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The girl with the dreamer's eyes and a soul for her smile...

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:: 2003 27 October :: 1.57pm

Sorry, but no longer can I have any personal conversations online, because apparently everything I type is being recorded. sucks, doesnt it?

5 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 26 October :: 10.53pm

life was in that lounge chair
the sand and sea
the sunshine that hit everything except my pale ass
and the unseen yet understood that writes our song

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 26 October :: 11.03pm

What kind of band geek are you?

Had to put that one in there. Props to Amanda for finding the quizzie poo.

Ok, this one is not what I got, but I had to put it on here, just for Angie.

What kind of band geek are you?

And hey, look! I found Nikki!

What kind of band geek are you?

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 26 October :: 1.13pm
:: Mood: accomplished

We're the best you wanna know why?
(We're the best you wanna know why?)
We lift 'em up we lift 'em high!
(We lift 'em up we lift 'em high!)
And when we're ready to set them down
(And when we're ready to set them down)
We can be heard for miles around!
(We can be heard for miles around!)
We're Atlantic!
(We're Atlantic!)
We're Eagles!
(We're Eagles!)
We're Atlantic Marching Eagles!
(We're Atlantic Marching Eagles!)

Yesterday was so awesome!! I'll tell you the story.

Arrived at school at 11:15. All the gates were locked except for one, which was not big enough for a car to get through, so I got dropped off and walked around to the auditorium with David and Robbie. Erica and Cyndi were up there too. Then a whole bunch of people showed up, but we couldnt eat any of the food because mr. lerner was not there yet to let us into the band room and we had no utensils or plates. I left at about 5 till noon and joined my section in the cause. We cleaned everything. I was covered in tarn-X and 409. But I got almost all of the tape off of that bass drum. Then we grabbed some drumline food from the fridge and went down to the tables outside the cafeteria to steal flutes food too. But since I was giving chocolate only to percussionists, I ate only our food, except for a biscuit, which was stolen from the flutes. Anyway...

We all got our uniforms and loaded the truck and EVENTUALLY got on the buses. We got to Santaluces and then comes the best part. But I am preceding this by saying that this IS my senior moment, SO DON'T STEAL IT OR I'LL HURT YOU!!

We had gotten the instruments off the truck and were waiting to go to the warmup area. Me and leah were there and I asked some of the freshies if they were nervous for the sight marching. Leah soon joined in. We told them that they would be given music according to what they were playing in the show. At first, they didn't all buy it. Apparently no one pulled this one on Ashton last year, because she's like no, you guys are BSing us, we didn't do sight marching last year. Leah covered that one. "This is a new thing. They're trying it out in a few states. It's like a pilot program." Nick wasn't going to buy it either. "I have a sister who was in this band." But then we covered that again with the pilot program excuse. JT came over slightly out of breath, and said guys, it's true! I just asked AJ and he said there's sight marching. LMAO!!!! And then there's mass confusion (Ashton: "Oh my god! I can't read bass clef music!!") and someone says let's go ask a band parent. They won't lie to us. Right then Mr. Lerner walked over. I must admit, at this point I was a little bit disappointed because I thought he'd blow it.
One of the freshies: Mr. Lerner, are we going to have to do sight marching?
Mr. Lerner: Oh, guys, don't worry about that. It's not part of our rating.
It was at this point that I nearly lost it. I could not believe he was playing along!!
Freshie: Well what do we have to do for it?
Lerner: There's a sheet of 64 counts that you have to memorize, and there's drill on the back.
Freshies: And we have like 3 minutes to do this?!
Lerner: No, I'm pretty sure we get 10.
A few freshies and Ashton: I can't memorize music! It took me like two weeks to memorize this show!
Lerner: Guys, don't stress out about this, it's not that big of a deal. We do it right after we perform and it's not part of our rating. Just do the best you can.
They all started to freak out then. It was the funniest thing to happen ever. Mr. Lerner earned HUGE points with me for this one.

So then we went around the track to warm up, did a few wrist things, and then joined the band to go through the show. While me and Leah were playing, the marimba made a new sound. CLANK CLANK CLANK hmm..that can't be good. Turns out, the resonators were bent, and were hitting the keys. We needed to pull them back somehow. So we went and asked some band parents for string to tie them into place, but they didn't have any. Mrs. Tubbs had to sacrifice her backpack to the cause. She cut off the elastic thingy on the front so we could use it, and it worked perfectly!! She's our hero!

So we got out onto the track, and it started raining a little bit. Then the rest of the band go there, and it started raining a lot. We threw ponchos over the marimbas and the vibes and ran with the band into the concessions area for cover. It stopped raining and we started to come out. As soon as we all were out, it rained again, and we all ran back. It stopped raining again, and we came out to perform no matter what. We were setting everything up and Steven came up to me and said Oh no...we forgot the table. We ended up taking the cover for the bells to put all the toys on. It worked out fine though, so it's all good.

We fell apart in the first song, and I thought we blew it. All that went through my head was that we had it, and just watched it fly away. It seemed like an eternity to recover. However, on tape review, which I watched this morning, we fell apart for like 2 measures. It was bad, but it was short. The rest sounded SO GOOD!!! Sorry, it didn't sound good, it sounded superior! While we were getting everything packed back up to try to get off the field, it POURED. It was actually hailing, which sounds really cool on a tympani, but I can't imagine it's too great for the instruments. The resonators on Vinh's marimba filled up with water. Tom says that it's not that bad, but we do have to like take the thing apart and turn it upside down so that nothing grows in it.

While we were standing ..somewhere on the campus that was under cover, Mr. Lerner came and told us how proud he was of us blah blah blah and that we were not staying, which pissed me off. And we didn't even get a picture! :-( But then he said that he had our scores. *drumroll* "Marching got a 2. General effect 2. One of the music judges gave you a 1. And the other music judge also gave you a 1 so you got a one overall. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OMG!! We did it!! Superior!!! WHOO!! Lots of screaming, lots of crying, lots of hugging. Mostly just screaming and hugging from me. No crying. But it was a really good feeling to be back. I say we omit last year and have our record of superiors continue from like 16 years ago.

We loaded the buses, rather wet, but really happy. Mr houchins came on and asked if there were any drumline people on the bus. A few hands went up, frankly, I wasn't sure if pit counted in that or not, but then he said I just wanted you guys to know that percussion also recieved a superior. MORE SCREAMING! YAY!! So great.

After that, I just couldn't help it. Had to start the cheer. By the time I got to the "We're atlantic!" part though, I had thought that other people were going to join in with me, like saying the things first, so I quick motioned to krystle to yell it with me. It was cool though. The whole bus did it. ^_^ Funfun. In the band room after we got back Amanda Jaeger came up to me and was like thanks Lauren. I was like whoa...what? What did I do? She said For the cheer. Wasn't it you who started it on the bus. I was like ohhh...yea. It needed to be done.

Afterwards, after we got ourselves organized enough to leave that is, a bunch of us went out to Outback to celebrate. That was so much fun. I beat Amy once again in a lemon eating contest, so I successfully defended my title. I think that means that I am the permanent champion, since it happens only after festival. This was amy's last year.

After we finished figuring out the check, we all went outside where I relayed the story of the sight-marching. Kristen said that Steven, JT, and Vinh came up to her afterwards to ask why we didn't do the sight marching. They were so confused. LMAO!

So now that we got a superior, we can dress up for the halloween game. Not that I'm going. I have sweetness tickets to the 311 concert. Rock! So that's about it. Great day.

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 26 October :: 1.42am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Where's My Thing?

"Wow, a bottle"
Homecoming, how could a night be better? It was really alot of fun. I didn;t think it would be but it was just great. Started the day with the ebst guitar lesson ever that lasted TWO HOURS. Mark really wants me performing, but unfortunately I have nobody to get together and play with, so hes trying to hook something up with me.

Related Note: Green Market, next Saturday, 9am-12. Blatant Disregard. Mark's band. I'm gonig, you should too.

Worked from 2-7, the best day of work ever. had 27 customers, we average about 65 a day in that timespan, and since its season, 75 would be a better estimate. 27 People. Needless to say we were screwing around ALOT.

Homecoming was very fun. Picked up Stephannie, went to Jessica's house and met up with Matt, Paul, Kelli, AJ, and Chris O'Brien. Left around 9:30 and went straight to dancing. Left when it was over and eventually made it back to jessica's house to meet everyone who ahd left from there earlier. Took Stephannie home and now im chillin. Didn't get to go beachin but im not complaining.

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 24 October :: 4.29pm
:: Mood: restless

Free that music inside yourself
Today the halls went silent,
No sound to go around.
They took away my gift of life,
And it's nowhere to be found.

I searched and searched, to no avail.
I could not find a way.
To silently transform these solid lines,
I simply could not play.

I felt my mind contracting,
Closing down inside of me.
Building pressure from the inside,
I needed to be free.

A chose a place, I chose a time,
I knew what I must do.
When you were gone, I chose a weapon,
For my pressure to flow through.

Now here I sit, released upon
The world that created me
I have my gift, I have control
My music is now free.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 23 October :: 10.12pm
:: Music: Robert Palmer - Bad Case of Lovin You

I can learn to resist, anything but temptation
I almost forgot to mention that I bridged the gap just about a week ago.

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 23 October :: 1.16am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: destiny's child - amazing grace

i think on chilly autumn( or is it winter yet ?) nights , people start feeling a little more emotional and think a little less straight . conversations get started that are regretted almost immediately afterwards , at the first sign of hesitant responses and purposefully slow questions . the x clicks you out like nothing ever happened , but in reality , it's not that simple . you lie down and close your eyes and videos play in your head that you have trained yourself to ignore , and that conversation you clicked out of runs painfully short and repeatedly in your mind . the fifty dollars bills lying on the floor next to you are a sign that that conversation never would have succeeded to begin with , and a reminder of how fickle friendships are , and to not let it happen again . but at least they'll help you get your mind off of things and stop the neverending parade of suppressed thoughts and memories .

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 22 October :: 9.03pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: "Gravedigger" -still Dave

Ok, now I will post a real journal entry. But read those lyrics. "Baby" is just a good song.

I found the downside of postponing the French test. If we had taken it yesterday, I'd have nothing to do tonight. Ah, well, can't have em all, eh?

I forget what I was going to write about..

I'm tired.

I'm also really kind of pissed off at Mr. Lerner for not letting us have a sectional because he had to go to the world series. Come on. -.- Oh well.. I'm not going to be more pissed at him then normal the freaking week of festival.

I'm bored.

I should probably just go to bed. I think I will. As soon as I actually type enough here to make it worth hitting the "Update Journal" button.

I'm still really nervous about the PSATs. More now than I was before the test. Well not more than right before the test, but more than like last weekend. I wish it was december. Cuz u know what else?!? If it were december I'd have Decembear out! I love Decembear! He guarantees that something happens each day of that month! If you guys do not know who Decembear is, then you clearly were not in my freshman english class. Come december, you'll know him and you'll love him.

N: we're going to a cool homecoming late tonight where the band meets at our fitness center, and we follow the drumline from dorm to dorm all over campus while they cadence until the police break it up


Too bad all we do for homecoming is lose hall decorating contests and forfeit powderpuff games. I wish I had known that you could cheat the system and buy a jersey and just not show up for the game. I so wanted to get a jersey and write Skillet on the back. Speaking of which, just for a change of pace, I'm going to be using my other screenname more now. Just because I can. Don't be alarmed if Skillet**** IMs you. It's me. Except there are numbers where the *s are. I just don't want every single person on woohu to IM me. Yea, so uhh...that's about it.

You know what's my latest source of great amusement? Jonide's "Little Fiddle Diddle." That is freaking hilarious. If you have not seen it, just ask her anytime she's in the band room. She'll be more than happy to give you a demonstration. "Little Fiddle Diddle, can you solve this riddle, did you eat your skittles?" OMG. It is the funniest thing ever. Well, not ever, but this week. o.~

I'll think of something else more interesting to write for tomorrow or.. something. I may be a little busier tomorrow though. And by busy, I mean unconscious.

Cyrus Jones 1810 to 1913
Made his great grandchildren believe you could live to a hundred and three
A hundred and three is forever when you're just a little kid
So Cyrus Jones lived forever.

When you dig my grave
Could you make it shallow
So that I can feel the rain

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 22 October :: 8.37pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: "Baby" -Dave.

Just some Dave lyrics that I like that I thought were worthy of sharing.

This first one is from "Dodo", possibly my favorite song on Some Devil.

Once upon a time,
When the world was just a pancake,
Fears would arise
That if you went too far you'd fall.
But with the passage of time,
It all became more of a ball.
We're as sure of that
As we all once were when the world was flat.

Next lyrics are from "Baby".

Baby, it's alright.
Stop your crying

Nothing is here to stay.
Everything has to begin and end.
A ship in a bottle won't sail.
All we can do is
Dream that the wind will blow us across the water.
A ship in a bottle set sail.

Baby, it's alright.
Stop your crying

There was a weakling man
Who dreamed he was strong as a hurricane.
A ship in a bottle set sail.
He took a deep breath and
Blew across the world he watched everything crumble.
Woke up a weakling again.

Some might tell you there's no hope in hell just because they feel hopeless.
But you don't have to be a thing like that.
You'll be a ship in a bottle set sail.

Baby, it's alright.
Stop your crying
It's alright.
So stop your crying

Be a ship in a bottle set sail.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 22 October :: 3.46pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: lucky boys confusion - lbc

only 39 more ounces to freedom ...

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 21 October :: 11.41pm
:: Music: Rush - La Villa Strangiato

Just got back from the Rush premier which was really great, and better than I thought it would be. I got there and 98.7 was doing trivia so I gave it a shot and got one out of three correct, so I only got a shirt and no dvd or cd. the two I missed were hard though. How am i supposed to know what YYZ stand for? But I did know that the temples of Syrinx are filled with great computers. The drum solo was awesome. I was smiling the entire time and literally had my mouth wide open. That's how amazing Neil Peart's work is. Greatest drummer ever. Period. Oh and Alex said jazz is wierd during "la villa strangiato".

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 21 October :: 8.45pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: "How Much Is That Doggy In The Window"

Wha..? Huh? What day is it?

THANK GOD THAT DAMN TEST IS OVER! Nothing I can do about it now..

Sports authority is really gay. I wanted to buy a mcnabb jersey since I'm going to anyway sometime before december 15. I figured I might as well get it now for jersey day. All they had was medium. I went to the person and I said you dont have anything smaller than medium jerseys? They had kids sizes but only in Dolphins. Who wants to pay money for that?! *sigh* So tomorrow I have nothing to wear for homecoming. : ( Oh well. I'm still dressing up for twin day! o.~

Madame Mechante, as I now like to call her, actually did postpone our test. We had to compliment her for like 20 minutes to get it though. I think she knew she wasn't going to give it to us today and just did that so we'd congratulate her more on being named like the best french teacher ever. Actually I think it was the international award of teachers of french or something because Carlo asked her about it. He's like "shouldnt it be of french teachers, not of teachers of french?" And she said "it's an international title carlo, and the french put adjectives in the back. The french are more important." Something along those lines. She's nuts.

I forget where I was going next...

Our mallet sectional has been cancelled because of the freaking world series. Some band director...

I really hope that mr. markgraf comes to festival like he said he was going to. If I see him there I'm going to kick him and tell him to check his email from time to time..

Not a whole lot going on other than all that. I got grilled on the PSATs. "Well how many verbal questions weren't you sure on? What did u..." blah blah blah. I tuned it out and nodded a lot.

You know, I'm just realizing that it's been a while since I talked to matty. I hope nothing's wrong...

I'll wrap it up now, mainly because there's nothing left to say.


GRRRRRR!!! Sasha just came inside from the backyard minus one collar. HOW CAN A DOG LOSE A COLLAR?! I went out to look for it, but I can't see it. It's supposed to be reflective too, so you would think I could see it out there with a flashlight. Grrr.. I better find that thing tomorrow. It has her rabies tag on it too..

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 21 October :: 1.13am
:: Mood: period.
:: Music: bouncing souls - ole !


LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 20 October :: 11.57pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: eve 6 - here's to the night

i don't think i should be this lonely because technically , you're still mine , but sometimes it feels like you're slipping out of my grasp through a series of unfortunate coincidences that keep causing miscommunications or no communication at all . okay, i knew what i was getting myself into , and i knew it would be worth it . i just didn't think it would be so damn difficult every time . and yea , maybe i'm getting a little more quality time with my other best friend or my calculus homework , but you're better than either of those and i'd rather fail calculus and talk to other people only before 9 than go for weeks at a time without hearing your voice . when the only thing i have to hold on to of you is my computer background , and i guess the occasional polite conversation transmitted electronically in 10 point typeface , it starts to feel like it'll be forever before i can look into your eyes or let you "just look at me" . i'll buy you a new phone . i'll fedex it to you with my letter that contains nothing i haven't already told you . and i'll start counting down until 2:50 p.m. , because i never get out of stupid calculus even one minute early . but at least i'll be well-prepared for class .

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!

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