink: If it were a physical relationship...
sugo1pink: You would've been hurt so much more.
SUP i am oprah: I doubt it. This was beyond physical. It was spiritual.. two spirits entwined as one.. *goes all deep and stuff* :-P
sugo1pink: xD
SUP i am oprah: *facepalm* she'd probably laugh if she ever knew i said that.
sugo1pink: ^^; Well...a lot of people don't stop to think about words. Just what they feel.
SUP i am oprah: Heh, yeah
3 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 3 July :: 5.31pm
:: Mood: contemplative
I miss Reokimi. ._.; -coughHIKARUandJENNYKNOWWHATI'MTALKINGABOUT- >_>; They got her frozen.
-shrugs and sighs like an old woman- Oh well, it was their wedding present...I must've been on crack though. -sips tea-
5 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 30 June :: 12.00pm
:: Music: Nothing.
Damnit. I have to finish coloring a picture by tomorrow night.. D; I didn`t even start on the lineart yet. D: D: I wasted my time drawing other things for other contests that isn`t even going to end until like August or whatever. blehhh. But then tomorrow I`m staying home so I have a whole day to finish it. I hope I do. ): I might have to draw another picture also. D:!
Well, here in the Bay Area, Northern California, the weather has turned abruptly high. D: I hate heat. And I`m staying at a cheap person`s house and they don`t like to use air conditioner. o_o
I should like change the layout now. It`s getting so old..
I also need a new user look-up for Neo. o_o I made a new account and joined Apri`s Guild.
2 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 28 June :: 8.30pm
:: Mood: hyper
Wanna know something interesting?
sugo1pink: Guess what.
N neurotica A: ... you have crabs?
N neurotica A: lol i dunno
N neurotica A: what?
sugo1pink: o___O;; Ew.
sugo1pink: No.
N neurotica A: mkai what?
sugo1pink: I ate too much Flamin' Hot Cheetos. So when I had water poo, it was red because of the food coloring.
sugo1pink: :D
2 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 23 June :: 10.06am
Nothing interesting happened to me yet...so yeah...
I changed the song to Fukai Mori, just because the last one was acting creepy. -kicks it- JERK.
xD Yup that's it. OH, and I'm obsessed with Animal Crossing again. Wheeeee! -can't wait for AC:DS- *___*; -drool-
3 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 9 June :: 8.31pm
:: Mood: bouncy
KK. First time I took this IQ test, (a year ago) I got 136. And I just took it again tonight...and I got 103. XDDD BUT BUT -
The Super IQ Test
How Smart Are You Really?
Rebecca, your Super IQ score is 103
Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.
The way you think about things makes you a Linguistic Architect. This means you are brilliant when it comes to language and words. You are also very good at understanding things on an abstract level. You are at your best when you put those two skills together to communicate new ideas and see how they fit into different contexts. You understand math and science on a gut level, even if the equations and science don't come as easily. You can use these skills to be a great communicator or to create a masterpiece.
How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Linguistic Architect? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Linguistic Architect. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.
Oh yeah. My dad made me cry. Well I cry over nothing all the time (plus my period's due sometime this weekend). But...I walked into the living room I saw the channel had changed from That 70's Show to Jimmy Neutron. So I asked my dad, "Where's the remote?"
Dad: It's in my pocket.
Me: No it's not. -looks on couch-
Shelby: Ew, don't touch it! -points to remote in dad's pocket-
'Kay. I thought Shelby meant that my Dad was joking with me, and put the remote INSIDE his pants or something. He used to do that. It was gross. D=
Dad: -starts yelling at me for being 'disrespectful'-
Me: -starts to cry and chews nails like nothing's happening-
Mom: Stoppit! -koreankorean- Why do you have to yell at little stuff like that?
Dad: Well maybe it's because /kids/ keep doing crap we told them not to, etcetc.
Me: -still crying and thinking, "Well then maybe you shouldn't've had kids, sex fiend."-
Mom: Rgbjkdhkjhfjf,mdsjky!
Dad: -mumble- Hhdhuiosyhrenmnsd;ahfk....
Yeah. o_o;
1 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 30 May :: 11.18pm
How disappointing. Trying to take your life away. Does it even matter to you how people that love you are going to feel? No, it doesn`t matter how many times we say it. You just don`t listen. You`ve had someone that you love taken away. So just pretend you are in our shoes. We love you. And you try to kill yourself. Which is even worse then just passing away. It makes me feel like I`m worthless in your heart. That no matter how many times I say that I care for you and that I love you, you just can`t seem to hear me. Do you really want to leave all your friends that much.? Do you have so much hatred and grief all around you that you can`t seem to find a way out beside suicide.?
Bad things happen to everybody. Some more to others. But to live life, you`ve got to deal with it and move on. If you die, you won`t get to see tomorrow and what is held inside it. I understand that some people can`t help but be depressed and can`t seem to see the brighter side of things. But you aren`t like that. You are mostly happy and excited. Don`t try to suicide again. Do you think you will make your family any happier.? All it would do is bring us grief. More grief. Even more until our eyes gouge out.
Don`t cut yourself either. It disgusts me. How people think cutting themselves make them feel better. It`s like if they want more attention to their sad lives. I`m sorry if I seem to a hypocrite or a bossy bitchy stupid girl, but I don`t like seeing people getting hurt.
Please don`t try to suicide again. I hope you won`t try to suicide again. I wish you won`t try to suicide again.
Honestly to tell you the truth. You were the strongest person I knew.
2 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2003 3 September :: 10.12pm
Got the new Hyesung and MinWoo CD. <3
Got Gackt`s Cresent and Love Letter CD. <3
Got SE7EN`s Must Listen CD. <3
Got 17k on Gaia. <3
The stupid rollback gave me like 1700 back but Lost my horns. ):. WTF. But I got my March `O5. But then I opened it. Decided not to sell Kiki Kitty until it like reaches it`s breaking point. Or when I have too. Stupid rollback didn`t have any effect.
I wish my school burned too. BURN BABY BURN. DISCO INFERNO BABY. (:
Watched Soccer Games today. It was much more interesting then I thought it was. (: Going again next week. yaye.
Went to Great America on Friday. It was fun, But I hate Roller Coasters. They scare me and Make my heart hurt. And that`s a no no. D;
Changed the date on today`s journal entry. (: First day meeting Kikyou and Haruka. OMGIREMEMBER. No. I found a paper thingy.
I thought this was STUPID
I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sund on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this some primodial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I`m sorry. I can`t go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don`t have enougth strength left to deride youignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia or any of the rest of this drivel. DUH.
2 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 9 May :: 10.53am
:: Mood: crappy
Well um...I haven't been posting lately. Because this past week, (or so) my Wireless has been crappy, not working for hours at a time, then working for a minute, or an hour, then stops again.
So if I have time, I will update at school...until Summer Break anyway. o.o;
LuuuuuuuuuuuuuurvexInfity to you guys! <33333333333
4 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 3 May :: 11.10am
Do this:
Reply with your name and I'll tell you something I adore about you. Afterwards, copy and paste this into your own journal.
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 14 April :: 10.05am
Seems like...
You know the feeling you get when Summer Break's sooo close, and you're so anxious for school to just be...over?
Then after a few blissful weeks, you start getting sullen. Remembering everything that happened during the school year, and what you wish you could change...The regret of not doing something you (now that you look back on it...) sorely wish you did.
It's almost a roller-coster all it's own - Anxious for the new year to start, ever so slowly trailing up the peak, hearing each click.
Right at the very tip of the hill, the climax is almost too much to bear. The time of the year when all the new people burst at you in a river of colors.
Then, the roll down from the climax - the emotions, drama, all the problems of life and school in a few months. Along with teachers and parents urging you, almost threatening for you to pass your state tests, and SAT's.
The ride is over at the beginning. You get off, almost exausted. Then you get pushed back in, only to ride the roller coaster again.
What a life, for us teenagers.
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 2 April :: 9.48pm
DUDE. May let me like draw the poke`mon thingys that she started. So I tried one. And I`m going to give it to her cause she rocks and she made the coolest eevee I`ve ever seen. POWER TO MAY .. AND EEVEES. x] But more power to May cause she rocks.

Hey, my hair smells good. I was fwishing my hair away from a bug. o_o IT LIKES MY HAIR SMELL TOO. That`s why it`s going crazy. x]
6 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 31 March :: 11.35am
:: Music: Hollaback byyyyy Gwen Stefani.
I R BACK. [= AND AND. Like everything in a Japanese Manga, COMES TRUE. Kinda of. o_o; LIKE BOYS WEAR THE COOL UNIFORM AND THE GIRLS WEAR LIKE THE COOL UNIFORMS. o_o And And umm.. PEOPLE DON`T GET OFF WORK UNTIL LIKE 11.30 at NIGHT. )= AND AND. KIDDY LAND ROCKS. x] Umm. POCKY IS LIKE EVERYERERERE WHERE. umm. I bought like 15 Hello Kitty cell phones thingy. I`ll take pictures of them. THEY ARE SO HOTT. o_o I think. Umm. Not to sound like a perv or anything. BUT THEY HAVE BIG BUTTS. o_o; ! I`m serious. It`s like in your face. o_o K. Sorrae.
Everybody is at school. OMG AND I SAW LIKE KIMONO PEOPLE WITH MAKE-UP. o_o; And We went to a Weenie Temple. o_o Where people pray if they want a .. boy. OVERALL IT WAS SO COOL. I`M TOKYO-HOME-SICK. )=
NEW LAYOUT?. I feel bored with noone to talk to. AND OMG I MISSED YOU, guys. But you guys seem to go on about. x] I`m not like making it up. I`ve known like some of you guys for like. How many years.? Or months. If my math is like stupid.
I like your poke`mon Icons, MAY. o_o They are so preeeety. DUDE I DIDN`T GET TO SEE THE POKE`MON PLANE. I got so pisssed. )=
Yeah and Kagome, you are beautiful. And And APRI, I miss talking to you.
DUDE. Did anyone wish Haruka-chan a Happy birthdae? Cause if you like did. then like you Rock but like if you didn`t then like you don`t rock. And rocking is like COOL. And cool is like uncool, which is like me. *(:
7 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 30 March :: 11.07am
Hm. Turns out I can just sneak onto woohu during web deisgn. >DDD
1 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 29 March :: 10.54am
I might not update for a while...need to get my grades back up...-sigh-
Bye...-glompsnugzXeternity- =X
5 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight
2005 23 March :: 9.03pm
CE LA VI, MON AMI. Or whatever.
Seriously Jubei. You'd better take those damn pictures.
I'll never know what it's like in Japan, so you should use, lyk, 3-10 rolls. ;DDDDD
-lotsofluuuurve- We'll miss ya, JASI-POO. -SNUGSNUGSNUGxINFINITY-
1 took it as a sign. |
The stars align for you&I tonight