2004 8 April :: 10.03am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: why cant i
hey if u wanna read sumpthin scroll down to my entry before this!! but yeah heres a convo!!!
CherriCola61: Whats with u n Janna
TasteZLykECherrY: look i dont wanna talk about it, i cry not for attention but because i lost my bestfriend so i would really not want to talk about it thank you.
TasteZLykECherrY: I love u jannnaaa
2004-04-08 13:42 (link)
JAnnnaaaa i love uuu and i got ur back 100% on this one...i think everyone does...except maybe michael...hehe...but i love you...and skrew lauren...if she wants to me like that then $%*U&$%&@$*(%&$*%#*$&%$*&% her!
TasteZLykECherrY: specially cause of that
TasteZLykECherrY: id rather not talk to you.
CherriCola61: well i do have her back
CherriCola61: and i have every right to
CherriCola61: read your journals lauren
TasteZLykECherrY: i have.
TasteZLykECherrY: oh i have.
TasteZLykECherrY: you gotta problem with it? tough.
CherriCola61: yeah well do you wonder why some people dont like u
TasteZLykECherrY: im not going to change because of you or anyone else.
CherriCola61: dont try and act all bad lauren
CherriCola61: i never asked u to change
TasteZLykECherrY: you dont like what write, dont read it.
TasteZLykECherrY: what i write**
CherriCola61: did i say i didnt like it
CherriCola61: i dont have a provblem with it
CherriCola61: but u cried before this happened
CherriCola61: so its no because of this
TasteZLykECherrY: no, i didnt.
CherriCola61: yes u did
TasteZLykECherrY: i crie din school because of the whole slut thing
TasteZLykECherrY: i cried twice because it relaly got on my nerves
CherriCola61: well lauren...who brought that upon themselves?
TasteZLykECherrY: but screw it.
CherriCola61: no dont even...everything you got, you brought on urself
TasteZLykECherrY: good
TasteZLykECherrY: and im happy with what i got
CherriCola61: no one made u do anything....no one made u write those things...or say those things
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont need janna
TasteZLykECherrY: and i dont need you
CherriCola61: yeah im sure u are
CherriCola61: yeah well ur saying what a bad friend she is and that u dont need people like her
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont need anybody but god
TasteZLykECherrY: nah i never said what a bad friend she is
TasteZLykECherrY: i said i dont need people like he
CherriCola61: wake up lauren...if it werent for her then u wouldnt be who u are today
TasteZLykECherrY: well, shes gone
TasteZLykECherrY: poof!
TasteZLykECherrY: oh well
CherriCola61: wanna bet! i got it in oine of ur journal entrys
TasteZLykECherrY: what saying i dont need her?
CherriCola61: yeah
CherriCola61: u said
CherriCola61: i dont need people and friends like janna so if she wants to be like that fine
CherriCola61: n' i have it
CherriCola61: so
TasteZLykECherrY: yepp
CherriCola61: dont tell me u didnt say it
TasteZLykECherrY: that menas, i dont need people like her
TasteZLykECherrY: uh no
CherriCola61: UH YES
TasteZLykECherrY: i said inever said that
TasteZLykECherrY: and i still didnt
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont need to explain myself to you.
TasteZLykECherrY: say what u wanna say
TasteZLykECherrY: do what u wanna do
CherriCola61: TasteZLykECherrY: nah i never said what a bad friend she is
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont care
TasteZLykECherrY: yeahcause i didnt
TasteZLykECherrY: no no
CherriCola61: YES YOU DID!!!!!!
TasteZLykECherrY: nono.
CherriCola61: YES YES
TasteZLykECherrY: look think what u want
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont care
TasteZLykECherrY: have fun
CherriCola61: what is your problem
CherriCola61: u need help lauren
TasteZLykECherrY: reading and thinking what u wanna think
CherriCola61: youre crazy
TasteZLykECherrY: yepp, so stay away.
CherriCola61: ya think i WANT to think that
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont need people to tell me this shit
TasteZLykECherrY: im just not gunna let it bug me no more.
CherriCola61: i can see that...
TasteZLykECherrY: like u ssaid..."skrew lauren anyway"
TasteZLykECherrY: err.
TasteZLykECherrY: "skrew lauren"
CherriCola61: yeah
TasteZLykECherrY: there we go
CherriCola61: dont try and be cute lauren
CherriCola61: that dosnt cover things up
TasteZLykECherrY: hehe
TasteZLykECherrY: why not!
TasteZLykECherrY: lol
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont care
TasteZLykECherrY: i said what i sadi
CherriCola61: yeah ur so funny
TasteZLykECherrY: me and janna arent friends
TasteZLykECherrY: what cha want?
TasteZLykECherrY: to rub it in?
TasteZLykECherrY: go ahead
CherriCola61: i dont need to rub it in
CherriCola61: atleast im a loyal friend
CherriCola61: she never did anything toy ou!
TasteZLykECherrY: hey look
TasteZLykECherrY: its over
TasteZLykECherrY: and i dont care!
TasteZLykECherrY: get over that fact.
CherriCola61: she put up with your ohhh poor me syndrome for so long,....and what shes given up, i dont blame her
CherriCola61: i dont need to get over shyt lauren
CherriCola61: GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!
CherriCola61: just for ONE minute...why dont you stop and think that there are other people in this world besides you...and we dont all revolve around you
TasteZLykECherrY: i guess not
TasteZLykECherrY: so, why are u talkign to me/
CherriCola61: thats so irrelevent
CherriCola61: im saying realize that youre not the only important person lauren
CherriCola61: other people have feelings to
TasteZLykECherrY: oooh poor me!
TasteZLykECherrY: so leave me alone
TasteZLykECherrY: you dont like what i say too bad
CherriCola61: yeah pooor u
TasteZLykECherrY: im not gonna stop for people
TasteZLykECherrY: fuck people
CherriCola61: because u backstab and talk behind peoples backs
TasteZLykECherrY: exactly!
CherriCola61: and they put up with it untill it gets to be too much
TasteZLykECherrY: yup
CherriCola61: whats left after u have nothing lauren
CherriCola61: huh
TasteZLykECherrY: god
TasteZLykECherrY: thats all i got left
TasteZLykECherrY: thats all i need riite now
CherriCola61: oooh poor me again
CherriCola61: stop the act lauren
TasteZLykECherrY: hey, nicola, you kno nothing about me
CherriCola61: this isnt u
TasteZLykECherrY: stop trying to think you do
CherriCola61: WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!!
CherriCola61: i never said i did
CherriCola61: now did I
TasteZLykECherrY: then dont try to act like u do
TasteZLykECherrY: you dont kno how i think
CherriCola61: i know that you're a drama queen...whos a backstabber...
TasteZLykECherrY: yepp
CherriCola61: YOU'RE CRAZY!!!
TasteZLykECherrY: talkk so much shit
CherriCola61: thats how u think
CherriCola61: yeah u do
TasteZLykECherrY: all the time
TasteZLykECherrY: your right
CherriCola61: Yeah
TasteZLykECherrY: what cha want? a metal?
CherriCola61: you got urself down so well
CherriCola61: no not a METAL
CherriCola61: wtf lauren
CherriCola61: that was a good one?
TasteZLykECherrY: what?
CherriCola61: wow i have nothing to say......bow down do lauren
TasteZLykECherrY: hm oh well
CherriCola61: skrew that idea
CherriCola61: im done
TasteZLykECherrY: good
CherriCola61: ur so not worth it
TasteZLykECherrY: whyd u im me anyway
CherriCola61: AT ALL
CherriCola61: to try and get u to realize
CherriCola61: but nothing can help u
TasteZLykECherrY: im not realzing shit
CherriCola61: ur so beyond help
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont need to realize shit
TasteZLykECherrY: i lost my bestfriend
CherriCola61: maybe you should!!!
TasteZLykECherrY: thats all i lost
TasteZLykECherrY: who cares?
TasteZLykECherrY: shes fine, so im fine.
TasteZLykECherrY: end of discussion.
bye!! READ THIS next entry cause it talks about my michael n me n jannas friendship!!
We lost against estero too!! 13-7, then i hada little league game and out pitcher had 8-2 in the 6th inning os i went in pitching so i final score was 10-2 haha. she complains about us missin the balls and she missed a bunch and kept forgetting to cover the steal so she can kiss it! yeah well me andjanna will never be friends again but thats okay because i mean i dont need a friend like her... if she really wants to be that way she can... go right ahead. i mean yeah it hurts but when she tells people on the team that i cry to get attention is bullshit, i think alot of people owuld cry if their bestfriend started to hate them... well not started to but did. soooo screw it. im not going to waste anymore of my life with her because its not worth it. yeah anything i say gets thrown around alot but hey, if poeple really wanna say what i say. go right ahead. i already kno it does soooo whatever works for yah guys! im getting rid of the unnning-from-herself journal because yeah i dont wanna pay for a journal but i think ill pay $2 to keep this one considering i make half my thoughts go into this. Hmm
i love michael alot.
hes the sweest guu=y!!! im soooo lucky to have him as my boyfriend and i hope i never veer ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever lose him. hes got that angel song stuck in my head for 3 frickin days lol. i put me on his website thinggy hes making in web dessign! im sooo happy he actually likes me fo rme. thats def that kinda guy that i wanna go out with and guess what! i gotta guy like that!
hes my baby!
k im going to look up the words to the song.. hold up..
Girl, you’re my angel, you’re my darling angel
Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
Shorty, you’re my angel, you’re my darling angel
Girl, you’re my friend when I’m in need, lady
Life is one big party when you’re still young
But who’s gonna have your back when it’s all done
It's all good when you're little you're pure fun
Can’t be a fool son, what about the long run
Looking back Shorty always a mention
Say me not giving her much attention
She was there through my incarceration
I wanna show the nation my appreciation
You’re a queen and so you should be treated
Though you never had the lovin’ that you needed
Coulda left, but I called and you heeded
Begged and I pleaded, mission completed
Mama said that I dissed the program
Not the type to mess around with her emotion
But the feeling that I have for you is so strong
Been together so long, this could never be wrong
Girl, in spite of my behavior, said I’m your savior
(You must be sent from up above)
And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender
(Thanks for giving me your love)
Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior
(You must be sent from up above)
And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender
(Said thanks for giving me your love)
Now life is one big party when you’re still young
And who’s gonna have your back when it’s all done
It's all good when you live to have pure fun
Can’t be a fool son, what about the long run
Looking back Shorty always a mention
Say me not giving her much attention
She was there through my incarceration
I wanna show the nation my appreciation
Chorus 2x
my michael said this reminds him of me!!! im so happy hes my angel!! hehe i should switch around the words!! like i said before tho, the song playing in the backround is for him, muh one and only!!!! k well i gotta get ready for some yearbook party dinner thinggy at some japanese/chinese i dunno which kinda restraunt!!
i love you michael!! fuck everyone who doesnt like what i write, its my life and i dont give a fuck about you if you cant understand me !
Love always
Lauren! MuaH!!!!!!!!!!!!
2004 7 April :: 7.25am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: further seems forever, how to start a fire
this is the last time we will ever bleed to feel alive, consider this a rehearsal, your heart of hearts rekindled, lets set this city ablaze..
never been one to believe in astrology, but this morning, while attempting to cure this disease of boredom, i came across something that inadvertently seemed to relate, yes i know that all who read their horoscopes will find some far fetched way to connect the prophesy to the happenings in their own life, and i have fallen into this trend as well
April 19 - May 19
Issues of the heart may be a bit difficult for you to deal with at this time, dear Taurus. Try not to shut off the channels of communication completely while you work on dealing with these issues. It is vital that you open these channels wider and bring more of your feelings to the surface. There are compassionate people who will listen to you and help sort out your emotions if you let them
no further explanation on that matter
enough is enough
omg michael is the sweeest guy int the world.. he REALLY made me feel better at the very end of the day... well me n janna are havin issues if its not already around the school, so ive been above and beyond upset about it. Michael has beeen there for me every step of the way. today she gave me a hug gbecause i was crying so i dont kno what that menas.. i just dont want 4 yrs of freidnship to go down the tube for something really dumb.
ok well i gotta tell u what michael did
wait, before i do
yesturday we beat mariner 4-3? i think lol
and we lost today agaisnt north 4-3 haha same score!
tomoror we play estero, i cant wait for that one. itll be fun! anyway--
i was really sad and well kinda teary ALL like this week. n he has this song that he plays its the angel by shaggy and it reminds him of me
so today he was in web design and hes making a webpage and has my pics on it n stuff n he called my cell and left a message of just the song, i wanted to die
it was the greatest thing in the world.
hes so nice to me. i hope i never lose him. ok well i think im done for now im not supposed to be on the computer
love always
2004 5 April :: 8.38am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: the starting line, the saddest girl story
its safe to say that weve been here before, heart torn out down for the count and still come back for more this lesson is learned too well though, only unlearned by the time your wounds have healed..
first period spent in business systems and technology, the lowest class involving computers, and the first available, made some modifications to the journal, nothing drastic, only the transparence of the journal table and the scroll bar coloring, all in favor say aye
ive had my eye on several cds, the selection influence by other suggestions and downloaded mp3s
[ x ] oar (of a revolution)
[ x ] the lost prophets
[ x ] finger 11
[ x ] oasis
[ x ] modest mouse
anyone willing to lend me a few dollars to purchase these?
.. didnt expect any response
i have also been looking for the lyrics to a starting line song from the album say it like you mean it, they say something along the lines of "why do we keep doing this when we both know it is over", another request of the readers, have these lyrics been seen anywhere?
2004 4 April :: 2.39pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: the lost prophets, start something
you must know its hard to choose time will tell, its hard that the way you feel means you always seem to lose, seize the day the one that you left behind..
suppose it is time for an update, although i dont seem to have the enthusiasm i once pocessed for creating a new entry, and i dont understand why, i can recall the times when i would plan what i was writting in mid-class, i would have produced several draft of events that didnt even matter, all ready so that i would be able to update my journal right after school ended, i dont seem to be following the same procedure, and that is among one of the numerous things that has changed, with the exception of one consistent feeling
it happens to be custom to write of events that will interest others in this bland box entitled content, and tradition is what i am expected to follow, with that thought in mind i continue to the occurences of friday night up to the two startling conversations of last night
friday night was spent at bell tower with jeannie and several others who were brought into the picture simply to buy us milkshakes or strawberry daquris, nothing else intended, the night began a quarter past five at tgi fridays, and my was i excited that this was the choosen resturant, with the waiters constantly eyeing our table there wasnt a dull moment, now i will have you know our table was located along the vertical picture window, so that all who passed by were able to get a long glimpse, if they so wished, well not long after we were served our beginning drinks, the pina coladas with a slice of pineapple accenting the drink, four sunkissed guys strolled on by the window, all taking notice of our presense, but ones intereted seemed to be peaked as he did a double take and connected eye contact with myself, and linger in that position so long that the guy walking behind him bumped into him, causing quite a stir among the four of them, all equally gorgeous if i do say so, the one who had stumbled turned to wave, his cheeks flushed in a rouge coloring, jeannie and i laughed over the incident realizing that neither of us knew who they were to find two minutes later that they had come and sat with us, eating dinner together, i couldnt believe that we passed for seventeen year olds, or that these guys of the ages twenty-one or older would want to spend dinner with us
dinner was then after followed by the film, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, though the ending was interupted by a phone call, the remainder of the film was astonishing, the oddness of it all left an imprint on those who watched it, and an elderly couple behind us conversating after the viewing commented that eternal sunshine of the spotless mind was the best movie they had ever seen since gone with the wind", im sure that will give you an ample idea of how superb this film was, the fact that it didnt play in chronological order made it all the interesting, and despite the idea that i dont particularily favor science fiction, picturing a fantasy monster in the future, this sci-fi had a new spice to it
after exiting the theater, i noticed chris was also viewing something that evening, the decent thing to do would have been to engage in small talk, but i remember that he noted how he didnt prefer small talk, wasnt the best at it, so i stayed to myself, and wished i hadnt
yesterday night, being saturday, i was honored that robert felt he could call me to discuss some troublesome matters that had happened that night, i have never been presented with a challenge such as this one before and i wasnt sure of what to say, but doing the best i could i hope robert overcame the difficulties, and continues this way, relating to this converstaion, i suppose you dont really know who you can count on unless put into situations similar to those, and i truly hope that everything turns out as it should in this particular situation
perhaps saving the best for last, a phone call that followed this one made the deepest impact, and i havent yet come to a conclusion about this one, but something needs to end, or decrease, but as it is, it isnt working as it should be, and change is to be called upon
2004 4 April :: 2.03am
:: Mood: refreshed
:: Music: dont let me get me
i talked to michael forever last niite. i went to his game. it was great. even tho i barely saw him. he gots a game toniite i wanna go to this one too! janna went with me last niite, we went to dairy queen! LESBIANs!!! haha but yeha im kinda pissed off at her right now because she was being a hypocrit but i mean everyone is, i uslaly am.
Michael went on muh sn last niite and was talkin to muh friends lol thats great so yeah he got muh password ot everything
hehehehehehe i love this song!! listen to the words
today was great, i was guna get a hard hat but they were short one so i didnt but i got shovel 3 things of dirt. then like yeah i hava palm because its palm sunday. i finally went to church. i REALLY needed to go n pray for things and actually take communion. yeah believe it or not im really religious, i juss dont show it. as i was leaving the picnic thing tho, bailey this lil girl ran up and gave me a hug!!! i felt so loved. i love workin with lil people. there cute hehee. she was in my group from when i did VBS- Vacation Bible School
get it VBS? lol i do. hmmm i wanna go see michael lol i dunno if he went onmy sn or not today but i dont care i dont have anything ot hide from him. i love him to pieces and i dont care what anyone says
kk im done ima go call him
i love him!!!
hehe guys read the comments from the entry before! its hilarious
PradaBaby469: gimme amanda brunos cell right now
TasteZLykECherrY: No.
PradaBaby469: y not
TasteZLykECherrY: I don't want to give it out. She never gave me permission to.
TasteZLykECherrY: sorry.
PradaBaby469: 2 bad im on the phone with her i just lost it and fount it again
TasteZLykECherrY: oh okay good.
TasteZLykECherrY: cause i wasnt going to give it to you.
TasteZLykECherrY: are you going to tell her how sorry you are and what a bitch i am?
TasteZLykECherrY: lol thought so.
TasteZLykECherrY: :-Dhave fun complainging abotu me
PradaBaby469: what r u talking about slut?
TasteZLykECherrY: thats me!
PradaBaby469: TasteZLykECherrY: are you going to tell her how sorry you are and what a bitch i am?
TasteZLykECherrY: but your the one thats with guy for benefits!
TasteZLykECherrY: lol
PradaBaby469: no lmao
PradaBaby469: u dont know anything about me
TasteZLykECherrY: thats what your journal says
PradaBaby469: you stupid fuck
TasteZLykECherrY: thats me!
TasteZLykECherrY: yeah
TasteZLykECherrY: but you were...
TasteZLykECherrY: ooh
TasteZLykECherrY: okay.
TasteZLykECherrY: :-)
PradaBaby469: SO IS AMANDA
TasteZLykECherrY: n no i havnt left comments
PradaBaby469: SO FUCK OFF
PradaBaby469: ILL KILL U
TasteZLykECherrY: nah
PradaBaby469 signed off at 5:11:33 PM.
LOL look guys! im gunna get my ass beat by two poeple!
oh yeah im also gunna get killed. i shoudl call the police! lol
bye guys
i love michael! hes the bestest!
i love u amanda nad tiffany
2004 3 April :: 10.42am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: why cant i
i love this song, it reminds me of michael..
Get a load of me, get a load of you
Walkin' down the street, and I hardly know you
It's just like we were meant to be
Holding hands with you, and we're out at night
Got a girlfriend, you say it isn't right
And I've got someone waiting too
The problem is, this is just the beginning
We're already wet, and we're gonna go swimming
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Isn't this the best part of breakin' up
Finding someone else you can't get enough of
Someone who wants to be with you too
It's an itch we know we are gonna scratch
Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch
But wouldn't it be beautiful
Here we are, we're at the beginning
We haven't fucked yet, but my head's spinning
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
I'd love for you to make me wonder
Where it's goin'
I'd love for you to pull me under
Somethin's growin'
For this that we can control
Baby I am dyin'
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
whenever i think about you (x4)
Hmmmm i love that song! im going to go listen to it ina min!!!
well yeah i pissed off bruno again! haha.
she thinks she can get the last word with me. she might be able to fight but damn if i find out what hurts you, you bet your ass im not going to sit there and let you talk crap to me and me not say anything
you kno what hurts me
i kno what hurts you
sucks when people do it back, doesnt it?
i said that to her
her away message riight now is
"fuck you lauren"
she knows i didnt say it now. Sooo she can juss kiss it.
besides that, im ina happy mood.
Michael has my journal on favorites lol. im not going to write diff tho, i mean if he dont like what i write, too bad. thats for everyone. like amanda said i changed everything around,
the whole convo is in www.woohu.com/~running-from-herself
sooo i didnt change anything,
but i think im done. i wanna go call muh boy!! and tlak to him!! me n janna are going to his game toniiet! were going to show him our walrus impressions!!! lol!!! janna that was the mostest fun!
i love yah guys
call da celly!
2004 2 April :: 10.28am
:: Mood: refreshed
:: Music: soak up the sun
i just got home from the movies with michael. oh it was so perfect. erika n jenna kept giving me n him dirty looks but thats the way the cookie crumbles. i talked to michael. he said he said the thing about only going to the tires because she sucked. he said i never said it n he did jokingly. so all this fighting with bruno for nothing. hmm
but yeah we kissed. it was great. i love him to death. i kno weve only been going out for what? 5 days? i dont care. so far hes turned out to be the best outta n e boyfriend. even reid hahaha! reid wanted shit but michael doesnt which is REALLY good! cause haha he wasnt gonna get n e thing...
me n petunia (alexa) are talking again. we started talkin again today in the media center. her and alexa votek are running against me but what the hey? ooh well. i love michael! haha i cant get over it!
me and janna hada lil fight earlier, but were better. i told her it felt like ourfriendship was taking a downfall.
courtney is in disney riite now. i hada really nice nite with manada n muih parents. it was great. amanda bought this friar gnome thing and i named him gnomie! daddy took us to te mall to eat !! hah ai got chinese or japanese i dunno the diff and i ate too fast so my stomak kinda hurt at the movies but near the end i felt all better snuggled up against him. hes in my phn as, "my lucky boy G" lol cause yeah as u kno everyone hasa nickname for him that hasa G in it.
I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good night!
comment me if you can tell me whats wrorng with this sentence. lol i wrote it in my suboprfoile thing online.. haha i idint kno till darien told me!
i love yah
and i love michael!
2004 2 April :: 3.43am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: i just want you to kno who i am
all i want to do is cry... thats how you get to me.... that really is...
wow im crying ot this song
You can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive.
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
2004 2 April :: 2.55am
:: Mood: uncomfortable
:: Music: troubled water
Michael is at a baseball game... were hopefully gunna go to the movies tonight. i cant wait to go... i wanna be with him.
i got the 100 signatures i need to run for office aagain.. but i dont kno if i realy want to.
i accidntly stepped on courtneys foot today cause i tripped over it and everyone got all pissed at me... sorry im a fukkn ditz.. sorry shes fukkn hurt!
if its so bad she needs to stay home. im sorry. or she needs to get a wheelchair becaue if she cant even walk on crutches without crying she doesnt need to be at school to make it worse. i want her to get better so she can play but honestly shes making it worse by going to school.
w/e bruno called me a hore and a bitch... wow everything i say gets ttunred around.
then she slike..
"at least i play"
oh well.. i just feel liek crying right now.
everything is wrong
ok that was one time and all this shit lauren what bout u...........u no what thats ok do it talk shit bout me and watch what happens sure nuff ur gunna get ur ass beat sooo its fine talk shit!
that was from amanda.. fuck it
i dont kno..
i really dont kno..
i wanna see michael
i wanna hug him
i wanna be with him
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont ge tit
TasteZLykECherrY: lol
hmmm a threat?
ft myers office here i come
fuck you guys, all you do is talk about me but hey, thanks for making me the center of your world
2004 1 April :: 8.50am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: toxic
Wow im fukkn pissed off right now
TasteZLykECherrY: hi
BaLLeRRicaN489: what do u want
TasteZLykECherrY: to say hi?
TasteZLykECherrY: why are u in such a bad mood?
BaLLeRRicaN489: i'm not
TasteZLykECherrY: then why are u being mean
TasteZLykECherrY: youve been like this since ashleys party
TasteZLykECherrY: ???
BaLLeRRicaN489: cuz i dont like u
TasteZLykECherrY: why not?
BaLLeRRicaN489: cuz ur no good
TasteZLykECherrY: how am i no good?
TasteZLykECherrY: whatd i do this time
BaLLeRRicaN489: everything
BaLLeRRicaN489: u've always been no good
TasteZLykECherrY: what have i done?
TasteZLykECherrY: sumpthin obviously happened
BaLLeRRicaN489: nothing
TasteZLykECherrY: dont lie
TasteZLykECherrY: seriosuly
TasteZLykECherrY: u gotta hava reason
TasteZLykECherrY: n id like to kno
BaLLeRRicaN489: no i dont
TasteZLykECherrY: how am i no good then?
TasteZLykECherrY: ???
BaLLeRRicaN489: i dunno u tell me
HMmmmmm wonder wtf thats all about?!?!?!
anway, we lost 4-3 he didn tput me in pitching because i was late and lindsey warmed up soo whatever works
i got my report card
i havnt hada B sicne 7th grade and i got 2 B+'s!! oh no1! its sad!!!! michael almost did as good as me!! lol suck up!! haha im juss kiddin hunnie!
oh! at my game i hita line drive to the outfeeild n stuff. it was great. i got htis one varsity girl out too!! wooohooo go lauren! i also pissed off our pitcher because i didnt get the one girl out because it didnt get there in time ( i was playin ss) and she told me how to get it there and i said i kno and i dont need her advice until she can throw the ball to first base fROm pitchers mound... haha
oh well
i think im done complaining.. i dont remmeber what else i was gunna riite?
so bye
Love always
2004 1 April :: 5.17am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: its so easy
Hey guys!
Laur here! I saw michael alot today! he saw me suck at pitching. oooh well. i didnt do so hot, janna did tho... oh well, i guess. she can't hit any location tho. hmph, who cares. lol. i juss blew my shot but what the hey! AJ barely watched me in the first place.
Oooh iwanna see michael so bad. i spent alot of time with him today. i loved it. i hope im bein a good girlfriend.
guess what i figured out? Seth freeman even talks about me
Well dinners done
ill ge tback to write when i get home form my game
wish me luck ina comment
2004 31 March :: 4.30pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: taking back sunday, your so last summer
maybe i should hate you for this never really did ever quite get that because im a wishful thinker with the worst intentions this will be last chance you get to drop my name..
in the two weeks i spent abroad during spring break, things havent been as i remember them, but i suppose things were always this way, but i never interpreted them as such, or maybe it is i that has changed, my expectations of what is to be hasnt been met, and that is the reasoning behind my mood
in reality i have nothing to complain about, contrasting my life to others my age only further proves that i have no problems, but of course there is always room for improvment, but taking after the few that have rubbed off on me, i wont be striving for the improvment, merely accept the adequate, but i can recall one aspect that would make my life a respectable one, but the blame poured on myself alone is the reason i dont have that aspect
[ x ] things fall apart has been elected my favorite book to be read in english this year
[ x ] completed everything that was assigned of me
[ x ] had a mind provoking conversation with a select junior
[ x ] received a long distance phone call from someone who i will never see again
[ x ] replied no to a temptation
[ x ] was told twice that i have a different way of thinking then the remainder of the populace
[ x ] had another mind provoking conversation during the frame of musical rehersal
[ x ] somewhat absorbed sleep
[ x ] was asked to participate in powderpuff wrestling
[ x ] took longer to scrape for negatives
[ x ] had a disagreement with my mother, which ended with myself home alone
[ x ] a particular friend seemed to be pushing me away
[ x ] yet another friend was angered at me from events that didnt occur over the weekend
[ x ] was told that i should go out with someone in particular
but these grass stains on my knees they wont mean a thing
2004 31 March :: 3.17am
:: Mood: good
:: Music: im lovin it --mcdonald commercial
school was dumb today
i slept all 2nd period... which is my good ol friend yeearbook. i looked cute today . i wore the neew skirt and a white tank top because well the pink shirt juss didnt go good anmore, i dunno hwy. im not at practice. ortho app.. .cant WAit!!!
lasts niites game i think i told u about os i wont go into more details
aj is going to see how good i pitch so i mean i beter do good tomorro... nothing else is fun. i gott type up a lap toniite.. i HATE labs with a passion. but i mean all i gotta do is stick stuff into my own words, but i also got pratice... so much fun.
michaels the bestest!!! hes sooooo swweeet to me! JANNA got him detention lol. they were talking about BAnd! n how she plays tha TUBA!! honk honk!!! lol janna im seriously gunna get a pic n stick it in the yrbook for yah.
no one really said much today to him, which is a good thing. this Lauren chick is dumb
i dont like her. lol shes mad im goin with michael.
greg hates me... i dont kno why i care. stupid tiffany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RARrrrh1
who the hell is this
lol they kno that i play softball soo..
im out tho
2004 30 March :: 7.05am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: one way or another
hi! im going out with MICHAEL GARZYNSKI!!!
Hoooray! hes such a SWEETY! he makes me happy n weve only been going out for what? a day?
all his friends are soo against it...
there like.. "you kno her reputation riight?"
stupid peopple.
i just got home from my softball game. we won 17-5, it was 15-0 but kelly got REALLY hurt and well... she had to go to the hospital.. it was terrible, i feel incredibly badd about it,
kno what? im only guna put WAY deep thoughts in friend sonly because lol id otn care antymore. sorry way off topic.
i bunted a good bunt and then i hit one to short and it didnt go fast at all because the pitching was sooooooooo SLOW.
oh well.
Ooooh i wanna talk to michael! hes so nice to me its crazii. i love guys like him, i guess im not used to it... he also plays baseball!!! hehe its the short stop n he always starts. hell prolly go to varsity next yr.. lucky guy! k im done
ashiee is gettin me the addy to take the drug n alchol test online... yes ive been 15 for 4 months lol... its ABOUT TIME!
Call da cellie
Love always
2004 28 March :: 11.11am
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: addicted to you
i rememberd to make a entry frends only!! YAYyyy!! oh if u wanna be added juss comment me! be muccch easier.. hehe
anyways, nothing important is gunna be on these pages. i hate what people say/think so yeah..
me and mike garzynski are talking alot... i think he likes me.. YAY!! cause yeah i kinda like him. its odd.. i dunno.. we talked ALOT last niite for like 2 hours about nothing, and like we talked all day too. at first i thought he was really shy, but now, hes opening up!
Mkk, what else did i wanna say that i didnt put under FRIENDS only ?? i dont remember
Call or comment
it has been brought to my attention that several of the above links arent accessable due to i have exceeded my daily usage limit, as read when the link is selected, meaning that for the remainder of today [march 28] they wont be seen but all days proceeding after they will be viewed as hoped
i dont want you to give it all up and leave your own life collecting dust and i dont need you to be by my side i just wanted you to tell me the truth you know id do that for you..
despite the idea that i have already been home for a week or so, i am just now attempting to update about the whirlwind of occurrences that made such an impact over spring break, only after someones suggestion of including them among my travels, regarding the reasons behind my lack of update, i have been suffering from intense jet lag being my sleeping patterns are unsatisfying, but going along with it
being the pessimist i am, i thought that residing in florida amongst the pure white beaches and bountiful sunshine would have been a more appropriate surrounding for the traditional idea of spring break, but alas being in greece and italy was by far more than i had ever expected and i have never since longed to pass my time on a dull beach given this opportunity
having decided upon going to italy and greece two days prior to departure, i was isolated on separate flights from the remainder of the group, and having a four hour layover in Milan, Italy i was chauffeured to and from planes with the idea that i was underage and traveling alone, i was petrified of the fact that i would have had to made my way from an international gate to a connecting flight in another terminal division, but with being escorted by two airline employees i had no trouble and actually was able to announce over the pa system the airport boarding information in english, which was a function i was overjoyed to complete, and following this trip, i now prefer to travel alone, makes for enhanced excitement, after all flights had taken place, i was driven to the crown plaza hotel in bella roma where i was greeted by several hugs upon arrival, the rest of the day was spent within the eternal city, visting such sights as the spanish steps, the pantheon, piazza navona, and the legendary trevi fountain, if this sparks your curiosity, a day by day excersion itinerary can be seen here, wont be delving into the technical aspect of the trip
while in roma, it was apparent that the attention tourists receive is all part of the industry selling points, but allyson and i took complete advantage of the compliments, obtaining several few items, beginning with the well known gelato of italy, i would have to say what i like most about these trips isnt exactly all the history that is aqquired but rather being in another city and experiencing the culture by merely sitting about and watching all that goes about around you, with any given free time, allyson and i would make our way to the nearest cafe and make good use out of the additional seating fee that was included on the check, we sat proped up against the perfectly proportioned pantheon trying our best to come across as locals with not the best of luck, walking aimlessly among the crowds of italians with a gelato in hand is more than expected, those first few days spent in roma were an exemplary start to the spring break worth remembering
the following day was spent with an aching neck from looking upward at the marvels of such art of the sistine chapel in the vatican city, known as the worlds smallest city within a city, i was able to see the pope, shaking in his old age, but still able to present quite a speech as he does every sunday afternoon in st. peters basilica, also incorporated into this day was the viewing of the colosseum, and what a story i have to address about this event, being sick the week previous to departure, my sickness only worsened with the flights and with all that coughing being contained in that small airframe, after staying behing from the group for taking various pictures at different angles of this worldknown architectural wonder, i inserted a coughdrop to calm my throat but it only seemed to cause more troubles when i began to choke on this hard candy in the midst of japaneese tourists who didnt understand one word of english, which wouldnt have been of much assistance anyways, for i wasnt able to breathe, and talking was out of the question, but it eventually dissolved only after much panic in the walls of the colosseum
but the day after made up for that event, a two hour train ride from roma to florence was initiated and this birthplace of the italian language, renaissance, and opera may be describing as being unparall to anywhere else in the world, the center of all art and culture, and among the art seen here was the masculine sculpture of david (and his grapes), the day was spent in the marketplace where lambs leather was the popular material to purchase, and that i did with the outcome of a lambs leather jacket and studded belt, it was wonderful to be with the locals, attempting to translate any italian phrases that were directed towards allyson and i, and being the friendly people that we are, after leaving the market we were waved to be almost everyone we had encountered
this was the first four days of the eleven day trip, essentially divided into three parts, and then onto entries that include the more interesting portion of the trip, the drama and love affairs that occured in such a rushed amount of time, you asked to be mentioned in my journal, and i promise you will be
hi. lemme get this straight to people... I DID NOT DO ANYTHING WITH GREG
there ok.. its not what people are thinking. like i said in a previous entry, people spread rumors so i dont want to explain anythignot enyone. people need to ge ta damn fukkn life.
i pitched a one hitter. it was sooo great. no on ewa son base until the 5th inning. i lvoed it. i almost hada perfect game! Oo0o0o0oh well... our game vs. Cypress was cancelled for yesturday. im startin both games next week. i did relaly good at practice too on thursday. lets se... yesturday i went home with janna. that was fun, we were gunna take a nap but we ended up eating for like 2 hours. lol it was great, then we tooka walk up to her bros bus stop to get him. then janna straightened her hair and tried to re-curl mine cause i had it done in school and it looked good but camer out! i looked ok yesturday, havnt fora long time!! haha so i was pretty happy. ashleys party was kinda boring.. but hey! at least i was there for her! i fianlyl ghot my white shirt bakk too! haha ive been missin it!!! Hmm... my stomak is peeling now, lol it slike ima bing.. orange, i keep gettin peely!
lol that i think wasa similie~
Today greg will officialy stop talking t me thanks to the stupid fat girl who dont kno shit! u kno who yah are!
no what i noticed yesturday?
i bunch of guys at school were wearing pink! Lenny worer pink ot ashleys!
wow ok that was very Random
but oh well
i think im done
Love always
CAll da celly 560-2738
oh yeah guys, im not gonna put much in this journal anymore, peopel have fukkn lame comments an di wanna put stuff that goes on in my life without people being dumb bitches...
from now on this journal is
TasteZLykECherrY: i dont kno, and i dont care. PradaBaby469: w/e lauren, ur a dirty theif, u can keep the shit u stole from me, i dont even care, just know if i see you out of school, it would give me so much pleasure to beat ur ass and hit u straight up in ur shit!! you are trash...low as hell...and its good i have enough respect for greg not to go and tell everyone but hey thanks to you everyone already knows!
Well now, i guess im put in my place... i guess im trash, if she wants to... oh well.. im not a fighter backer... so i guess ima get hurt pretty bad...hope someones around when it happens so i dont get too hurt...if not, ill be in the hospital a while, those big girls can hit pretty hard....
I cant wait to read your lame comments
Call 560-2738
2004 24 March :: 3.35am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: i could only imagine
Well then... Hmm...
Softball was canceelled today because we did so good at our game yesturday
5-4 agaist estero. they were undefeated but we beat them! w000t! varsity did too! 2-1!
Greg is saying that im telling people we did stuff? im sorry but thats bullshit
Obviously Tiffany is saying shit because i dont think he pulled her name out of his ass.. but who knows.. hes like
"people are coming up to me asking if i did stuf fwith you"
honestly, im trying to keep him n his girlfriend together, why would i say stuff?
westin walked by me today and did the whole cough slut shit. it ws dumb. alexa juss lightly tapped him. stupid bitch. whatever. i think ourfriendship is down the tube al lbecause of some horny guy. Me n janna havnt been like how we used to ... maybe its just me... i dont feel like i dunno, anything naymore...
wel i guess im done
im very mad /sad riite now.
call me
2004 20 March :: 8.08am
:: Mood: used
:: Music: paper heart
I juss woke up... i feel so... used... i feel like crying... i think im thinking too much... god damn it... i wish he didnt have her
The ((*mOmEnT*))
may be -TeMpOrArY-
But the ((*MeMoRiEs*))
are -FoReVeR-
y0u Lo0k insiDe a qurLs *hearT y0u*d `sEe h0w mucH she reaLLi crieS b r 0 k e n hearTS `And LieS.. buT whaT y0u*ll see the m0st is h0w `haRd it iS t0 staY l|[ str0nq ]|l when n0thinq is riqhT and everythinq is wr0nq
iTs EaSy ToO beLiEvE sOmeOnE wHeN tHeY tElL yOu ExAcTlY wAt u WaNnA hEaR
Wow... this is s0o0o true, maybe Greg should read this .. TRUST .. the hardest thing 2 gain the easiest thing 2 lose
hi! goood mornin! its 6 36 and im getting ready go to the beach with greg !!! Hoooray!
MMmmmmk, i slept REALLY good last niite! luky me, b ut damn i got the chills like theres no tomorro! lol.... kk! well i betta go put on muh swimsuit!
i love yah guys!
Call me if yah need me
2004 16 March :: 10.05am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: my sisters music
hi. me n alexa talked last niite. i mean shes still pissed, just not as bad i guess. we both agreed its dumb as fuck.. i talked to greg !!! lucky me! he still said he'll take me to the beach on friday, jj said hed take me a day this week too! amanda elliott will juss her rash is... still there. i told her to blow on it but i dunno if that happend! omg i went to the mall last niite and i wa swearin jsus jeans and a white tank top. i was gunna go to the movies so i looked nice.. .well n e ways...
all these old guys kept lookinat me n the one called me over and i kept walkin and he was like.. "dont be scared"... lol... i went to the food court n got samples of all the chicken cuz i was hungry. theres this one pair of capris that i want at rave! omg me n muh mom found the cutest skirt there. shes getting it for me when she gets back form pittsburgh.
i got sunburnt yesturday!! omg it was great! it was all overcasted and i thought i twasnt gettin any sun so i fell asleep and BAM! i was burned... hahahahaha
mmmk well i think im done rambling!
Ill update LAtA!
CAll Muh cell!
2004 15 March :: 11.18am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: why not
wow i think i just lost everything that i just got done typing.. welli dont think i kno i did... anyways im going to think about what i typed before so that i can type it again..
alexa fukknn htes me.. i called ot apologize because i actually DID feel bad about calling her a hoe n stuff and she slike.."i have no respect for u because u called me a hoe and im like 'virgin mary'" i thought that was kinda funny because wlel she did give tyler head ona bus.. and shes like i ran up her bill $50 and she wouldnt even kno that... plus id hafta send her 500 messages to make it $50 so i dont kno.. shes going somewhere with wes ina lil.. porlly to go give him head too... i cant believe she said shes like virgin mary. i mean chad told everyone she wasa bush! soo obviously he/she hada of done somehtin.. i dont kno.
ashley is with monica... agian... shes been over there since.. what friday niite?
janna is at the beach with her family
ryan has to go to some baseball game..
alex is with all his friends form verot.. this break really sucks ass..
chris whats his fuck was like.."hey skank are u going to the beach" n i hada away message up and then hes like.."oh you owuldnt look half decent in one anyway" lol thats bull riite there... i think i look half decent ina swim suit.. but i mean what do i kno.. i gotta butterface... and i really dont wana hang out with other people i dunno why.. amanda elliott hasa rash soo shes not doing anything ... i wish i could drive!
i hate this spring braek. i cant wait till i drive so everyone can kiss me ass and i can get outta here.
someone just clal me or leave a comment
2004 15 March :: 7.47am
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: salt shaker
Hi. i dont kno what complacent means so i think thats how i feel. lol...
its SPRING BREAK!!!!! but im bored outtamy mind. my mom is in pa and my dad works 24/7 so yeah bored. ryan said he miiite do stuff today with me cuz he sbeen at tthe beach. yesturday i wass supposed to go with kevin n peopel but well his friends had to go to sanibel or soemthing then everyone got drunk soo.....
ashley i sat monicas so i cant do anything with her... haha os much for celebrating her bday ------
alex n i are starting to talk alot again.. im kinda happy abotu htat. but ima try not to like him again cuz well we already had "our thing"... greg gets his lisence thursday but i dunno if im going with them still. so i ghuess i haveNO set plans this week except for eat. and...listen to music... n do a dman project for biology n enlgish. wutta spring break!!
oh! tryd getting highlights last niite, but it messed up so yeah my head looks liek shit juss like alex's lol.. well his isnt THAT bad.. its actually kinda cute!
carlos came over yesturday for about 10 mins then my sister came home. he honestly wanted to see my room. so i hurried up and cleaned it up and he came up... then we were sittin there and my sister came home. and i tryd to get him out while she was changing but she changed pretty quik.. so she caught him.. haha it was kind afunny. but then after she though we did shit.. her and i hada siser- sister talk.. it was actually kinda nice... hehe its better then my mom knowing alot of shit cuz well.. shes a bitch.
i think im done
ill update about spring break later
i love yah lots
Hit muh CElly 560-2738
2004 12 March :: 8.54am
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: myneck my back
we won our game against north!
1-0 it was sooo great
i did good
i got 2 balls at 2nd and got them both out n i hit into the oufeild ona fly n the girl dropped it but there was 2 outs and courtney didnt run so lol... it was kinda pointless but hey! she did a great job pitchin! today kinda sucked tho at the very end of the day..
my team started sayin me and janna n randee were sayin stuff and yeah it was a big ol' thing but yeah ...
i juss stayed after to watch varsity. we won that too!
4-1 damn... greenwave ona roll!
yah kno who i like alot noww?
OMG! alex dyed his hair ! it lokos like piss blonde. lol thought id shaer...
mmmk well i think ima done
Much luv
Call me 560-2738