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The girl with the dreamer's eyes and a soul for her smile...

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:: 2003 20 October :: 10.34pm
:: Mood: stressed

This is gonna be a short one. I have to get to bed soon. I'm just really scared for PSATs. If I don't get National Merit, I'm dead. And that's totally unrealistic. I think my parents don't realize that getting national merit is not like getting into uf. Not everybody in IB gets it. All the prep things are telling me not to stress out about it, and all my parents are doing is putting a shitload of pressure on me about this NMSQT. They really really need to figure out fast that I am not as smart as they think I am/want me to be. All the time I get this shit. My mom the other day was like why do you have a B in english? You're really good in english. I'm like wtf. Since when am I good in english? WILL is good in english, and I suck at it. It's like my worst subject second only to history. I don't know why they think I'm good at it. Because I got A's in SRCS english? HELLO! Freaking easiest crap ever. If you're literate, you can get all A's in those english classes. Just venting some frustration, not really going anywhere with this.

The book that I got came with a CD. Damn I wish I looked at the CD before. I thought it was just practice tests, so I saved it for today and did the other practice tests in the book and from english class and whatnot. This CD is really good though. I'm going to go back through it later for the SATs, cuz it's for them too. The whole cd starts out w/ a nervous wreck cartoon guy. "The SAT test measures your intelligence. If you do poorly on it, you are a bad person." Then the narrator of the cd says why that is wrong. That it doesnt measure intelligence, but your ability to take the SAT. You have to type "Relax" into the little box to move on. Next it was a cartoon girl. "Colleges only look at the SAT scores. After this test, we all walk around like soup cans with bar codes on our heads so they can just scan us." Then they say how it's only a test and colleges look at much more and it's not the end of the world. You have to type "I'm no soup can" into the box this time. Just good for people stressing over this crap like me. Thought I'd share. If anyone wants an illegal copy if you haven't finished all your SAT testing, talk to me.

GRRRR to Madame Bitch for giving us a test tomorrow!!!! I have no time to study freaking french! I have more important things to do! And why does she always give us tests the class right after we have a substitute?! We get no review! I dont even know what is on this test! Sophomores, my french grade is in your hands. If you don't listen to PSAT directions, then the class will be too short to be able to take the test. Our goal for tomorrow: 7th period to be less than an hour.

I'll leave you with a quote from a choice on one of those personality quizzes. Leah sent me this one.

"I like my eggs like I like my alcohol, in a shotglass filled with alcohol (minus eggs)."

3 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 20 October :: 9.42am
:: Mood: relaxed

Damn, maybe I should try to go to school more often.
Lemmie see.... Haven't been to class since wednesday, and haven't been to a full day of school since last tuesday. go me!

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 19 October :: 11.15pm

back then i knew what today would bring.
i knew what was going to happen.
i could see it in your eyes.
and i felt it in my veins.
there was always something different about you.
something different between us.
and ive known all along.
and now i know what it feels like to be crazy.
and i know that it must mean something.
i want these moments to last.
this is the prime of our lives.
and i want to spend it with you.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 19 October :: 9.43pm

Lay those bricks, slap those sticks
beat that drum, hear them hum
"march with me, march with me
slavery for enternity
strip you of individuality
victory in conformity
fall in line, fall in line
jack you in by the spine
barren of freedom for all time
and forever thus, your soul is mine"

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 19 October :: 7.30pm

I think I have decided that my number one choice for college is College of Charleston in South Carolina. Just by accident this school happens to be in the city I wan to live in after college. I chose this school because they have a Jazz performance program that centers around jazz history, theory, and performance, and this really interests me. I will be applying as a music major, and now all I have to do is plan an audition...


Member # 7135

posted September 10, 2003 09:21 PM
Who really cares who is ranked where by Rolling Stone or anyone else? We dig the guy, we love his music, and truthfully, we probably love them more because the don't really care about the norm, or conforming to the corporate mentality of what sells, and what is "good". Jeez, look at some of their best songs- 2112, Natural Science, La Villa (The Trees, for that matter, talks exactly about the detriments of conformity and how everyone is lessened by hatchet, axe and saw) just to name a few.

Do you honestly think anyone other than a die hard Rush fan would buy an album with stuff like that on it? Hell, no. Would they make the album anyway? Of course. That is what makes Alex, Geddy and Neil special as individuals, and even more special as a band. They don't make music for MTV or VH1 or Rolling Stone, they make if for themselves, and their families, and for us. They play and write and sing what is in their Hearts and Minds, and we love it.

I don't think they care about Rolling Stone, and I am pretty sure they didn't lose any sleep over it. ______________
couldnt have said that better myself

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 19 October :: 11.37am

T-minus 12 hours and 23 minutes until a big deal that's not so big of a deal.

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 19 October :: 12.40am
:: Mood: Still Bored but slightly less pissed off.
:: Music: "So Damn Lucky" -Dave Matthews

Sorry about the survey post. I was really bored. Haha, I'm using past tense like it happened more than 20 minutes ago. I'm really really pissed off at my parents. Like it's something new.. My dad is being an asshole about me going to Pittsburgh over Christmas break. He wants me to be home for Christmas day, which is fine. But he and will were talking about doing like a weekend in Vegas for the 21-24 and they decided that if they and my mom went to vegas, that, since I don't really like vegas all that much, I could go to pittsburgh during that time. I was like what the fuck.. If I have to be here for the 25th, why the hell would I leave on the 21st?! I should leave on the 26th or 27th. If I go before christmas, it's for like 3 days. But apparently, will wants to be home after christmas so he can hang out with his friends. woohoo. So I'm just like fine..I'll stay here while you guys go to vegas and then we'll be together the 24th-26th and then I'll go to pitt. Then my mom says no, I wont have fun in vegas if you're here alone. I was like but you'd have fun if I was in Pittsburgh? "Yes." AHHHH!! That makes absolutely no sense!! I have no problem staying by myself, I'm fucking 17 years old! My parents have no problem with me being here for a few days myself either, they said that like a week ago. They're just being asses. I'm not sure that I want to go to pittsburgh if it's only for like three days. Not that I wouldnt want to go, but I wouldnt want to leave, it would be really hard to just be there for like 2 full days. Days that you fly in/out dont really count, because you never do anything on those days. I'm like I want to be there for a week. I want to hang with people without having to rush everything. I want to go to Wildwood highlands and go snow tubing. I should just move there, because I hate it here. Atleast high school is better than middle school, but I can't wait until I can move where I want. The second I'm out of college I'm right back up to pittsburgh where I belong. Sorry, I'm just really pissed off right now. I'll get over it. I should probably just go sleep. I really really feel like going out rollerblading, but it's dark. Minor obstacle.

I was really happy with yesterday's practice. I really thought it was going to be longer than it was, but the amount that we covered in that time was incredible. Leah was watching the tape when she ACTUALLY SHOWED UP, and she was so excited. "You can actually hear the pit!!!!"

I got some great footage yesterday. I have to go back and watch the whole thing, but some of it was really priceless. I'm not even going to go into the whole thing with kyu. That is just too good for words. When Krystle, me, gabe and reynold went around the school with the camera, we found part of a table from outside the cafeteria in a tree, and we decided that it was a treehouse. And that reynold needed to climb it. So he got about 2/3 of the way up and a cat jumped out of the tree and took off. I got it all on tape. Good stuff.

Alright, well I'm gonna go see how some of that tape turned out. Here, listen to some Dave.

Everything's different
My head in the clouds

I hit this corner
With my foot on the gass
I started sliding, I lose it
Everything's different just like that

Oh my God, wait and see
What will soon become of me
Frozen heart
Screaming wheels
Does that screaming come from me?

So damn lucky, that you went on ahead
You said, you said
I'll see you later
I heard what you said a few minutes later
I'm sliding
Everything's different, again

Oh my God, wait and see
What will soon become of me
This frozen heart
Screaming wheels
Well does that screaming come from me?

I'm dizzy from all this spinning

Now I'm thinking that you did all you could
When you said my love
Take it slowly
Is what I said

Oh my God, wait and see
What will soon become of me
Frozen heart
And screaming wheels
Does that screaming come from me?

Take me back, just before I was spinning
Take me back, just before I got dizzy
Take me back, amazing what a minute can do
Just like you
So, so, so, up, around, around, around, again
Amazing what a minute can do
Around, around, around, again

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 18 October :: 11.11pm
:: Mood: Bored and Pissed off

Birthday:September 8
Nationality:American or Irish, depending on what this question is asking for.
Current Height:5'2?
Hair Color:red/brown/something
Eye Color:Brown
Family:What? Like do I have one? Am I an orphan? Well, I can dream I guess.
Location:Hell. Oops, I mean Florida
College:Not soon enough.
Piercings:My ears are pierced..
Red or Blue:Blue
Spring or Fall:Fall
Santa or Rudolph:Psh! Rudolph! EVERYBODY knows santa doesnt exist!
Math or English:MATH.
What are you going to do after you finish this survey:umm...post it on my woohu journal
What was the last food you ate:Macaroni and cheese
High School or College:Is this a question? Like which I'm in? Which I prefer? I'm in high school, but I like college better.
Last movie you saw:Lion King
Last noise you heard:The little bling of the IMs
Last time you went out of state:Ohio over the summer
Things you like in a girl/guy:A sense of humor
What book are you reading now:House of Spirits
Favorite board game:Either Clue or trouble. No monopoly.
Favorite magazine:Oh geez...Dog Fancy.
Worst feeling in the world:hmm...embarassment
First thing you think of in the morning:I try not to.
Future daughter's name:This one I actually don't know. I think it probably depends on my husband's last name.
Future son's name:Nathan
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:nope. My dog would eat them all
Dream job:Vet
Whats under your bed:Nothing now. I cleaned my room and under my bed is totally empty.

Overview Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

Birthplace::Philidelphia, PA
Current City of Residence::Boca
Family Members::3?
Color::Blue I guess
Beverage::Diet Mountain Dew
Movie::Pirates of the Caribbean right now
Board Game::Clue or trouble I think
Computer Game::Neopets, if you consider that a computer game
Game to Roleplay::I dont know
Animal::I have decided that this question is too difficult to answer. It's too hard to pick one. I guess if I HAD to pick, it would be a white tiger.
Sport::To watch or to play? To watch is football and to play is baseball.
Book::Harry Potter. #5 is the best, but I'm still pissed about the death, so #3 is still my favorite. 5 will pass it as soon as I get over being pissed at JK Rowling.
A Day In The Life..
Typical Mood::Tired
Usually Found?::In the band room
Collects::Disney pins and lithographs
Have You Ever
Been kissed::yes
Done drugs::no
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:eww..no.
Eaten sushi::yes
Been on stage::yes
Been in a car accident::yes
This or That
Cold or Hot::cold
Blue or Red::blue
Rain or Snow::snow
Wool or Cotton::cotton
Private or Public School::public
Chocolate or Plain Milk::I'm lactose intolerant.
Celsius or Farenheit::I can only understand Farenheit. Damn American schools.
Spring or Fall::Fall
Science or History::omg. SCIENCE.
Math or English::Math
"Love Life"
Do you like somebody?::No, not right now.
Do they know?::
Do you want them?::
Are they hot?::
Who do you e-mail the most?:I don't really email anybody that often. The last person I emailed was nikki
Who do you IM the most?:Everybody.
Who are you talking to now?::Amanda
Are you currently in love?::Nope
Is this survey lame?::Yea..
Isn't bzoink! nifty? =) ::I think andy has some ego issues..
In 24 hours have you...
...Had a serious talk?::Yes
...Hugged someone?::No!
...Gotten along with your parents?::no
...Fought with a friend?::no
...Done something kind for someone?:yes
Do You Like To...
Give hugs?::no
Give back rubs?::no
Take walks in the rain?::Yea!
..Knows you the best?::umm..that's kind of a tough question right now. I'll open it up to votes.
..Have you known the longest?::Like besides my immediate family? Kim and Sarah I guess.
..Do you know the most about?::Again, pretty tough. I'd say probably Krystle or Kim.
..Do you consider your friend?::I have lots of friends. I'm not gonna list them all here because I'm lazy.
..Is most likely to end up in jail?::I'm not gonna answer this one, just incase she reads my journal.
..Can you go to with your problems?::Another bad question for right now.
..Do you want to get to know better?::ummm...at the moment, myself.
..Do you spend the most time with?::Anyone in band.
Have You...
..Been to a concert?::yea
..Loved someone so much it made you cry?::umm..no
..Cheated on a test?::Of course not! I'm in IB! It's full of honest scholars!
..Ever stalked someone?::uhh..no.
..Done something you regret?::yes
..Been in an online relationship?::lol..no
Random Questions
Single or Hooked?::single
What is your worst habit?::saying the same word a lot. It's ok though because I switch the word every so often
Scariest moment?::scariest moment..hmm..that's a tough question. I really have never thought about that.
Do you swear too much?::Probably
How do you feel about homosexuality?::I think it's yucky.
Where are you right now?::at my computer..
Are you sitting by anyone?::no
What song are you listening to?::nothing right now.
What is the last thing you said?::Beagle1427: ok
What's on your mousepad?::a puppy in a mailbox
What are the last four digits of your phone number?::5553
What was the last thing you ate?::macaroni and cheese
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?::umm..something blue
How many buddies do you have on your list?::91
What's the weather like right now?::dark
What do you feel like doing?::rollerblading
What is your favorite quote?::"Every time I think I've left the box I always end up bumping my head realizing I never left." That's been on my away message a lot lately.

Lame-Stupid-Random Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

In time, you'll learn. :]
Your name*:Lauren
*Your age:17
Your *favorite color:Blue
Your least *favorite color:Some kind of ugly green
Pets*:1 dog, 2 mice, and that other furry thing that lives in my house
S*ibilings:1 bro
Best*Friend(s):I have decided that I dont have a "best friend"
Your* Grade Level:Junior Year, also known as Please Shoot Me Now To Put Me Out Of My Misery
Your School*:ATL
*Screen-name most used:Beagle1427 or Skillet9886
Eye *color:Brown
Ha*ir color:It's too hard to find a name for it. It's like what strawberry blond would be if it were strawberry brunette
A word that describes you*:Geez, I dunno
One person you can ALWAYS count on*:Those are growing harder to come by.
*Your hero/heroin:I dont have a hero. I really never have. Be your own hero.
True love*:True love what? Like who is my true love? Who I love most is Sasha of course!!
Best* online *friend:Matty!!
Favorite Food**:umm...bananas
**Favorite Place to be:Pittsburgh
Favorite* number:84
Last question O.o
Are you BORED?!:Would I be doing all these surveys if I wasn't?

Yourself, man or woman. brought to you by BZOINK!

does Barbossa excite you?:Umm..no
do you want to kill Elizabeth?:Only sometimes.
how much do you hate Will?:I don't hate will!! Orlando Bloom is really hot!
how much do you love Jack?:I love Jack. He's the coolest.
does Norrington have a *HUGE* peice of chicken stuck up his ass?:Hell ya!
is Barbossa sexy?:no. AND he has a scary monkey.
is Jack sexy?:No, he's also 40.
did you ever see POTC?:Oh yea! 6 times!
do you know what pOTC stands for?:yes.
are you wiccan? (lmao lena):no
does POTC stand for Peter Octopus Takes Charge?:Not the last time I checked.
does POTC stand for Piss Off Tina Carter (wtf?):Umm..no.
where IS the rum?:IT'S GONE!!
who burnt the rum?:Elizabeth! I saw her do it!

POTC- brought to you by BZOINK!

Last one, I promise.

[ series 1 ]
Birthday:Spetember 8
Current Location:Boca
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:I'm tired of answering this question.
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign:virgo
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
Music:Dave Matthews Band. It's its own genre.
Cartoon:Simpsons, if you consider that a cartoon. If not, Garfield.
Car:Toyota Matrix. Oh yea, dream cheap.
Slushy Flavor:I haven't had a slushie since slushie day last year. Umm...cherry?
Magazine:I don't really read magazines that often, so I said Dog Fancy for the last one. I have no magazine subscriptions though.
TV Show:Wow. There are so many. Simpsons.
Song at the Moment:At the moment? Dodo by Dave Matthews
Language:My favorite language? Australian!
Spice Girl:paprika. hehehe
Food & Beverage:Food is mac & cheese. Beverage is Diet Mountain Dew. I know, it's so healthy.
Subject in School:Science
Weekend Activity:sleeping
Frozen Yogurt:vanilla I guess
Roller Coaster:umm..the hulk in islands of adventure I think. Although I really like Rock 'n Rollercoaster in MGM
[ series 3 - what is ]
Your most overused phrase:"That's great"
First thing you thought when you woke up:What time is it?
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:That changes daily
First feature you notice of opposite sex:Umm..I have no idea. It probably changes with the person.
Best name for a Butler:Jeeves.
Wussiest Sport:Golf
Your best feature:I dont know, what kind of a question is that?
Your greatest fear:NEEDLES.
Your greatest accomplishment:Greatest accomplishment? I dunno. Surviving 2 years of IB?
Your most missed memory:missed memory...hmm..I miss living in pittsburgh.
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke:Coke.
McDonald's or Burger King:Ugh. Neither.
Single or Group Dates:It depends on who the person/people are.
Adidas or Nike:adidas
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers:chicken fingers
Dogs or Cats:dogs
Rugrats or Doug:rugrats
Single or Taken:Which I prefer? Taken I guess.
Monica or Brandy:Aren't they the same person?
Tupac or Jay-Z:Jay-Z. This is really the lesser of two evils. I really can't stand the fact that Tupac can't decide whether or not he's dead. He has a movie coming out soon.
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:Shania Twain
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:I don't really like iced tea.
One pillow or Two:two
Chocolate or Vanilla:vanilla
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa:Is there a difference? Are they asking what I call it? Cuz I thought it was the same thing. Hot chocolate.
Cappucino or Coffee:Coffee
[ series 5 - do you ]
Shower everyday:yes
Have a crush:no
Think you've been in love:no
Want to go to college:yes
Like high school:umm...I dunno. The work is annoying, but I like my friends.
Want to get married:yes
Type correctly:yes
Believe in yourself:believe in myself doing what? That depends.
Have any tattoos? Where:Nope.
Have any piercings? Where:Not unless you count pierced ears.
Get motion sickness:I didn't used to. But now I do I guess. Seasickness that is. I don't get regular motion sickness.
Think you're a health freak:No
Get along with your parents:No
Like thunderstorms:Yes
[ series 6 - the future ]
Age your plan to be married:Geez, I have to be out of college first. So like 28.
Number and names of children:3 kids. One will be named Nathan, the others are undetermined. I like the name Corey too though.
Where will you be at age 20:Still in school. College that is.
Dream wedding:I love the Disney weddings. You drive off in Cinderella's carriage and everything. They're really cool, but SO expensive.
How do you want to die:I dont know, what kind of a question is that?
Dream job:Vet
Country you'd like to visit:Australia
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
Best eye color:Green or hazel
Best hair color:brown
Short or long hair:short
Best height:like 5'8 or something? Height is not really that big of an issue as far as I'm concerned.
Best weight:best weight? I don't really weigh guys before I like them or not..
Best clothes:umm...shirts and pants?
Best first date location:Movies I guess..
Best first kiss location:I dont know..
[ series 8 - other ]
Last time you slept with a stuffed animal:It's been a while actually.
Rings before you answer the phone:1-2
What's on your mousepad:A puppy in a mailbox
How many houses you've lived in:5
How many schools you've gone to:6
Bedroom carpet color:pink, but that's changing.
Shave your head for $5,000?:sure!
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people:My dog, a discman with my dave cd in it, and a whole bunch of matches. No, make that a lighter with a lot of gas in it. I am match-lighting challenged.
Best time of your life so far:Best time of my life...uhh..I really can't think of something specifically.

Series 1-8 brought to you by BZOINK!

Had to add just one more thing in.

Which IB Book are you?

3 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 17 October :: 2.14pm

What more can I say? RUSH premier on Tuesday, that means in four days. I am already bringing up memories from the show last October, now exactly a week apst the one year anniversary. and im deep into Neil Peart's newest book. What this man has accomplished even through losing his wife and only daughter in a span of 5 months is amazing. Arguably the greatest modern lyricist, and in my eyes as well as MANY others, the greatest percussionist of all time. His lyrics read like poetry, with every song having a special meaning, not just random philosophy seen in most 'mature' lyrical content. RUSH's ability to put these words to music is simply amazing. Three men can play by themselves with no help live, where as most triplets and even quads need touring musicians to help. and not only that, they blow away anything that anybody could do to challenge that. Try and name one other band that plays a 3 HOUR music set (3:20 total set time), with really no break except for the drum solo, and 2 acoustic songs without drums. They clearly do not do this for the money as almost all bands that tour today. They do not play all their new songs before people become familiar with them (cough*radiohead*cough). I don't like saying this alot, but rush is truely a musicians band. if you are a rock musician you understand their greatness, plain and simple. those who listen to rush idely do not understand their greatness because simply they do not understand what musicianship is. alex's familiarity with time signatures...as well as neils ability to go in and out of them, and geddy's ability to play bass extremely well while sing is just unreal. best band to come out of canada and in my eyes, the world, has to be rush.

5 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 17 October :: 10.00am

she just won't let go
she is
hanging on with every last tooth and nail
by a withered rope that's sure to fail
one-hundred percent sure she won't prevail
but she still just wont let go

I guess some series of synapses makes it hard


I guess you gotta do what you gotta do

18 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 16 October :: 1.59pm

fuck you ticketmaster

5 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 16 October :: 12.42am
:: Mood: goat

Holy FUCKIN shit!

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 14 October :: 11.24pm

Oh FUCKIN snap!

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 13 October :: 11.41pm
:: Music: polysics

There is no way to sugarcoat it: Kill Bill was arguably the best two hours of my life. I have a fucking euphoric feeling, and ain't no Japanese Yakuza is going to silence me.

Seriously, Tarantino has outdone himself. Fuck Mallrats, Fuck Rushmore, Fuck Big Lebowski, and oh no, maybe, just maybe, fuck Pulp Fiction. Kill Bill reigns supreme in my heart and my soul at this hour.

Sometimes life really does feel wonderful, and that, my friends, is not some bullshit insincere one-liner.

Drew R.

5 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 13 October :: 10.59pm

running mile high. the bullets flying all around. mile high, free-form and with worries all the none. iwish you were here.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!

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