2003 13 October :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: happy
Basically I wrote music to a song caleld "Little Clay Ball" and its supposed to be about a boy and his best friend, a clay ball. I need anyone who comments to write AT LEAST two lines of lyrics. Heres the storyline: boy finds ball, falls in love, one or two happy moments, and then something bad happens and breaks them apart but in the end he finds another ball.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 12 October :: 8.57pm
if radiohead was a food id probably eat it every now and then, thinking i liked it, but every time id be like 'i shouldve had an apple instead' because radiohead isnt that good. so much time goes between the tiems that i eat radiohead i forget whether or not its any good or not, and i think thats understandable.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 12 October :: 3.43pm
forget about church.
forget about my dad and your sister.
forget about my aunt and uncle.
and your neice and nephew.
forget about our families.
and our friends.
and forget about everyone else.
no one has to know who we are.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 11 October :: 12.26pm
Some little tidbits:
I am better than David Gilmour. The Steely Dan concert was great, wish I couldve gone. I need to work on my rhythm playing, it sucks ass. My lead playing is great. There are NO NEW CHORD PROGESSIONS, i hate when people say 'i wrote this ne chord progression' or 'i figured out this cool progression'. The only new chord progressions are chords that arent supposed to be played together, and they suck. I will never need another amp in my life. I have found an amp just as good as Fender's vibroking ($1,400) for $600. I want to play in a cover band my entire life, as well as writing my own stuff (which i dont care about ever performing, i do it for me).
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 10 October :: 11.17pm
:: Mood: Deaf
:: Music: "In This Diary" -The Ataris
Just got back from the ataris concert. It was really loud. It wasnt my favorite concert in the world, only because I was involved in 3 separate mosh pits, the last of which was a little painful and I would have rather avoided it. The drunk guy standing behind me got up on the stage 4 times because of the incompetent event staff. I had a good time though, only because it ended on a really really good note. I was leaving with kim, sarah and cristina and we saw a big bus. I was like hey, I bet that's the ataris' bus. And then sarah said yea, that's the guy that was on stage, remember? He tunes the guitars. And so I was like go say hi to him sarah. She didnt want to, but then I saw that they were in fact roadies and so while they were all walking off I said hey guys, why dont we hang around here for a minute. So they were still kind of walking off, but I didn't want to go, so I stayed where I was. The roadie looks at me and was like hey. Are you bored? I just went...yea. And he's like cool, wanna help me unload all this stuff? So we all got to be roadies for the ataris for 20 minutes. I got to touch kris's (with a K) very own bike! *sarcastic enthusiasm* It was cool though to be a roadie for a few. We asked the guy all about working for the ataris. He was a cool guy. He would have been cooler if he would have given us something for helping him out, instead of just taking his paycheck that we earned for him, but it's all good.
My new clarinet came today too. It's so pretty. I am, however, in love with the case. It's like the case of my dreams. lol. Now I don't have to worry so much when I'm playing in the stands. Stupid wooden clarinet and it's ...woodiness. I'll bring it on monday so everyone can see it.
I'm a little pissed off at the amount of crap I am anonymously taking for what I wrote. People are being assholes about it. If they don't know why I did not want my name announced like that to the whole band for writing it, then they should deal with that. Magda is freaking telling people that she wrote it. Yea right.. So many people though are saying crap about it that is really just rude, and I know that they wouldn't say it if they knew it was me, but still. If you don't know about it, then dont make a comment on it. Perhaps it was a bad idea to im that thing to ale. Only bad has come from it. But I guess I should have known better, since everything that I touch anymore turns to...something bad. The expression is gold, but I couldnt think of anything good to put in its place.
Ok, I'm gonna go watch the Cubs kick the crap out of the Marlins, as is Mr. Lerner. Haha. They're going down.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 7 October :: 8.50pm
:: Mood: Ehh..
:: Music: "I'm Still Here" -Johnny Rzeznik
I finally got around to writing that email today. I felt a little better since leah emailed first. But I've had a lot of trouble coming up with what to say. Once I sat down to write it it wasn't that hard though. I feel a little better about things. I'll feel a lot better about things when/if I get a response.
I was really mad because I really wanted to go rollerblading today, but if I wanted shampoo I had to go to the store. When I got back it was dark. I'm already bending the rules a little by rollerblading in the first place, but I'm not gonna chance rollerblading at night. Especially since my stupid neighborhood is too cheap to put in street lights. So I have had not enough exercise today. But atleast my hair is clean.
I feel unloved since no one is commenting anymore. I know you guys are reading it, but what else am I supposed to do when I'm really bored?? Or when I'm supposed to be studying for history? So now I'll ask questions, and you guys will HAVE to answer. This one is more for kristen, since leah and I don't know. Is Matt now permanently on the bassline? Because Mike showed up to practice today and he's like what the hell is going on? I go to cross country and they give away my part? But I don't get it because it's not like it's the first thing he's missed. He didn't come to the game last week. Did he quit or not? We are all mourning the loss of the xylophone part. It's ok though I guess. I just wish that we were not totally excluded from things that are happening to us.
I think, from what I saw, that practice went pretty well today. Lerner seems to think you guys are catching on. Well, not catching on, but doing well. Something that I have been hearing a lot that is pissing me off, not that I'm pissed at the people saying it, just the idea pisses me off, is the word "unattainable" associated with the word "superior." Come on guys! You're just digging yourself into a hole! I mean, we're still weeks away from festival. We have several practices left, including one that's all day next friday, and we have the whole show on the field. I think we're doing pretty well all things considered. I see no reason that if we work hard these next few weeks that we cannot get a superior. Do people not want it anymore? Have the sophomores told the freshmen oh, it's no big deal? I just do not understand this. The only reason I even have stayed with it and joined pit was to still be able to go to FBA. Am I the only one who thinks that it is any kind of a big deal? I really think that we are running around in circles here. I have come across few people who care. If not for a superior than for what? Atlantic band used to be able to hold its head high. What are those people in it for now? A free ticket into the football game? Spending 5 hours a week with your friends? An easy sixth area? Can someone explain this to me? Because I think that we should be able to go around the room and ask every person in the band what are you in it for? What is your goal here? And every person should be able to answer superior. Maybe this is too much of a "remember the titans" dream, but I think we can do it, if everyone just realizes what the hell they're doing. Because we as an organization are wasting a lot of time if we have no goal or are not working to accomplish those goals. I have put so much time and effort and emotional energy into this band, and if we are working towards nothing, I want it back.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 7 October :: 6.45pm
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: Preacher ran off with my banjo blues
My guitar is fixed, yay. I get to borrow a banjo for a while, yay. I get paid thursday, using most of the money to save for my recording stuff, yay. I got the bible for leif ericson week, yay!
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 7 October :: 6.29pm
it's like the wax and its wick forming a candle. an equal symbiosis between the two. light the wick and the wax burns alongside it. they burn together. they keep each other going. and when one dies, so does the other. we all should have something like that.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 5 October :: 10.55pm
:: Mood: Still very very confused.
:: Music: Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...
Good feeling's gone.
I hope you all got the finding nemo reference in that subject. Otherwise, YOU CLEARLY HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE! I raise my fist to you! You can come to my finding nemo party when I get the dvd! o.~
Anywho...I went rollerblading for 2 hours this afternoon. I probably covered about 10 miles, maybe more. But I just went in circles around the neighborhood. Kind of metaphorical actually. I really needed to get out by myself and sort out some thoughts. Sort them I did. I came to a few conclusions about things, none of which make me feel any better, but I guess I'm a tiny bit less confuzzled. According to Kristen, less confuzzled is good... I still dont know what to make of all of this though. And I dont know why it will not leave me alone. The whole getting two hours to myself with no interruptions helped a little though. Highly recommend rollerblading. I'm really not going to write out all the crap that I'm thinking though, because not everyone needs to read it. So...uhh...yea. I'll deal with it I guess. Eventually. Just...it'll be a few weeks I think before I actually figure out what to do about this. It's hard to figure out all on your own. This is something that I have learned this weekend. I've also learned though that I have no other choice but to deal with it and get through it, because nothing is going to change...atleast not for the better. I dont really have a lot more to say. It's like...if I were to climb mount everest, and then as soon as I got to the very top of it, I'm pushed off from behind. That's a good metaphor. But seriously...I went up so far to fall so hard.
I went today to Krystle's church to Courtney's goodbye thingy. I felt kind of awkward though, because I barely even know her. I met her like...twice. I'm still sorry she's moving though. But it was kind of weird filling out the guest book. I had no idea what to write. It just kind of sucks that everyone's leaving at once. This is this mass exodus I was mentioning before. Everyone is leaving for somewhere. Like Chicago. Or Oddysey MS. It all sucks.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 5 October :: 12.44am
Now I'm officially not in a band. Well actually I'm in my own now. thats what that logo is supposed to be. CSD, came up with that name a long time ago, and I think I'll use it when I make my first cd soon. I wish I had a damn recorder, i could finish this thing in a week. if anyone wants to donate to the $500 get tbob some recording gear fund, just let me know.
laventa, laventa, tienes que gritar
laventa, laventa, tienes que bailar
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 4 October :: 10.43pm
:: Mood: A little better...
:: Music: Whatever Olympic Heights played tonight
I went to Calvacade today. I am such a bando. It's good to know though that I still am a bando, because I have had doubts the past few days about the resiliency of my bando-ness. The stamp of a music note on my hand kinda casts it in stone though I would assume.. You guys all should have come. Apparently markgraf is the announcer for it, and it was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!! Me and Amy and Eun Joo sat there like the whole time and made fun of him. "We loooove you. John I. Leonard High School! If you don't know which band is coming up after the break, then you should go buy a program!" Ahh, those were the best three things about it I think. It was the weirdest thing in the world to hear markgraf plugging for program sales. We talked to him a bit during the thirty minute break. He said again that he's sorry and that this is not how he wanted things to end up at all, and that he hopes everyone believed everything he said on thursday because he didn't make any of it up. Then I made fun of him for plugging the programs. He told us that if he gets forced out of this job too, there's a great career for him as a gameshow host. lol. You guys should have gone just to hear the corny band grams read in his gameshow voice. Freaking hilarious.
More news from Calvacade....OLYMPIC HEIGHTS LOST! They didn't win any best of the class stuff, and they got third overall. Huge upset since they did this sweetness things with bringing drums out onto the field at the end. It was really cool. But we all like to see olympic heights suffer. We do, however, hate phil rodell. That's all I've got to say about that. The stoneman douglas pit was amazing though. It still was not as good as the clarinet solo by killian. That should have taken it. Best clarinet solo ever.
Oh! I almost forgot!! When we were talking to markgraf during the break and making fun of him for his band grams and program plugs and whatnot, he's like yea, maybe I'll work in a shoutout to you guys. I thought he was kidding. Right after olympic went on, he read all the band grams and then was like "I'd like to give a special shoutout to all the Atlantic High School Band members in the crowd tonight!" We went absolutely nuts. All three of us. It was so great. When we were trying to leave, we had to get through hialiah miami lakes band, and they were really scary. They just kept on yelling at us "Dont break the ranks!!" and none of them would let us through. We all had to run through the band and hop over bushes to get to the parking lot. This trumpet player stopped right in front of eun joo so she couldnt get through. o.O But after we got through I got back at them by saying that the HML on all their stuff reminded me only of HLMs, which are low income french government housings. I came to the conclusion that they were mean to us because they were bitter about having to live in HLMs.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. There's not really much to say. This past week has been really hard. And really weird. Something Lerner said to me I am still not over. I'm not going to post it on here though, so IM me if you want to know and maybe I'll tell you, depending on whether or not I want to. It's just going to be tough for me for a while. I think it may be a long while. I have a lot of stuff to deal with. So I'm apologizing in advance for whatever I might say to people on "off days."
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 4 October :: 4.31am
:: Mood: satisfied
:: Music: spooks - swindley's maracas
nine hours + hot boyfriend + thirty dollars = hottest ink ever .
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 2 October :: 10.25pm
I really miss all my friends that I used to talk to and hang out with all the time. It seems IB has a funny way killing friendships. I long for the summer where 'I'm too busy' is never heard and people are always smiling. I'm sorry that I haven't always done what i should have regarding my friendships, more of an apology to myself. I've really let myself down for highschool if it stays this way until I go to college. I'm sorry I haven't always been the best friend anyone would want and I am sorry for the friendships I have broken through pure ignorance and stupidity on my part. I care about these things. If I could start over I would have done everything differently.
My job is so great. When I'm there it's like a different world because we all get along so well and talk about anything and everything forever. it's like a huge family of people who work there and their friends. I could be feeling in the worst mood one could think of and going to work would make it better. but when i get home the falseness comes through. these arent my real friends. but then i think about what my real friends are. at school there are people that i talk to at lunch and in the hall, etc, and we claim to be friends but i get home and it seems not so.
I will not complain however (and have not, simply apologizing to myself and tohers), I do not need anyone and certainly nobody needs me. I could be without a relationship for my entire life as lnog as I have music. Not saying that I wouldn't love to find someone as passionate about lfie as i am to spend their time with me. being in a world filled with almost every teen having to be different and care about things, i find myself not caring. screw politics, i wont vote. i dont need to take a stand for the purpose of taking a stand. politics disillusion me. screw religion, i live for today, not for what comes after death. I'm going to go see school of rock tommorrow night by myself. i mention by myself because i have never gone to a movie by myself in my life lol.
My cd track list is complete. All i need now is to fix my electric and ge that digital recorder and mic i need. maybe ill just make this an acoustic album. 7 songs, all with lyrics...how the hell am i gonna sing? i suck at it.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 2 October :: 10.00pm
Im bustin at the seam
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!
2003 1 October :: 3.31pm
day one
i hope i dont come on too strong. but ive got this side you havent seen before. ive got this side i havent seen before. and let me tell you, you wont be disappointed.
ive got the moves, ive got the words, ive got the look.
and those hands. gorgeous hands. they have this deep affection over me. my weakness that you have control over. now its my turn. let me teach you a little somethin. look out because i'll make my move and there aint no goin back.
LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!